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  • 目标(target)是一个多义词,它可以指射击或攻击时的靶子,也可以指个人或组织努力达成的具体目的或意图。在商业和管理领域,目标通常指特定的业绩指标或预期成果,是衡量成功与否的重要标准。目标的设定对于个人发展、团队协作和组织管理都至关重要,因为它有助于集中资源和努力,提高效率和效果。


    • target:目标,靶子,对象
    • aim:目标,目的,瞄准
    • goal:目标,终点,得分
    • purpose:目的,意图
    • objective:目标,目的,客观
    • end:目的,结果,结束
    • set a target/goal:设定目标
    • achieve a goal:实现目标
    • meet the target:达到目标
    • target audience:目标受众
    • management by objectives (MBO):目标管理


    A: What are your goals for this year?
    B: My main goal is to improve my English skills and get a promotion at work.
    A: That sounds great! How do you plan to achieve these goals?
    B: I'm going to take an English course and work harder to show my boss that I'm ready for a new position.

    A: 你今年的目标是什么?
    B: 我的主要目标是提高我的英语技能,并在工作中获得晋升。
    A: 听起来不错!你打算如何实现这些目标?
    B: 我打算参加一个英语课程,并更加努力工作,向我的老板证明我已经准备好担任新的职位。


    The Importance of Setting Targets

    Setting targets is a fundamental aspect of personal and professional development. Targets provide us with a clear direction and purpose, helping us to focus our efforts and resources effectively. Whether it's in education, career, or personal life, having a target to aim for can motivate us to overcome challenges and strive for excellence.

    Targets can be short-term or long-term, depending on the scope and complexity of the desired outcome. Short-term targets are often stepping stones towards achieving larger, long-term goals. For instance, a student might set a target of studying for two hours every evening to prepare for an upcoming exam, which is a short-term target. The long-term goal, in this case, could be to graduate with honors.

    It's important to set realistic and achievable targets. Unrealistic targets can lead to frustration and demotivation. By breaking down larger goals into smaller, manageable targets, we can celebrate small victories along the way, which keeps us motivated and on track.

    In conclusion, targets are essential for guiding our actions and measuring our progress. They help us to prioritize our tasks, stay focused, and ultimately achieve success in our endeavors.





