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Melbourne Girls' College is getting rid of all its bins and asking students to take their rubbish home in a bold bid to encourage them to move towards zero waste. 墨尔本女子学院将拆除校园内所有垃圾桶,并要求学生把垃圾带回家,这一大胆的举措旨在鼓励师生尽量做到“零垃圾”。 Starting next Monday, the Richmond college will over five weeks phase out receptacles in classrooms and the yard, leaving 1400 students and 140 staff to find their own home for chip packets and juice boxes. 从下周一开始,这所位于墨尔本里士满的学校将在5周内拆除教室和校园内的垃圾桶,全校1400名学生和140名教职员工要把薯片袋和果汁盒带回家。 Even the school's 20 recycling bins will be removed, because the collapse of SKM Recycling means the college's plastic and glass recycling is now sent to landfill. Paper can still be recycled via the school, because recycling for that is still operating. 连学校的20个回收垃圾箱也将被拆除,因为垃圾回收企业SKM的破产意味着学校的塑料和玻璃回收物如今被送往垃圾填埋场。纸张仍然可以由学校回收,因为纸张回收系统仍在运行中。 As part of the shift, volunteer students will conduct daily non-compulsory food inspections in which children bringing "zero waste" lunch boxes will be rewarded. 同时,学生志愿者每天会进行非强制性午餐饭盒检查,携带“零废”饭盒的学生将受到奖励。 Students using only reusable packaging will receive a token that will go into a draw to win prizes such as keep cups. 只使用可重复利用包装盒的学生将收到一张礼券,凭此可参与抽奖,并赢得诸如keepcup咖啡杯等之类的奖品。 Yes, the rubbish that students take home may still go to landfill via their home bins, but teacher Paula McIntosh says the new policy will help persuade families to buy fewer packaged items and reuse containers. 是的,学生带回家的垃圾可能仍然会被扔进家庭垃圾箱,最后被填埋,但学校老师保拉·麦金托什表示,新政策将有助于说服家庭少买包装好的物品,并重复使用容器。 She said the campaigning of Swedish teenage climate activist Greta Thunberg had inspired the school, showing that the acts of one person "can lead to enormous change". 她说,瑞典青少年气候活动家格里塔·腾伯格的活动激励了学校,该活动表明一个人的行为“可以导致巨大的变化”。

Student environment leader Lucy Skelton, 17, says most issues around carrying rubbish home, such as smell and mess, can be solved. 17岁的学生环保活动负责人露西·斯凯尔顿说,大多数关于把垃圾带回家的问题都可以解决,比如气味和脏乱。 Uneaten tuna in a tin, for example, can go into the school's compost bin and the tin can be washed before it's taken home. 例如,未食用的罐头装金枪鱼可以放进学校的堆肥箱,罐头盒在被带回家之前可以清洗干净。 Ms McIntosh acknowledges that some parents may not have the time or means to avoid food in single-use packaging, "but it's trying to get as many people as we can to avoid it". 麦金托什女士承认,有些家长可能没有时间或办法避免购买一次性包装的食品,“但我们正试图让尽可能多的人避免食用这种食品”。 She says she got the no-bins idea from national park guidelines, which ask visitors to take rubbish home with them. 她说,她是从国家公园指南中得到拆除垃圾箱的灵感的,指南要求游客把垃圾带回家。 School sustainability co-ordinator Andrew Vance says his marine biology students were horrified when they used a microscope to discover micro plastics in Port Phillip Bay water. 学校可持续发展协调员安德鲁·万斯说,他海洋生物学专业的学生们用显微镜在菲利浦港湾水域发现塑料微粒时,他们都吓坏了。 "It was shocking," Mr Vance says. "We felt, 'Oh my gosh, what can we do about this problem?' " 万斯先生说:“这太让人吃惊了。我们觉得,‘哦,天哪,我们能为此做些什么?’” "And if you expose students to these problems, if you then don't give them an opportunity to try and be involved in the solution, that's when it leads to depression and anxiety and ecological grief." “如果你让学生们接触这些问题,如果你不给他们一个尝试参与解决问题的机会,那就会导致抑郁、焦虑和为生态而悲伤。” Says principal Karen Money: "We talk a lot, as educators, about the wicked problems the world faces, and if we don't start putting some actions behind that rhetoric, then it's just empty." 校长凯伦·莫尼说:“作为教育者,我们谈论了很多关于这个世界面临的邪恶问题,如果我们不开始对这些问题采取一些行动,那就是空谈。”
