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商丘古城,又称归德府城,位于河南省商丘市睢阳区,是明、清时期的商丘县城。建于明正德六年,距今已有近500年的历史。古城由砖城、城湖、城廓三部分构成。城墙、城廓、城湖三位一体,使古城外圆内方,成一巨大的古钱币造型,建筑十分独特。城墙周长 3.6 公里,有东西南北四门。城内地势为龟背形。城内建筑多为四合院建筑。根据五行相生相克之说,为防金木相克,古城东西两门相错一条街,成为中国古城中的唯一。今商丘古城内街道仍保持着古代的建筑风貌。


芒砀山位于河南商丘永城市境内,古称砀山,又称“仙女峰”,是中原“一线五点”旅游开发的重点景区。芒砀山是千里豫东平原上唯一的山群,历史悠久,遗迹彼丰。尤其是秦汉文化遗存,被誉为汉文化博物馆。古老、秀美、神奇的芒砀十三峰,峰峰有历史,洞洞有传奇。夫子庙、陈胜园、汉梁王陵、刘邦斩蛇碑等名胜古迹散落其间, “四神壁画”、“金缕玉衣”等中华瑰宝交相生辉。


应天府书院位于商丘市睢阳区南湖畔,是中国古代著名的四大书院之一。应天府书院前身为睢阳书院,是五代后晋时的商丘人杨悫所创办。北宋大中祥符二年(1009年),宋真宗改升应天书院为府学,称为“应天府书院”。 北宋书院多设于山林胜地,唯应天府书院设立于繁华闹市之中,人才辈出。随着晏殊、范仲淹等人的加入,应天府书院逐渐发展为北宋最具影响力的书院。书院内主要景点有:崇圣殿、大成殿、前讲堂、书院大门、御书楼、状元桥、教官宅、明伦堂、廊房等。


阏伯台位于商丘古城西南,是帝喾之子阏伯于4500多年前所建造的观星台 ,它比东汉天文学家张衡在洛阳建的灵台,还早上2200多年,是中国现存年代最早的观星台。商族始祖阏伯一生不辞劳苦造福于黎民百姓,人们非常敬仰他,把他喻为“火神”,所以此台又叫“火神台”。 阏伯死后,人们就按他的遗愿,将他葬于台下,因其封号为“商”,此台又被称为“商丘”。阏伯台建在一望无际的大平原上,显得高大突兀。此台为古代商丘都城一带的最高点,再加之古人认为阏伯台的精气上应商星,所以,自古以来,人们都把阏伯台看作是商丘的象征。










白云寺位于商丘市民权县白云寺镇白云寺村,为中原四大名寺之一。白云寺始建于唐贞观年间(627-649),原名白衣庵。相传每逢夏秋季节便白云缭绕笼罩寺院,景色奇异,故名为白云寺。整体建筑古朴典雅,雄伟壮观。该寺现占地百余亩,坐北朝南。寺门雄伟,上书“白云禅寺”四个大字。中轴线上依次为天王殿、观音殿、大雄宝殿。大雄宝殿右侧为养心殿,后左侧有禅堂,禅堂左右有厢房。均系清代建筑。 白云寺内安放有6尊玉石佛像。大殿东侧有一棵三人合抱的大槐树,长在一口大铁锅内,锅体理于土中,称为“铁锅槐”。这是白云寺的一大奇观。




Business grave city is located in Henan to save most the eastpart part, yu Lusu Anhui 4 provinces copula, ancient say to answer weather government office, Nanjing, be Henan province east gate, china of Asia-Europe mainland bridge paragraph one of cities of 6 large centers. Have more than 5000 years build city history, result from because of hair of businessman, commodity, commerce Shang Qiu, business day found a capital at Shang Qiu, shang Qiu is known as " the source · of 3 business of China business " , it is the principal home of civilization of an ancient name for China and the Chinese nation, for famous city of culture of history of 6 government ancient capital, country. As the Gu Cheng that having chiliad history, historic site of business grave cultural relic is numerous. Below with respect to check Shang Qiu resort of 10 big travel.

One, business grave Gu Cheng

Business grave ancient city, call Gui Defu the city again, be located in Henan to visit in relief area of Sui of business grave city, be bright, the Shang Qiu county of quiet period. Build at Ming Zhengde 6 years, be apart from the history that already had nearly 500 years today. Gu Cheng by outline of bricky wall, city lake, city 3 parts are formed. Lake of outline of city wall, city, city is Trinitarian, make inside the circle outside Gu Cheng square, into one massive ancient coin model, the structure is very unique. City wall circumference 3.6 kilometers, have thing north and south 4. City inland situation is form of curvature of the spinal column. The building inside the city is siheyun to build more. According to mutual promotion and restraint between the five elements of the five elements say, it is the Mu Xiangke that prevent gold, ancient city thing two phases are complex a street, in becoming Chinese ancient city exclusive. Today inside business grave ancient city street the building view that still holding ancient time.

