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孝感有哪些特色美食? 孝感有哪些特色美食小吃?英文双语对照


孝感有哪些特色美食? 孝感有哪些特色美食小吃?英文双语对照






1,麻糖 孝感麻糖以香、甜、薄、脆的独特风味闻名于世,其显著特点是:香而不艳、甜而不腻、回味无穷。原料无任何化学污染,产品无任何添加剂,是一种天然绿色食品。

2,云梦鱼面 “云梦鱼面”是用面粉及青鱼、鲤鱼(或草鱼)鱼肉为主料制作而成食品,是湖北地区的名吃。主产于湖北省云梦县,并因此而得名。这种食品营养十分丰富,食之易于消化吸收,并具有温补益气的作用,被人们美誉为“长寿面”。

3,宫廷烤鸡 "宫廷烤鸡"乃昔日皇宫御膳。据故宫博物院史学专家介绍,明末清初时期,皇帝要滋补类长寿食物,要求既健身,又不苦。

4,松花皮蛋 早在明末清初,本县专门从事饲鸭的湖区农民,开始利用鸭蛋加工制成皮蛋,迄今已有300多年历史。所制皮蛋个大质优,蛋白部分为半透明体,呈茶褐色,光泽晶亮,有明显的松花纹理。

5,大悟板栗 板栗是大悟县内主要特产之一,主要产地为宣化、丰店、三里、芳畈等山乡,年产量达500万公斤以上。其中,板栗重镇宣化店年产量在300万公斤以上,全县“板栗第一村”张墩村年产量达30余万公斤。 来源:-孝感































One, what characteristic cate does filial piety feeling have?

Rice wine of filial piety feeling is the famousest, very much big supermarket sells their rice wine

2, what characteristic cate does filial piety feeling have fastfood?

Those who eat is very much but which is knowing prop put oneself in another's position, rice wine stuffed dumplings masse of glutinous rice flour served in soup, white beautiful dish. Ginkgo. Sweet-scented osmanthus cake. Boiled dumpling dumpling. Deep-fried twisted dough sticks of fried dough twist.

3, in the characteristic cate that filial piety feels, what is what you like most?

1, candy of hemp of feeling of hemp candy filial piety with sweet, sweet, thin, clear distinctive local color famed at the world, its are remarkable the characteristic is: Sweet and not colourful, sweet and not be bored with, aftertaste is boundless. Raw material does not have any chemical pollution, the product does not have any additive, it is food of a kind of natural green.

2, noodle of cloud dream fish " Yun Mengyu face " it is shortbread and black carp, carp (or grass carp) cruelly oppress is given priority to makings make and become food, the name that is Hubei area eats. Advocate originate in Hubei to save cloud dream county, get a name because of this. Nutrition of this kind of food is very rich, digest what feed easily absorb, have the effect of warm benefiting air, by people beauty praise for " macrobian face " .

3, " of the chicken of palace of " of the palace chicken that bake that bake is in former days palace drive board. Introduce according to expert of historiography of museum of the Imperial Palace, the period at the beginning of Ming Moqing, the emperor wants nourishing kind of macrobian food, requirement already fitness, do not suffer from again.

4, egg of preserved egg skin is early at the beginning of Ming Moqing, this county is engaged in the lake area farmer of raise duck technically, begin to use duck's egg treatment to make leather egg, heretofore already had 300 old histories. What make leather egg great qualitative actor, albumen part is translucent body, show dark brown, burnish brilliant is bright, have apparent preserved egg grain.

5, realizing Chinese chestnut Chinese chestnut greatly is to realize a county greatly inside one of main special local product, main source is changed for announce, abundant inn, 3 lis, the mountain area such as fragrant Fan, produce per year a quantity to amount to 5 million kilograms of above. Among them, announce of Chinese chestnut town of military importance changes inn to produce per year a quantity to be in 3 million kilograms of above, entire county " Chinese chestnut the first village " Zhang Duncun produces per year a quantity to amount to more than kilograms 30. Origin:

4, cate of characteristic of Xi'an of Shanghai characteristic cate?

