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儒家文化圈的国家? 菲律宾属于儒家文化圈吗?英文双语对照


儒家文化圈的国家? 菲律宾属于儒家文化圈吗?英文双语对照







中国儒家文化是一种人文主义思想文化,这已经成为大家的基本共识。作为承继夏、商、周三代文化为己任的儒家来说,道德人文主义精神气质自然是它最鲜明的特征。儒家传统重视“人文”,儒家文化倾心于人的问题,具有极浓的人文关怀意蕴。  中国传统文化有一个显著的特点,就是以“人”为中心,这是儒家的特点,因为儒学在中国文化传统中居于主导地位,所以也成为传统文化的特点。可以这样说,儒家文化不是西方的人道主义,却有非常深厚的人道关怀思想,不是西方的人文主义,却有非常浓郁的、中国文化特色的人文气质或人文情怀。肯定人的地位,彰显人的价值。儒家认为,人是万物中的一员,但又不是与万物平起平坐的一员,而是高于和优于万物的特殊存在。总的来说,显著的人文关怀就是儒家思想的特点,就个人而言。儒家最大的特点就是入世思想,其从创立开始,都一直践行着这个特点。






1. 历史上,中国幅员辽阔,影响力无远弗届。所到征服之处,都带去了儒家文化。

2. 历史上的中国在东亚也在世界上是发达国家,文化和经济都发达,因此外国学习儒学的很多,典型例子就是日本,朝鲜。

3. 华人在海外散枝开花,也带去了儒家文化。

4. 近年来中国崛起,也带动了文化影响力。

5. 西方的文明日显局限,有识之士也从东方尤其儒家文化吸收养分。






      儒家文化圈主要包括中国、朝鲜、韩国、日本、 越南和新加坡等六个国家和地区。



      从此以后直到清代,儒学是古代中国的主流文化。儒学传入朝鲜后,逐渐盛行开来。大约在1600年前的朝鲜 三国时代,朝鲜就开始举行祭祀孔子的释奠,并一直延续至今。 韩国不仅拥有儒教学会、儒教文化研究所等机构,而且在一些大 学里还设有专门研究儒学的学科。

      韩国努力挖掘儒教的精髓, 把儒家文化运用到现代生活之中。儒学传入日本后,逐渐融入日本人的思维方式、行为情感及 生活方式之中,成为日本社会文化的重要组成部分。例如,儒家 的“义利之辨”成为日本资本主义兴起和发展的道德支柱;儒家 的“忠孝”观念为近代日本的国家和企业服务等等。

       儒学在秦汉时期即已传入越南。此后儒学在越南继续传 播。在越南的陈朝,儒学在文化领域发展到主导地位。儒学在 越南的长期流传,使越南的社会文化和道德伦理等深受儒学影响。





册封体制 汉字 儒学思想 大乘佛教 律令制


汉字文化圈各民族在社会上,历史上政治意识华夷思想(中华思想、小中华思想)、天下思想。 文字与文学历史上,正式场合主要使用正体汉字,民间亦使用本民族文字(假名、喃字)。 历史上,正式场合多使用汉文(文言文),民间亦使用本民族文字与汉字混用的本民族文书系统(参看:韩汉混用文)。 生活文化都食用稻米。 都懂得品茶。 使用筷子进食。 中国传统建筑(参看:宋朝建筑等)、日本传统建筑、朝鲜传统建筑、越南传统建筑、琉球传统建筑(参看:首里等)都有相似建筑风格。



吴哥窟(Angkor Wat)位于柬埔寨暹粒市(Siem Reap)以北6 公里处,是古高棉王朝遗址。据史书记载,高棉王朝始于公元802年,此后历代国王大兴土木,建造宫殿与寺庙。后因泰国人入侵,高棉人被迫迁都使吴哥窟湮没在丛林之中,被世人遗忘。


现在一般意义上,人们所说的“吴哥窟”是对吴哥古迹群的统称。而实际,狭义上的吴哥窟只是整个建筑群中保存最为完好、细节最为精美的寺庙,它还有另外一个名字叫做吴哥寺或者小吴哥(Angkor Wat)。而广义上吴哥窟的正式称谓为吴哥考古公园(Angkor Acheological Park),包含了大吴哥( 通王城),小吴哥以及周边多处遗迹遗址。

吴哥窟因其宏伟的建筑规模、精致的石刻壁画以及神秘的身世背景,于1992 年,被联合国教科文组织列入世界文化遗产名录。此后,吴哥窟成为了世界各国游客心驰神往的旅游胜地,它的形象也作为柬埔寨国家的标识呈现在柬埔寨国旗之上。




One, the country that Confucianist culture encircles?

