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1、 人就像田地里的庄稼,既要享受大自然的阳光雨露,也要遭受风雨雷电的考验,如此才能硕果累累。

2、 被满眼的绿色环绕着,她站在树林中沐浴着光的温度。仿佛所有的美好都停留在这一刻,尽情的享受大自然吧! ​

3、 好久没有看到这么美丽且迷人的风景了,有空时,不如放慢脚步,享受着来自大自然带给我们帅气的一瞬间 ​

4、 最爱的人都在身边~享受大自然此刻的静谧

5、 鸟声,流水声,让人相逢宁静中!享受大自然,享受与同在的乐趣!

6、 青山蓝天已按耐不住对春的向往,用不着费心酝酿锦词佳句来抒情张扬,我们在阳光下坐着,享受这个大自然给予我们的馈赠,一阵微风让我们的思绪随风而荡。

7、 事实证明,人类还是喜欢亲近大自然的,穿梭在植物丛中,享受着鸟语花香,感觉棒极了。 ​

8、 唯愿岁月安好,享受大自然的赐予,珍惜似水流年的日子……

9、 大自然的瑰宝真是无穷无尽,每次上山都有意外惊喜,享受这种汗水换来收获的喜悦!

10、 五月花开,想和你一起赏玩这最美的大围山!五月是一个神奇的季节,一瞬间,杜鹃花全开了,这个时候就可以和好友去欣赏一下美景,放松一下心情!享受大自然带给我们的欢乐~

11、 学会跟虫儿鸟儿和谐共处,才能安然享受大自然给我们的回馈

12、 出来散散心,呼吸空气,享受阳光,感受大自然蛮好的,要有一颗感恩的心

13、 天气真好!一起去郊游吧,拥抱大自然,呼吸清新的空气,享受悠闲和温馨。

14、 我喜欢大自然,拥抱着你,享受着生活中的快乐

15、 悠闲的生活,也必须要有一种恬静的心地和乐天旷达的观念,以及一个能尽情玩赏大自然的胸怀方能享受。

16、 暖阳午后,没有一路的颠簸,伴随着山林里鸟儿如歌般的鸣叫,这一刻浮躁的心也顷刻的安静了下来,也洗净了一路的疲惫,享受着大自然在这时刻带来的愉悦。

17、 天气好,阳光明媚,保护大自然,享受大自然

18、 不知何时起,开始喜欢各种民宿,特别是山野林间的那种。逢周末节假日,就会带着妻子女儿一起远离城市的喧嚣,去寻那片刻的宁静。白天花鸟虫叫,享受大自然的馈赠,和一群“宿友”谈论天地。夜间静谧,喝上一杯茶,看上几页书,陪女儿睡前游戏。就这么慢慢的,慢慢的,让时间慢下来。享受这一生。 ​

19、 春夏之间的阳光是最迷人,时而如春天般和煦,时而又有着初夏的穿透力。

20、 今天出来本打算吊床和铺垫两个都用,到了一看吊床绳没了,是上次丢了。只好把鞋带解下来解决了吊床能照常使用。今天郊外很好,小风吹的比室内空调爽。有时间还是多享受大自然的恩赐啊,纯天然的舒服~


1, the person resembles the crops in cropland, want to enjoy the sunshine favour of nature already, also want to undergo the test of harships thunder, again and again of such ability great achievements.

2, move be surroundinged by the green of eyeful, her station is worn in the bath in the woods smooth temperature. As if all happiness stay in this momently, to the top of one's bent enjoy nature! ?

3, did not see for ages so beautiful and attractive scenery, at one's leisure, be inferior to rein in footstep, enjoying come from nature bring us handsome flashy?

4, the person that loves most is beside ~ enjoys nature at the moment quiet

5, bird sound, running water sound, let a person meet halcyon in! Enjoy nature, enjoy with the fun that is in together!

6, green hill blue sky already was pressed be unable to bear right spring yearning, not need give a lot of care brews well-turned phrase of bright and beautiful word coming lyric make public, we are sitting below sunshine, enjoy this nature to give our gift, a breeze lets our feeling follows wind and swing.

7, factual proof, the mankind still likes to be close to nature, move back and forth in plant clump, enjoying charactizing a fine spring day, feel extremely marvellous. ?

8, wish only years is well, enjoy nature bestow, the time that cherishs the fleeting time that be like water...

9, the gem of nature is really endless, go up every time hill has accident surprise, enjoy this kind of sweat to change the joyance of results!

10, the flower left in May, want and your delight in this is the most beautiful surround hill greatly! May is a magical season, flashy, azalea a standard-sized sheet, this time can admire beautiful scenery with the good friend, loosen the mood! Enjoy nature to bring our happy ~

11, the society follows insect bird is harmonious coexist, ability enjoys what nature gives us pass on peacefully

12, come out to come loose beguilement, breathing air, enjoy sunshine, it is good to experience nature pretty, want to have a heart that be thankful

13, weather is really good! Go for an outing together, embrace nature, breathe fresh air, enjoy mix leisurely sweet.

14, I like nature, embracing you, enjoying the pleasure in the life

15, carefree life, also must want to have the idea of a person's mind of a kind of peaceful and carefree broad-minded, and can to the top of one's bent the bosom of enjoy nature just can be enjoyed.

16, after warm Yang Wu, not all the way bumpy, accompanying the bird in mountain forest cantabile like bleat, this momently blundering heart also of instantly quiet come down, abluent also all the way exhaustion, those who enjoying nature to be brought in this hour is cheerful.

17, weather is good, sunshine is beautiful, protect nature, enjoy nature

18, do not know when to rise, begin to like all sorts of civilian constellation, especially between Shan Yelin the sort of. Holiday of Feng Zhou minor details, what can take wife daughter to be far from a city together is blatant, those who go finding that moment is halcyon. Bug of painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style cries by day, enjoy the gift of nature, and a flock of " Su You " discuss scope of operation. Nightly and quiet, drink on one cup of tea, settle on book of a few pages, accompany the play before the daughter sleeps. so slowly, slowly, make time slow come down. Enjoy this lifetime. ?

19, the sunshine between Chun Xiazhi is the most attractive, from time to time is vernal like spring, from time to time is having Chu Xia's penetration again.

20, come out to plan originally today hammock and matting are used twice, arrived to saw hammock rope do not have, it is to be lost last. Be forced to came to bootlace unship to solve hammock can as usual is used. Outskirts is very good today, small wind blows than bright of indoor air conditioning. What time still enjoys nature more bestow, pure natural comfortable ~
