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  在“卡片”式相机的阵营里,索尼T系列和卡西欧S系列是绝对的领导者。卡西欧S系列的新成员S10,又是一款极其精致的卡片相机,它使用3倍光学变焦的伸缩式镜头,具有千万像素、2.7英寸屏幕的硬件配置。此外,S10的照片拍摄功能和有声摄像能力也相当突出,具有脸部优先、笑脸检测快门等各种时尚有趣的功能,可以拍摄最高848×480像素分辨率的有声视频。  产品优点:  1、 机身精致,并采用了不锈钢制作外壳  2、 拍摄可控项目丰富,成像风格多样  3、 笑脸识别等高级功能简化了拍摄过程,带来了更多拍摄乐趣  4、 成像分辨率较高,低感光度下能获得丰富的成像细节  产品缺点:  1、 过于纤薄、光滑的机身使得握持稳定性缺失  2、 成像边缘画面质量下降比较明显  S10的1010万有效像素集成在1/2.3英寸的CCD上,比起多数千万像素机型画幅偏小。而跟索尼T系列产品不同的是,卡西欧S10采用伸缩式镜头,一般情况下这种镜头的成像素质会好于索尼T系列的那种潜望式镜头(工作时镜头不会伸出机身外)。其他基础拍摄规格方面,S10则没有特别突出的地方,它没有光学防抖功能,等效36mm的广角焦距带来的视角也不够宽广。综合比较起来,除了像素数之外,索尼T200应该是S10的有力竞争对手,总体规格更加诱人。  卡西欧为S10的外观倾注了较多的力量,使得S10的每一个细节都表现出精湛的工艺水平和大方又不失俗气的设计美感。作为一款时尚的卡片式相机,卡西欧S10具有包括红色和蓝色的多种颜色款式,而且不锈钢的机身外壳也质感上佳。  S10正面  S10背面  S10底部  S10的手带孔  S10的背面操控按钮  卡西欧S10的机身厚度大约15mm,基本工作重量(含存储卡和电池)约130克,轻薄的特点非常突出。不过从另一个角度讲,由于机身太过纤薄,机身外形也没有较大起伏,所以拿在手上的稳定感少了一些,按钮也被大大的屏幕“挤”到了机身边缘,看来还是女性纤巧的手指才能与S10完美搭配。  对于S10这种定位时尚人群的机型来说,我们不应该苛求它有多么丰富的手动功能,而是需要自动化程度非常高、且易用性非常好的功能,尽量简化拍摄过程。在这一点上,卡西欧S10表现非常优秀。当然,除了有趣的特别功能之外,比如对焦、感光度和测光等基础拍摄设置S10也悉数具备。  待机显示画面  拍摄设定  “像质”设定  比起一般的数码相机,卡西欧S10的拍摄快捷功能相对较少,也没有专门的快捷功能菜单设置基础参数,不过它的左右方向键可以自定义一个快捷功能。大多数拍摄和成像控制的功能都需要通过菜单来进行设置,稍显繁琐。  照片浏览  S10的照片浏览模式提供了多种照片修正功能,可以改变照片的白平衡、色彩和动态范围等参数,这在小型数码相机上是少见的。  有声摄像模式  BS菜单  S10提供了专门的有声摄像按钮,而且在BestShot菜单里还提供了专门的适合Youtube的摄像模式。此外,Bestshot菜单里提供了30多种拍摄场景模式,细分的模式可以适合生活中能遇到的绝大多数拍摄场景,因此拍摄者根本无需考虑拍摄技术问题,只管按快门即可,使用起来非常简便。  面部识别技术为人像拍摄带来了极大便捷,稍早的一些相机可以自动识别画面中的人脸,并对其优先对焦;此后三星等一些相机品牌又融合了优先测光功能;而富士胶片则在面部识别的速度、角度和数量方面穷追不舍,甚至提出了面部识别2.0的概念;去年索尼提出的“笑脸”识别又为脸部识别功能拓展了新空间。  卡西欧相机其实也早就在脸部识别功能上独辟蹊径,而且如今也融合了非常火热的“笑脸识别”概念,更提供了“防抖自动快门”等先进功能。  功能更加丰富的脸部优先功能  卡西欧S10具有“亲属优先”的脸部识别功能,用户可以事先在相机里记录自己的“亲属”面孔,此后当多人合照时,相机就可以在同时识别多人面孔的情况下优先对“亲属”进行对焦和测光,保证他(她)的成像最清晰自然。我们试用发现,在多数情况下,S10能准确识别出“亲属”,不过准确率会受到预先记录和拍摄时的光线、环境等多种因素的影响。


Be in " card " in a group of people of same interest of type camera, series of Suo Ni T and series of S of card Western Europe are absolutely leader. Block the fresh blood S10 of series of Western Europe S, it is an extremely delicate card camera, what it uses 3 times optical scorch is telescopic camera lens, have ten million to resemble the hardware configuration of 2.7 inches of element, screen. In addition, the photograph of S10 films the function is mixed phonic photograph quite outstanding also like ability, have facial department preferential, smiling face detects all sorts of fashionable and interesting functions such as shutter, can film highest 848 × the phonic video of 480 resolution resembling element. Product advantage: 1, airframe is delicate, used stainless steel to make crust   2, film can accuse a project to abound, into diversiform like the style   3, the advanced function such as smiling face identifying simplified to film process, brought more to film fun   4, into taller like resolution, can obtain below low speed become richly like detail product defect: 1, too the airframe with thin, smooth fine makes grasp hold stability to be short of break   2, into drop like brim picture quality of S10 of more apparent   10.1 million resemble element effectively compositive in 1/2.3 inch on CCD, compared with most ten million picture of type resembling element slants small. And what differ with product of series of Suo Ni T is, s10 of card Western Europe is used telescopic camera lens, usually this is planted of camera lens become series of T of can good like quality Yu Suoni the sort of going camera lens looking at type (the camera lens when the job won't extend airframe outside) . Other basis films norms respect, s10 does not have particularly prominent place, it is prevented without optics shake a function, the perspective that the extensive role focal length of equivalent 36mm brings is not quite broad also. Rise integratedly quite, besides resemble prime number besides, suo Ni T200 should be the strong competitor of S10, overall standards is more inviting. The exterior pour into that blocks Western Europe to be S10 more power, make each detail of S10 shows masterly technology level and expert not to lose Philistine design aesthetic feeling again. Regard a fashionable card type as camera, s10 of card Western Europe has those who include red and blue a variety of color