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每年的5月25日是全国大学生心理健康日,"5·25"的谐音即为"我爱我",提醒大学生"珍惜生命,关爱自己"。核心内容是:关爱自我,了解自我,接纳自己,关注自己的心理健康和心灵成长,提高自身心理素质,进而爱别人,爱社会。 大学生对心理健康的概念很模糊,甚至有误解,不到了药物治疗的程度,就不承认自己存在心理障碍。例如:大学新生的心理问题是适应性和与人沟通的问题,二、三年级学生则以情感人际关系和自我成长等问题为主,而毕业生主要是就业压力等问题。所以引导他们增强心理健康意识,提高自我调适能力更有意义。 把这样一个意义重大的日子定在5月25日,是用心挑选的。首先,5月4日是五四青年节,长久以来,5月本身就被人们赋予了和年轻人一样的活力和激情。作为新一代的年轻人,首选的活动当然是5月。其次,鉴于大学生缺乏对心理健康知识的了解,由此导致缺乏对自己心理问题的认识,所以,"心理健康日"活动就是要提倡大学生爱自己,珍爱自己的生命,把握自己的机会,为自己创造更好的成才之路,并由珍爱自己发展到关爱他人,关爱社会。 心理学家将大学生心理健康的标准描述为以下几点: ①有适度的安全感,有自尊心,对自我的成就有价值感。 ②适度地自我批评,不过分夸耀自己也不过分苛责自己。 ③在日常生活中,具有适度的主动性,不为环境所左右。 ④理智,现实,客观,与现实有良好的接触,能容忍生活中挫折的打击,无过度的幻想。 ⑤适度地接受个人的需要,并具有满足此种需要的能力。 ⑥有自知之明,了解自己的动机和目的,能对自己的能力作客观的估计。 ⑦能保持人格的完整与和谐,个人的价值观能适应社会的标准,对自己的工作能集中注意力。 ⑧有切合实际的生活目标。 ⑨具有从经验中学习的能力,能适应环境的需要改变自己。 ⑩有良好的人际关系,有爱人的能力和被爱的能力。在不违背社会标准的前提下,能保持自己的个性,既不过分阿谀,也不过分寻求社会赞许,有个人独立的意见,有判断是非的标准。 保定市世纪阳光心理咨询中心李军旗博士呼吁:近年来,由于心理问题造成的大学生行为偏差的个案不断增多。目前中国大学生存在的心理问题呈增多趋势,众多诱因导致大学生成为心理弱势群体,社会各界必须从认识上、行动上充分重视这一问题,帮助“天之骄子”重新拥有阳光般明媚的健康心理。


Annual May 25 is day of countrywide undergraduate mental health, "The homophonic of 5 · 25" is " namely I love my " , remind an undergraduate " values life, him care " . Is core content: ? Illicit of  of dizzy Yao of  of an ancient type of spoon ans enclosure for storing grain deep and remote spoon of dizzy Yao  makes an appointment with ⒆ of sea  cut down to make an appointment with hack of drought male harmonious] the island holds Gou of  of herd mallet sanded ぃ in the palm well quail of  of  of  of  of remnant of Piao of Mang of harmonious of Nao of fall from the sky makes fun of undergraduate of? of curtain of   black to mental health, have misunderstanding even, was less than medicationed degree, do not admit oneself are put in psychogenic disorder. For example: ? Scabbard of dainty of serve of Zhai of male harmonious of  of Gou  law inspects meat and fish dishes of π courtyard Tuo this raw meat or fish of last of Yun of Kuo of  of  of caboodle of covered with clouds of  of ⑷ of  of  of Guo of serve of low ǖ Nai is thought of make さ of sand of dizzy page of impossible island appropriate holds the post of  of glare of bowstring of  of  of sole of  of serve crusty pancake Tao, choose attentively. Above all, may 4 is 54 youth day, for quite a long time, itself was gifted by people in May the vigor with the youth and passion. As the youth of new generation, the activity of first selection was May of course. Next, lack the understanding of pair of mental health knowledge in view of the undergraduate, bring about the understanding that lacks pair of him psychology issues from this, so, "Activity of " of mental health day should advocate an undergraduate to love his namely, treasure oneself life, grasp oneself opportunity, create the district of nicer become a useful person for oneself, and by treasure oneself to recruit care another person, care society. Psychologist the following of standard described as undergraduate mental health: ① has measurable safe feeling, have proper pride, valuable to the achievement of ego feeling. ② moderate land self-criticism, not beyond the mark and pretentious oneself criticize severely oneself not overly also. ③ is in daily life, have modest initiative, do not be environmental place left and right sides. ④ reason, actual, objective, have good contact with reality, the blow of the setback in can patient life, without exceeding illusion. ⑤ accepts the individual's need moderately, have the capacity that satisfies this kind of need. ⑥ has self-knowledge, realize oneself motive and goal, can make objective estimation to his ability. What ⑦ can maintain moral quality is complete with harmony, the individual's viewpoint of value can get used to social standard, the job to oneself can focus attention. ⑧ has the life cause with real suit. ⑨ has the capacity that learns from inside experience, can the need of acclimatization changes him. ⑩ has good human concern, have the sweetheart's ability and the capacity that are loved. Below the premise that does not violate social standard, can retain oneself individual character, both neither is fawned on overly, seek a society not overly also to speak favorably of, have the individual's independent opinion, have the level that judges dispute. Doctor of Li Jun banner appeals referral center of psychology of sunshine of Baoding city century: In recent years, a record of the undergraduate behavior error that causes as a result of psychological problem is uninterrupted grow in quantity. The psychological problem that at present Chinese undergraduate exists shows trend of grow in quantity, numerous inducement brings about an undergraduate to make group of psychological weak force, social all circles must go up from understanding, act to take this one problem seriously adequately, help " an unusually lucky person " have the beautiful healthy mentality like sunshine afresh.
