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范文一篇智慧沙龙座谈会方案 一、沙龙目的在公司不断发展壮大的现状下,为了各个层级的领导团队自身管理、营销及经营能力得到提升以适应公司的发展需求,以便能够更好的领导团队。公司总部实施管理层送温暖到各个区域,为各个区域解疑答惑,实现公司基层管理层与企业的共同进步与发展。二、沙龙主题 融聚智慧,超越自我 三、沙龙形式 座谈会四、会议安排 1、安排原则:每月上中下旬各去一个区域,即每十天去一个区域 2、具体安排见下表:序号时间区域备注1五月下旬苏州会议主题提前一周下发2六月上旬常州会议主题提前一周下发3六月中旬杭州会议主题提前一周下发4六月下旬南京会议主题提前一周下发5七月上旬福州会议主题提前一周下发五、沙龙地点各区域会议厅六、沙龙内容 1、人员管理:如何带领团队、如何提升服务、如何控制人员流失率、如何培养下属等。 2、产品营销:如何提升团队营销能力、如何提升团队士气等。 3、店面经营:如何提升店面的形象、对店面经营的建议和意见等。 4、内容订立原则:每次会议仅在三个主题中选其一。七、参与人员 1、解惑嘉宾:******** 2、与会人员:区域各店班组长级及以上人员。 3、会议主持人:***。八、沙龙组织流程序号进程时间安排事项负责人部门负责人备注1问题征集提前1周下发沙龙通知总部HR****内容中含当次沙龙主题2问题征集接到通知后3天内收集并提报问题各个区域人力资源负责人区域人事专员区域有三天的时间下发通知并收集各门店问题,于接收到通知的第二日下午提交收集问题。3提前5天整理问题,呈相关领导审核总部HR****仅有一天时间整理区域问题,并呈领导审核。4提前4天下发修改问题总部HR****根据领导意见修改问题方向,将修改意见下发区域。5提前3天修改问题区域人力资源负责人区域人事专员根据总部意见与各位员工进行沟通6提前2天上报修改后的问题区域人力资源负责人区域人事专员上报总部HR最后核定的问题,以备各位解惑嘉宾(公司管理层)准备,提前两天以使解惑嘉宾掌握问题方向。7会议组织会议前1H准备会议所需物品区域人力资源负责人区域人事专员具体物品详见*******8会议中疑难解答总部管理层解惑嘉宾同时总部人力资源有一名主持人。区域人事专员同为与会人员,负责做好会议记录,设计部安排人员做宣传和报道工作。9会议后48H内会议记录整理区域人力资源负责人区域人事专员做好会议记录整理,发由总部HR相关人员,由总部人力资源协助进行审核工作。10宣传阶段此项由林副总定内容、负责人及完成时间。九、各部门分工序号事项规定时间负责人部门负责人备注1下发通知至区域提前1周总部HR****2问题修改阶段提前5天****整理问题,呈相关领导审核3总部整理修改意见提前4天****根据领导意见修改问题方向,将修改意见下发区域。4会议记录审核会议后72H内****接收到区域人事专员提供会议资料后24H内完成该项工作5通知门店及问题征集阶段接到通知后2天内各个区域人力资源负责人区域人事专员收集并提报问题6修改问题提前3天区域人事专员根据总部意见与各位员工进行沟通7上报定稿问题提前2天区域人事专员上报修改后的问题,提前两天以使解惑嘉宾掌握问题方向并作相应准备。8会议资料准备会议前1H区域人事专员1、统一横幅一条;2、解惑嘉宾一人一份会议资料,与会人员资料,总部HR下发区域,由区域准备;3、专用会议记录表,总部HR下发区域,由区域准备;4、会场食品9会议内容记录会议中区域人事专员负责做好会议记录,设计部安排人员做宣传和报道工作。10会议记录整理会议后48H内区域人力资源负责人区域人事专员做好会议记录整理,并整理成文发由总部HR相关人员11宣传阶段会议后总部设计部此项由林副总定内容、负责人及完成时间。建议每次会议做一次《智慧风暴》专刊。每年做一次总刊。十一、沙龙具体流程阶段内容负责人时间备注开场主持人开场****1分钟问题解答阶段与会人员提出案例及问题,现场讨论,解惑嘉宾解答与会人员解惑嘉宾1.5H要点回顾回顾当天会议要点陈朝兵15分钟结束结束总结,就当天沟通结果做一简短总结,并将后续的安排做一通报。****2分钟会议记录整理对当天的问题解决情况进行记录,对未解决的问题进行整理,后期进行处理,并确定处理时间区域人事专员会议结束48H内完成由****协助进行审核工作


Model essay program of forum of salon of a wisdom one, salon purpose develops strength current situation to fall ceaselessly in the company, for the leader group of each layer class oneself management, sale and business ability get promoting the development with getting used to a company demand, so that can better leader group. Company headquarters carries out administrative layer to send warmth to each area, for each area solution doubt answers be puzzled, achieve the collective progress of layer of company low level management and enterprise and progress. 2, salon topic be in harmony gets together wisdom, transcend self 3, salon form informal discussion 4, the conference arranges 1, arrangement principle: The last ten-day of a month in going up every months goes each an area, namely every 10 days go an area 2, specific arrangement sees next tables: Remarks of area of serial number time 1 theme of meeting of Suzhou of the last ten-day of a month shifted to an earlier date in May a week allots 2 theme of meeting of Changzhou of the first ten days of a month shifted to an earlier date in June a week allots 3 theme of meeting of Hangzhou of the middle ten days of a month shifted to an earlier date in June a week allots 4 theme of meeting of Nanjing of the last ten-day of a month shifted to an earlier date in June a week allots 5 theme of meeting of Fuzhou of the first ten days of a month shifted to an earlier date in July a week allots 5, salon ground: How to lead a group, how to promote a service, how to dominate personnel prediction of a person's luck in a given year rate, how to foster subordinate to wait. 2, product sale: How to promote group sale capability, how to promote group morale to wait. 3, storefront manages: The image that how promotes storefront, proposal that manages to storefront and opinion. 4, content concludes principle: Every time the conference is chosen in 3 themes only firstly. 7, share staff 1, dispel doubts honored guest: ******** 2, personnel attending the meeting: Class of group leader of each inn squad reachs area above personnel. 3, moderator: *** . 8, branch of chief of item of timeline of process of serial number of salon organization flow 1 problem collects chief remarks to allot salon 1 week to inform headquarters of HR**** to be contained in content ahead of schedule when second salon topic 2 problems collect collect of 3 days of adduction after receiving an announcement to raise newspaper question each, collect a problem at receiving an announcement the 2nd day to be referred afternoon. 3 shift to an earlier date 5 days to arrange an issue, show HR**** of headquarters of relevant leader examine and verify only one day time arranges area issue, show leader examine and verify. 