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青岛地区历史悠久,著名文化遗址有:岳石文化遗址(平度大泽山镇东岳石村,距今3500-4000年)、北阡遗址(即墨金口镇北阡村,距今7000年)、三里河文化遗址(胶州城南三里河村,距今5000年);均为全国重点文物保护单位。另外,李沧区古城顶遗址,距今也有3000年历史。 西周时期,青岛境内建立了夷国(今蓝村)、莒国(都城计斤,今胶州)等诸侯国。东周时期,即墨(今平度古岘镇)为齐国第二大都市,东部统治中心,全球为数不多的最大的城市之一;公元前468年,越王勾践北上迁都琅琊(今胶南琅琊镇)。   秦朝,天下分为三十六郡,琅琊郡的郡治琅琊、胶东郡的郡治即墨均位于今青岛境内。琅琊还是秦朝唯一沿海的郡治。秦始皇曾三临琅琊,命徐福率船队从琅琊起航采仙药。    红瓦绿树、碧海蓝天——康有为赞青岛西汉,设胶东国,定都即墨,汉武帝即位前被封为胶东王,即位后封其弟刘寄为胶东王,历代胶东王墓所在的平度六曲山古墓群,是山东省现存规模最大的王陵。汉武帝三临不其城(今城阳区),“祀神人于交门宫”,并在女姑山设明堂祭海。西汉琅琊郡皋虞县(今即墨温泉镇)人王吉任博士谏大夫,开创琅琊王氏显贵的先河,王吉祖孙墓所在的即墨温泉皋虞,被奉为琅琊王氏祖庭。东汉,郑玄在不其县创立康成书院。   西晋,不其城(今城阳区)成为长广郡的郡治,法显印度求经回国,于崂山登陆,由长广郡太守李嶷接入不其城翻译佛经;南北朝时,不其城为东青州的州治。   唐朝,密州板桥镇(胶州)成为著名贸易港口,设立了北方唯一的市舶司(海关)宋朝更是与广州、泉州、明州并称为四大市舶司。   明朝设立鳌山卫、灵山卫,鳌山卫辖浮山所(今市南区东)、雄崖所(即墨丰城镇),灵山卫辖夏河所(胶南琅琊镇)、王徐寨所。许铤奏请青岛口、沧口、金口镇等港通商获准,使即墨富甲一方。   清朝,胶州为山东三大直隶州之一,平度州为散州,隶属于莱州府。   1891年6月14日,登州镇总兵府(当时山东共设三镇总兵)从蓬莱迁到青岛,为青岛建置的开始。   1897年11月,德国以“巨野教案”为借口派兵占领青岛。康有为藉此上书光绪,引发戊戌变法。   1898年3月,签署《胶澳租界条约》。11月,宣布青岛为自由港。   1899年,租借地命名为青岛市,设青岛、鲍岛、李村等区。大港码头、胶济铁路相继开工。  1911年,清朝二品以上大员七十多人以及恭亲王等人移居青岛。1913年发动癸丑复辟失败。   1914年,第一次世界大战爆发,青岛成为亚洲唯一战场,11月,日英联军占领青岛。   1919年,巴黎和会将青岛租界主权让给日本,成为“五四运动”导火索。   1922年12月,中国收回青岛,设胶澳商埠督办公署(后改胶澳商埠局),下辖青岛市,直属北洋政府。   1929年7月,国民政府接收青岛,设青岛特别市,直属南京国民政府。   1931年,沈鸿烈以东北海军司令兼任青岛市长,1932年正式担任青岛市长,主政六年,抓教育、建学校、定规划、兴建设、促民生、斗日寇,奠定了青岛发展的坚实基础。 美丽的海滨城市青岛--天主教堂1938年1月,日本再次侵占青岛。   1939年,即墨、胶州划归青岛市管辖,统筹规划建设。   1945年9月,国民党政府接收青岛,仍为特别市,直属民国政府。   1949年6月2日,解放军攻占青岛。青岛改为山东省辖市,辖市南、市北、台东、台西、四沧、浮山、李村7市区和崂山郊区。   1978年,胶县、胶南县、即墨县划归青岛,同时设立黄岛区。 1983年10月,平度县、莱西县划归青岛。   1984年5月4日,青岛市成为全国14个沿海开放城市之一。同年,青岛经济技术开发区成立。   1987年—1990年,青岛市郊五县先后改为县级市;1988年,崂山县恢复为崂山区。   1986年,青岛市成为计划单列市,赋予省级经济管理权限。   1992年,设立国家级青岛高新技术产业开发区和青岛保税区。   1994年,青岛市区划调整为七区五市:市南区、市北区、四方区、李沧区、崂山区、城阳区、黄岛区和即墨市、胶州市、胶南市、平度市、莱西市。   2003年,设立国家级青岛出口加工区。2004年设立国家级青岛保税物流园区。   2006年,设立国家级青岛西海岸出口加工区。2008年设立国家级青岛保税物流港区。   2011年1月,国家批准山东半岛蓝色经济区发展规划,青岛作为其核心城市、龙头城市。


Qingdao area history is long, famous culture relics has: Relics of culture of high mountain rock (smooth degree big lustre hill presses down Dong Yueshi village, be apart from today 3500-4000 year) , relics of boreal a footpath between fields (namely village of a footpath between fields of north of guard of mouth of Chinese ink gold, be apart from today 7000) , relics of culture of 3 lis of rivers (village of 3 lis of rivers austral rubber state city, be apart from today 5000) ; All protect an unit for countrywide key cultural relic. Additional, ancient city of Li Cang area carries relics on the head, be apart from also have today 3000 the history. Period of the Western Zhou Dynasty, qingdao churchyard built exterminate nation (today La Cun) , Ju country (capital plan jin, today rubber administrative division) wait for vassal country. Period of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, namely Chinese ink (make the same score degree of Gu Xian to press down today) for Qi Guodi 2 metropolitan, the eastpart part is regnant center, one of the biggest cities with global not much amount to; BC 468 years, jump over Ya of Lang of the move the capital to another place on north of king Gou Jian (today Na Lang Ya presses down glue) . Qin Chao, the world cent is 36 county, the county that the county of Lang Ya county controls Dong Jun of Lang Ya, glue is treated namely Mo Jun is located in today Qingdao churchyard. Lang Ya or Qinchao's exclusive and coastal county is treated. Cengsan of Qin Shi emperor faces Lang Ya, fleet of rate of life Xu blessing sets sail from Lang