2, awn Dang hill

Awn Dang hill is located in churchyard of city of Henan Shang Qiuyong, ancient hill weighing Dang, say again " fairy peak " , it is Central Plains " a gleam of at 5 o'clock " the key scene area that travel develops. Awn Dang hill is Yu Dongping of a thousand li go up formerly exclusive hill group, the history is long, vestigial those abundant. Especially Qin Hanwen changes involuntary discharge of urine to put, be known as Chinese culture museum. 13 peaks of old, elegant, magical awn Dang, summit summit has the history, hole hole has romance. The famous places and historical sites such as tablet of snake of behead of state of hill of king of garden of master shrine, Chen Sheng, Chinese bridge, Liu scatters meantime, "4 gods mural " , " jade clothes sewn with gold thread " wait for China gem to hand in Xiang Shenghui.

3, should academy of classical learning of weather government office

Should academy of classical learning of weather government office is located in Shang Qiu the lakefront austral city Sui in relief area, it is one of 4 big academy of classical learning with Chinese famous ancient time. Should predecessor of academy of classical learning of weather government office is Sui in relief academy of classical learning, it is the business when the later han dynasty of the Five Dynasties place of Qiu Renyang Que establishs. Northen Song Dynasty is big in auspicious accord with 2 years (1009) , song Zhen Zong Gaisheng should courtyard of a book from heaven learns for government office, call " should academy of classical learning of weather government office " . Resort of mountain forest of much locate of academy of classical learning of Northen Song Dynasty, answer only academy of classical learning of weather government office establishs Yu Fanhua in busy streets, the talent comes forth in large numbers. As the person such as Yan Shu, Fan Zhongyan join, should the academy of classical learning that academy of classical learning of weather government office develops to have force most for Northen Song Dynasty gradually. Main tourist attraction has inside academy of classical learning:

4, E uncle stage

E uncle stage is located in southwest of business grave ancient city, be Ku of the Supreme Being child E uncle at the 4500 concept that create before New Year more astral stage, it compares the clever station that Zhang Heng of astronomer of the Eastern Han Dynasty builds in Luoyang, still in the morning 2200 old, it is the station watching a bit with Chinese existent the earliest time. E of first ancestor of business a group of things with common features uncle all one's life not demit is careladen common people of benefit Yu Limin, people special revere he, it is his analogy " igneous god " , so this cries again " igneous mind table " . After E uncle is dead, people presses his last wish, him bury falls at the stage, because its seal date to be " business " , this is called again " Shang Qiu " . E uncle stage is built on the big Campagna of stretch to the horizon, appear lofty and abrupt. This is the apogee that capital of archaic business grave takes, again together with the ancients thinks to trade heavenly body answers on the energy spirit of E uncle stage, so, from of old, people E uncle stage is regarded is Shang Qiu is indicative.

5, flint emperor imperial tomb

Flint emperor imperial tomb cemetery of family name of renown flint person, be located in southwest of business grave ancient city the culture of business grave fire that 1.5 kilometers are in inside scene area, it is the grave garden of the flint person family name that antediluvian period invention gets wood to take internal heat. According to expert textual research, flint person family name is the world the first person, it is the first ancestor of the Chinese nation. Enter flint emperor imperial tomb, what see above all is way of a spirit, divine way both sides, have arrange stone carving of orderly Long Fengqi Lin, majestic and solemn and respectful, grave of grave of flint person family name and statuary the center that stands tall and upright at hill area, emerald green Bai Huan is held in the arms all around, green grass is like mattress. Mausoleum built a style to draw lessons from the design concept of tomb of emperor of Chinese ancient time, be in especially of step build on, pay attention to " 9, 5 " of the number apply, body was revealed " 949 honour " the implied meaning.

