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  日本的松下幸之助   大自然的启示   春天的嫩芽一日一日茁长。

当我的思虑仍停留在小小的嫩叶上时,那嫩叶却在我不注意的当口儿,摇身长成饱满的绿叶了。     我惊讶自然界迅速的变化,它一刻不停地活动、成长、改变着。一片绿叶在和风与阳光孕育的大自然中,时时刻刻涌现着无穷的生命力。     小小白花,静静地承受风吹雨打。不知那是什么花,然而在淅淅沥沥落个不停的雨中,竟发出闪亮的光彩,雨珠一滴滴从绿叶的尖上悄悄然滚落,那娇弱引人怜爱的花姿,突然给人一种心情舒畅的感觉。     雨要下就下吧,风要吹就吹吧,花瓣浸润在雨中摇颤着,它的根虽细小,却稳固地纠结于土地之中。     雨要下就下吧,风要吹就吹吧,风风雨雨总有停时;当风雨停时,小白花仍骄傲地抬着头。经过风雨的磨炼和洗礼,小白花的花瓣愈加洁白,绿叶更加鲜绿,它仍然坚毅地绽放。     小鸟鼓动着翅膀朝天空飞去,不知飞向何方,那小巧的身躯一直飞离视线之外。     当雨停止时,它拍动着弱小的翅膀,敞开喉咙,鸟声啁啾地回荡在空中。     雨要下就下吧,风要吹就吹吧。与大自然依存而生的小花与小鸟啊,当我们回顾人类这种栖栖惶惶的度日方式,或许该效法小花小鸟,那与大自然相辅相成的和谐步调。     云,快快慢慢、大大小小、白白淡淡、高高低低,没有一刻保持着相同的模样。     仿佛是溃散崩离,又不像在溃散崩离中;一瞬间、一瞬间变化着的云朵,在深蓝色的夏日天空中,以各式各样的姿态飘然而过。     云朵的变化,恰似人的心,人的命运。人的心也是天天都在变动,因此,人的际遇也是昨日不同于今日。     编织成明明暗暗、各式各样的人生,那分分秒秒都变幻莫测的人生际遇与命运,不禁使人为之又喜又叹。     喜也罢,悲也罢,人生仿佛流云,时时在移动变化,不做片刻的停留。     若是人的思绪也有定则可循,就算不时会心慌意乱,终究会令人泰然自若。     所以,纵然欢喜,也不必得意忘形;纵然悲戚,也不必怨天尤人。若每个人都能保持坦诚、谦虚的胸怀,在自己的工作岗位上,认真负责地工作,必可体会出那漫长人生中的无穷情趣。     在人生旅途中,不时穿插崇山峻岭般的起起伏伏,时而风吹雨打、困顿难行;时而雨过天晴,鸟语花香。总希望能够振作精神,克服困难,继续奔向前程。     在那山头上,孕育着人生的新希望。


Zhuo grow the tender bud of the revelatory   spring of the nature aiding   of the favour below Japanese pine.

The consider carefully that becomes me still stays in small tender Xie Shangshi, then tender Xie Que is in I carelessly this or that very moment, shake height becomes full greenery. I am open-eyed the change with rapid nature, it keeps momently activity, grow, changing. A greenery is in the nature of zephyr and sunshine be pregnant with, momently emerge in large numbers is worn boundless vitality. Small Bai Hua, bear silently wind blows rain to hit. Knowing that is what flower, be in however wash rice drop of the sound of rain falls a ceaseless rain is medium, give out ablaze glorious unexpectedly, a drop rolls pluvial bead like that stealthily on the needle from greenery fall, that is delicate and fetching fondly beautiful appearance, give a person suddenly a kind of pleasurable sense. Rain should fall, wind should be blown be blown, petaline soak shakes in rain quivering, although its root is petty, kink of firm however ground at land in. Rain should fall, wind should be blown be blown, wind storm rain always has when stopping; When harships stops, small Bai Hua still is carrying haughtily first. Through the training of harships and ablution, the petaline all the more of small Bai Hua is white, greenery is more bright green, it still blossoms sturdily. Birdie agitate is worn wing government sky flies, do not know to fly to He Fang, one non-stop flight to leaves that cabinet body besides the line of sight. When rain stops, it is patted moving puny wing, open wide throat, bird sound chatters ground resound is in sky. Rain should fall, wind should be blown be blown. With nature depend on sb or sth for existence unripe floret and birdie, review the mankind when us of in a state of anxiety of dwell of this kind of dwell live means, should follow the example of floret birdie probably, the harmonious foot that that and nature supplement each other. The cloud, fast speed is greatly slow, little, for nothing light, tall on any account is small, maintaining same appearance momently. Asing if is collapse of break the ranks leaves, unlike leaves in collapse of break the ranks in; The Yun Duo that flashy, flashy change wears, in blue-black summer sky, pass with sundry attitude floating in the air. Yun Duo's change, just be like the person's heart, the person's destiny. The person's heart also is changing every day, accordingly, the person's fortune also is different yesterday now. Braid the life with bright dark, sundry light and shade, the life favourable or unfavourable turns in life with unpredicatable second of minutes of that minute seconds and destiny, can't help making the person is fond of again for it sigh again. Happy event, bei, life seems shed the cloud, change in shift constantly, do not do moment stay. If the person's feeling also has rule but abide, even if often can lose his balance, can make a person imperturbable after all. So, even if jubilate, also do not must meaning be beside oneself; Even if Bei relative, also need not blame everyone and everything but not oneself. If everybody can maintain openness, modest mind, on oneself working station, work responsibly seriously, can experience that boundless appeal in long life surely. In life journey, often alternate like high mountain ridges case rise and fall volt, wind of from time to time blows rain to hit, tired out goes hard; From time to time thes sun shines again after rain, charactizing a fine spring day. Total hope can get up steam, overcome difficulty, continue to go straight towards forward Cheng. On that hilltop, be pregnant with is worn the new hope of life.

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