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1. 首先是猪肉。


2. 其次是苦瓜和豆腐

没错,苦瓜豆腐炒蛋(Goya Chanpuru)是冲绳料理的代表作之一,也是日本本岛不怎么吃的一种蔬菜。这个菜品感觉应该是和台湾客家菜的咸蛋苦瓜同源,但是不知道为啥咸蛋没有流传到琉球群岛。

3. 接下来是冲绳SOBA (沖縄そば)。



4. 最后自然是海鲜了!





5. 饮料喝什么?

必喝的是シークワーサージュース(shikuwasa juice),是用一种类似柠檬(シークヮーサー(和名:ヒラミレモン(平実檸檬)、学名:Citrus depressa、閩南語:酸桔仔 sng-kiat-á))的果实制作的果汁,貌似我国闽南一带也有种植(研究饮食文化真的挺有意思)。

爱喝酒的可以点シークワーサーハイボール (shikuwasa Highball)。


本着上面这个原则,你完全有可能找到比旅游攻略上介绍的那些所谓的名店还好吃的店家。而且不会日语的话,用 TripAdviser 加上 Google Maps 看看评价,找到靠谱的店不是问题。如果是住在度假酒店里,让酒店的礼宾帮忙推荐附近的冲绳料理也是不会错的选择。


1. 第一家“店”,就是大多数游客都会去的“那霸市第一牧志公设市场”了。而这里与其说是一个店,倒不如说是一个大市场,一个景点。




2. 第二家店是 @amethyst 同学在答案里也提到过的那家离岛上的小店: 「あまはじレストラン O2・ハッピー」巨长的名字,翻译成中文大概是:“雨端 Restaurant・O2・Happy”。

之所以我觉得值得一去,倒不是因为这家店的店主是日本搞笑艺人小島よしお(kojima yoshio)的妈妈,而是因为这家店的设计是上过那个著名的“大改造!Before After”电视节目的,店内有很多独具匠心的设计,尤其那个天台是第二次改造时追加的部分,各种细节考虑周到。在我看来,既然吃的东西大家水准都差不多,那么如果店本身是有故事可讲的,就是值得一去的。


Okinawa (Liu ball archipelago) although be subordinate to belongs to Japan now, but be close to more actually on situation at Taiwan, an independence once also was on the history " Liu ball country " , long-term with appurtenant country of China the position exists. Now, although experienced the Japan after Ming Zhiwei is new dominate for a long time to be taught with absorb, in character and language already complete day changes today, the dietary culture of Okinawa place, mortuary even and consuetudinary (* is noted 1) , still holding the sign that takes littoral southeast the our country such as Fujian stage however.

Traditional Okinawa arrange is to be close to a kind of existence at the Hakkas dish more (if again the word of fractionize, can see the dish austral another name for Jiangxi Province dimly, the shadow that dish of Taiwan the Hakkas is He Dongjiang dish) . Dietary culture also is a civilized soul, it is very difficult be dropped by absorb.

Accordingly, go Okinawa has traditional day stuff, like the dot resembles going to Beijing eating seafood of dish of another name for Guangdong Province, although also can find delicious store, but general orientation is incorrect. Should not consider above all at least. Travel in a place, be about to have the distinguishing feature of a place.

Should eat what in Okinawa so?

1.It is pork above all.

Be based on in front factor of has mentioned dietary culture inheritance, okinawa people has a pig to took our country " do not eat what besides the cry " traditional, feet of all sorts of splanchnic, pig even pig face (namely pig head flesh) , it is eatable delicate (pig face and pig foot are told to the Japanese of a lot of mainland is the feeding that accepts harder material) . And flesh of braise in soy sauce is Okinawa arrange one big characteristic.

2.It is balsam pear and bean curd next

Right, balsam pear bean curd fries an egg (Goya Chanpuru) one of masterpiece that are Okinawa arrange, also be a kind of vegetable that this insular not very eats Japan. This dish savors a sensation should be the salty egg balsam pear with dish of Taiwan the Hakkas is the same as a source, but do not know for what salty egg did not circulate Liu ball archipelago.

3.It is Okinawa SOBA next (ば of Jun そ ) .

Namely Okinawa noodle. Calm time it is face of pork of braise in soy sauce. Slices of fish meat of a bowl of bonito and kelp boil the clear soup that make in, after adding a few juice, join the wide range that thoroughly cook, on final lid two fat and not the steaky pork of braise in soy sauce of be bored with, this is the Okinawa そ ば with one pure evening. Differ to still have according to the individual's be fond of join pig hand or of pig abdomen.

