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10 南麂岛旅游详细攻略?英文双语对照


10 南麂岛旅游详细攻略?英文双语对照

10 南麂岛旅游详细攻略?

最佳上岛时间 浙江近海有一条北宽南窄的浑水带,南麂列岛适值其末端外缘,故成为浙江近海少有的清水海区,水色以绿至浅蓝为主,透明度一般大于2米,夏秋季节最大可达7米以上,3月中旬台湾暖流开始影响该海区,透明度逐步增加,到10月份受浙闽沿岸流影响,透明度逐渐下降,考虑到台风、海水水温和海水透明度的影响,故上岛最佳的时间应选在5-8月份,此段时间台风相对较少,海水的透明度也渐入佳境,水温在逐渐回升,适宜游泳。

































公交:1.路线:新码头→ 司令部→ 大沙岙沙滩(住在大沙滩附近与三角寮村去大沙滩海滨浴场没有班车接送)→ 三盘尾景区







1. 这个海岛算是没有被开发过度,商业气息不浓,限流人也不会很多

2. 天气好的时候,尤其是夏天,海是蓝色的,挺美的

3. 周末过来住一晚,看看海看看日落看看星空还挺不错的

4. 有兴趣的姐妹们可以过来露营,很酷!(扎帐篷需要场地费50元/夜,也可以租帐篷。公厕就在边上,洗澡的地方有,需要收费。)

5. 三盘尾有天然草坪+礁石,适合在这边看一场海景日落,很美。





1. 交通方式: - 从上海前往福州:可以选择飞机、高铁或长途汽车,最快的方式是乘坐飞机。 - 从福州到南麂岛:乘坐旅游船从福州港码头到达南麂岛,船程约3-4小时。

2. 沿途景点推荐: - 麓湖景区:位于福州市福清市境内,是一个以湖泊和山水景观为特色的风景区,可以欣赏美丽的自然景色。 - 福州三坊七巷:是福州市的历史文化区,有着古色古香的建筑和独特的文化氛围。

- 福州西湖公园:是福州市的一个大型公园,有着美丽的湖泊和园林景观。

3. 南麂岛玩乐推荐: - 潜水和浮潜:南麂岛周围的海域水质清澈,潜水和浮潜是非常受欢迎的活动,可以欣赏到丰富的海底生物。

- 岛屿徒步:南麂岛有着丰富的自然风光和步行道路,您可以选择岛屿徒步,欣赏岛上的美景。 - 钓鱼和海滩浴:南麂岛有着优美的海滩和丰富的海洋资源,您可以选择钓鱼或在海滩上晒太阳和游泳。

4. 美食推荐:

- 海鲜:南麂岛是一个渔业发达的地区,您可以品尝到新鲜的海鲜,如螃蟹、虾、贝类等。

- 海岛特色菜:南麂岛还有许多岛屿特色菜肴,如南麂大葱鸡、南麂特色烧烤等。




1. 钓位选择:南麂岛岸线长,矶钓点众多,一般可以从岛南端开始选择,逐渐向北探寻。推荐选择海边岩石区或石滩附近的矶钓点,这些地方有较好的水流和营养物质,鱼类也较为集中。

2. 钓具搭配:南麂岛矶钓以轻钓为主,一般可以使用3.6-4.5米长的矶竿,配上2000-3000型的钓轮,线组可以选用2-3号的海钓线,钩子则根据鱼类大小选择6-12号之间的钩号。

3. 饵料选用:南麂岛海域鱼类品种繁多,钓饵也需要根据不同的鱼类选择。比较常见的钓饵有小鱼、虾仁、蚯蚓等,也可以根据当地渔民的经验选择其他适合的饵料。

4. 钓法技巧:南麂岛矶钓可以采用浮标、沉底、抛投等多种钓法。一般来说,浮标钓可以使用小型浮标,线组长度不要过长,饵料可以挂在浮标下方,以吸引鱼类上钩。沉底钓可以选择一些较重的铅坠,将饵料沉入水底,等待鱼类上钩。抛投钓可以使用较轻的钓具,将饵料投入远处的水域,以钓取远处的鱼类。

