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1. 首先,家长们应该密切关注孩子的体温和保暖情况。尽管秋天的气温宜人,但孩子们的体温调节能力尚未完全发育,容易受到外界温度的影响,因此,合理地为他们增减衣物是必不可少的。


2. 其次,家长还应注意孩子的饮食健康。换季时孩子们的胃口可能会发生变化,喜欢某些特定的食物。为了保证孩子们摄入足够的营养和水分,家长可以适时调整饮食结构,为他们提供一些应季的水果和蔬菜,以及适量的蛋白质和谷物,避免让孩子过多食用油腻、辛辣和高热量的食品,以免引起肠胃不适和其他健康问题。

3. 再者,家长们需要关注孩子的作息时间。在换季时分,白天变短,夜晚变长,孩子们的作息习惯也会随之发生变化。家长应该合理安排孩子的作息时间,培养他们规律的作息习惯,保证充足的睡眠和适当的户外活动,这有助于调整孩子的生物钟,增强身体的免疫力,更好地适应季节的变化。

4. 家长们应该注意加强孩子的卫生保健。换季时,孩子们容易感染呼吸道疾病和肠道疾病。因此,家长应该教育孩子勤洗手,养成良好的卫生习惯;避免与生病的人密切接触,以防感染。同时,合理安排孩子的锻炼和休息时间,增强身体素质和免疫力,预防疾病的发生。

5. 关注家长群了解孩子所在幼儿园的请假情况。若请假人数较多,需考虑是否继续送孩子去幼儿园。

6. 尽量不要带孩子去人群密集的室内游乐场,避免交叉感染。

7. 培养孩子良好的卫生习惯。打喷嚏、咳嗽时用纸巾或肘部遮挡口鼻。

8. 预防感冒。秋冬季节是感冒高发期,家长应该注意孩子的体温和呼吸情况,及时增减衣物,避免孩子受凉或过热,同时保持室内空气流通,避免室内过于干燥,有助于预防感冒。

9. 保持适当运动。适当的运动可以帮助孩子增强身体素质,提高抵抗力。家长可以带孩子进行户外活动,如散步、骑车等,但要注意保暖,避免孩子出汗后受凉。

10. 注意保湿:秋冬季节天气干燥,家长需要注意孩子的皮肤保湿,可以给孩子涂抹适量的润肤露或润肤霜。避免过敏:秋冬季节也是花粉过敏高发期,家长应该注意孩子的过敏情况,尽量避免孩子接触花粉或其他过敏原。→11定期体检:秋冬季节是流感等疾病的高发期,家长应带孩子去医院进行体检,以及时发现问题并进行治疗。



1.Above all, parents should pay close attention to the child's temperature and heat preservation circumstance closely. Although autumnal air temperature is delightful, but the temperature adjustment ability of children has not be over full development, get easily the influence of external temperature, accordingly, be clothings of their increase and decrease reasonably is indispensable.

Indoors, the parent can let the child wearing light dress, with holding the body comfortable. And when outdoors activity, should put on the protective equipment such as thick dress and glove, cap to the child, in order to avoid cold and the warmth that hold the body.

2.Next, the parent still should notice the child's diet is healthy. The appetite of the children when change garments according to the season may produce change, like certain and specific food. Absorb enough nutrition and moisture to assure children, the parent is OK and timely adjust dietary structure, offer for them a few should the fruit of season and vegetable, and right amount protein and cereal, avoid to make the child overmuch edible is fat, acrimony the food that measures with high fever, lest cause intestines and stomach unwell with other and healthy problem.

3.Moreover, parents need to pay close attention to time of work and rest. In time of change garments according to the season, shorten by day, night lengthens, the habit of work and rest of children also can produce change subsequently. The parent should be reasonable the time of work and rest that arranges the child, develop the habit of work and rest of their rule, assure enough sleep and proper outdoors activity, this conduces to the biological clock that adjusts the child, enhance the immune power of the body, get used to seasonal change better.

4.Parents should notice to strengthen the child's hygiene. When change garments according to the season, children contract respiratory tract disease and alvine path disease easily. Accordingly, the parent should teach the child diligent wash one's hands, the sanitation with good nurturance is used to; Avoid as intimate as ailing person contact, affect in case. In the meantime, of reasonable arrangement child take exercise and breathing space, enhance fitness and immune power, prevent the happening of the disease.

5.Attention parent group understand what the child is in nursery school to ask for leave circumstance. If ask for leave the number is more, need to consider to whether continue to send the child to go nursery school.

6.Do not look after children as far as possible go the indoor pleasure ground with dense throng, prevent alternate infection.

7.Develop the child's good wholesome habit. Paper towel or bazoo of mouth of elbow keep out are used when sneeze, cough.

8.Precaution catchs a cold. Autumn winter season is cold tall hair period, the parent should note the child's temperature and breathing case, clothings of seasonable increase and decrease, avoid child catch cold catch cold or overheat, maintain indoor airiness at the same time, avoid indoor too dry, conduce to precautionary cold.

9.Hold proper campaign. Proper motion can help the child enhance fitness, increase strength. The parent can look after children have outdoors activity, if take a walk, wait by bike, but should notice heat preservation, prevent the catch cold catch cold after the child perspires.

10.The attention protects wet: Weather of autumn winter season is dry, the skin that the parent needs to notice the child is protected wet, can give child daub right amount embellish skin dew or embellish skin frost. Avoid allergy: Autumn winter season also is pollen allergy tall hair period, the parent should note allergic case of the child, avoid the child to contact pollen or other allergen as far as possible. → 11 fixed check-up: The tall hair that autumn winter season is the disease such as flu period, the parent should look after children go to a hospital undertaking check-up, have treatment with discovering a problem in time.

12 attentions of → are indoor air quality: Air of autumn winter season is dry and easy cause indoor pollution, the parent should notice to hold indoor and ventilated take a breath, reduce the generation of indoor contaminant.