Confucianist culture is of long standing and well established, confucianism is a delegate with Confucius, formed Confucianist culture group, culture circle enclothed East Asia and southeast Asia not to divide an area, included Vietnam of China, Korea, Korea, Japan 5 countries.

2, Philippine belong to Confucianist culture to encircle?

Do not belong to. Philippine suffer western culture the effect is serious, by Spanish colony 377 years, the United States is colonial 49 years, its people suffers the effect of thing square culture in appearance and culture respect, have distinguishing feature alone.

phyletic origin, philippine basically be south insular language (it is Malay specifically more - Polynesia language) . However, a lot of people, especially the person of Luzon and archipelago of Mi Sha Yan, have a Chinese, japanese, indian, the mixture of Spaish and American, and the National People's Congress that lives in each province is dinkum more south islander (call " native land " ) . In the mother-in-law the Su Luqun island near Luo Zhou has a lot of Moslem Arabs, the mixture of India and China. This country minority of 4 big foreign countries is as follows: Chinese, indian and Japanese. Likewise important is American, indonesian and Arab. Pure Spaish and other European very small proportion is held in this compatriots mouth.

3, what feature does Confucianist culture circle have?

Chinese Confucianist culture is culture of thought of a kind of humanism, this has become basic consensus of everybody. As summer of be adopted as heir to one's uncle, business, Zhou San acting culture is oneself for the Confucianist that allow, nature of temperament of moral humanism spirit is its brightest feature. Confucianist tradition takes seriously " humanitarian " , confucianist culture admires the person's problem, have extremely great humanitarian consideration idea accumulate. Chinese traditional culture has a marked characteristic, namely with " person " for the center, this is the characteristic of the Confucianist, because Confucianism learn to be on dominant position in Chinese culture tradition, also become the characteristic of traditional culture so. Such OK saying, confucianist culture is not western humanitarian, have very deep humane consideration idea however, not be western humanism, have however very full-bodied, the humanitarian temperament of Chinese culture characteristic or humanitarian feelings. Affirm the person's position, reveal the person's value. The Confucianist thinks, the person is one of everythings on earth, but not be a with be on an equal footing of everythings on earth, however the special existence of prep above and excel everythings on earth. As a whole, remarkable humanitarian consideration is the characteristic of Confucianism, with respect to the individual character. The characteristic with the oldest Confucian school enters world mind namely, its from found begin, all the time carry out is going this characteristic.

4, is Vietnam Confucianist culture circle?


Although today's Vietnam, had abandoned a Chinese character, but culture and consuetudinary the shadow that still withheld China, use Chinese last name for instance, have a meal with the chopstick, cross the Spring Festival to stick spring festival scrolls, dragon boat festival to eat a zhongzi to wait a moment, vietnam still is Confucianist culture to encircle a country.

East Asia area comes from culture say, belong to China culture circle, also can saying is state of Confucianist culture group. Review whole world, east Asia is current can rival Western Europe, North America exclusively connect an economy relatively develop area. Although Chinese average per capita is very low still, but body amount is large, hold the balance in the whole world nowadays.

5, why does Confucianist culture group developed?

Confucianist culture can carry forward, the history is long, have its history reason.

1.On the history, chinese with a vast territory, consequence does not have Yuan Fu. What reach the point of conquer, took Confucianist culture.

2.The China on the history also is in East Asia on the world is a developed country, culture and economy developed, what because of this foreign country study scholar learns is very much, typical case is Japan, korea.

3.Chinese overseas comes loose the branch blossoms, also took Confucianist culture.

4.In recent years China rises abruptly, also drove culture consequence.

5.Article tomorrow of the west shows limit, a man of insight is eastwardly also especially Confucianist culture absorbs nutrient.

6, why is Thailand Confucianist culture circle?

The effect that suffers Confucianist culture because of Thailand is profound without buddhism, thailand belongs to Buddhist culture circle.

Will look on culture, east Asia country belongs to China culture to encircle, also can saying is Confucianist culture circle.

And southeast Asia country has 11 states, it is Thailand, Singapore, Vietnam, Indonesian respectively, Burmese, Malaysia, Philippine, Laos, Kampuchea, Brunei, Dong Diwen. Although they belong to circle of big China culture, but Confucianist culture is far to their influence deep in that way without East Asia country, they belong to Buddhist culture circle.

7, does Confucianist culture encircle 6 countries?

     Confucianist culture circle basically includes 6 countries such as China, Korea, Korea, Japan, Vietnam and Singapore and area.

     Confucianist culture circle is to point to the country that regards social ethics as the foundation with the basic value sense of the Confucianist and area.