5. 注意事项:南麂岛海域水流较大,钓鱼时需要注意安全。同时,为了保护海洋环境,钓鱼时需要注意不要乱扔垃圾,不要捕捉保护动物和未成年鱼类。





是不可行的。南麂岛位于浙江温州市,是一个美丽的海岛旅游胜地。由于南麂岛距离温州市区较远,且交通不便,一天时间来回攻略是非常紧张的。以下是原因和1. 交通时间:从温州市区到南麂岛需要乘坐船只或者快艇,航程时间较长,大约需要2-3个小时。来回的航班时间不一定能够满足一天的时间安排。2. 游览时间:南麂岛拥有美丽的海滩、海岛风光和丰富的海洋资源,游客可以进行浮潜、潜水、海钓等活动。如果只有一天的时间,无法充分体验南麂岛的美景和休闲度假氛围。3. 旅游设施:南麂岛的旅游设施相对较少,酒店、餐饮等服务可能不够完善。如果只有一天的时间,可能无法找到合适的住宿和用餐场所。如果想要充分体验南麂岛的美景和休闲度假氛围,建议安排至少两天的时间。可以提前预订船票和酒店,合理安排行程,包括游览海滩、参观景点、品尝当地美食等。此外,还可以了解南麂岛的文化历史,探索岛上的自然生态,更好地感受南麂岛的独特魅力。


10? Does muntjac island travel south detailed strategy?

Optimal on coastal waters of insular time Zhejiang has a north wide south narrow muddy water belt, south just when of muntjac a chain of islands the predestined relationship outside its extreme, reason becomes the clear water sea area with Zhejiang rare coastal waters, water quality with green to shallow La Wei advocate, diaphaneity is more than 2 meters commonly, summerly fall red-letter day can amount to 7 meters of above most, warm current of Taiwan of the middle ten days of a month began to affect this sea area in March, diaphaneity step up, suffer Fujian of short for Zhejiang Province to October coastal spread an effect, diaphaneity drops gradually, consider water of typhoon, seawater is gentle the influence of briny diaphaneity, time of first-rate of the island on reason should be chosen in 5-8 month, typhoon of this paragraph of time is opposite less, briny diaphaneity also enters the most pleasant stage gradually, water is warm in pick up gradually, swim aptly.

Does muntjac island drive sea strategy south?

It is below a few south the strategy that muntjac island drives the of great capacity:

Time choice: South the time driving the of great capacity of muntjac island undertakes when tide is refluent commonly, had better choose the time of around of low ebb period of time. Can decide optimal time through inquiring local tide table comes.

Prepare a tool: The need that drive the of great capacity prepares a few tools, for instance the basket, net that catch shrimp, crab implement wait. Can be bought in fishing gear inn of place or lease.

The attention is safe: Safety should notice when driving the of great capacity, should take care when walking on beach especially stone and icy algal. Wearing appropriate shoe to be able to provide better protection.

Search sea product: In the process that drive the of great capacity, can search all sorts of sea products, for instance conch, crab, conch, sea star. Remember abiding by local regulation, do not catch protective animal is excessive perhaps catch.

Exploration islands: Besides drive the of great capacity, muntjac island still has a lot of beautiful tourist attractions and natural view south. Driving Hai Zhiyu, can explore the landscape scene on the island, admire the beautiful scenery of island.

Respect local culture: Be in south when muntjac island drives the of great capacity, the culture that should respect place and consuetudinary. Abide by local regulation, maintain an environment neat, do not destroy zoology environment.

Hope the strategy of above is helped somewhat to you, wish you are in south play happily in the activity driving the of great capacity of muntjac island!

Does muntjac island fish south strategy?

Muntjac island is a the closest from coast of Zhejiang boat Shandong provincial and natural groove guard south, the maritime space natural resources here is very substantial, became the good place that numerous lover fishs. It is below south strategy of muntjac island fishing:

Angle the dot chooses: Muntjac island periphery has the water area of a lot of different deepness south, can select appropriate site according to your fishing experience and target fingerling. Generally speaking, the area that suits fishing quite is south muntjac island island and other places of stone of the maritime space on the west, Shi Hong, felon.

Fishing tackle preparation: Fishing tackle sort is planted according to different fish and angle drop demand differs somewhat, general sea angles appliance has plumbic dropping, hook, line to wait, if be aimed at specific fingerling, can press need to carry appropriate equipment.

