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2、巨石山:巨石山位于安徽省安庆市宜秀区罗岭镇,长江北岸的菜子湖畔,是安庆巨石山生态文化旅游区的所在地,总面积43平方公里。国家AAAA景区。巨石山素以奇峰、秀水、神石、幽洞、白玉兰“五绝”闻名于世。景区山环水绕,生态资源丰富。竹林似海,松风如涛,枫叶胜火,更有满山遍野的野生白玉兰。在华东地区绝无仅有,全国亦属罕见。有龙头峰、神猿问天、织女峰、天上人间、罗汉峰、蓬莱三仙、鲤跃龙门、潜龙洞天、风动石、威龙洞等48峰、36谷、81石、72洞景点。龙泉寺香烟缭绕,空水氤氲。在这片诗意山水之间,栖息着从多珍禽异兽,为静谧清幽的山水增添了一份活力和生机。2017年10月28日 新建的520玻璃观景台、玻璃栈道、玻璃长廊对客体验。巨石山520云上玻璃观景台,位于巨石山织女峰“神猿问天”,外形酷似“海洋之心”。



5、五千年文博园:五千年文博园位于安徽省安庆市太湖县境内,处于沪渝高速太湖县收费站高速路口西侧。景区以“中华文化主题公园”为目标,致力于打造一座世界朝圣东方文明的艺术殿堂。规划占地5000亩,共分五期建设。五期规划分别是:"一梦千年”“十里画廊”“百年风云”“千秋马帮”“万代同根”。该景区先后被国家文化部命名为“国家文化产业示范基地”,被国家旅游局评定为“国家AAAA级旅游景区”。2012年成为网民最关注的“中国十大文化旅游景区”,入选“长三角100个不得不去的地方”,安徽旅游品牌影响力奖--四大景区品牌。 2013荣获:安徽省名牌,中国最具创造力文化品牌,中国文化创造力调研基地等。据了解,二期工程预计于2014年10月1日已经正式对外开放。届时一期与二期之间将通过一座天桥连为一体。太湖县希望通过精心建设和运作,将五千年文博园打造成为5A级风景区。


Tool / raw material

Optimal journey time: The four seasons all appropriate, age is optimal.

Suggest amuse oneself day counts: 2 days.

Local climate: Semi-tropical monsoon sex is wet climate.

Language: Word of official of the Huaihe River of language of another name for Jiangxi Province, river.

Need You Jing nods TOP5

1, Tian Zhushan: Picture of nature of day column hill is odd absolutely, because the highest peak in a mountain range is like " prop up Tian Yizhu " and get a name, be known as " Jiang Huai the first hill " . Scene area has 7 big tourist attractions, have highest peak Tian Zhufeng, so-called " granite your home of the first secretary " mysterious cereal, Liu Yuan plunges into stockaded village to fight yuan always close stockaded village, high mountain lake of artificial lake make pills of immortality. Additional, here is ground of assemble of ancient Anhui culture, put stay have the settle or live in a strange place of bookman Chinese ink such as Li Bai, Bai Juyi, Su Shi, Wang Anshi nearly 400 rub cliff tablet is engraved. Traffic is not very convenient here, scene area interior is not very big, mix except holiday outside on the weekend, at ordinary times tourist is not much.

2, megalithic hill: Megalithic hill is located in beautiful Ou Luoling of appropriate of city of Anqing of the Anhui province to press down, the colza lakefront of bank of north of the Yangtse River, it is the seat of area of travel of culture of zoology of Anqing megalith hill, gross area 43 square kilometer. Area of national AAAA scene. Megalithic hill element in order to surprise stone of peak, beautiful water, god, deep and remote hole, Bai Yulan " a four-line poem with five characters to a line and a strict tonal pattern and rhyme " famed at the world. Water of annulus of scene area hill is circled, zoology is resourceful. Zhu Lin is like the sea, songfeng if billows, maple leaf gets the better of fire, have all over the mountains and plains feral Bai Yulan more. In Huadongde the area is peerless, the whole nation also is belonged to infrequent. Have bibcock peak, mind simian ask world of peak of day, Girl Weaver, sky, arhat peak, a fabled abode of immortals to 3 celestial being, carp jumps dragon tourist attraction of the 48 peaks such as hole of stone of day of hole of the door, Qianlong, pneumatic, power dragon, 36 cereal, 81 stone, 72 holes. Cigarette of dragon spring temple winds around, empty water is dense. Between landscape of this poetic flavour, wear habitat animal of different of Cong Duozhen birds, for quiet the landscape of quiet and beautiful added a vigor and lease of life. A covered corridor or walk of a plank road built along a cliff of the station of scene of 520 glass view that built on October 28, 2017, glass, glass experiences to the guest. The glass on 520 cloud watchs megalithic hill scene stage, be located in peak of megalithic hill Girl Weaver " the god is simian ask a day " , the appearance is exactly like " marine heart " .

