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  • 在日常生活中,人际交往中的误会是难以避免的,它们可能源于语言的不清晰、沟通的不充分或是文化间的差异。然而,有效的沟通是解决误会的关键,掌握一些实用的口语表达能够帮助我们更清晰地表达自己的意图,消除他人的疑虑,从而维护和谐的人际关系。以下是一些实用的口语表达,它们将帮助你在解释误会时更加得体和有效。

    1. I had meant to say that...


      例如: I had meant to say that I appreciate your effort, but there might have been a misunderstanding.

    2. Please give me a chance to explain...


      例如: Please give me a chance to explain what I meant by that comment.

    3. What I really wanted to tell you was that...


      例如: What I really wanted to tell you was that I didn't mean to offend you with my words.

    4. I just want to make one point clear.


      例如: I just want to make one point clear: my intention was not to criticize your work, but to offer constructive feedback.

    5. I want to clarify a point I had made.


      例如: I want to clarify a point I had made earlier regarding the timeline of the project.

    6. Perhaps, I wasn't too clear about what I had meant. Let me try and clear this up a bit.


      例如: Perhaps I wasn't too clear about what I had meant earlier. Let me try and clear this up a bit.

    7. You have misunderstood me. I hadn't meant for it to sound that way. Let me explain.


      例如: You have misunderstood me. I hadn't meant for it to sound that way. Let me explain what I actually meant.

    8. Please allow me to explain this better. I don't want any misunderstandings.


      例如: Please allow me to explain this better. I don't want any misunderstandings between us.

    9. Please don't doubt my intentions, as I only want what's best for both of us.


      例如: Please don't doubt my intentions, as I only want what's best for both of us in this situation.

    10. Perhaps we can then put this whole misunderstanding behind us?


      例如: Perhaps we can then put this whole misunderstanding behind us and move forward positively?

