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  • 曲棍球是一种快节奏的团队运动,使用一根弯曲的长柄球棍(曲棍)和一个小硬球。这项运动要求运动员在场上快速移动,展示技巧、速度和策略。曲棍球可以追溯到古代文明,现代曲棍球则是在19世纪的英国发展起来的。它不仅是一项流行的休闲运动,也是国际竞技体育项目。


    - Hockey: 曲棍球 - Field Hockey: 草地曲棍球 - Ice Hockey: 冰球 - Stick: 曲棍 - Ball: 球 - Goal: 进球 - Penalty Corner: 罚球角 - Drag Flick: 拉杆射门 - Dribbling: 带球 - Pass: 传球 - Defending: 防守 - Attacking: 进攻 - Goalkeeper: 守门员  


    Hockey is a sport that embodies speed, agility, and teamwork. Players maneuver the ball with their sticks, racing towards the opponent's goal with precision and strategy. The objective is to outwit the defense and score as many goals as possible. Training for hockey is rigorous, requiring strength, endurance, and the ability to think quickly on one's feet. It's not just about physical prowess; hockey players must also have a deep understanding of the game's tactics. The sport fosters camaraderie and a competitive spirit, making it a beloved pastime for many.   曲棍球是一项体现速度、灵活性和团队合作的运动。运动员们用曲棍操控球,以精准和策略向对手的球门冲刺。目标是智胜防守并尽可能多地进球。曲棍球训练是严格的,需要力量、耐力和快速思考的能力。这不仅仅是关于身体力量;曲棍球运动员还必须深刻理解比赛的战术。这项运动培养了同志情谊和竞争精神,使它成为许多人喜爱的消遣。  


    Coach: Alright team, let's start with some warm-up drills. Player 1: Yes, Coach! I've been practicing my drag flicks. Player 2: And I've been working on improving my passing accuracy. Coach: Excellent. Remember, communication on the field is just as important as your individual skills. Player 1: Absolutely, Coach. We need to be in sync to break through their defense. Player 2: For sure. I'll make sure to call out positions clearly during the game. Coach: That's the spirit. Let's give it our all today.   教练: 好的,队员们,我们先做一些热身练习。 运动员1: 是的,教练!我一直在练习我的拉杆射门。 运动员2: 我也在提高我的传球准确性。 教练: 太好了。记住,场上的沟通和你们的个人技能一样重要。 运动员1: 当然,教练。我们需要同步才能突破他们的防守。 运动员2: 确定。我会确保在比赛中清楚地呼叫位置。 教练: 就是这样。让我们今天全力以赴。
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