Bait makings chooses: Muntjac island bait expects sort is various south, include shrimp, earthworm, green bug to wait a moment, can choose appropriate bait to expect according to different fingerling and water area.

Time choice: The optimal time of fishing is morning and evening is mixed commonly go up, when ebb-tide, so the proposal is gone to before these period of time south muntjac island go angling.

Fishing note: Fishing safety is premise, prepare lifesaving appliance, do not drive in the seaside or stand by cliff; Abide by concerned regulation strictly, do not catch any fish that do not accord with a regulation, in order to protect environment and modes of life and relation to their environment.

Above is south strategy of muntjac island fishing, hope to be helped somewhat to you. Before fishing, can the ocean environment of place of island of the muntjac austral understanding and fish resource circumstance, prepare adequately, maintain patience and endurance, expect you have the stay away from home that a happy sea angles.

Does muntjac island lodge south strategy?

It is below south the common step that muntjac island accommodation books:

Give a date certainly: Before deciding you plan above all southward the specific date of muntjac island, so that undertake,book arrangement follow-uply.

Search accommodation information: Pass the accommodation information of island of the muntjac austral Internet search, can use search engine or journey to book a website to get pertinent information. Common journey books a website to include to carry Cheng, go where, Booking.com.

Select right accommodation kind: According to individual demand and budget, select right accommodation kind, like hotel, civilian constellation, go vacationing the village. The attention examines the information such as accommodation establishment, service and evaluation, so that make better choice.

Book affirm: After had chosen appropriate accommodation, enter book a page, fill in date, date leaving store and enter the information such as the number, choose appropriate room model with the price. Filling in after ending, affirm book and undertake disbursement.

Affirm book information: Finish after paying, you will be received book confirm information, include to book number, enter date and accommodation letterhead. The proposal has been saved book information, with when equipment is entered, be being used.

Strategy of travel of cervine muntjac island?

Strategy of amuse oneself of cervine muntjac island

Optimal play time: 5-8 month, typhoon of this paragraph of time is opposite less, safer, briny photograph is otherer and seasonal clearer also, water is warm appropriate, those who swim is optimal and seasonal.

Steamer ticket: Date of public of travel of passenger transport of the muntjac austral attention, click book steamer ticket, choose a huge legendary turtle Jiang Zhina muntjac, travel time needs to cost 2 hours about, mosquito craft 1 half hours. Do not need to take a bank note, brush Id to cross dam up water directly,

Nod by ship: Center of passenger transport of harbor of river of a huge legendary turtle, be located in lukewarm state city to make the same score in relief county (subway navigation) , be apart from Gao Tie to stand 15 minutes car Cheng? ?

Yacht fare: Load cabin (260 yuan) , in cabin (225 yuan) , general cabin (210 yuan)

Small Tips: The price above is to include steamer ticket, entrance ticket, public transportation 3 kinds bale valence, among them steamer ticket and entrance ticket (80 yuan) must buy together, return ticket is not to contain entrance ticket fund, the price will be so some cheaper. Public transportation and OK choose to whether be bought by oneself, but suggest everybody is bought, because of the traffic on the island besides public transportation do not have other vehicle, also do not go without public transportation where.


Public transportation: 1. Course: Beach of Ao of big sand of headquarters → of → of new commercial and transportation center (live around old beach to go with village of trigonometry small house old beach bathing place is received without regular bus send) → area of scene of 3 dishes of end

Tips: Since day of the island on public transportation ticket use 6 times inside 3 days, frequency of the occasional when exceeding needs separately buy ticket after normal time


1. tent

Consider the sense that sees sunrise perhaps likes field to camp for a short while, there is tent to be able to live on the island, live tent must have been plunged into, blowy moment does not suggest tent, be afraid that it is dangerous to have, had better prepare water of midge of a few drive ahead of schedule, insect-resistant of water and so on, provide for oneself a few food and clothings.

Hotel of the grand after 2. wrong path

Home's infrequent cliff burrow hotel, the seascape room of appropriate appropriate, still be cliff seascape room, it is the design that uses natural bomb shelter and into, lily builds principal part, figure is unique, the full rock cave wind inside the room, suit to hit card to take a picture very much, scan widely looks, seascape all stops eye ground, there still is seascape bath crock in the room, at that time tea of on bubble one crock or develop a cup of coffee, lying silently listen respectfully sea wind, exceed comfortable.

