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  • 追星,通常指的是粉丝对某个名人、明星或偶像的强烈喜爱和追捧。这种现象在全球范围内都很普遍,尤其是在年轻人中。追星的粉丝们会通过购买明星的音乐、电影、周边商品,参加明星的演唱会、粉丝见面会,甚至在社交媒体上关注和互动来表达对偶像的支持和喜爱。追星文化不仅反映了粉丝对偶像的个人崇拜,也体现了粉丝群体之间的社交互动和文化认同。


    • Fan - 粉丝
    • Celebrity - 名人
    • Idol - 偶像
    • Fan Club - 粉丝俱乐部
    • Concert - 音乐会
    • Autograph - 签名
    • Merchandise - 周边商品
    • Fan Meeting - 粉丝见面会
    • Social Media - 社交媒体
    • Fan Art - 粉丝艺术
    • Fan Fiction - 粉丝小说
    • Stanning - 追捧某人(网络流行语)
    • Stan - 粉丝(网络流行语,由“Stanning”简化而来)
    • Shipping - 支持某对明星的CP(Couple缩写,指支持的配对)
    • Fanbase - 粉丝基础
    • Hype - 热捧,炒作



    “追星 (star chasing)”是指人们对某个明星特别崇拜 (worship),想要了解关于他/她的一切,这种行为多发生在青少年中。“追星”也是“双刃剑 (double-edged sword)”,盲目地“追星”会分散精力,影响到青少年的学习。但若理性对待,它也有积极的一面。因为它可以让人拥有敬慕的对象,以他们为榜样,努力追求属于自己的成功未来。总之,“追星”有利也有弊,应该取其精华,弃其糟粕,从而树立健康的生活态度和价值观。

    Star Chasing

    Star chasing refers to one's worship for a celebrity and the strong feeling to know everything about him or her. It mainly occurs among adolescents. Star chasing is also a double-edged sword. Blindly chasing after stars will distract the attention of the youth from their study. However, if treated rationally, it also has a positive side. With someone to respect, admire and emulate, the adolescent will strive for a successful future. In short, there are both advantages and disadvantages in star chasing. Its essence should be taken and the dross discarded so as to foster healthy life, attitudes and values.


    Celebrity worship has been identified as one of the most common forms of idolatry these days, However, many fans go too far with pursuing stars. Some have facial plastic surgery just to look a little more like the star they worship. Others even pay all their money to see the stars in person. I personally hold that blindly wors hipping famous people should be deterred from becoming rampant.

    Due to daily gossip columns in the tabloids and the ubiquitous celebrity news in the media, researchers report that about one third of people suffer from Celebrity Worship Syndrome, an actual syndrome that can become obsessional, replacing conventional relations, Some fans of famous people tend to indulge ins daydreaming about stars they worship. Having less communication with their friends and families, some obsessed fans ignore conventional relations, leading to psychological problems or disorders. Blind worship undermines young people's spiritual pursuits in real art, literature, philosophy, and science, without which they can hardly hold the sacred torch of civilization transferred to them from preceding generations. It is no exaggeration to say that blind star-worship will probably lead young people whose discretion is not enough into abysmal darkness, and thus buried with them is the hope of the future.

    In conclusion, given the above harmful effects of blind star-worship, every effort must be made to help fans to get out of the hopeless swamp of star-worship.


    名人崇拜已被确认为最常见的一种崇拜形式, 然而,许多粉丝太过沉迷于追星了。有些人做面部整形手术,只是为了看起来更像他们崇拜的明星。甚至有些人支付所有的钱亲自去看明星。我个人认为, 应该阻止盲目崇拜名人成为越来越猖獗的一种现象。




    Blindly Worshipping Stars

    With the ever-growing popularity of the Internet, it is becoming much easier to keep track of your favorite celebrities. Because of the vast amounts of information about these celebrities that exists, it is easy to become mesmerized by them.

    But blindly worshipping these stars can be dangerous. First of all, celebrities tend to live by different rules to everyone else. If you were to adapt their unhealthy lifestyle, you would most certainly have to pay for the consequences. Secondly, celebrities are often seen in expensive clothing, cars, and homes that most people cannot afford. In addition, photographs that you see of celebrities are often touched up to make them look more perfect than they really are.

    If there are celebrities that you like, it is best to remember that their lives are very different from most people's lives and that though may seem glamorous, they have their own imperfections like everyone else. (152 words)




    如果你也有自己喜欢的明星,最好要记住这一点: 他们的生活不同于大多数人,即使看起来非常风光,他们也像其他人一样存在着缺点和不足。