Ya the medicine that collect celestial being. Blue sky of red made of baked clay greenery, blue sea -- the Western Han Dynasty of Qingdao of health promising assist, set glue east country, choose a site for the capital namely Chinese ink, han Wu is sealed to be glue before accession of the Supreme Being east king, liu Ji of the Feng Jidi after accession is glue east king, past dynasties glue east what king grave is in is smooth degree of 6 hill barrow group, it is Shandong saves the Wang Ling with existent the largest scale. Chinese Wu Disan is faced not its city (today city in relief district) , "Worshipping god at making door a note of the ancient Chinese five-tone scale " , set sea of bright hall hold a memorial ceremony for in female aunt hill. County of anxiety of Gao of county of Ya of Lang of the Western Han Dynasty (today namely Mo Wenquan is pressed down) person Wang Ji holds the post of doctor of doctoral expostulate with, initiate the beginning of dignitary of family name of Lang Ya king, grave of king auspicious grandparent and grandchild is in namely Mo Wenquan Gao suppositions, by family name of king of Feng Weilang Ya ancestor front courtyard. The Eastern Han Dynasty, zheng Xuan is in not its county founds health into academy of classical learning. The Western Jin Dynasty, not its city (today city in relief district) the county that becomes long An Jun is treated, the law shows India to beg via going back to the motherland, land at Lao hill, by long An Jun viceregal plum Yi is received not its city translates sutra; When the Northern and Southern Dynasties, not its city is treated for the city of Dong Qing city. Tang Chao, board bridge presses down secret administrative division (rubber administrative division) become famous commerce haven, established northward and exclusive city ship to manage (custom) Song Chao is more call ship of 4 big city to manage with city of Guangzhou, spring, bright city. Ming Dynasty establishs hill of a huge legendary turtle to defend, clever hill is defended, hill of a huge legendary turtle defends place of administer float hill (today the area austral city east) , male cliff place (namely Mo Feng town) , clever hill defends place of administer summer river (Ya of the Lang austral glue is pressed down) , place of Wang Xu stockaded village. The achieve that make quickly asks Qingdao mouth, dark blue mouth, gold mouth the harbor have trade relations such as the town is permissive, make namely Mo Fujia one party. Quiet day, rubber administrative division is one of cities of 3 big straight be subordinate to, make the same score degree of city to come loose city, be subordinate to belongs to Lai state seat of government. On June 14, 1891, seat of government of total military of the town that enter a state (Shandong sets 3 towns total arms in all at that time) arrive from change of a fabled abode of immortals Qingdao, build the beginning of buy for Qingdao. In November 1897, germany with " gigantic open teaching plan " for excuse clique arms occupational Qingdao. Smooth mood of submit a written statement to a higher authority of health promising thereby, cause the Reform Movement of 1898. In March 1898, sign " treaty of glue bay concession " . In November, announce Qingdao is free port. 1899, leased territory names for Qingdao city, establish the Qingdao, Bao Dao, division such as Li Cun. Railroad of aid of big harbor dock, glue in succession start working. 