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1. soft pace

Stand naturally. Left leg genu and instep stretch tight to be extended ahead continuously, instep is outward, transfer by tiptoe complete sole be born, before the heart is followed, the body moves again, change right leg to reach fall to the ground ahead again then, two legs undertake alternately according to this, around of two arms nature swings.

The movement wants a place: Swing the leg goes out to transfer by tiptoe to extension forward complete sole be born, reach of centre of gravity, receive an abdomen to establish a waist, the look is flat inspect, the movement wants natural, downy.

Pace of 2. sufficient needle

When doing sufficient needle to walk, the knee joint that strides a leg and instep stretch tight straight outside exhibit, chela palm should transfer from tiptoe when be born. Sufficient follow to rise as far as possible, the upper part of the body straight, receive an abdomen to establish a waist, straight arm swings.

Bipod is consistent lift heel, akimbo. Left leg genu and instep stretch tight to be extended ahead continuously (tiptoe is a bit outward) , transfer to be propped up to chela palm be born by tiptoe, reach of centre of gravity, two legs undertake alternately.

The movement wants a place: Body integrity, receive an abdomen to establish a waist, step is even and should not be too big, ankle of the ability to walk that prop up stands adequately up. The movement wants natural, harmonious, raise heel, core is stable.

3. jumps pace

Jump pace exercise is to enhance power of lower limbs muscle, those who raise harmonious sex is the most effective exercise one of methods. Already OK and single act has a practice repeatedly, also can jump a few pace combination has a practice together.

Commutative leg jumps: It is sheet of different side leg remove what sheet falls to jump pace, one foot footfall takes off to step oningly, be born of the another foot after the leg is exchanged in sky.

Turn places to jump before: One leg takes a step to take off to step oningly ahead, place before another leg, at the same time turn 180 ° , be born of take off foot (the sheet since sheet falls) , swing lift after the leg.

Step jump pace: By two pat finished steps, include to have straight knee, the reachs turn distinct change of bend one's knees.

With common bedspring pace left foot is exemple, bipod is consistent lift heel, akimbo. Left foot is forward one pace, at the same time a bit bend one's knees crouchs partly, focus changes to left foot. Left foot unbend lifts heel, next right leg is forward at the same time extending, genu and instep stretch tight straight. Right leg is forward one pace, at the same time a bit bend one's knees crouchs partly, focus changes to right leg. Right leg unbend lifts heel, next left leg is forward at the same time extending, genu and instep stretch tight straight.

The movement wants a place: Complete sole transfers to answer by tiptoe when giving a base downy be born, have control the ground is ordinal curve ankle, knee joint, catch genu of ordinal and sufficient unbend, ankle, centre of gravity up. Establish heel, integrity thing upper part of the body establishs a waist, step shoulds not be too big. Movement should downy, coherent, bouncy, step moderate.

6. wave Er blocks a pace

Boerka is general and commonly used steps, it has relaxed, lively characteristic. Have card of Er of straight genu wave and card of Er of wave of bend one's knees commonly, can do forward, side, hind reach turn action.

With straight genu forward Boerka is exemple, natural pose stands, akimbo. Right leg is small jump, next left leg unbend is forward at the same time lifting. Left foot is forward be born, right leg subsequently as consistent as left foot, at the same time two arms are in left before next lifting, control up, the upper part of the body a bit left-hand rotation, left foot is forward one pace, two arms maintain side next lifting, left leg is then small jump, fall before right leg unbend at the same time lift. Change right leg to do, the movement is contrary, two tactics is reductive to akimbo. Er of wave of bend one's knees blocks behavioral ibid, only before when lifting a leg, answer a bit bend one's knees, exhibit genu unbend again forward be born.

The movement wants a place: The upper part of the body should cooperate to coordinate with the head, the movement is relaxed, lively, harmonious. Before the section small beat should block ongoing way according to wave Er and beat, small after jumping and the pace jumps should fast and coherent, centre of gravity wants reach subsequently.

7. waltz pace

Waltz is commonly used steps, have lightsome, beautiful, fluent distinguishing feature, behavioral form change is diversiform, but forward, backward, reach to side, turn run move undertake. This movement with 3 pat finish, the waltz music that 3/4 pats is used when doing.

(1) forward waltz

It is with left foot exemple, bipod and approach lifts heel, two arms side is lifted. Left foot makes soft step ahead, be born a bit bend one's knees, before centre of gravity is followed, move, right leg begins to make sufficient pointed step twice ahead. In 3 paces process, cooperate left arm to make wave. When left foot is done, repeat above act, the movement is contrary.

The movement wants a place: The step of 3 paces wants equal, the movement rises and fall should natural, receive an abdomen to establish a waist, centre of gravity follows a step and move. The movement is harmonious, coherent, downy, step is equal.

(2) retreat waltz

The movement is the same as forward waltz pace, recede only do. The first pace but some more largish, the body turns a bit subsequently, at the same time two arms cooperate around to make the same score place.

(3) waltz pace

It is with left foot exemple, stand naturally, lift on the right side of two arms. Left foot makes soft step to side, when be born a bit bend one's knees, focus changes subsequently to left leg. The palm before right leg steps after left calcaneal, right leg unbend establishs heel, left foot and right leg are then consistent lift heel. Be in 3 in taking behavioral course, place to before two arms classics left lift.

(4) turn waltz pace

It is with left foot exemple, bipod is consistent lift heel, akimbo. Left foot is forward soft pace, a bit bend one's knees, right leg is forward sufficient pointed condition, at the same time towards the left turns body 90 ° , left foot becomes sufficient pointed condition and right base consistent into carry heel to stand, continue at the same time turn of towards the left 90 ° . Right leg begins, criterion the act is same, way is opposite.

The movement wants a place: In 2, 3 pat make sufficient pointed step while have turn 180 ° . Receive an abdomen to establish a waist, body integrity. Turn beard is accurate, coherent, rise and fall natural, downy.

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