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  第二十九条 企业未按本法第二十条的规定实施职业教育的,县级以上地方人民政府应当责令改正;拒不改正的,可以收取企业应当承担的职业教育经费,用于本地区的职业教育。

  第三十条 省、自治区、直辖市人民政府按照教育法的有关规定决定开征的用于教育的地方附加费,可以专项或者安排一定比例用于职业教育。

  第三十一条 各级人民政府可以将农村科学技术开发、技术推广的经费,适当用于农村职业培训。

  第三十二条 职业学校、职业培训机构可以对接受中等、高等职业学校教育和职业培训的学生适当收取学费,对经济困难的学生和残疾学生应当酌情减免。收费办法由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府规定。国家支持企业、事业组织、社会团体、其他社会组织及公民个人按照国家有关规定设立职业教育奖学金、贷学金,奖励学习成绩优秀的学生或者资助经济困难的学生。

  第三十三条 职业学校、职业培训机构举办企业和从事社会服务的收入应当主要用于发展职业教育。

  第三十四条 国家鼓励金融机构运用信贷手段,扶持发展职业教育。

  第三十五条 国家鼓励企业、事业组织、社会团体、其他社会组织及公民个人对职业教育捐资助学,鼓励境外的组织和个人对职业教育提供资助和捐赠。提供的资助和捐赠,必须用于职业教育。

  第三十六条 县级以上各级人民政府和有关部门应当将职业教育教师的培养和培训工作纳入教师队伍建设规划,保证职业教育教师队伍适应职业教育发展的需要。职业学校和职业培训机构可以聘请专业技术人员、有特殊技能的人员和其他教育机构的教师担任兼职教师。有关部门和单位应当提供方便。

  第三十七条 国务院有关部门、县级以上地方各级人民政府以及举办职业学校、职业培训机构的组织、公民个人,应当加强职业教育生产实习基地的建设。企业、事业组织应当接纳职业学校和职业培训机构的学生和教师实习;对上岗实习的,应当给予适当的劳动报酬。

  第三十八条 县级以上各级人民政府和有关部门应当建立、健全职业教育服务体系,加强职业教育教材的编辑、出版和发行工作。

  第五章 附  则

  第三十九条 在职业教育活动中违反教育法规定的,应当依照教育法的有关规定给予处罚。

  第四十条 本法自一九九六年九月一日起施行。


The personnel that prepares employ has the cost of professional education, specific measure concerns a branch to perhaps depend on code to decide by government of people of province, municipality, municipality directly under the Central Government jointly with department of finance of the State Council by the State Council.

The 29th enterprise did not press Benfadi 20 regulation carries out a profession to teach, government of people of place of prefectural class above ought to be instructed correct; Refus does not correct, can the profession that collection company ought to assume teachs funds, use at the professional education of our region.

Thirtieth the is used at education place surtax that government of people of province, municipality, municipality directly under the Central Government concerns a regulation to decide to ask for according to what teach a law, OK and special perhaps arrange certain proportion to be used at the profession to teach.

Thirtieth government of a various people is OK the funds that popularizes rural technology development, technology, use at rural vocational training appropriately.

Orgnaization of 2 vocational schools, vocational training can be opposite thirtieth the student that accepts education of medium, advanced vocational school and vocational training is proper collection is tuitional, difficult to economy student and deformity student ought to derate of take into consideration the circumstances. Collect fees method is set by government of people of province, municipality, municipality directly under the Central Government. Organization of organization of national support industry, career, society, other organism and citizen individual concern a regulation to establish a profession to teach fellowship according to the country, borrow learn gold, the student with promotive study outstanding result perhaps aids financially the student of economic difficulty.

Orgnaization of 3 vocational schools, vocational training holds thirtieth enterprise and the income that are engaged in social service basically ought to be used at expanding professional education.

4 countries encourage thirtieth financial orgnaization uses credit method, give aid to development profession is taught.

5 countries encourage thirtieth organization of organization of enterprise, career, society, other organism and citizen individual are taught to the profession contribute money aid learn, encourage the organization outside the condition and individual to be offerred to professional education aid financially and donate. Aid financially and donate what offer, must use at professional education.

The education that various people government mixes above of 6 counties class to ought to teach the profession the teacher about the branch mixes thirtieth groom the job brings into pedagogic team to build a program, make sure the profession teachs pedagogic team to get used to a profession to teach the need of development. Vocational school and vocational training orgnaization can invite the teacher of the professional technology personnel, personnel that has special technical ability and other education orgnaization to hold the position of pluralistic teacher. Concerned branch and unit ought to be offerred convenient.

7 the State Council concern thirtieth place of above of class of branch, county is various individual of people government and the organization that run orgnaization of vocational school, vocational training, citizen, ought to strengthen a profession to teach the construction that produces exercitation base. Organization of enterprise, career ought to admit the student of vocational school and vocational training orgnaization and pedagogic exercitation; Jackaroo to mount guard, ought to offer proper labor reward.

Thirtieth various people government mixes above of 8 counties class to ought to be built about the branch, perfect profession education serves a system, the editor that strengthens a profession to teach teaching material, publish and distribute the work.

The 5th chapter is added Criterion

Thirtieth disobeys educational code to decide in activity of education of 9 on-the-job job, ought to the concerned regulation of law of according to education gives punishment.

This the 40th law applies since September 1, 1996.

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