The crude fry in shallow oil of Shanghai is wrapped, the bag giving birth to decoct that once appeared countless times in drama of movie and TV has had history of hundreds of years, basically be fresh pork and leather aspic do stuffing at first, develop as the times, chicken and shelled fresh shrimps also abounded the content of crude fry in shallow oil. It is the white behead chicken that must raise next, in the idea of Shanghai native, what white behead chicken or small carry on promote is best, it is with 3 yellow chicken feed capable person, after been do cortical and golden, the flesh is qualitative white tender, tasting is unusual fat more, it is deadbeat of a lot of other places what taste surely is delicate. Small basket bag also is one of cate that make a person unforgettable, thin juice of small dragon wrapping is much, should go down glibly stays sweet.

Bag giving birth to decoct, white injection and small basket bag is 3 Shanghai's most famous cate.

The cate of Xi'an cannot be short of formula of 3 the Qin Dynasty: Cool skin, the flesh adds steamed bun, put peak soda water on the ice, introduced from the northern and western nationalities or from abroad hot boiling water, steamed bun of bubble of flesh of flocks and herds, fried dumpling,

5, does filial piety feeling have filial piety to feel east stand?

Filial piety feels east stand in stage of sparrow of copper of the area austral filial piety of city of filial piety feeling on the west side

Filial piety feels east the start that the station is churchyard of feeling of filial piety of railroad of Han Xiaocheng border stands. Speed per hour of design of city border railroad is 200 kilometers / hour, execute big station express and station station to stop train photograph couple, berth of along the line of big station express park of airport of Chinese mouth, the Milky way, pagoda tree shade, filial piety feels east wait for 4 stations, the near future 3 right, long-dated 9 pairs, run time makes an appointment with 20 minutes; Station station stops train to leave row 2 pairs, run time makes an appointment with 30 minutes

6, is north of filial piety feeling station of north of filial piety feeling?

Station of north of filial piety feeling is built in realize tall iron new developed area greatly, 2 class stand, have the Gao Tie of cities of 20 many provincial capital everyday.

7, do north of filial piety feeling and filial piety feel east distance?

Drive course: Whole journey makes an appointment with 95.6 kilometers

Start: Filial piety feels east station

1. sets out from direction of start Xiang Zhengna, along Dong Yonglu travel 230 meters, left-hand rotation enters highway of filial piety Chinese

2. edge filial piety Chinese highway travel 9.3 kilometers, straight travel enters S110

Travel of 3. edge S110 280 meters, go up sunwise a bit full line

Travel of 4. edge full line 1.2 kilometers, straight travel enters high speed of Beijing HongKong and Macow

Travel of high speed of HongKong and Macow of 5. edge Beijing 75.4 kilometers, in realize greatly / S304 exit, go up sunwise a bit full line

Travel of 6. edge full line 1.1 kilometers, left ahead turns enter line of Beijing bead contact

7. edge Beijing bead contact line travel 160 meters, left-hand rotation enters line of Beijing bead contact

8. edge Beijing bead contact line travel 7.6 kilometers, right-hand rotation

9. travel 290 meters, left ahead turns

10. travel 30 meters, arrive at terminus

Terminal: Square of station of north of filial piety feeling

8, does station of north of filial piety feeling have many from filial piety feeling far?

Station of north of filial piety feeling is a tall iron station, actual not be to be in city of filial piety feeling, it is filial piety feeling only administer a countryside of a county (tall inn countryside) , to filial piety feeling the city zone has several the distance of 10 kilometers, after giving a station, the car waits in roadside, have the city border regular bus that feels to filial piety, can ask next passerby can tell you.

9, does filial piety feel east does the station feel to filial piety is the passenger car stands still filial piety nearly does feeling north feel to filial piety is guest station close?

It is filial piety feeling for certain east ah, north of filial piety feeling is about the same from the urban district even 100 kilometers

10, does Jiangsu of Shanghai characteristic cate save characteristic cate?

The Na Xiang of Shanghai is small basket, thin thin soft soft leather, there is soup juice inside; Hangzhou is small basket bag, should achieve 28.5 grams again completely with every, 18 plait above, go up not to receive a tip, below not show-through, chrysanthemum of be similar in shape, soup juice heavy full figure, mouthfeel is thick; Without stannum small basket it is salty in take sweet, skin thin juice is much. Dumpling of the ovary and digestive glands of the crab is tradition of the Han nationality of city of river of Jiangsu province pacify the name is fastfood, bright, quiet period has enjoyed high reputation. Its characteristic is a skin thin be like paper, blow play defeat namely, the " that make absolutely strange " of beautiful " of " , configuration " , " having a way

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