1911, quiet day 2 taste more than 70 people of above high-ranking official and the person such as respectful infante emigrant Qingdao. Started failure of ugly restoration of a dethroned monarch of the last of the ten Heavenly Stems 1913. 1914, the the First World War erupts, qingdao becomes Asian exclusive battleground, november, day flower allied forces is occupational Qingdao. 1919, parisian peace conference lets Qingdao concession dominion Japan, become " May 4th movement of 1919 " fuse. In December 1922, china calls in Qingdao, set office of office of superintend and director of glue bay commercial port (hind change bureau of glue bay commercial port) , leave administer Qingdao town, government of directly under the Qing Dynasty name for the coastal provinces of Liaoning. In July 1929, national government receives Qingdao, set Qingdao special city, government of countryman of directly under Nanjing. 1931, commander of army of the North sea holds Qingdao mayor part-time to the south of Shenyang grand intense, hold the position of Qingdao mayor formally 1932, advocate politics 6 years, catch education, build the school, calm program, build to set, the hurried the people's livelihood, bandit that fight day, laid the solid foundation that Qingdao develops. Beautiful littoral city Qingdao- - Catholic hall in January 1938, japan again embezzlement Qingdao. 1939, namely city of Qingdao of incorporate into administrative areas of administrative division of Chinese ink, rubber administer, make overall plans construction. In September 1945, kuomintang government receives Qingdao, still be special city, government of directly under the Republic of China. On June 2, 1949, the liberation army razzias Qingdao. Qingdao instead Shandong visits administer town, south administer city, city north, stage east, stage on the west, hill of 4 dark blue, float, Li Cun 7 urban districts and Lao hill suburb. 1978, the glue county, county austral glue, namely Qingdao of put under of Chinese ink county, create yellow island division at the same time. In October 1983, make the same score degree of county, Lai on the west Qingdao of prefectural put under. On May 4, 1984, qingdao city becomes one of 14 coastal and open cities of countrywide. Of the same age, development of Qingdao economy technology holds water. 1987, 1990, qingdao environs 5 counties early or late city of instead county class; 1988, lao hill county restores to be Lao a mountainous area. 1986, qingdao city becomes plan sheet to list city, gift provincial economy manages attributive. 1992, establish national level Qingdao development of estate of new and high technology and Qingdao free tax zone. 1994, qingdao city division into districts adjusts for 7 areas 5 city: In relief district of a mountainous area, city, yellow island area mixes the area austral city, city north area, all directions area, Li Cang area, Lao namely the Chinese ink city, rubber state city, city austral glue, smooth degree of city, Lai on the west city. 2003, establish national level Qingdao to export treatment area. Established national level Qingdao to protect tax other people to shed garden division 2004. 2006, establish national level Qingdao coastal exit machines an area on the west. Established national level Qingdao to protect tax other people to shed port area 2008. In January 2011, the country approves area of economy of Shandong peninsula blue to develop a program, qingdao regards his as core city, bibcock city.
