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沙湖旅游攻略及费用? 洋沙湖旅游攻略及费用?英文双语对照


沙湖旅游攻略及费用? 洋沙湖旅游攻略及费用?英文双语对照



  08:00-18:30(16:40停止入场 )






























1. 最佳游玩时间:夏季的5月到10月是沙湖不夜城最佳的游玩时间,因为在这个时候天气比较适宜,也比较舒适。

2. 门票价格:沙湖不夜城门票价格为150元/人,包含了演出和游乐项目。

3. 演出时间:每晚20:00开始,共有8场演出,每场演出时间约为1个半小时。

4. 游乐项目:沙湖不夜城内有多种游乐项目,如摩天轮、过山车、碰碰车等,游客可以根据自己的兴趣选择。

5. 美食推荐:沙湖不夜城内有多个美食街,推荐尝试当地的烤羊肉串、手抓饭和烤全羊等特色美食。

6. 交通方式:沙湖不夜城距离乌鲁木齐市中心约30公里,可以选择乘坐出租车、公交车或者自驾前往。

7. 注意事项:夜间游玩需注意安全,尤其是在游乐项目上,需要遵循游乐设施的安全规定。同时也要注意保暖,夜晚温度较低,建议穿厚一些的衣服。


1. 需要提前预约2. 因为沙湖景区为了保证游客的游览质量和安全,每天限制游客数量,需要提前预约才能进入景区。3. 预约方式可以通过沙湖景区官网或者电话进行,建议提前规划好行程并提前预约,以免错过游览时间。同时,沙湖景区内还有许多特色活动和美食,游客可以提前了解并安排好时间,充分体验沙湖的魅力。













【景区地址】防城港市企沙半岛东南面, 距离企沙镇约10公里,距防城港市行政中心约25公里。自驾从中心区出发约40分钟。 【美食】在海岸线附近的大排档,吃沙虫、牡蛎、青蟹、文哈、对虾等海鲜,看潮起潮落。

第三站:企沙镇 企沙镇位于防城港市东南面,全镇地处滨海有着长达51公里海岸






1. 石林


2. 斗南花海





1. 彝族火锅





1. 注意保暖




3. 注意环保





1. 交通:从珠海市区可乘坐公交车或乘车前往沙埕,车程约为30-40分钟。也可以选择打车或包车前往。

2. 海滩:沙埕拥有一片宽阔的沙滩,可以享受阳光、海水和沙滩运动,如沙滩排球和沙滩足球等。

3. 海鲜美食:沙埕的海滨餐厅和市场提供各种新鲜的海鲜美食,如烧烤、海鲜火锅和海鲜捞等,品尝当地特色。

4. 水上活动:在沙埕海滩上,您可以尝试水上运动,如浮潜、帆板、划艇等。还有摩托艇和风筝冲浪等。

5. 观光景点:沙埕附近有一些景点值得一游,如南屏山、珠海长隆海洋王国和澳门等。

6. 住宿:沙埕附近有各种住宿选择,从高级度假酒店到经济型酒店都有。您可以根据预算和需求选择适合您的住宿。

7. 夜市购物:在沙埕附近的夜市,您可以购买各种特色商品、小吃和纪念品。



Does strategy of sanded lake travel reach charge?

Open time:

08:00-18:30(16: 40 stop to enter)

Tourist attraction address:

City of hill of Ningxia stone mouth makes the same score area of travel of collect county sanded lake

Busy season tours a line:

Circuit one: Lake east sightseeing line (198 yuan)

Entrance ticket + sightseeing car / bicycle + bridge of 7 colour magpie + bud bestows favor on Eden + swan + yacht comes desert + yacht is returned enter the mouth to scene area

Circuit 2: Houseboat watchs bird line (248 yuan)

Entrance ticket + houseboat + swan island + yacht comes desert + yacht is returned enter the mouth to scene area

Near future privilege:

(1) children height dismisses steamer ticket 1.2 meters below, 1.2 meters - 1.5 meters of children between or full-time buy entrance ticket of season half price in student of school undergraduate undergraduate course and the following record of formal schooling 25 yuan, buy; of total value steamer ticket

(60 years old of above hold 2) old people senile card dismisses entrance ticket, buy total value steamer ticket.

