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莲文化校训? 莲文化的精神内涵?英文双语对照


莲文化校训? 莲文化的精神内涵?英文双语对照








出淤泥而不染,濯清涟而不妖”(北宋 周敦颐)是对莲的绝妙写照,古往今来,流传下来无数的表现、歌颂莲的佳作。之所以莲为众多文人钟爱,是因为我们赋予莲人文内涵和人格魅力。莲,是中国传统审美架构中光彩夺目的碧玉,也是中国文人不甘流于世俗、执着追求高洁品质的真实写照。对当代青少年的成长有着十分积极的、现实的指导意义。 莲花,在我国的许多地方,都可领略到它们那俏丽的身影。千百年来,无数的文人墨客用生花妙笔,或描绘它们清丽可人的容颜,或歌颂它们高洁傲岸的情操。现在,让我们一起来走进莲花,尽情欣赏莲花迷人的风姿,全心感受莲文化的魅力,畅叙自己心中的采莲曲。



莲科莲属荷花学名为荷花(Nelumbo nucifer Gaertn),属莲科(Nelumbonaceae)莲属(Nelumbo)。莲的别名:鞭蓉、莲花、芙蕖、水芙蓉、水芝、水芸、水旦、水华、溪客、玉环、菡萏、青莲、六月春、碧环等。莲属(Nelumbo Adans.)植物是被子植物中起源最早的种类之一。据古植物学家研究化石证实,一亿三千五百万年以前,在北半球的许多水域地方都有莲属植物的分布

























One, example of lotus culture school?

School example had not seen, lotus culture can see later development:

Lotus, renown lotus, lotus, lotus, Han Dan, indicative Qing Dynasty, pure, it is the renown flower that our country people loves, be known as " the gentleman in the flower " with the United States reincarnate.

Lotus culture grade is high-minded, the meaning meaningfuls, of long standing and well established, repair in sex of Buddha of Confucianist gentleman character, Buddhist and cultivate oneself according to a religious doctrine, Taoist school raise the respect such as the gender to having rich culture really connotation, no matter be civilian it may not be a bad idea, it may not be a bad idea of guest of bookman Chinese ink, write pedestrian it may not be a bad idea, praise lotus, gift its various good meaning, report gives people to be opposite of good ideal and great moral courage yearning with pursuit.

2, the mental connotation of lotus culture?

Piece silty and do not catch, wash clear ripples and not bewitching lotus is holy delegate, more Buddhist and divine of clean clean indicative. Lotus gives dirt to leave catch, clean and immaculate, so Chinese people and stalk of broad and Buddhist letter go out with lotus silty and do not catch, wash clear ripples and not the exalted character of bewitching serves as drive from already the maxim of preserve one's moral integrity. Lotus is friendship is indicative with emissary.

3, the glamour data of lotus culture?

Piece silty and do not catch, wash clear ripples and not bewitching " (Zhou Duiyi of Northen Song Dynasty) the excellent portraiture that is pair of lotus, of all ages, stream hand down countless expression, eulogize an excellent work of lotus. lotus is doted on for numerous man of letters, because we gift,be humanitarian connotation mixes lotus character charm. Lotus, it is the jasper that Chinese tradition glows in aesthetic framework, also be Chinese bookman unwilling the true portraiture that flows at lay, persistence to go after high-minded character. To contemporary adolescent grow having very active, real directive significance. Lotus, be in a lot of places of our country, can appreciate them that handsome form. Came 100000, guests of countless bookman Chinese ink use a gifted pen, or depict their Qing Li but the person's appearance, or eulogize the sentiment that they proud nobly. Now, let us walk into lotus together, admire the charm with attractive lotus to the top of one's bent, total heart experiences the glamour of lotus culture, him chat cheerfully the music collecting lotus in the heart.

4, who puts forward lotus culture first?

Lotus culture

Lotus division lotus belongs to lotus formal name to be lotus (Nelumbo Nucifer Gaertn) , the division that belong to lotus (Nelumbonaceae) lotus is belonged to (Nelumbo) . The alias of lotus: Whip Chengdu, lotus, lotus, Dan of annulus of guest of dawn of Shui Furong, Shui Zhi, Shui Yun, water, water China, brook, jade, Han, Qing Lian, June spring, green jade annulus. Lotus is belonged to (Nelumbo Adans. ) the plant is one of sort with the earliest origin in angiosperm. Study according to paleobotany home fossil confirms, -692379968 years before, in a lot of water area places of the Northern Hemisphere Dou Youlian belongs to floral to distributing

. " The Book of Songs " in have such line: "Than lustre Bei, have Bao Yuhe " , " than lustre Bei, have Bao Han Dan " , " hill has help up revive, xi has China of carry on one's shoulder " . " Hunan demit · leaves coquettish " in also have such line: "Lotus only then send miscellaneous carry on one's shoulder ancienting name for a water catltrop, green wave of article of violet bine screen " . These showed China the origin of people and lotus.

