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描写山:重峦叠嶂、崇山峻岭、悬崖峭壁、连绵起伏、峰峦雄伟、危峰兀立 描写水:滔滔不绝、一泻千里、波澜壮阔、惊涛骇浪、浊浪排空、波峰浪谷 描写山水:湖光山色、山清水秀、山明水秀、青山绿水、山水相依、山水一色 春天景色的成语:鸟语花香、百花齐放、繁花似锦、桃红柳绿、春色满园、春意盎然 夏天景色的成语:骄阳似火、汗流浃背、烈日炎炎、暑气蒸人、热浪炙人、烈日当空 秋天景色的成语:秋高气爽、丹桂飘香、天高云淡、红叶似火、金风送爽、硕果累累 冬天景色的成语:数九寒冬、寒气逼人、冰天雪地、天寒地冻、滴水成冰、鹅毛大雪 描写雪景的成语:鹅毛大雪、粉妆玉砌、冰天雪地、银装素裹、大雪初霁、雪虐风饕 天空景色的成语:万里无云、碧空如洗、湛蓝如洗、天高云淡、乌云密布、晴空万里 描写雨大的成语:瓢泼大雨、狂风暴雨、滂沱大雨、暴雨如注、倾盆大雨 描写花的成语:花团锦簇、繁花似锦、百花齐放、姹紫嫣红、迎风吐艳、万紫千红 姹紫嫣红、五颜六色、含苞欲放、百花齐放、五彩斑斓


悬崖绝壁,鬼斧神工,那才是真正的美景,没有在苦难的底层挣扎过,嗅牡丹花闻臭芙蓉都是一样的味道。 ----黑白格的时间《每一天都活得热气腾腾》



























大自然的鬼斧神工不是病句。 鬼斧神工除了形容建筑、雕塑等技艺的精巧外,在语言的实际运用中,存在着“鬼斧神工”另外两种用法:

1、用来形容语言的灵动、精美 例如: (1)一位文学家称赞作家张洁作品的语言时说:“她的语言七抡八砍,鬼斧神工,自成一体。” (2)荷马站在西方文学长河的源头上,以具有灵感的、鬼斧神工的语言编织出宏伟、壮丽并带有悲剧色彩的史诗。

2、用来形容自然景物的精美或神奇 例如: (1)这里的溶洞非常美丽,而且出人意料,面对大自然鬼斧神工一般的创造,游客都惊呆了,不住赞叹。 (2)散文家刘白羽赞颂武夷山的美景时写道:“鬼斧神工亦壮哉,天公造化费疑猜。” 因此,在语言的实际运用中,“鬼斧神工”除了形容建筑、雕塑、工艺品等外,可以用来形容语言、自然景物等。


One, what meaning is the uncanny workmanship of nature?

The uncanny workmanship of nature " OK and direct understanding is " uncanny workmanship " , of the marvelous sight in because uncanny workmanship is used namely,describe nature. Uncanny workmanship paraphrase: Ghosts and gods makes resemble. Appearance art skill is excellent, manpower can be not achieved.

2, out: " village · amounts to unripe " : "Catalpa celebrate cut wood to be Zuo , Zuo is become, ghosts and gods of care of Jing of the person that see. Ghosts and gods of care of Jing of the person that see..

2, the meaning of the uncanny workmanship of exclaim nature?

Of nature a lot of unthinkable. Creation makes a person amazed, gasp in admiration

3, the line of nature uncanny workmanship?

The line of depict nature uncanny workmanship is very much for instance the famousest " Wang Lushan chute " : Sunshine censer gives birth to violet smoke, before Yao sees chute hang plain, fly flow to issue 3000 rule continuously, doubt is the Milky Way falls empyreal. Su Shi's horizontal stroke regards as mountain side becomes a peak, discretion of far and near differs each, do not know a the truth of sth. , it is along the body only in this hill.

Still have Yang Moli, after all the west lake is medium in June, scene is the same as with the four seasons. Receive Tian Lianxie not to have poor green jade, the lotus that reflect day another red.

4, the idiom of nature uncanny workmanship?

Depict hill: Heavy hill rows of mountains, high mountain ridges, cliff, continuous rise and fall, ridges and peaks stand upright of grand, Wei Feng depict water: Dash along, landscape of depict of cereal of billow of sky of platoon of billow of bold and flowing, surging forward with great momentum, a situation full of danger, chaotic, wave crest: Depend on each other of green water of the natural beauty of lakes and mountains, picturesque scenery, green hills and clear waters-picturesque scenery, green hill, landscape, landscape is monochromatic spring the idiom of the scenery: Charactizing a fine spring day, let a hundred flowers blossom, full garden of numerous Hua Shijin, pink Liu Lu, spring scenery, the awaken of spring is abundant summer the idiom of the scenery: The idiom of scenery of autumn of high above in the sky of person of broil of person of evaporate of sorching of scorching, streaming with sweat, burning sun, summer heat, heat wave, burning sun: Dry,crisp air of autumn, orange osmanthus waves weak, red autumnal leaves is like sweet, Tian Gaoyun the idiom that fire, Jin Feng sends winter of again and again of bright, great achievements the picture: The coldest days of the year, algidity the idiom of scene of snow of depict of heavy snow of aspic of ground of threatening, a world of ice and snow, Tian Han, dripping water freezes, goose feather: The idiom of scenery of sky of Tao of wind of cruel of Chu Ji of build by laying bricks or stones of jade of goose feather heavy snow, pink makeup, a world of ice and snow, silver-coated, heavy snow, snow: If cloudless, azure washs, if azure blue washs, Tian Gaoyun weak, cloudy, clear sky the idiom with big rain of 10 thousand lis of depict: If heavy rain, violent storm, torrential heavy rain, rainstorm notes, the idiom that cloudburst depict spends: Bouquets of flowers and piles of silks-rich multicolored decoration, numerous Hua Shijin, let a hundred flowers blossom, very beautiful flowers, spit very beautiful flowers of colourful, a variety of colour, multicoloured with the wind, be in bud, let a hundred flowers blossom, multicolored

5, the sentence of nature uncanny workmanship?

