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英语作文:Life is short, art is long.人生短暂 而学问无穷


英语作文:Life is short, art is long.人生短暂 而学问无穷

  • 在写以“Life is short, art is long. 人生短暂 而学问无穷”为主题的英语作文时,我们可以探讨时间的宝贵和知识的永恒价值。可以描述人们如何在有限的生命中追求无限的知识和艺术,以及这种追求如何丰富和扩展我们的生活体验。例如,可以讲述一个热爱学习的人如何利用每一刻去探索新知识,或者一个艺术家如何通过不懈的努力创作出跨越时代的艺术作品。同时,可以反思如何在日常生活中找到平衡,既享受生活中的短暂时刻,又不断追求知识和艺术的深度。


    Life is a fleeting moment in the grand tapestry of time, yet the pursuit of knowledge is an endless journey. As we navigate through the complexities of existence, we find solace in the arts and sciences that enrich our souls. The canvas of life may be short, but the strokes of art and intellect paint a legacy that endures. Let us embrace the brevity of life and dedicate ourselves to the pursuit of wisdom, for it is through learning that we transcend our temporal bounds.



    • Fleeting moment: 瞬间
    • Tapestry of time: 时间的织锦
    • Pursuit of knowledge: 知识的追求
    • Art and intellect: 艺术与智慧
    • Legacy: 遗产
    • Transcend: 超越


    In the ephemeral dance of life, we are but transient visitors, yet the realm of art is eternal. Each brushstroke, each melody, and each verse captures the essence of our fleeting existence. The pursuit of art is a testament to our desire to leave a mark, to imprint our spirit upon the fabric of time. Though our lives may be brief, the legacy of our creativity knows no expiration. Let us create, for in creation, we find immortality.



    • Ephemeral: 短暂的
    • Transient visitors: 过客
    • Realm of art: 艺术领域
    • Testament: 证明
    • Imprint: 印记
    • Fabric of time: 时间的织物
    • Immortality: 不朽


    Life's brevity is a poignant reminder of our mortality, yet the pursuit of art offers a sanctuary from the relentless march of time. The symphony of life may be brief, but the arias of art and learning resonate through the ages. Each moment we spend in the pursuit of knowledge is a step towards immortality, a defiance against the ephemeral nature of our existence. Let us cherish the art of living and the pursuit of endless wisdom.



    • Poignant: 深刻的
    • Mortality: 必死性
    • Sanctuary: 避难所
    • Relentless march: 无情的行进
    • Aria: 咏叹调
    • Resonate: 回响
    • Ephemeral nature: 短暂本质


    The brevity of life is a humbling realization, compelling us to seek meaning through the arts. Each life, though short, has the potential to contribute to the vast expanse of human knowledge and creativity. The canvas of our existence is a blank slate, waiting for the brush of our experiences to paint a masterpiece that endures beyond our years. Let us not squander the precious time we have, but instead, let it be a canvas for the art of living and the quest for understanding.



    • Humbling realization: 令人谦卑的认识
    • Seek meaning: 寻求意义
    • Vast expanse: 广阔领域
    • Blank slate: 空白板
    • Masterpiece: 杰作
    • Squander: 浪费


    Life's swift passage is a stark contrast to the enduring nature of art, a testament to the human spirit's resilience. Each heartbeat, a fleeting moment, yet the symphony of our endeavors in art and learning creates an enduring legacy. We are but a whisper in the grand narrative of time, yet our contributions to the arts and the pursuit of knowledge can echo through eternity. Let us embrace the art of living and the pursuit of wisdom, for they are the threads that weave the tapestry of our legacy.



    • Swift passage: 快速流逝
    • Enduring nature: 持久本质
    • Resilience: 坚韧
    • Heartbeat: 心跳
    • Legacy: 遗产
    • Echo through eternity: 在永恒中回响
    • Threads: 线