5, is the development of lotus culture when?

1) the origin of lotus culture -- The Neo-lithic Age (2) the formation of lotus culture -- the Western Zhou Dynasty comes period of age the Warring States (3) the development of lotus culture -- period of the Northern Dynasties of Han Zhina of the Qin Dynasty (4) of lotus culture flourishing -- the Sui Dynasty Tang Zhiming is clear period (

6, limited company of culture of clever heart lotus how?

: of scope of operations? Act  melt ⒔ of  of Fu of  of scull of dice Tuan  escapes  of scar of  of  of skirt of  bank ⒆ escapes more  archives is able to bear or endure ψ of four of  couchant remnant tries large bamboo hat of  of scar of  of  of skirt of green bank ⒆ to pour scar of  of Tao Qiong of  of scar of  of  of Fei Chen skirt  , indoor You Le serves children (specific project allows) with examining and approve what the branch approves to be, design, make, representative, release domestic of all kinds advertisement; Wholesale hold concurrently retail: Food (specific project allows with examining and approve what the branch approves to be) , things of office things, style things, Mu Ying things, daily expense general merchandise, education, toy.

(the item that needs classics approval lawfully, sectional approval is rear related classics can develop management activity. )

7, please with " the glamour of lotus culture " for content, collect data?

Opening remarks: Lotus has the flower of long history as our country, love from what get Gu Jinwen's person, regard new era as host us, what should understand this old China culture more is beautiful, understand its connotation and fascination.

Theme: Collect the ode of poetic word song that writes lotus, understand activity of charm of the humanitarian connotation of lotus, character: Poetic statement fill a vacant position, it is script with a paragraph of ancient prose, weave a paragraph of small modern drama, let classmates communicate earning to experience.

View: Understanding ancient culture is met instead to his study more helpful, where is what is there against it?

8, does the common of lotus weigh culture?

The another namer cent of lotus is seed and flower. Have lotus, of Han Dan say, also have lotus seed, of seedpod of the lotus say.

9, 100 lotus triumphant company culture?

100 lotus triumphant it is company of a hairdressing, its company culture basically reflects in the following respects:

1, culture hairdressing: 100 lotus triumphant those who advocate is a kind of brand-new hairdressing manages service concept, namely hairdressing service stays in the improvement that waits for explicit condition to the skin or body not just, pay attention to the promotion of the respect such as mentation of health, spirit more.

2, orientaton of management concept value: 100 lotus triumphant devote oneself to to improve life quality, advance social harmony. Their company mission is the big banner that carries a Chinese hairdressing to interlink course of study, it is in order to promote development of Chinese hairdressing industry oneself.

3, company goal: Triumphant aspire makes 100 lotus of China endowment unripe hall, make contribution for career of Chinese hairdressing cosmetic. They had had certain dimensions, and be in develop quickly.

4, business purpose: Promotion is beautiful, spread happiness, consecratory love. 100 lotus triumphant it is a foundation with hairdressing industry, devote oneself to to improve the appearance of people and mentation, also take an active part in commonweal charity activity at the same time, pass on a society.

Overall for, 100 lotus triumphant what company culture emphasizes hairdressing serving is omnibus with meticulous sex, pay attention to the life quality that promotes people and happy feeling, also pay close attention to social responsibility and commonweal career at the same time.

10, culture of history of 5 lotus hill?

In sunshine city the village of first class village that 5 lotus county thes foot of a hill or mountain south beauty spot of travel of 5 lotus hill discovered the monument of a special of primitive simplicity. Via making an on-the-spot investigation, this tablet is all of announce of Qing Chaomo's acting emperor to preserve chastity after the death of her husband of woman of surname of a Qiu of local uses up filial piety and stand to commend, be apart from already had 100 old histories today,

Imperial order builds tablet front

On October 27, the village of first class village that the reporter leaves to 5 lotus foot of a hill begins the work, when the little bridge on ditch of the tea garden after crossing a village, the flag below fortuitous discovery foot very square whole, and stone is qualitative ashen, the granite with this locality is disparate. Because this area stands by ancestral temple of fourth fair stone, left a heart to notice. After the clay that enclothes two end keeps clear of and be being cleaned, thickly dotted handwriting appeared on flag, although denude to wear away with factitious trample via old decency,those who be worth to rejoice is, still most handwriting can identify. After retroflexioning monument, discover quarter have monument obverse side " imperial order an ancient type of banner hoisted on a featherdecked mast " , " section Xiao Duiren " and " announce all the first year of an era or the reign of an emperor " wait for model of written characters, preliminary judgement is one party Qing Dynasty acting duteous tablet.