1.This island is was not developed excessive, commercial breath is not thick, current limliting person also very won't much

2.When weather is good, especially summer, the sea is blue, quite beautiful

3.Come over on the weekend one evening, see the sea see sunset see sky quite pretty good still

4.The sisters that have fun at can come over to camp, very cruel! (Plunge into tent to need field to expend 50 yuan / night, also can hire tent. The public toilet is on the edge, the place that bathe has, need to collect fees. Need to collect fees..

5.3 dishes of end have natural lawn + reef, suit to be in here see sunset of a seascape, very beautiful.

Does muntjac island have seafood strategy south?

Muntjac island is a beautiful island south, famed with its rich seafood. Want to enjoy delicate seafood, the fishing port that can go to place or seafood market are bought fresh marine. Recommend sample local characteristic dish, if steam sea weever, fry the spiral shell, scallop that bake to wait. In addition, return the seafood restaurant have dinner that can choose to be in place, they provide all sorts of seafood formulas normally, let you sample to the top of one's bent all sorts of delicate. Remember trying seafood chaffy dish of place, the seafood over there is fresh delicate. Anyhow, muntjac island is the heaven of a seafood south, no matter you choose which kinds of way, can satisfy you to be enjoyed to the taste bud of seafood.

Does Shanghai arrive south strategy of muntjac island amuse oneself?

Recommend Shanghai to arrive south strategy of muntjac island amuse oneself is as follows:

1.Traffic means: - head for Fuzhou from Shanghai: Can choose plane, Gao Tie or long-distance car, the quickest way is to take a plane. - arrive from Fuzhou south muntjac island: Take pleasure boat to arrive from Fuzhou harbor dock south muntjac island, boat Cheng restricts 3-4 hour.

2.On the way the tourist attraction recommends: - area of scene of lake of the foot of mountain: Be located in churchyard of quiet town of blessing of the Fuzhou City, be with laky the beauty spot that is characteristic with landscape landscape, can admire beautiful natural scenery. - Fuzhou 3 lane 7 alley: It is the historical culture area of the Fuzhou City, having antique building and distinctive culture atmosphere.

- park of Fuzhou west lake: It is a of the Fuzhou City large park, those who having beauty is laky with gardens landscape.

3.Muntjac island libertinism recommends south: - phreatic water and float go: South the maritime space water quality all round muntjac island is clear, phreatic water and float go is very welcome activity, can admire rich benthos.

- islands is pedestrian: Muntjac island is having rich natural scene and pavement way south, you can choose islands pedestrian, admire the beautiful scenery on the island. - fishing and beach bath: Muntjac island is having beautiful beach and rich marine resource south, you can choose fishing or swim on beach.

4.Cate recommends:

- seafood: Muntjac island is the area that a fishery develops south, you can taste the seafood with fresh savor, wait like crab, shrimp, shellfish.

- island characteristic dish: Muntjac island still has a lot of islands characteristic cooked food south, be like south chicken of muntjac green Chinese onion, south muntjac characteristic barbecue.

Before the journey, know weather and maritime traffic state ahead of schedule please, journey of reasonable arrangement. Additional, the attention protects zoology environment, abide by the regulation on the island and civilization to visit. Wish you journey is happy!

Does muntjac island Ji angle south detailed strategy?

The answer is as follows: Muntjac island is an outstanding Ji angles south dot, it is detailed strategy below:

1.Angle a choice: Muntjac island water front grows south, ji angles the dot is numerous, can begin to choose from the end austral the island commonly, seek north gradually. Recommend the Ji near area of choice seaside rock or Shi Tan to angle dot, these places have better flow and nutrient material, fish also relatively concentration.

2.Fishing tackle is tie-in: Muntjac island Ji angles be given priority to with angling gently south, can use the Ji rod with 3.6-4.5 long rice commonly, deserve to go up 2000-3000 angle annulus, group can choose the sea line of 2-3 date, hook chooses the hook name between 6-12 date according to fish size.