Cliff bluff, uncanny workmanship, that ability is true beautiful scenery, had not struggled in the ground floor of affliction, smell peony flower hears smelly lotus is same flavor. ----The time of black and white case " live each days reekily "

6, is nature uncanny workmanship ill sentence?

The uncanny workmanship of nature is not ill sentence.

Uncanny workmanship outside the choiceness that waits for craft besides appearance building, sculpture, in the language in be being applied actually, existing " uncanny workmanship " additionally two kinds of usage:

1, those who use appearance language is clever, elegant

For example:

(1) when a writer praises the language of work of writer Zhang Jie, say: "Her language 7 brandish 8 chop, uncanny workmanship, become an organic whole oneself. Become an organic whole oneself..

(2) on the fountainhead that horse of carry on one's shoulder stands in western literature endless flow, go out with providing the language of inspired, uncanny workmanship to braid grandiose, gallant contain tragic colorific epic.

2, elegant or those who use appearance nature scenery is magical

For example:

(1) the cave here is very beautiful, and unexpected, face the creation with nature general uncanny workmanship, the tourist was stupefied, do not live gasp in admiration.

(2) when proser Liu Bai Yu extols the beautiful scenery of Wu Yi hill, write: "Uncanny workmanship Yi Zhuangzai, good luck of the ruler of heaven expends doubt to guess. Good luck of the ruler of heaven expends doubt to guess..

Accordingly, in the language in be being applied actually, "Uncanny workmanship " besides substandard of appearance building, sculpture, handicraft, can use appearance language, natural scenery to wait

7, the uncanny workmanship provenance of nature?

Answer: Out " village · is amounted to unripe "

"The uncanny workmanship of nature " means: Ghosts and gods makes the picture of nature. Skill of art of uncanny workmanship appearance is excellent, craft choiceness, manpower can achieve unlike.

Phrasal provenance:

Catalpa celebrate cut wood to be Zuo , Zuo is become, jing of the person that see still ghosts and gods. Lu Hou sees and ask Yan, say: "Child does He Shu think Yan? "Child does He Shu think Yan??

To saying: "Official worker, he Shuzhi has! Although, have one Yan. I will be Zuo , have not dare enrage with bad news also, surely Qi Yijing heart. Qi San day, and dare not conceive celebrate

Enjoy salary of the rank of nobility; Neat 5 days, dare not conceive blame praise artful clumsy; Neat 7 days, always forgets I has 4 branches body like that also.

Should be when also, without general government, its are artful only and outside spirit pass the time in a leisurely way; Enter mountain forest next, view nature; Form human body comes, next prejudice Zuo , add hand Yan next; Do not in that case already. Close a day with the day, implement doubt god person, its are with! " (" village · is amounted to unripe " )

8, the table of uncanny workmanship article of nature?

Today, we saw the superlative craftsmanship of nature, romantic and flourishing landscape beautiful scenery, be like a poem to seem a picture; Cloudlet colour, seem myriad embroider is round, touch popular feeling chord; Moving Yan Wu, if the poem is picturesque, make popular feeling drunk; Ancient city ancient town, jingsai is antediluvian, experience is long cover is new. The uncanny workmanship of nature, it is the art of earth blackart, let our amid ramble, those who experience it is boundless and wonderful!

9, line of nature uncanny workmanship?

The hill of far is continuous rise and fall, have have high low, strewn at random have send, can not let a person highly praise the uncanny workmanship of nature how. Hill aside pine is held out straight.

Character enters chrysanthemum plain, every chase green brook water. Along with hill general 10 thousand turn, interesting road does not have a hunderd li. In acoustical noisy riprap, in lubricious Jing Shensong. Xing of water chestnut of overflow overflow extensive, the settleclear settleclear reed that mirror Jia. My heart element already idle, qing Chuan Dan is such. Leave Pan Shi please, go angling general already.

10, is the uncanny workmanship of nature right?

The uncanny workmanship of nature is not ill sentence. Uncanny workmanship outside the choiceness that waits for craft besides appearance building, sculpture, in the language in be being applied actually, existing " uncanny workmanship " additionally two kinds of usage:

1, those who use appearance language is clever, elegant for example: (1) when a writer praises the language of work of writer Zhang Jie, say: "Her language 7 brandish 8 chop, uncanny workmanship, become an organic whole oneself. " (2) on the fountainhead that horse of carry on one's shoulder stands in western literature endless flow, go out with providing the language of inspired, uncanny workmanship to braid grandiose, gallant contain tragic colorific epic.

2, elegant or those who use appearance nature scenery is magical for example: (1) the cave here is very beautiful, and unexpected, face the creation with nature general uncanny workmanship, the tourist was stupefied, do not live gasp in admiration. (2) when proser Liu Bai Yu extols the beautiful scenery of Wu Yi hill, write: "Uncanny workmanship Yi Zhuangzai, good luck of the ruler of heaven expends doubt to guess. " accordingly, in the language in be being applied actually, "Uncanny workmanship " besides substandard of appearance building, sculpture, handicraft, can use appearance language, natural scenery to wait.