ば of そ of another kind of Okinawa (SOBA) , left is chili water that bottle. Because weather is torrid, love eats hot classmate to be able to add water of a few chili in ivory Shang Li, whole bowl face becomes later cool extremely tastily.

4.Final nature is seafood!

Backer has mountain, nature relying on the sea is to should have the of great capacity. As the Okinawa of semi-tropical islands, how can do not have seafood!

The natural be nothing difficult such as all sorts of tropical fish, langouste, crab, kelp (kelp) , algal wait for what Japanese National People's Congress loves to feed capable person very fresh also (native land Japanese sees what do not feel delicious the fish of this kind of multicoloured is) , the thorn that fits day of pattern has a way personally, also can choose the steamed braise in soy sauce of Chinese style.

Want here special those who carry is next graphs are medium " sea grape " , be Okinawa special local product, eat fragile in the mouth fragile, very interesting.

Green snail is Okinawa here the spiral shell with the oldest sea mile, taste is very good also, still can give off light in the evening allegedly...

5.What does beverage drink?

What drink surely is ス of ー of ュ of ジ of ー of サ of ー of ワ of シ ー ク (Shikuwasa Juice) , it is to use one sort to be like lemon (ー of サ of ー of ヮ of シ ー ク (with the name: ン of モ of レ of ヒ ラ ミ (Meng of smooth ) , formal name: The Zha austral Citrus Depressa, Zuo : á of Sng-kiat- of acerbity orange young) ) the fruit juice that fructification makes, look like the one belt austral our country Fujian to also have cultivate (research food culture is quite interesting really) .

What love drinks is bit OKer ル of ー of ボ of イ of ハ of ー of サ of ー of ワ of シ ー ク (Shikuwasa Highball) .

Of course if Okinawa arrange is fine number rises to still a lot of is worth what eat to feed capable person, but the thing that considers above is a few kinds to have mark sex most, if arrived,Okinawa is done not have however above these a few kinds eat completely, that is to looked for much better shop to be wasted really.

Act on above this principle, you find the inn-keeper that those so called boutiques that compare the introduction on travel strategy eat fortunately completely likely. And won't the word of Japanese, add Google Maps to read an opinion with TripAdviser, finding the store that relies on chart is not a problem. If be to live in go vacationing in the hotel, the ceremony guest that invites a hotel helps recommending the Okinawa arrange around also is inerrable choice.

I introduce a few inn that I think to ought not to be missed finally.

1.The first " inn " , it is most tourist can go " the first Muzhi postulate of Naha city the market " . And here says with its is an inn, be inferior to saying is a big market, a tourist attraction.

The entrance of this market is in the center of the market passageway (connect り ) , although the environment compares dirty chaos, but I still recommend everybody to look. Ramble on one hand the local customs that the market can experience place, on the other hand one of characteristics of this market are, upstairs can take directly in the unripe fierce seafood of first floor settle on " dining room " go machining, it is a more interesting experience.

China is right " dining room " the understanding of two words and Japan have a bit different, of Japan " dining room " the meaning of the hall that has a thing namely, understand by literal can.

Those who remind must wanting to make here is, the place that first floor sells seafood has employee of a lot of Chinese, hear you to say Chinese can come over " enthusiastic " recieve. But ask ten million attention, they have certain probability to be able to recommend the seafood that has died to you, the seafood that perhaps takes the advantage of you to had chosen you carelessly moves a package. Because of the good intention affection that this travels this to ensure you, look for Japanese merchant as far as possible please, carry seafood to do not have what language barrier actually, finger shows the calculator can do decided business by ad valorem case. If Chinese employee must guide,buy, must cut good price first please so, carry seafood again. Follow him to upstairs take seafood together without fail additionally, look at him to give the chef of the dining room.

2.The 2nd inn is @amethyst classmate that goes up from the island small shop that also has mentioned in the answer: " O2 of   of ン of ラ of ト of ス of レ of じ of あ ま は ? ー of ハ ッ ピ " gigantic long name, translating Chinese is probably: "Does rain carry Restaurant? O2? Happy " .

I feel to be worth to go, because the merchant of this inn is Japan is done,not be laugh at actor お of し of small よ (Kojima Yoshio) mom, because the design of this inn is,had gotten on that however famous " transform greatly! Before After " of the TV program, there are a lot of a lot designs inside inn, especially that weather station is the share that when transforming, increases the 2nd, all sorts of detail are considerate. Look in me, since eat thing everybody level is about the same, if inn itself is,so the story can be told, be worth to go namely.

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