Traffic guideline:

① Yinchuan - Sha Hu

(Station of 1) Yinchuan travel has special railway line of travel of enlightened Sha Hu, have two 9:0 everyday at ordinary times0 with 10:30 minutes, when great holiday, running water sends a car, sit to drive completely. Fare is controlled 15 yuan / person, car Cheng makes an appointment with 40 minutes of;

(2) travels in Yinchuan station, take leave for city of stone mouth hill (area of mouth of great connecting with the boxing skill) regular bus, area of scene of sanded lake of regular bus by way of. Fare 14 yuan, half hours of one regular bus

City of hill of ② stone mouth - Sha Hu

(1) is in city of stone mouth hill station of district of mouth of great connecting with the boxing skill, take the regular bus that sends past Yinchuan () of Sha Hu of by way of, about 20 minutes arrive at Sha Hu, everyday the order is very much

(2) from urban district of stone mouth hill (area of mouth of great connecting with the boxing skill) take a taxi head for scene area, fare is controlled 30 yuan

③ makes the same score collect county - Sha Hu

In station of door of smooth Luo Xi, take the car of special railway line that leaves for Sha Hu, fare is controlled 5 yuan, a hour

Straight have transport service of area of scene of ④ Ningxia travel

Travel of Yinchuan railway station is distributing center center (Jin Feng area) , new moon square (promote celebrate an area) annual all has send past Sha Hu scene area straight have transport service, everyday much class, holiday number can increase somewhat, annual sends a car, one-way ticket 20 yuan

Does strategy of travel of foreign sanded lake reach charge?

The strategy reachs charge

Area of scene of foreign sanded lake still basically is with recreational sightseeing travel is given priority to, still can choose to take trainset here at the same time or storage battery car undertakes excursion, watch wild goose to put fly, also can buy ostrich of feed of a bag of seed, also can view and admire Australian black swan, verrucous nose swan, enjoy their beautiful body appearance, besides, the summer when scene area still has big lotus to be able to be viewed and admire, ramble can view and admire big lotus not only among them, still can have the opportunity that meets unexpectedly with swan. Whole situation area has a lot of amused places, be worth to be visited one time very much.

1, scene area grade: AAAA;

2, entrance ticket price: Free;

3, open time: 09:00-17:00;

Sha Hu not strategy of nocturnal city travel?

About this problem, sha Hu not nocturnal city is with nightly visit the travel scene area that is main distinguishing feature, it is travel strategy below:

1.Optimal play time: Of the summer arrived in May October is Sha Hu not time of play of nocturnal city first-rate, because be in this moment weather is more appropriate, more comfortable also.

2.Entrance ticket price: Sha Hu not case of fare of nocturnal city gate is 150 yuan / person, included show and You Le item.

3.Show time: Every night 20:00 begin, share 8 shows, every show time is 1 half hours about.

4.You Le project: Sha Hu does not have a variety of You Le projects inside nocturnal city, be like skyscraping annulus, switchback, dodgems to wait, the tourist can choose according to his interest.

5.Cate recommends: Sha Hu does not have many cate market inside nocturnal city, the baking hotpot that recommends attempt place is strung together, the hand is caught meal and bake the characteristic cate such as complete sheep.

6.Traffic means: Sha Hu not downtown of Urumqi of nocturnal wall space makes an appointment with 30 kilometers, before the choice takes taxi, bus to perhaps be driven oneself, can go to.

7.Note: Nightly amuse oneself needs to notice safety, go up in You Le project especially, need follows the safe regulation of You Le establishment. Also want to notice heat preservation at the same time, night temperature is inferior, the proposal wears a few thicker dress.

Does travel of Ningxia sanded lake make an appointment strategy?

1.Need makes an appointment ahead of schedule 2. Because of area of sanded lake scene to assure a visitor visit quality and safety, limit tourist amount everyday, need makes an appointment to just can enter scene area ahead of schedule. 3. Make an appointment means can carry network of official of district of Sha Hu scene or the phone undertakes, the proposal plans ahead of schedule good journey makes an appointment ahead of schedule, lest miss,visit time. In the meantime, sha Hu still has a lot of characteristic activities and cate inside scene area, the tourist can understand ahead of schedule and arrange good time, experience Sha Hu's glamour adequately.

