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  • 少食多餐、选择低脂高纤维的食物,是减肥的有效策略。研究表明,适量增加健康食物的摄入量,如苹果、大豆、浆果和柑橘类水果,有助于控制体重。这些食物不仅营养丰富,还能增加饱腹感,减少对高热量食物的渴望。通过科学的饮食计划,减肥可以变得更容易、更健康。


    Want to lose weight? Eat more. As a general rule, you should never allow yourself to become hungry. Just like feeling thirsty means that you've waited too long and the earliest signs of dehydration are setting in, being hungry means that you've waited too long to eat since your last meal and your body is in need of nourishment. Allowing this to happen time and time again will slow your metabolism down, down, d-o-w-n ...

    Does this, then, mean that it's okay to eat Burger King or Taco Bell five or six times per day? Believe me, I'm right there with you—I wish it did. But of course it doesn't。

    What it means is that if you eat 5 to 6 small, healthy meals and snacks throughout the day, you will lose weight over time. a Framingham Nutrition Study has found that women who consume 400 more calories per day and eat healthier are two-and-a-half times less likely to have an excess of abdominal fat than women who take in fewer calories but consume more saturated fat and less fiber。


    这是不是说,我们可以每天吃五六餐汉堡王(Burger King)或者Taco Bell(一种墨西哥玉米卷,跟KFC一样是连锁店)?相信我吧,我已经试过了——我希望可以这么吃。但实际上不可以。





    "An apple a day may keep extra pounds away," says Katherine Brooking, RD, co-founder of Appetite for Health. A medium apple has around 95 calories and 5 grams of filling fiber. Apple peels are also a rich source of ursolic acid, a natural plant compound that has been shown in preliminary studies to increase fat-burning. In addition, one study reported that women who added three small apples (equal to 200 calories) to their diet per day lost a little more than 2.5 pounds in 12 weeks-more than dieters who did not include the fruit in their diet.

    "一天一个苹果,肥胖远离我,"健康食欲(Appetite for Health)公司的联合创始人凯瑟琳·布鲁克林注册营养师说道。中等大小的苹果含95卡左右,且含有5克令人饱腹的纤维。苹果皮富含熊果酸,这种天然的植物化合物已在初期研究中被证明能加快脂肪燃烧。此外,一项研究报道,每天摄入三小份苹果的女性在12周内减掉了2.5磅以上--比饮食中没有苹果的节食者减重更多。



    As a plant-based, protein-packed choice, beans are one of the best foods to enjoy when you're trying to trim down. "Beans are metabolized slowly, so they may aid in weight loss by keeping you feeling fuller longer," notes Bonnie Taub-Dix, RDN. A half-cup of beans provides about 110 calories and 7 grams of protein, around the same amount of protein as you'd get in an ounce of chicken or fish. Beans are also considered a nutrient-rich superfood providing antioxidants, iron, potassium, and zinc.

    大豆是一种植物基富含蛋白质的食物,也是您减肥时的最佳食物伴侣。"大豆代谢慢,所以会让你的饱腹时间更长久,从而起到减肥的作用,"注册营养师Bonnie Taub-Dix指出。半杯大豆提供约110卡及7克蛋白质,相当于从一盎司鸡肉或鱼肉中获得的蛋白质。大豆还被认为是一种富含营养的超级食物,能提供抗氧化剂、铁元素、钾元素和锌元素。



    Want something sweet to enjoy that can help you trim down and tone up too? Eat more berries, suggests Susan Burke March, RDN. Berries are low in calories, high in fiber, and will satisfy your cravings for something sweet without any added sugar. One study revealed that eating a snack of 65 calories of mixed berries resulted in participants eating 133 fewer calories at dinner, compared to those who ate a 65-calorie sugary treat instead. Another study that looked at the eating patterns of more than 130,000 adults for more than 20 years found that berries were one of the best fruits for maintaining a healthy weight.


    Citrus fruit


    A medium orange has just 60 calories and 3 grams of fiber, while a grapefruit has around 100 calories and 4 grams of fiber. Due to their high water and fiber counts, citrus fruits have lower glycemic index scores and can help temper blood sugar levels to keep you satisfied for longer.



    Weight loss: 减肥

    Metabolism: 新陈代谢

    Nutrition: 营养

    Calories: 卡路里

    Fiber: 纤维

    Saturated fat: 饱和脂肪

    Framingham Nutrition Study: Framingham营养研究

    Abdominal fat: 腹部脂肪

    Apples: 苹果

    Ursolic acid: 熊果酸

    Beans: 大豆

    Protein: 蛋白质

    Berries: 浆果

    Citrus fruit: 柑橘类水果

    Glycemic index: 血糖指数

    Blood sugar levels: 血糖水平

    Appetite for Health: 健康食欲(公司名)

    RD: 注册营养师(Registered Dietitian)

    RDN: 注册饮食营养师(Registered Dietitian Nutritionist)

    Burger King: 汉堡王

    Taco Bell: 塔可钟(一种墨西哥快餐连锁店)
