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大自然的礼物有哪些? 大自然给人类的礼物有哪些?英文双语对照


大自然的礼物有哪些? 大自然给人类的礼物有哪些?英文双语对照








1. 空气和水:大自然提供了我们所需要的空气和水,这是我们生存的基本条件。空气中的氧气和二氧化碳是我们呼吸和植物进行光合作用的必需物质,而水则是我们身体的主要成分,也是植物生长的必需物质。

2. 食物和药物:大自然提供了我们所需的食物和药物。植物和动物是我们的主要食物来源,而许多草药和药物也来自于自然界中的植物和动物。

3. 能源和材料:大自然提供了我们所需的能源和材料。化石燃料、水力能、太阳能等都是自然界中的能源,而木材、石材、矿物等则是我们建筑和制造所需的材料。

4. 美景和休闲:大自然也给我们带来了美景和休闲的场所。山川湖海、森林草原、沙漠荒漠等都是自然界中的美景,而露营、徒步、钓鱼等也是我们在自然中休闲和娱乐的方式。

5. 生态系统服务:大自然还提供了许多生态系统服务,例如气候调节、水循环、土壤保持、污染控制等,这些服务对我们的生存和发展都非常重要。




1. 《自然的法则》(The Laws of Nature) - 托马斯·约翰逊

2. 《大自然的声音》(The Sounds of Nature) - 马修·普里奇

3. 《大自然的解释》(The Explanation of Nature) - 阿尔贝·爱因斯坦

4. 《沉思自然》(Meditations on Nature) - 亨利·戴维·梭罗

5. 《大自然的奥秘》(The Mysteries of Nature) - 大卫·阿滕伯勒

























  赤腹鹰 扇尾沙锥 四声杜鹃 大杜鹃夜鹰 蓝翡翠 三宝鸟 戴胜 黑枕绿啄木鸟 斑啄木鸟 星头啄木鸟 蓝翅八色鸫 金腰燕 白鹡鸰 山鹡鸰 暗灰鹃 绿鹦嘴鹎 白头鹎 虎纹伯劳 红尾伯劳 棕背伯劳 黑枕黄鹂 黑卷尾 灰卷尾 发冠卷尾 松鸦 红嘴蓝鹊 灰喜鹊 喜鹊 乌鸫 红尾斑鸫 棕颈钩嘴鹛 黑脸噪鹛 画眉 大苇莺 黄眉柳莺 黄腰柳莺 寿带鸟 大山雀 三道眉草鹀


  红角鸮 领角鸮 雕鸮 领鸺鹠 鸺鹠 纵纹腹小鸮 长耳鸮 猫头鹰


  环颈雉 白冠长尾雉 红胸田鸡 白胸苦恶鸟 董鸡 黑水鸡 凤头麦鸡 金翅雀


  黄臀鹎 丝光椋鸟 灰椋鸟 八哥 锡嘴雀














One, what does the gift of nature have?

The autumn, the gift that nature gives us is a rice field. Every time autumn arrives, the rice field becomes golden and golden, extremely beautiful. Wind whiff, upsurge layer upon layer rolling paddy billow, outspread all the time to distance. Farmer uncle breaths out Ha Xiao, busy move cuts spike of rice, thresher is singing the song of the bumper harvest.

In the winter, the gift that nature gives us is snowflake, snow demon swirls, get piquantly into my neck, in lap. Classmates go up in the playground snowball, caboodle snowman, although weather is cold, but the smile that children are permeated with warmth on the face.

2, what does nature have to human gift?

Sunshine, green hill, green water, air, mountains and rivers-land, river, ocean.

3, what gift does nature bring to us?

Nature brought a lot of gifts to us, it is below a few among them:

1.Air and water: Nature provided the air that we need and water, this is the postulate that we live. The oxygen in air and carbon dioxide are the indispensible substance that we breathe to undertake photosynthesis with the plant, and the bases that water is our body, also be the indispensible material that the plant grows.

2.Food and medicaments: Nature provided the food that we want and remedy. Plant and animal are our main food source, and a lot of medicinal herbs and medicaments also come from the plant in nature and animal.

3.The sources of energy and material: Nature provided the sources of energy that we require and data. Fossil fuel, hydraulic can, solar energy is the sources of energy in nature, and material of lumber, stone, mineral etc is the material that we are built and makes place need.

4.Beautiful scenery and recreational: Nature also brought beautiful scenery and recreational place to us. Prairie of sea of lake of mountains and rivers-land, forest, desert desert is the beautiful scenery in nature, and camp, pedestrian, fishing also is us lie fallow in nature and recreational means.

5.Ecosystem serves: Nature still offerred a lot of ecosystem to serve, for example control of climate adjustment, boiler circulation, soil conservation, pollution, it is very important to these services live to ours and develop.

Anyhow, nature brought a lot of precious gifts to us, we should be cherished and protect rich, so that we are mixed,offspring can continue to enjoy these gifts.

4, what does have?

It is a few books about nature recommend below:

1." natural rule " (The Laws Of Nature) - Thoms Johnson

2." the sound of nature " (horse of The Sounds Of Nature) - repairs · Pu Liji

3." the explanation of nature " (· of shellfish of Er of A of The Explanation Of Nature) - Einstein

4." contemplative nature " (· of Henry of Meditations On Nature) - wears Wei Suoluo

5." the mystery of nature " (The Mysteries Of Nature) - defends · A Teng Baile greatly

This is one fraction only the book about nature, still a lot of other books also are worth to read.