3, beauty spot of chute of the big rainbow that fasten hill: Beauty spot of chute of the big rainbow that fasten hill is located in yellow end of Yue Xi county to press down churchyard, be apart from Yue Xi county and suddenly hill county to all be 34 kilometers, wide from aid high speed 6 go Duan Huang end exports 1.5 kilometers. Inside scene area group peak happen frequently, chain of mountains from emerald green, strange peak fault is listed, gorge is deep and serene, river valley freely, winding and labyrinthian, famous Buddha child one of fountainhead of mountain reservoir -- monkey river is handed in with yellow end river here collect. When cowboy of according to legend is fastening hill of the Niu Cao in hill to put an ox greatly, it is in monkey river gorge chance encounter Girl Weaver, accomplished the mythological fokelore that a paragraph of lament making a person sighs, they are annual encountering rainbow also makes people heart in of infinite happiness yearning, hill rainbow chute is fastened to became famous accordingly greatly on monkey river.

4, greet Jiang Si: Greet river temple hero to stand erect of Yu Chengdong great river bank. Ancient call the Yong Changchan that protect a country the temple, renown temple of 10 thousand Buddha. Only then build at Northen Song Dynasty to open treasure 7 years (974) . Bright 10 thousand all previous 47 years (1619) , collect endowment repairs city gentry Ruan Zihua again, hall eaves is luxuriant, imposing manner extensive grand, for Buddhist templeput on the brakes of edge river name. Visit a guideline: Temple wait for ancient building by hall, hall, cabinet, building, room, tower, garden group combine and become, cover an area of 22 thousand square metre. Face what personal letter of Guang Xudi having Qing Dynasty sets on the hill door of the river " greet Jiang Si " word of gold of 3 regular script, vigorous and firm and dovish, glorious Yi Yi. Embed on the door certificate of white marble stone have anaglyph of dragon of 4 ungual gods. Hill door controls minute of buy big anchor, make an appointment with 3 tons again, do not have for numerous fane place. According to folklore, anqing landform is like a boat, the tower is mast, if do not press down solid with anchor, anqing city goes to Sui Jiangdong, set so. Enter hill door to be day of Wang Dadian namely, maitreya Buddha sits up inside shrine, 4 days of big king separate a two side, bearing each different. Collect degree 28 rank and on, for the big Xiong Baodian of a horizontal inscribed board of the personal letter at the beginning of Zhao Piao. Adjoin Lu hall is after, block of Lu of divine Buddha adjoin is mixed then the Supreme Being commentate, big Buddhist two days of big king, expression is majestic, in male crouch hall, bring up the rear is avalokitesvara of face of the Dragon King of the four seas " island " group vulture. The 4th hall is Tibetan classics building, collect carefully has Ming Guangzong imperial order to grant trace a design in gold " clever Falianhua classics " with sketch avalokitesvara big person resemble waiting for gem. The God of complete temple consecrate, figure of Buddha is close 500 honour, still have Qing Qianlong the Supreme Being, golden word a horizontal inscribed board that drive of place of happiness of kind of mother of an emperor gives on the west " growl of lion of be apt to " and " clever Ming Yuanjing " etc.

5, 5000 Wen Boyuan: Wen Boyuan was located in city of Anqing of the Anhui province 5000 too lake county churchyard, be in Shanghai change high speed too lake county collects fees crossing of station high speed on the west side. Scene area with " park of China culture theme " for the target, devote oneself to to make the artistic hall with civilized east of pilgrim of a world. The program covers an area of 5000 mus, in all cent period construction. 5 period compasses differentiate is not: "One dream chiliad " " 10 lis of gallery " " hundred years wind and cloud " " a train of horses carrying goods of a thousand years " " 10 thousand generation are the same as a root " . This scene area is named to be by national culture ministry early or late " demonstrative base of national culture property " , be by assess of national tourism bureau " area of scene of travel of national AAAA stage " . Became a netizen to pay close attention to most 2012 " areas of 10 scene of old culture travel " , selected " the place that long triangle must go to 100 times " , force of Anhui travel brand award- - brand of area of 4 great respect. 2013 have the honor to win: Famous brand of the Anhui province, china has creativity culture brand most, base of survey of Chinese culture creativity. As we have learned, 2 period the project predicts to opened to the outside world already formally on October 1, 2014. At the appointed time first phase and 2 period between will be an organic whole repeatedly through a crossover. Too lake county hope is mixed through elaborate construction run, will Wen Boyuan made beauty spot of the class that it is 5A 5000.