6, park of business grave people

Park of business grave people is located in road of gardens of area of garden of bridge of business grave city and youth the road is handed in collect place, only then built 1958, appreciation of collect flowers and trees, animal is viewed and admire, scenery of gardens of landscape of lake of adventure playground, east wind is an organic whole, it is business grave city exclusive large an omnibus park, dimensions and class reach circumjacent city in complete province be among the best of candidates. Bao He wears garden and pass, will complete garden breaks up naturally to view and admire the area of a few big functions such as area and area of gardens of landscape of lake of hind east wind for area of forehead flowers and trees, animal. Essay of factitious landscape, gardens is harmonious and unified, supplement each other, infrastructure and integrated service function are increasingly perfect. The park has the tourist attraction such as area of gardens of landscape of lake of square of garden of garden of the zoo, happy Lin Yuan, Chinese rose, peony garden, adventure playground, miniascape, dove, east wind, establishment, it is a citizen the recreational recreation, good place that loosens the mood.

7, 8 Guan Zhai

8 Guan Zhai is located in Shang Qiu the riverside of ancient the Song Dynasty outside the door austral Gucheng, "Matchmaker " , " a gleam of of the fate brings lovers together of a thousand li is pulled " the story happens here. "8 Guan Zhai " it is Buddhist diction, it is to point to 8 commandment that the place in one day and night must abide by believer of Buddhist men and women, it is actually " 8 give up " . 8 have rock of a 8 arris inside Guan Zhai, 3.2 meters tall, every bizygomatic breadth 0.5 meters, there is write of old age of famous calligrapher Yan Zhenqing above " heart of newspaper of 8 meetings closing room marks Tang Song city " , on whole monument in all 983 words, the structure is careful and precise, body square pen is round, dignified and grand, travel pen holds meaning of pen of seal be subordinate to concurrently, be known as Yan Shuzhong's high-quality goods and superb work.

8, Song Xiang fair hill

The Song Dynasty assists fair hill is located in inside beauty spot of lake of north of county of Sui of city of grave of Henan province business, call assist hill, assist the stage again, it is age 5 bully states of one of the Song Dynasty are sovereign Song Xiang's fair mausoleum, sui county is ancient city weighing assist gets a name because of assist hill namely. The Song Dynasty assists cemetery submits conic form, pile to press and be become by clay. Former bury Yu Chunqiu scenic spot inside Song Xiang common make imperial palace for short stays away from the capital, active palace already not answer exist. Here assists for the Song Dynasty formerly fair builds because of longing for a mother make imperial palace for short stays away from the capital, after the battle of water is wounded, be in this recuperate, hind bury hereat,

9, white Yun Si

White Yun Si is located in Shang Qiu village of temple of white cloud of town of temple of citizenship county white cloud, for Central Plains one of 4 names temples. White Yun Si only then build Yu Tangzhen to watch year (627-649) , original name white garment huts. According to legend whenever Xia Qiu is seasonal Bai Yun winds around envelop fane, the picture is bizarre, friend name is white Yun Si. Whole builds elegance of of primitive simplicity, grand and grand. This temple covers an area of more than 100 mus now, sit south the Northern Dynasties. Temple door is grand, submit a written statement to a higher authority " white Yun Chansi " 4 big character. In on axes hall of the ordinal Wang Dian that it is a day, avalokitesvara, big Xiong Baodian. The hall that raise a heart is on the right side of big Xiong Baodian, hind left hall having buddhist, buddhist hall left and right sides has wing-room. All fasten clear acting structure. Put inside white Yun Si have 6 honour jade figure of Buddha. Audience hall east the large pagoda tree that side has so big that one can just get one's arms around of a 3 people, long inside bowl of a big iron, bowl system manages in earth, call " iron bowl pagoda tree " . This is the one great marvellous spectacle of white Yun Si.

10, Zhang Xun ancestral temple

Zhang Xun ancestral temple is located in south business grave ancient city outside the door, it is to be souvenir " bring Shi Zhi chaos " in the person place such as the Zhang Xun of to defend Ju this world die, Xu Yuan is built. Han of Tang Chao's great poet is evaluating Sui this world to guard more war say " this world that do not have Sui does not have Jiang Huai namely, this world that do not have Sui is not had namely big the Tang Dynasty " , see its value, a of Wen Tianxiang " Zhang Xun vituperation a traitor, love Jun Xuyuan, stay take reputation eternally sweet " line is to circulate more through the ages. Rebuilt 1990 Zhang Xun ancestral temple, new ancestral temple is covered an area of forty thousand seven hundred smooth rice, north and south is 370 meters long, the thing is 100 meters wide, from south northerly and ordinal for area of gardens of square area, construction division and grave 3 parts, whole structure is grandiose and grand, majestic and solemn and respectful, imposing manner extensive grand, air is boundless, it is the copy Tangshi building with Central Plains the oldest district.
