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1 大自然中有很多神奇的现象。2 这些现象往往是由自然界的物理、化学、生物等规律所产生的,例如月亮的潮汐现象是由地球引力和月球引力相互作用所产生的。3 此外,大自然中还有很多奇妙的景观,例如北极光、彩虹、瀑布等,这些景观的形成与气候、地形、水流等因素密不可分。我们可以通过学习科学知识来更好地了解这些神奇的现象和景观。












鱼缸中的水循环是一种闭合循环过程 因为在鱼缸中,水分子会受到温度、大气压、水的密度、盐度等因素的影响发生热对流、差异扩散等过程,这些过程会导致水质污染,所以需要通过鱼缸中的装置对水进行过滤,例如鱼缸内的过滤器会过滤掉脏杂质和有害物质,同时鱼在呼吸、进食和排泄过程中会向水中释放二氧化碳和废物,水中氧气含量会下降,鱼缸内的氧气泵就会将空气中的氧气引入鱼缸中,通过这些过程将鱼缸中的水保持清洁 此外,在一些鱼缸中,水循环还包括增氧、过滤、杀菌等系统,这些系统可以更加有效地清除水中的杂质,保持水的质量,提供良好的生存环境,使鱼群更加健康





























我来说植物: 土瓶草 捕蝇草 猪笼草 瓶子草 茅膏菜 捕虫堇 狸藻 捕虫树 跳舞草 水苔 动物: 章鱼 鮟鱇 变色龙 电鳗 宽咽鱼 蚁狮 寄居蟹 需要图片和介绍吗?








One, how does the imitate nature that core of prepare Chinese medicine by roasting it in a panbig gun plays fall?

Core of prepare Chinese medicine by roasting it in a panbig gun plays of imitate nature below a lot of nature the metropolis is very good.

2, the magical phenomenon in nature?

There are a lot of magical appearances in 1 nature. These 2 phenomena often produce by the regular place such as the physics of nature, chemical, biology, the exemple is moonish bright tide phenomenon is by interaction of earthly gravitation and moon gravitation place arises. 3 in addition, there still are a lot of marvelous sights in nature, for example aurora borealis, rainbow, chute, the element such as the formation of these landscape and climate, landform, current is inseparable. We can understand these magical phenomena and landscape better through learning scientific knowledge.

3, composition the nature in what?

Our mother is nature, it is the source that she provides our wisdom and cate, it is the thing that she created all beauty. I love nature.

As a child, I want to go very much alleged do not have in old people mouth strange not in every corner of some nature. But age is too small, cannot go, only can all my place see, think very beautiful scenery goes oneself medley another nature beautiful scenery.

There is the fish of multicoloured in blue ocean: Dasenlinli has the bird of without number:

Have even the metropolis in land a few grotesque animals... still have greenery, tender tender ground, just get the leave that come up out of land... I harvest these from inside TV, let me can the beautiful scenery new results, be added into me " the picture of nature " in go.

Knew again later, have the rain, beautiful scenery that has snow. Rain is in she is chilly beauty in my impression, it is quiet: When raining, total meeting makes the sound; of person irritated be disgusted with can make we sleep good less become aware, rain is hit on cliff, on iron plate, give out a few " bite a drop " noise, crying for who it seems that, be like cradlesong again, take us to enter dreamland...

Snow is in my impression only beautiful, it is pure: The butterfly photograph of that one white is overlaping, I like the Xue Jing; that changes a beauty in the amuse oneself in snow, like to wave then the feeling that waving Bai Xue falls in my face to get on the sort of freezing, as if can lunge my heart, cool cool...

The most beautiful enjoyment is reading him to like namely, when the book of depict season, can static the encouragement that next hearts will come to admire nature to give me, that one the scenery seems smiling to us. Syare blankly before the scenery of pure beauty from time to time, imagining the figure of nature, go to new learning again knowledge is medley rise, one of can finish nature mother picture that relies on my place to see is medley the picture that come out...

Nature brings me a lot of joy, let me know to there still is the color that I do not know in the world, remind me to want a society a lot of after a lot of knowledge, want to study her seriously, make contribution for the mankind. I present like this nature, she is changing, I also am changing.

Can imagine now and then, tomorrow, nature mother will bring me what knowledge tomorrow, can you bring me another kind of facial expression? Be still another beautiful picture? Or...

4, is the boiler circulation process in aquarium what kind of?

The boiler circulation in aquarium is one kind closes because circular process is in in aquarium, water element can be happened thermal convection current, difference to diffuse by the influence of the element such as the density of temperature, atmosphere, water, salinity wait for a process, these processes can cause water pollution, the device in needing to pass aquarium so undertakes filtering to water, for example the filter inside aquarium can filter dirty impurity and harmful material, at the same time the fish is in Xiang Shuizhong of the breath, meeting in take food and excreting a process releases carbon dioxide and waste material, content of the oxygen in water can drop, pump meets the oxygen inside aquarium to introduce the oxygen in air in aquarium, aquarium through these processes medium water keeps clean in addition, in a few aquarium, boiler circulation still includes to add oxygen, filter, antiseptic wait for a system, these systems can keep clear of effectively the impurity in water, maintain the quality of water, offer live goodly environment, make school more healthy

5, the onomatopoeia word in nature?