5, what one year does the gift of nature have?

The autumn, the gift that nature gives us is a rice field. Every time autumn arrives, the rice field becomes golden and golden, extremely beautiful. Wind whiff, upsurge layer upon layer rolling paddy billow, outspread all the time to distance. Farmer uncle breaths out Ha Xiao, busy move cuts spike of rice, thresher is singing the song of the bumper harvest.

In the winter, the gift that nature gives us is snowflake, snow demon swirls, get piquantly into my neck, in lap. Classmates go up in the playground snowball, caboodle snowman, although weather is cold, but the smile that children are permeated with warmth on the face.

6, the gift name about nature sentence?

, have obedient nature only, ability conquer nature. -- Darwinian

3, understand nature from inside nature only. -- earth up a root

4, everything what nature place controls, it is so clever harmony forever. -- the law is Boer

5, nature makes clever support of the people goofy and same have illusion and illusion, to so as not to makes clever person too sad because of the wisdom that possesses alone. -- Shangfuer

6, if they know the method that uses nature, so all people can get happiness. -- Kelaodianneisi

7, nature is people tired in darkness, force people forever yearning light. -- song heart

8, have compliant nature only, ability controls natural. -- earth up a root

7, what does the sound of the language nature of nature have?

The sound of nature has: Frog: Quack quack; North wind: Breathe out; Bee: With a buzz buzz; Thunder: Rumble grand; Leaf: Rustle; Spring: Babble, babble; Birdie: Chirp; Running water: Clang clang, ; Horse's hoof: Da of Da Da Da; Rain: Bang of Pi Pi bang, wash rice drop of the sound of rain.

Nature is the nature that points to narrow sense. It is the corporeal world that distinguishs with human society photograph, exist with natural way and this material world is changing, namely the inorganic group that science place studies and organic bound. Nature is objective existence, the child itself that it is the mankind and other nature bilks the foundation with growing. Water, air, mountain range, river, microbial, plant, animal, earth, universe is waited a moment, the category at nature. Research nature includes maths, physics, chemical, biology, geographical wait for science to nature we should be held in the arms face it in order to protect with close state of mind. Nature was brought to the mankind a lot of make the mankind lives human good environment, protecting it is the home that protects him mankind.

8, the language that what nature there is?

Have: Swallow is low flying snake corridor, heavy rain comes before long.

What cultivate greatly is truncal how many circle represents large tree how many years old.

Dragonfly is low fly, fish jump out surface breathes, the specification will rain.

Alpenglow does not go out, afterglow travel a thousand li.

Spadger store up is fed should fall snow.

A side that the leaf grows densely is south.

9, what does the beneficial bird of nature have?

1. Feed bug beneficial bird

Blue halcyon of goatsucker of big cuckoo of cuckoo of the four tones of classical Chinese phonetics of sanded awl of remaining part of leaf of bare abdomen eagle Hei Zhenlu of hoopoe of 3 treasure bird woodpecker spot woodpecker La Chi of astral head woodpecker Zuo of Zuo of hill of Zuo of Zuo of Yan Bai of waist of 8 kinds of Dong gold is dark grey cuckoo

2. Feed rat beneficial bird

Red horn Zuo gets Zuo of horny Zuo carve to even if grain abdomen small Zuo grows ear Zuo owl,get Zuo of owlet Zuo owlet

3. Feed careless beneficial bird

White-breasted water rail of white bosom of frog of red bosom of pheasant of long end of ring-necked pheasant white hat direct chicken is black aberdevine of chicken of wheat of moorhen phoenix head

4. Sow beneficial bird

Sparrow of mouth of stannum of myna of grey starling of starling of the silky luster of mercerized cotton fabrics of yellow buttock bulbul

10, what does the story of nature have?

Story one: Small tadpole becomes frog

Once upon a time, have a small tadpole, it lives in a clear pond. Small tadpole was brought up every day, its body becomes more hale, carry the small tail that also grew form of a boat on the back. At this moment, small tadpole began to have change, its tail becomes shorter and shorter, toe bone also is formed gradually.

Through a few weeks change, small tadpole became frog eventually! Its body becomes more slender, 4 strong legs make it OK jump Gao Youyuan. Small frog happy free, it has a good swim in the pond, the life becomes more wonderful!

Story 2: Lunisolar story

The sun and moon are two in the sky big star. Have period of time, what the sun and moon live in the sky is same in the castle. The working hours that stars because of two is different, night moon hangs a sky high, and the sun is glaring by day ray. Sunday, the sun discovered a problem suddenly. His job is too tired, need a playday. But, if he does not appear in the sky, so whole world will be enclothed by darkness.

Finally, the moon promises to help the sun. She can replace the sun to work in the sky, let a sky won't be trampled by dark place. The sun appreciated the ground to embrace a moon, he knows his playday does not have safety care.

Story 3: The story that potato bud grows

One day, a girl washed a few potato in the kitchen, put them in next aside. One week later, she discovered to the gemmule of a few green grows on potato, then she decides to plant these potato in the garden go down.

After a few months, these potato blossommed plant of healthy and strong, overgrow greatly leaf and small flower. Next, these flowers are come down by results, shuck after skin, the potato with one fresh pile is shown below!

This is potato bud earthy story. Pass this course, what we can see nature is wonderful with magical ability. Little potato can grow for high plant, it is exclaim making a person really!


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