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埃及金字塔别名? 埃及金字塔介绍?英文双语对照


埃及金字塔别名? 埃及金字塔介绍?英文双语对照















截止2019年6月,埃及共发现金字塔96座。 现在的尼罗河下游,散布着约80座金字塔遗迹。 大小不一,其中最高大的是胡夫金字塔,高146.5米,底长230米,共用230万块平均每块2.5吨的石块砌成,占地52000平方公尺。 石块之间没有任何黏着物,靠石块的相互叠压和咬合垒成。



胡夫金字塔的地理坐标是29°58′43.72〃N31°08′02.31〃E。 位于埃及首都开罗西南约10公里吉萨高地的胡夫金字塔是埃及现存规模最大的金字塔,被喻为“世界古代七大奇迹”之一。 

建于公元前2690年左右,原高146.5米,因年久风化,顶端剥落10米,现高136.5米;底座每边长230多米,三角面斜度51°,塔底面积5.29万平方米。 塔身由230万块石头砌成,每块石头平均重2.5吨。据说,10万人用了20年的时间才得以建成。该金字塔内部的通道对外开放,该通道设计精巧,计算精密,令人赞叹。


胡夫金字塔,也称大金字塔,建于公元前 2560 年,塔高146.5米,因年久风化,顶端剥落10米,现高136.5米。塔身是用230万块石料堆砌而成,大小不等的石料重达1.5吨至160吨.胡夫金子塔的重量是176万吨





















Egypt pyramid alias?

Egypt pyramid, be like,every pyramid has its name: Pyramid of introduced from the northern and western nationalities or from abroad husband, Ha Fu pulls pyramid and pyramid of door card corvee labor formerly imposed on Xizang serfs.

The basis is architectural, pyramid points to pyramid building. Have Egypt pyramid famously, still Ma elegant pyramid, A Ci overcomes pyramid especially (sun pyramid, moon pyramid) etc. Of relevant ancient civilization first civilian people regard pyramid as important commemorative sex to build.

Does Egypt pyramid introduce?

1, the pyramid of Egypt (Pyramids) before was being built 4500, it is Gu Ai and law old (namely kingly) the mausoleum with queen. Mausoleum is the square cone-shaped structure that builds build by laying bricks or stones to become with huge block, because of Chinese character of be similar in shape " gold " word, reason interpret is made " pyramid " . The pyramid that Egypt heretofore already discovered large volume is minor 110, establish Yu Ai and ancient dynasty period mostly.

2, in the pyramid that already discovered in Egypt, the biggest the famousest is the grandparent and grandchild on the auspicious Sa upland that is located in Caire southwest face 3 acting pyramid. They are big pyramid (also call Hu Fu pyramid) , Hai Fu pulls pyramid and pyramid of door card corvee labor formerly imposed on Xizang serfs, with numerous small pyramid forms pyramid all round its group, build artistic summit for Egypt pyramid.

Does Egypt grow by the side of pyramid?

Original height is big pyramid 146.7 meters, hemline circumference is 921.5 meters. Of hemline circumference and height than be 2 π , namely well-known circumferential rate π (3.1416) 2 times.

Well-known, there are a lot of pyramids on the world, size is endless and same, but scale is identical however. The underside circumference of big pyramid 230.36 meters, for 362.31 libraries bit (Gu Ai and unit of a kind of magnanimity) , this number and the day in a year count close.

The original height of big pyramid 146.7 meters (already collapsed now fall to 137.3 meters) by with 1 billion, approximate the earth to arrive the distance between the sun. 4 base grow big pyramid the sum, except double with height, it is namely 3.14 -- circumferential rate. The weight of big pyramid itself multiplies on 7 × the 1015 weight that are the earth fitly.

The square of big pyramid height, it is 21520 meters about, and its side area is 21481 square metre, these two numbers are almost equal.

Is Egypt pyramid diploid?

Earth of 100 million = goes to L0 of pyramid tower tall × the distance of the sun 150 million kilometer

Egypt how many pyramid?

End in June 2019, egypt discovers pyramid in all 96. Present Nile is downstream, about 80 dispersed pyramid are vestigial. Size is differ, among them the loftiest is pyramid of introduced from the northern and western nationalities or from abroad husband, 146.5 meters tall, the end is 230 meters long, common 2.3 million average every 2.5 tons block build by laying bricks or stones is become, cover an area of 52000 square meter. There are any stick together contents between block, those who rely on block is mutual fold press and occlusive base is become.