Who can introduce the travel strategy of Ningxia sanded lake?

Ningxia is located in area of Chinese northwest inland, first-rate travel season is 5-10 month, climate is appropriate during this, the picture is pretty, amused tourist attraction is very much also. August is the summer, in Yinchuan periphery amuse oneself must be prevented dry the clothes, prevent bask in frost, sunshade, sunglass to want on deck. The place that is worth to recommend that is too much, for instance area of 5A class scene: The head of channel of hole of Sha Hu, water, sanded slope, fort that press down north western city of movie and TV these 4, resemble climate is burning hot in August, be away for the summer holidays also is one big popular, you can go stockaded village of 6 dishes of congratulate orchid hill, hill, flint, it is very amused place!

Ningxia has tourist attraction of a lot of famous travel, say tourist attraction of national 5A class has 4 first: The water hole channel, Sha Hu, fort that press down north western shadow city and Sha Po head. Among them water hole trench is deep accumulate thin hair to rise abruptly quickly. What although just rose 5A,quality of total travel establishment, service, environment manages the gold situation division with each older respect to do is rigorous and outstanding. Establishment of scene area recreation is much and the vehicle of not heavy appearance, characteristic is most absorbing, sit for instance balsa of camel car, oxcart, bamboo, You Lun is very amused, last year the 11 remain fresh in one's memory that go. The gold tourist attraction of other Ningxia also can go. There is strategy of travel of a lot of Ningxias on hornet's nest a lot of strategies that impose fine let you for certain the stay away from home of this Ningxia is ideal!

Sanded lake natant strategy?

 Natant place recommends: Park of wet ground of sanded lake international. This is the one part of area of sanded lake scene, have rich wet resource, also be avian habitat. You can enjoy beautiful lake respect here, experience the beauty of nature.

Natant course recommends: After from sanded lake international wet park entrance is entered, can choose to stroll along the trail of lakefront, appreciate the beauty of lake scene and wet ground. Next from pleasure ground around aboard dock heads for the natant area in the lake by ship. Natant area water area is vast, moderate of depth of water, suit to swim with play water.

Natant equipment suggests: Because Sha Hu's water quality is relatively clear, can wear a swimsuit or swim pants enters the water directly. If ability in swimming is not quite good, circle or buoyancy garment can swim on the belt. In the meantime, to protect an environment, the article such as drinking water of best provide for oneself and bath towel, avoid to use one-time plastic product.

Other note: Weather change of Sha Hu is bigger, prevent on proposal belt bask in cap of frost, sunshade and sunglass, bask in in order to prevent. In addition, regulation of area of sanded lake scene does not allow go angling and the fish in catching a lake, remind a tourist the attention protects an environment at the same time, do not throw rubbish in disorder.

Strategy of sanded lake accommodation?

It is to live of course Yinchuan old city, have leg of a hour only from Sha Hu, the place can take in Yinchuan delicious, ramble square of the door austral in the evening mixes Yinchuan store, can have bit of distinguishing feature to the store fastfood, look for the hotel of a material benefit of pretty good and simple economy next, sleep well shut-eye, arrive to eat a characteristic to play a side again in the morning the following day, take a car next of open happiness itinerary, a hour can arrive Sha Hu, begin the one amuse oneself of the day

Strategy of travel of sand of look forward to?

[accommodation strategy] here has pass the night of farmhouse happy hotel, in busy season when the inn that thinks the condition is better, still need to be booked ahead of schedule.

[scene area address] face of southeast of sanded peninsula of look forward to of city of the harbor that prevent a city, sand of distance look forward to presses down about 10 kilometers, be apart from center of administration of city of the harbor that prevent a city to make an appointment with 25 kilometers. Drive oneself set out about 40 minutes from central area. [cate] big archives around coasting, bug taking sand, ostracean, green crab, article is breathed out, the seafood such as prawn, see the tide since tide fall.

: of the 3rd station? Town of sand of look forward to of Zhao crazy? is located in face of southeast of city of the harbor that prevent a city, whole town is located in seaside to having be as long as 51 kilometers coast

Strategy of sanded pasture travel?