design, and the airframe case of stainless steel is simple also the beautiful on feeling. The reverse side that the hand of S10 of bottom   of S10 of rear   of S10 of S10 front   takes aperture   S10 holds the airframe ply that accuses pushbutton to block Western Europe S10 about 15mm, main job weight (contain memory card and batteries) about 130 grams, frivolous characteristic is very outstanding. Tell from another angle nevertheless, as a result of airframe too spend minute thin, airframe appearance also is done not have bigger rise and fall, take the stability on the hand to feel a few less so, pushbutton also by greatly screen " crowded " arrived airframe brim, the finger ability that looking still is female dainty and S10 are perfect and tie-in. To S10 this kind locates for the type of fashionable crowd, we should not make excessive demands the hand that it has how to be abounded uses a function, need automation level however very tall, and use the function with first-rate sex easily, simplify as far as possible film process. On this, performance of S10 of card Western Europe is very excellent. Of course, besides interesting special function, mix to anxious, speed for instance measure the foundation such as light to film setting S10 also alls have. Bide one's time indication picture films set   " resemble pledging " set compared with general digital camera, block Western Europe S10 film quick function is opposite less, also set fundamental parameter without special quick function bill of fare, the right and left Xiang Jian that does not cross it can define a quick function oneself. Great majority films and become need to undertake installing through menu like pilot function, show a bit trival. The photograph browses the photograph of   S10 to browsed mode to offer a variety of photographs to amend a function, can change the parameter such as the Bai Pingheng of the photograph, colour and dynamic limits, this is scarce on small-sized number camera. Phonic photograph offerred like S10 of   of menu of mode   BS special phonic photograph like pushbutton, and still offerred what suit Youtube technically to photograph in BestShot menu like mode. In addition, offerred in Bestshot menu 30 a variety of filming setting mode, the mode of fractionize can suit the great majority that can encounter in the life to film setting, the person that film accordingly need not consider to film at all technical issue, press shutter simply can, use rise very handy. Facial identifying the technology films for figure brought great and convenient, earlier a few camera can identify the person face in the picture automatically, preferential to its right anxious; The brand of a few camera such as after this SamSung shirt-sleeve the preferential function that measure light; And the speed that Fuji film is in facial identifying, angle and quantitative respect are in hot pursuit, put forward facial identifying even the concept of 2; Suo Ni put forward last year " smiling face " identify identified a function to extend new space for facial ministry again. Camera of card Western Europe identifies the develop a new style or a new method of one's own on the function early also in facial ministry actually, and shirt-sleeve also nowadays very fervent " smiling face identifying " concept, more offerred " prevent shake automatic shutter " wait for advanced function. S10 of Western Europe of preferential function card has the facial department with more rich function " the relative is preferential " facial ministry identifies a function, the user can record him in camera beforehand " relative " face, after this closes when much person when illuminating, below the case that camera is identifying much person face at the same time preferential right " relative " undertake is opposite anxious and measure light, assure him (she) into like the clearest nature. Our try out discovers, below most circumstance, s10 can be accurate identify piece " relative " , nevertheless accuracy rate can be recorded the influence that waits for a variety of elements with the light when filming, environment beforehand.

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