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Chinese people are hiring others to consume tasty food on their behalf. 中国人正雇佣他人代替他们消费美食 If you love eating and drinking for free and are looking to make some pocket money, there's a job in China with your name on it. A new type of online service allows people to hire others to eat or drink their favorite treats, either to cure their boredom or satisfy their cravings without the calories that usually come with it. 如果你喜欢免费吃喝,还想赚点零花钱,那么在中国有一份工作,正适合你。有一种新型的在线服务允许人们雇佣其他人来吃喝他们最喜欢的食物,要么是为了治愈他们的无聊,要不就是为了满足他们的口腹欲望,还不需要吃进去高热量。 Chinese media recently reported on an increasingly popular service on online platform Taobao that's as mind-boggling as it is intriguing. People can now go online and hire others to consume certain foods and drinks, and ask them to provide video evidence of them eating or drinking the said treats. 中国媒体最近报道了一项淘宝上的越来越受欢迎的在线商业服务,这项服务不但新奇有趣,也让人匪夷所思。人们现在可以上网雇佣其他人来消费某些食物和饮料,并要求他们提供他们吃喝的视频证据。 Fees usually range from two to nine yuan($0.30 - $1.35) plus the cost of the food. It's not exactly a get-rich-quick job, but there are quite a lot of people willing to do it for the free treats alone. 费用通常在2元到9元之间,加上客户想要消费的食物的成本。当然这并不完全是一个快速致富的工作,但有相当多的人愿意为了吃点小霸王餐而这么做。 "Bubble tea drinking" is a particularly popular service, as the chewy tapioca balls and popping boba drink is all the rage in Asia these days, but there are also ads from people willing to eat fried chicken or hot pot for anyone willing to pay for them. “奶茶代喝”是一项格外受欢迎的服务,因为很有嚼劲的珍珠和波霸奶茶近年来在亚洲地区非常火爆,但也有人发帖表示愿意有偿代吃火锅和炸鸡。 Advertised as being "fat-free" and "free of queues", those who pay for the service will receive the full experience, which includes a 360-degree video of the drink, photos, and a detailed description. Prices of the service are based on the drink's sweetness level, its price, and popularity. Some clients even require a short written review and the activation of the stream time stamp to be sure that the person they hired actually does what they are supposed to. 这些帖子上通常都会宣传“不会长胖”和“不用排队”,那些为代喝服务付费的人将获得完整的体验,其中包括360度全方位的饮料视频、照片和详细的描述。服务的价格取决于饮料的甜度、价格和受欢迎程度。有些顾客甚至会要求代喝人写一个书面的喝后感以及包含时间的流水单,用来确保他们雇的人实际上的确去喝了。

One seller in Harbin, Heilongjiang province in Northeastern China, sent a journalist from Pear Video several videos of a grape-flavored bubble tea from different angles, along with a short essay describing its taste. 中国东北黑龙江省哈尔滨市的一位卖家给梨视频的一名记者发送了几段不同角度的葡萄味奶茶视频,以及一篇描述奶茶味道的喝后感。 "The crisp and chewy textures meld together...the deep purple grapes taste sweet and rich. I like to use a straw to drink the ice cream topping which is light and refreshing, with a faint milky aroma." “爽脆又有嚼劲……紫葡萄味儿甜美而浓郁。我喜欢用吸管喝顶上的奶盖,清淡爽口,有淡淡的奶香。” Other sellers explained that most customers buy their service because they're bored at night or trying to shake off cravings while they're on a diet. Drinking bubble tea by proxy may help customers avoid high blood pressure, high blood sugar, and other health problems that the sugar-laden drink may cause, sellers said. 有卖家解释说,大多数顾客购买代喝服务是因为他们晚上很无聊,或者是因为他们在节食的时候想要摆脱口腹之欲。卖家说,通过代喝奶茶可能有助于消费者避免高血压、高血糖和含糖饮料可能导致的其他健康问题。 The trend has also spawned nonsensical spin-offs such as selling videos of pet owners stroking their animals and people watching TV series on behalf of others. One person in Harbin even offered to sell photos of buyers' names written in the heavy snow that had blanketed the area. 这一风潮也催生了一些莫名其妙的帖子,比如宠物主人代你抚摸他们的宠物,有人代替你看电视剧。一位哈尔滨市民甚至提出了在雪地上写名字的服务,还返照片。 But a backlash has also arrived in the form of joke product listings for "lessons" costing 0.05-0.5 yuan, accompanied by a bank robber cartoon meme. 但也有反对者开玩笑发帖,出售“教训”,价格在5分到5角钱之间,帖子上还配着一个卡通表情包,里面是个银行抢劫犯。 "Hello, I am a fraudster and for 0.2 yuan you can be duped!" read the description of one listing still available online. 目前仍有一个帖子上写着:“你好,我是骗子,你只需要花两毛钱就可以被骗啦!” So why would anyone pay a total stranger to indulge in a treat rather than consume it themselves? Well, apparently, the online service is so cheap that some people simply do it out of boredom, while others get satisfaction from watching others enjoy their favorite treats. 那么,为什么有人会付钱给一个完全陌生的人,让他享受美食,而不是自己享用呢?很明显,代吃(喝)服务很便宜,以至于有些人只是出于无聊才这么做,而还有一些人则是从观看别人享受他们最喜爱的美食中获得满足感。 This indulging-by-proxy service has received a lot of attention on social media in China, with some people describing it as the job of their dreams, and others suggesting similar compensation for sleeping on the client's behalf. 中国的社交媒体上,这种代享受服务非常火爆。有人称这简直是他们的梦想工作,还有人发帖出售“代睡觉服务”。 "How about sleeping? You play video games all night and I help you make up for it by sleeping on your behalf," one person commented on Sina Weibo. 有人在微博评论称:“代睡觉也可以的吧?你可以玩一晚上游戏,而我呢,就替你把觉睡了。” "Finally, the job meant for me," someone else wrote. 还有人评论说:“为我量身打造的工作总算出现了。”