3.Bait makings chooses: South breed of fish of muntjac island maritime space is various, bait also needs to choose according to different fish. Commonner bait has small fish, shelled fresh shrimps, earthworm to wait, also can choose according to the experience of local fisherman other suitable bait stuff.

4.Angle law skill: Muntjac island Ji angles south can use buoy, heavy base, cast cast wait for a variety of angling law. Generally speaking, buoy angles can use small-sized buoy, group length does not grow too, bait makings can be hanged in buoy lower part, swallow the bait in order to attract fish. Heavy bottom angles can choose a few heavier lead to drop, sink bait makings benthic, await fish to swallow the bait. Cast cast angle can use lighter fishing tackle, throw bait stuff the water area of far, take the fish of far in order to angle.

5.Note: South flow of muntjac island maritime space is larger, the need when fishing notices safety. In the meantime, to protect ocean environment, the need when fishing notices not to throw rubbish in disorder, do not catch protective animal and minor fish.

Is muntjac island driven oneself south swim strategy?

Friend, can drive only go in by ship after chela river, have a boat to arrive over there only everyday, in the morning at 10 o'clock embarkation, should probably the time of two hours arrives, steamer ticket is 125 yuan of money, expend 100 yuan into the island, arrived over there after going aboard, in island having link cling to in dock, you can sit in cling to, ticket 45 yuan, arrived on the island can oneself go playing, because be afternoon, you can go first seaside beach plays, the scenery is especially beautiful, if weather is good, can swim, that more bright. Because everyday only one wade to the boat goes in and come out to must want so,go up one in the evening, accommodation requirement is general, can be the condition of small hotel only, prevailing prices is in 150 yuan, look the following day in the morning slippery delimit lawn, take a picture in cliff edge, that is all travel tourist attraction on the island, arrived punctual at 2 o'clock midday leave an island by ship.

After should drive or taking a car to chela river, go in by ship, have a boat to arrive over there only everyday nevertheless, in the morning at 10 o'clock embarkation, should probably the time of two hours arrives, steamer ticket is to be like 125 yuan of money, expend 100 yuan into the island, arrived over there after going aboard, bus of island having link is in dock, you can take a bus, ticket estimation wants 45 yuan one, arrived on the island can oneself go playing, because be afternoon, you can go first seaside beach plays, the scenery is especially beautiful, if weather is good, can swim, that more bright. Because everyday only one wade to the boat goes in and come out to must want so,go up one in the evening, accommodation requirement is general, can be the condition of small hotel only, prevailing prices is in 150 yuan, look the following day in the morning slippery delimit lawn, take a picture in cliff edge, that is all travel tourist attraction on the island, arrived punctual at 2 o'clock midday leave an island by ship. (the price is not very fair, seeming is the price above

South does muntjac island make a round trip one day strategy?

It is unworkable. Muntjac island is located in city of Zhejiang lukewarm state south, it is a beautiful island travel resort. As a result of south urban district of lukewarm city of muntjac island space is further, and traffic is disadvantageous, the strategy making a round trip between one climate is very nervous. It is the reason is mixed below 1. Traffic time: From Wen Zhou the urban district arrives south muntjac island needs to take a ship or mosquito craft, range time is longer, need 2-3 about hour. The airliner time that make a round trip can not satisfy timeline of a day certainly. 2. Visit time: Scene of the beach that muntjac island has beauty south, island and substantial marine natural resources, the tourist can undertake float goes, phreatic water, sea angles wait for an activity. If only time of a day, the beautiful scenery that cannot fill island of the muntjac austral fission check and recreational go vacationing atmosphere. 3. Travel establishment: South the travel establishment of muntjac island is opposite less, the service such as hotel, meal may be not quite perfect. If only time of a day, the likelihood cannot find appropriate accommodation and have dinner place. If want to fill the muntjac austral fission check,insular beautiful scenery is mixed recreational go vacationing atmosphere, the proposal arranges time of at least two days. Can reserve steamer ticket and hotel ahead of schedule, reasonable arrangement journey, include to visit beach, visiting tourist attraction, sample local cate. In addition, OK still the culture history of island of the muntjac austral understanding, explore the natural zoology on the island, experience better south the distinctive glamour of muntjac island.