Sha Dian is located in Yunnan to visit southwest department, it is a place that has long history and distinctive culture. Here is having rich natural landscape, include high mountain, gorge, chute and laky etc. In addition, sha Dian still is the ground of inhabit a region of the Yi nationality, here is having culture of rich the Yi nationality and tradition.

One, how to arrive at Sha Dian:

If you set out from Kunming, the choice takes a train or can go to before long-distance car Sha Dian. Mix to Sha Dian's train from Kunming the car is very convenient, need 7 hours left and right sides about. In addition, before you still can hire a car to be driven oneself, go to Sha Dian, can admire the beautiful scenery all round better so.

2, natural landscape of Sha Dian

1.Stone forest

Stone forest is Sha Dian most one of tourist attractions, be known as " the museum of stone of strange peak different " . Tower of the stone column that there is a move in chess or a movement in wushu to was formed 1000000 here, stone and Shi Feng, appearance each different, wonderful and clinking. If you like natural landscape, scarcely can miss stone forest.

2.Fight south beautiful sea

Fight south the tourist attraction that beautiful sea is a beauty, annual came in March in May, a beautiful beautiful sea can bloom here. Here is having various painting of flowers and plants in traditional Chinese style, wait like tulip, hyacinthine, rose, let a person get drunk among them.

3, emerald green lake

Emerald green lake is beauty of Sha Dian is laky, there are gorge and mountain peak to surround all round, the scenery is beautiful. You can take a walk in lakefront, admire the beautiful scenery all round, perhaps hire a boat to be on the lake thrash, experience halcyon and auspicious.

3, sha Dian's cate and characteristic

1.Chaffy dish of the Yi nationality

Chaffy dish of the Yi nationality is one of characteristic cate of Sha Dian, the chaffy dish here is having unique flavor and mouthfeel, get of the tourist love. You can sample to local cafeteria.

2, cake of the Yi nationality

Cake of the Yi nationality is cate of another kind of characteristic, the cake here is having different taste and way, if spend cake of polished glutinous rice, soft flesh, cooked glutinous rice pounded into paste,wait. You can sample to local snack bar.

4, the note that Sha Dian travels

1.Notice heat preservation

Sanded pasture air temperature is inferior, especially in the late evening, must notice heat preservation, take thick dress and sweater.

2, the attention is safe

Natural landscape of Sha Dian and humanitarian history are very rich, but also put in a few safe hidden trouble. Safety must notice when visit, abide local regulation and system.

3.Notice environmental protection

Sha Dian is a beautiful place, we should maintain an environment neat, do not throw rubbish in disorder, protect natural landscape and zoology environment.

Above is strategy of sanded pasture travel.

Strategy of sanded Cheng travel?

Sanded Cheng is located in Chinese Guangdong to visit Zhuhai town, it is a holiday resort that is characteristic with beach. It is a brief sanded Cheng below travel strategy:

1.Traffic: Can take a bus from Zhuhai urban district or head for sanded Cheng by the car, car Cheng is 30-40 about minute. Before also can choose to take a taxi or renting a car, go to.

2.Beach: Sanded Cheng has a broad beach, can enjoy sunshine, seawater and beach exercise, wait like beach volleyball and beach football.

3.Seafood cate: The littoral dining-room of sanded Cheng and market offer all sorts of fresh seafood cate, if chaffy dish of barbecue, seafood and seafood are scooped up,wait, sample local characteristic.

4.The activity on water: On sanded Cheng beach, you can try aquatic sports, if float goes, sail board, oarage. Still motorboat and kite surf wait.

5.Watch smooth tourist attraction: There are a few tourist attractions to be worth to swim near sanded Cheng, like Na Bing hill, Zhuhai grows Long Haiyang kingdom and Macao to wait.

6.Accommodation: There are all sorts of accommodation choices near sanded Cheng, from advanced go vacationing the hotel has to economy hotel. You can suit your accommodation according to budget and demand choice.

7.Night fair shops: In the night fair near sanded Cheng, you can buy all sorts of characteristic commodity, fastfood with the souvenir.

When planning the journey, ensure please consult official travel information opens time and mobile news with getting newest tourist attraction. In the meantime, notice safety and environmental protection, those who maintain beach is clean and neat.