Onomatopoeia word is very much, bite babble Dong, the murmur in Ji, ping ping-pong to bang, bite dingdong is become, wash rice drop of the sound of rain, clang, , murmur verbose, verbose of part of speech, rare in, drip to with a tick answer, di Di

6, what does the dog in nature call?

Have dog making land, stray dog, still have make roam about of the dog

7, what the nature in what writes a composition?

Nature is in my eye, it is mysterious all the time. The most absorbing.

Spring, shine when a sunshine of early morning go up in the earth. Everythings on earth gradually begin come round, bird people lively acclamation is worn... tree people festival also move put on a green clothes. Below the shine upon of blue sky, everything appears in that way vibrant. This is the nature in spring.

The nature of summer is as dry as a chip, the beamed earth with fervent by day sun. Everythings on earth appears very noiseless. Listen so that see to ferocious only the bird is crying below burning hot intense blaze. In the evening puppy people more active, frog is the most active in night, they are jumping to be being sung, drive a lot of puppy and them one case amuse oneself is worn. The nature in summer is such.

The autumn is the season of the bumper harvest, this yes small grass took off a green clothes to put on yellow outfit, large tree also was to took off a green clothes to change yellow outfit. This nature for the autumn more added a secret touch.

In the winter, did not have former days flourishing, some has hush only. Everything of everythings on earth gradually noiseless, resemble playing tired child to needed to rest.

8, what does the interrogation in nature have?

Why to cultivate the autumn greatly meeting fallen leaves? Why can star blink an eye?

Why the sun rises from the eastern side, from in the west fall?

Why is the sky after rain hanging rainbow? Why is snow white?

Why can you rain? Why won't the person fly? Why moon sometimes is the circle bent sometimes?

Where does the spider before raining escape? Why is the sky blue?

Blue sky is by Ding Da Er effect is caused.

What man amounts to Er to amounted to Er effect to establish us to be able to explain celestial color correctly in the man that offerred 1859 is original a few paces. He discovers, when the light passes those who have the liquid of transparent in suspension of small particle, the blue light with shorter light wave has stronger scattering appearance than red light.

When a bundle white light is incident to fill have suds or among the cistern of milk and water. Look from the flank of cistern, can observe smooth column produced the phenomenon of blue smooth scattering during transit, go out in smooth column shoot end, the light became red after passing cistern.

Polarization phenomenon also can pass radial polarization filter comes to the polarization observation, its truth but analogy is worn at us polarizing the blue-black sky that can see color is deepened after sunglass.

We depend on nature ability to live. Nature is earthly force.

Earthly change, it is the universe changing reflect.

Must awe-stricken nature, protect nature! This is human responsibility.

-- above says, it is the interrogation in the heart

Cloudless blue sky is blue, because be in in air among light of molecular scattering sun,that is of blue part ability prep above the ability of light of its scattering red. We see eventide time setting sun presents red and tangerine yellow, because blue is smooth,this is by scattering and forward the direction beyond the line of sight travels.

The white shade that the sun gives out included all irised color. The color that Newton used much prism depart to get differring made quality music prove this. Different color light has the wavelengh of different light-wave.

Limits of visible light color atlas spans the glow of the longest 720nm arrives the violet light of the shortest 380nm, include orange among them, yellow, green, blue with indigotic light-wave wavelengh. The colour receiver on person eye retina is planted to red green La San color has stronger receive ability, the combination of 3 kinds of color formed the color of person eye to become aware.

9, in nature peculiar use a plant?

For me plant: Careless sundew of bottle of common nepenthes of earthy bottle careless flytrap catchs bug Jin bladderwort to catch bug tree to dance animal of careless water liver mosses: Does hermit crab of antlion of fish of wide pharynx of numbfish of chameleon of octopus Zuo Zuo need picture and introduction?

10, what does the guide in nature have?

Nature has a lot of natural compass, can tell you accurate way.

The sun is a dutiful guide, it shows way to you in the sky. Midday when it is in south, the tree shadow on the ground is pointing to north.

Polaris is small cup point to street lamp, it is hanged high in north forever.

If touch,go up day of overcast and rainy, large tree also can help, the one side with stiff leaf is southern, the one side with rare leaf is northward.

Snow is special be afraid of the sun, the firn in conduit can show way to you. The snow of edge where seeing is changed quickly, which edge is changed slow, can differentiate north and south.

上一篇:有氧健身操是什么? 有氧健身操的好处?英文双语对照