     China is in period of the Western Han Dynasty, chinese fierce emperor was executed " v/LIT dismiss from office a hunderd schools, alone honour Confucianism art " .

     Evermore takes the place of till Qing Dynasty, confucianism the mainstream culture that learning is archaic China. Confucianism after learning to pass into Korea, gradually be current leaves come. Be in about the times of Korea the Three Kingdoms before 1600, korea begins to hold sacred Confucius commentate establish, continue all the time up to now. Korea has the confusianism society, orgnaization such as confusianism culture institute not only, and still set technical research in a few universities Confucianism learned course.

     Korea digs the marrow of confusianism hard, apply Confucianist culture to modern life in. Confucianism after learning to pass into Japan, in affection of the thinking means that blends in Japanese gradually, behavior and lifestyle, make the main component of Japanese society culture. For example, of the Confucianist " the differentiate of justice benefit " become Japanese capitalism arisen the moral pillar with development; Of the Confucianist " faithful filial piety " the idea is waited a moment for the country of latter-day Japan and company service.

     Confucianism learn to already passed into Vietnam namely in Qin Han period. After this scholar learns to continue to travel in Vietnam. In the Chen Chao of Vietnam, confucianism learn to expand dominant position in culture domain. Confucianism learn to be in of Vietnam circulate for a long time, make the social culture of Vietnam and moral ethics get Confucianism learn an influence.

8, Confucianist culture encircles what to form element to have?

Confucianist culture is encircled

Confucianist culture circle is a past concept. It is a general designation of the area that establishs fundamental society with Confucianist culture compose. For one of concepts that culture encircles. What its point to is culture Chinese politics and China culture suffer on close, history influence, past or use a Chinese character now, and Ceng Gong uses classical Chinese language together (day Han Yue says for " Han Wen " ) serve as written language (do not use.

According to what gives birth to Japanese scholar surely on the west " East Asia world " the definition is index, the formation that Chinese character culture encircles element includes the following at 5 o'clock:

Confer system Chinese character scholar learns thought Mahayana law to make make

Common characteristic

Chinese character culture encircles each nation socially, thought of Hua Yi of consciousness of the politics on the history (China thought, small China thought) , the world thought. On character and literary history, formal circumstance basically uses standardized form Chinese character, folk also uses this ethical written language (word of anonym, Nan) . On the history, formal circumstance uses Han Wen more (classical Chinese article) , folk also uses this ethical character and Chinese character to mix this used ethical document system (consult: Han Han is mixed with civil) . Life culture edible paddy rice. Know taste tea. Use chopstick takes food. Chinese tradition builds (consult: Building of government of the Song Dynasty) , tradition of ball of Japanese tradition building, Korea tradition building, Vietnam tradition building, Liu builds (consult: First lis wait) likeness builds a style.

9, which culture encircles Wu Ge hole?

In Kampuchea, belong to circle of southeast Asia culture.

Wu Ge hole (Angkor Wat) is located in city of Kampuchea Xian bead (Siem Reap) with north 6 kilometers are in, it is relics of ancient Cambodia dynasty. According to history record, cambodia dynasty only then at the Christian era 802 years, king of after this past dynasties goes in for sth in a large scale building, build palace and temple. Inbreak because of Thai after, cambodia person is forced move the capital to another place makes annihilation of Wu Ge hole is in forest, be forgotten by common people.

Till 1861 Mu Ao of · of Henry of French France biologist is inadvertently in virgin forest discovery, write a book " all regnal journeys write down Laos of Xian collect Kampuchea " , among the line of sight that just makes Wu Ge hole returns common people afresh.

On common now sense, people place says " Wu Ge hole " it is pair of Wu Ge historic site group a general designation. And actual, the Wu Ge hole on narrow sense is whole only build group of middleman and guarantor to put the cloister with most in good condition, most elegant detail, it still has another name to call Wu Ge temple small perhaps Wu Ge (Angkor Wat) . And the formal title of hole of the Wu Ge on broad sense is park of Wu Ge archaeology (Angkor Acheological Park) , included big Wu Ge (connect Wang Cheng) , small Wu Ge and periphery are in vestigial relics more.

The setting of one's life experience that Wu Ge hole builds dimensions, delicate carved stone mural and mystery grandly because of its, 1992, be included directory of world culture bequest by U.N. Educational. After this, wu Ge hole made heart of tourist of world each country gallop the travel resort of be charmed, its figure also appears as the label of Kampuchea country on Kampuchea ensign.

10, what is culture circle?

Culture circle is limits of a space, distributinging inside this space Cong Huowen changes a few culture related each other group. Look from geographical space angle, culture clump is culture circle.

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