Before the pyramid of kingly Hafola, still standing tall and upright the sphinx of an indicative and kingly influence and dignity. The monarch that Egypt pyramid is ancient Egypt (the law is old) mausoleum. One of 7 big miracles of world. The amount is numerous, widespread. Caire southwest Nile Gu Chengmeng poors on the west this the pyramid of one belt is the one share that owns concentration

Egypt pyramid position?

The geographical coordinate of pyramid of introduced from the northern and western nationalities or from abroad husband is 29 ° 43.72 〃 of 58 ′ 08 ′ of N31 ° 2.31 〃 E. Be located in southwest of Egypt capital Caire to make an appointment with the pyramid of introduced from the northern and western nationalities or from abroad husband of upland of Sa of 10 kilometers auspicious is Egypt the pyramid with existent the largest scale, be by analogy " world ancient time 7 big miracles " one of.

Build at BC to was controlled 2690, former 146.5 meters tall, because of year long efflorescent, top flakes 10 meters, now 136.5 meters tall; Base grows many meters 230 by the side of every, trigonometry face rake 51 ° , tower underside accumulates fifty-two thousand nine hundred square metre. Tower is become by build by laying bricks or stones of 2.3 million stone, every stone weighs 2.5 tons on average. Allegedly, 100 thousand person used time of 20 years to just be able to build. The passageway of this pyramid interior opens to the outside world, this passageway designs choiceness, computation is accurate, your person gasps in admiration.

Egypt pyramid weight?

Pyramid of introduced from the northern and western nationalities or from abroad husband, also weigh big pyramid, build at BC 2560, the tower is 146.5 meters tall, because of year long efflorescent, top flakes 10 meters, now 136.5 meters tall. Tower is become with load one's writing with fancy phrases of 2.3 million stone, the stone that size differs hefts 1.5 tons to reach 160 tons. The weight of tower of gold of introduced from the northern and western nationalities or from abroad husband is 1.76 million tons

The mystery of Egypt pyramid?


1, pyramid is mysterious the mystery of energy

2, law old abracadabra

3, Tulagu's slash exploration

4, the chiliad after moving a plant to die not corrupt

5, body of person face lion resembles

6, private channel and complete boat

7, architectural of pyramid of introduced from the northern and western nationalities or from abroad husband is secret

8, mould of stone osculant

9, the 200th person that is dropped dead

10, the function with wonderful pyramid

The mystery presence that did not explain about Egypt pyramid is made old, present science develops quite, but some enigma still cannot be solved.

Egypt pyramid dimension?

Egypt: of present pyramid of Er of left a place of strategic importance? ?8 rice, hemline dimension is rice of 121 meters of X109.

(of Egypt pyramid brief introduction?

Egypt pyramid (Pyramids) according to legend is Gu Ai and law old (kingly) mausoleum, but archaeologist never has the mummy with old law has been found in pyramid. Pyramid is main popular Yu Ai and ancient regnal period. Mausoleum base is a square, it is 4 equal triangles on four sides (namely square cone) , profile is similar of the Chinese character " gold " word, reason Chinese calls pyramid. Pyramid is one of 8 big miracles of archaic world. Egypt pyramid only then build at BC before 2600, share more than 100, in the desert that is located in highland of Sa of Caire southwest auspicious for the most part, it is the world is accepted " 8 big miracles of archaic world " one of.

Among them, the the biggest, famousest is grandparent and grandchild 3 acting pyramid -- Hu Fu pyramid, Ha Fu pulls pyramid and pyramid of door card corvee labor formerly imposed on Xizang serfs.

Among them, with Hu Fu pyramid is most grand, it is equivalent to a more than 50 building. Allegedly burning sun of the top of head of 100 thousand people works below the blacksnake of oversee, used path of time build stone and catacomb, used 20 years of time again ability build by laying bricks or stones becomes tower, whole project last a period of time more than 30 years. Think commonly, pyramid is Gu Ai and law old (kingly) mausoleum. Egypt pyramid is up to now the oldest building group one of, mix into the most influential for Gu Ai and civilization force symbolize abidingly one of, much builds these pyramid to be mixed at Egypt ancient kingdom in regnal period.

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