4 shift to an earlier date 4 days to allot HR**** of modification problem headquarters to modify issue way according to leading an opinion, allot modification opinion area. 5 shift to an earlier date 3 days to revise commissioner of human affairs of region of controller of resource of issue area manpower according to headquarters opinion and everybody employee undertakes communication 6 shift to an earlier date 2 days to report the controller of resource of issue area manpower after revising commissioner of region human affairs reports headquarters HR the problem of final check and ratify, in order to have everybody dispels doubts honored guest (company management layer) preparation, shift to an earlier date two days to dispel doubts in order to make way of issue of honored guest control. Place of conference of preparation of the 1H before 7 conferences organize the meeting wants person specially assigned for a job of human affairs of region of controller of resource of article area manpower specific article detailed sees the difficulty in *******8 conference solves headquarters management layer to dispel doubts at the same time headquarters manpower resource has the honored guest a compere. Commissioner of region human affairs is personnel attending the meeting together, be in charge of making good conference record, design ministry arranges personnel to do conduct propaganda and reportorial work. Record of the conference inside the 48H after 9 conferences arranges commissioner of human affairs of region of controller of area manpower resource to do good conference record to arrange, hair by headquarters HR relevant personnel, by headquarters manpower resource assistance is undertaken examine and verify works. Phase of 10 conduct propaganda this by forest deputy always decide content, controller to reach the time that finish. 9, 1 allot remarks of chief of branch of chief of time of regulation of item of serial number of departmental door division of labor the announcement shifts to an earlier date to area modification phase of problem of HR****2 of 1 week of headquarters shifts to an earlier date 5 days **** arranges an issue, show relevant leader examine and verify 3 headquarters arrange modification opinion to shift to an earlier date 4 days **** modifies issue way according to leading an opinion, allot modification opinion area. This job is finished to commissioner of human affairs of resource controller region amasses each inside 2 days area labor power after inn of 5 announcements door and problem collect level to receive an announcement and carry a newspaper inside the 24H after the **** inside the 72H after 4 conferences record meeting of examine and verify receives commissioner of region human affairs to provide conference data problem, shift to an earlier date two days to dispel doubts in order to make to the honored guest masters issue way and make corresponding preparation. Commissioner of human affairs of region of the 1H before 8 conferences data plans the meeting 1, unified banner; 2, dispel doubts one person of honored guest data of a conference, data of personnel attending the meeting, headquarters HR allots area, by area preparation; 3, special meeting record sheet, headquarters HR allots area, by area preparation; 4, commissioner of human affairs of the region in conference of record of 9 conferences content is in charge of assembly room food make good conference record, design ministry arranges personnel to do conduct propaganda and reportorial work. Commissioner of human affairs of region of controller of resource of manpower of the area inside the 48H after 10 conferences record arranges the meeting does good conference record to arrange, arrange existing writings to send by headquarters HR relevant personnel the headquarters after conference of phase of 11 conduct propaganda designs a ministry this by forest deputy always decide content, controller to reach the time that finish. Proposal every time the conference is done " wisdom storm " monograph. Make total print every year. 11, salon is specific ****1 of begin of compere of begin of remarks of time of controller of flow phase content minute the problem solves level personnel attending the meeting to raise case and question, spot discussion, dispel doubts the honored guest solves personnel attending the meeting to dispel doubts honored guest 1.5H wants dot reviewing to review conference point Chen Chaobing ended an end 15 minutes to sum up that day, communicated a result to do one brief summary that day, make follow-up arrangement one journal. ****2 minute conference record arranges pair of problems that day to solve a circumstance to have a record, undertake arranging to the problem that did not solve, later period undertakes handling, the conference finishs commissioner of human affairs of region of time of affirmatory processing to be undertaken by **** assistance examine and verify works inside end 48H

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