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残月… 冥潮…














1. 先做该做的事,再做喜欢的事  

2. 成功是别人失败时还再坚持  

3. 只要学不死,就往死里学  

4. 没有伞的孩子只能拼命奔跑  

5. 只要学不死,就往死里学  

6. 今天浪费一分钟,来日后悔一辈子  

7. 滴水穿石战高考,激情燃烧永不悔  

8. 乘风破浪展雄才,折桂蟾宫当有时  

9. 莫道征途路漫漫,愿效滴水洞石穿  

10. 只有拼来的成功,没有等来的辉煌
















1. 丑小鸭长大后变成了漂亮的天鹅,但是大家都没注意到,因为她不会化妆。

2. 每次想减肥,却总是再一次大吃特吃,然后发誓再也不吃了,这个循环只断不续。

3. 晚上失眠的时候,总是会胡思乱想,想到自己都不认识。

4. 我们的青春献给了奖学金,但换来的只是一堆不知道如何支配的时间。

5. 生活总是充满了意外,比如一不小心就和长得像大貔貅的人做起了朋友。
















Be not the vogue of the mainstream, is lovely QQ individual character enunciative?

Qq is not mainstream individual character to sign as follows:

1, I can use how many fund, those who buy you is joyless.

2, fasten in all paths in, I like to will see tomorrow most.

3, respect her years not to have billows, respect my the remainder of one's life not joys and sorrows.

4, chronic weak feeling can corrupt a person.

5, you had not seen I cry to think I am very happy.

6, never what feeling is the same as experience, have those who have the same illness sympathize with each other only.

7, I yearn for freedom, also fear to indulge however.

8, a lot of word is being borne be disinclined to say to later.

9, the message that hopes to hear you I am OK billows not Jing.

10, your frivolous word can let my mood ameliorate.

11, the laugh that likes you, want what you love to hold in the arms.

12, you did not read aloud abracadabra, but all star drop into your eye eye.

13, each hour that does not contact also is in like you seriously.

14, I and my affliction is together, without you. 16, you are me boundless brimless one's way home. 17, you do not say open-armed word, you let me how take a risk greatly for you. 18, the life is right, it is I do not come actively up. 19, acedia, alone, give up the idea forever, be attributed to finally forget. 21, commensurate sea flows one case together dormant moon.

Take a blame mainstream or fashionable unique name?

Incomplete month... the nether world is wet...

Glacial cutting of the feet...

Pluvial evil spirit...

Rain highs...

Shed rain...

Elegant injury cabinet...

Ling Xuan flows

Does blame mainstream know him dispute main aspect?

Do not know commonly

Be not the mainstream and can not feel from personal dispute mainstream, they can think this is individual character normally release and reveal, be vogue reveal, they can feel this kind dresses up more good-looking.

Be not mainstream spirit?

Blame mainstream, show everything is mixed at that time " the mainstream " opposite concept, behavior, and the thing that produces a change accordingly. Because of,this is multivariate value concept is arisen, the person is based on the result that ego of pursuit individual character reveals. This is phenomenon of a kind of society. The generation root that is not the mainstream results from the individual character demand of ego, the melt into outside the meeting is not the idea of this kind of demand the behavior of the mainstream, bring those who be not mainstream thing to appear then.

"Great a long time is awaited, the main body that is not the mainstream is admitted by place of the masses, society hard. The history actually also absolutely. "Blame mainstream " it is to be aimed at of course " the mainstream " , "The mainstream always wants what to affirm, what to establish, delimit what, what to maintain. " the thought that the mainstream is most person, have regnant place, won't be overthrown, because " blame mainstream " it is a small number of people after all.

Be not mainstream catchword?

1.Do this thing that do first, the thing that redo likes

2.The success is others still hold to again when failure

3.Want to learn not to die only, go to dead in learn

4.The child that does not have an umbrella can run desperately only

5.Want to learn not to die only, go to dead in learn

6.Waste a minute today, some day regrets all one's life

7.The university entrance exam of battle of water constantly dripping wears holes in stone, passion burns never regret

8.Brave the wind and waves the ability that exhibit hero, palace becomes She Guichan sometimes

9.Way of Mo Daozheng way is boundless, wish stone of hole of effect drop water is worn

10.Spell the success that come only, did not wait those who come is brilliant

Be not mainstream ana?

1, the road sees rough growl, growl is over continue to go forth.

2, this innocently extraordinary, how how grade is conspicuous!

3, desire in order to promote cordial, perseverance makes the same score a high mountain with grinding.

4, continue hard, believe oneself, you can be done weller!

5, this all one's life, are you is those who will lend money still to come of repay a debt?

6, at collection bee, be too busy to harangue before the person.

7, the baptism mud that experienced fire also can have firm physique.

8, with unmindful manner, live happy-go-lucky life.

9, oneself want first him have a good opinion of, others just is met have a good opinion of you.

10, a flight of stairs that the action is a success, the action is more, ascend higher.

11, forget a person actually quite simple: Do not see, do not want base.

12, since you admit follow a path, go asking to want why how long.

Be not mainstream Duan Zi?

It is the Duan Zi of style of mainstream of a few blame below:

1.Beautiful swan became after ugly small duckling is grown, but everybody is overlooked, because she won't make up.

2.Want to reduce weight every time, always be however again engorge eats especially, pledge next also did not eat again, this loop is broken only not add.

3.In the evening insomnia when, always be can cranky, think of oneself are not known.

4.Our youth gave fellowship, but the just piles not to know how to be controlled time that changes.

5.The life always was full of an accident, the person that grows so that resemble aing mythical wild animal greatly than if do not take care,be being mixed made a friend.

These Duan Zi with relaxed humour, additional the style of kind of contrast is a characteristic, the attitude that shows main trend of a blame fully and opposite think over alive. Although these connotation that Duan Zi does not have special profundity or serious subject, but the language style that they adopt distinctive expressive form and snarl of be laughing and playing, captured detail and human nature, stayed to the person very profundity and independent impression, protruding shows a kind of different thinking and aesthetic pattern.

Is blame mainstream close justice word?

Close justice word: Additional apperception

1, blame mainstream, show everything is mixed at that time " the mainstream " opposite concept, behavior, and the thing that produces a change accordingly. Because of,this is multivariate value concept is arisen, the person is based on the result that ego of pursuit individual character reveals. This is phenomenon of a kind of society. The generation root that is not the mainstream results from the individual character demand of ego, the melt into outside the meeting is not the idea of this kind of demand the behavior of the mainstream, bring those who be not mainstream thing to appear then.

2, " great much time, the main body that is not the mainstream is admitted by place of the masses, society hard. The history actually also absolutely. "Blame mainstream " it is to be aimed at of course " the mainstream " , "The mainstream always wants what to affirm, what to establish, delimit what, what to maintain. " the thought that the mainstream is most person, have regnant place, won't be overthrown, because " blame mainstream " it is a small number of people after all.

Be not mainstream market name?

The street name that is not the mainstream for instance sow highway.

Be not mainstream lovers' prattle?

Thought again, final decision tells you, my to make a long story short: I like you.

Had taken the trials of a long journey, take your heart door not as good as one pace.

I hate to part with the person that bully, which are allowed so that others bullies.

The star tonight did not blink an eye, it is you did not laugh certainly.

Lose sight of your place, my heart hour is following you.

The eye is to use those who view the world, so I like to staring at you to look, you are my whole world.
