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1. 多喝水:每天喝足够的水有助于保持身体健康,促进新陈代谢,预防脱水等问题。

2. 合理膳食:均衡饮食有助于维持身体健康,建议摄入适量的蛋白质、碳水化合物、脂肪、维生素和矿物质等营养素。

3. 睡眠充足:睡眠对身体健康至关重要,建议每天保持7-8小时的睡眠时间,以促进身体的恢复和修复。

4. 锻炼身体:适量的体育锻炼有助于增强身体素质,提高免疫力,预防疾病。

5. 安全出行:出门在外时要注意交通安全,遵守交通规则,佩戴安全头盔等防护装备。

6. 节约能源:节约能源是保护环境的重要措施,建议使用节能电器、减少用水用电等。

7. 保护环境:保护环境是每个人的责任,建议减少污染、垃圾分类、保护野生动植物等。

8. 学习新知识:不断学习新知识可以拓展视野,提高自身素质,促进个人成长。

9. 保持良好心态:积极乐观的心态有助于缓解压力,提高生活质量,增强心理健康。

10. 维护人际关系:良好的人际关系有助于促进社交活动,增强自信心,提高幸福感。


1 、巧除纱窗油腻:可将洗衣粉、吸烟剩下的烟头一起放在水里,待溶解后,拿来擦玻璃窗、纱窗,效果均不错。



4 、将残茶叶浸入水中数天后,浇在植物根部,可促进植物生长;把残茶叶晒干,放到厕所或沟渠里燃熏,可消除恶臭,具有驱除蚊蝇的功能。




1. 水稻的种植历史:水稻的种植历史可以追溯到公元前 10,000 年,起源于亚洲地区。我国水稻种植历史悠久,早在 7000 多年前的河姆渡文化时期,就有了水稻的栽培。

2. 水稻的生长周期:水稻的生长周期分为苗期、分蘖期、拔节期、抽穗期、成熟期等阶段。一般需要 100-150 天左右,具体时间受品种和地域影响。

3. 水稻的产量:我国水稻产量世界第一,占全球总产量的近四分之一。近年来,我国水稻产量持续稳定增长,2017 年我国水稻总产量达到了 2.03 亿吨。

4. 水稻的品质:水稻品质包括外观品质、加工品质和食用品质。外观品质主要指谷粒的形状、颜色、光泽等;加工品质主要指谷粒的加工性能,如磨粉率、出米率等;食用品质主要指米的口感、香味、营养价值等。

5. 水稻的品种:水稻品种繁多,根据不同的分类标准,可以分为籼稻、粳稻、糯稻等类型。其中,籼稻和粳稻是我国种植面积最广泛的两个品种。

6. 水稻病虫害防治:水稻在生长过程中容易受到病虫害的侵害,如稻瘟病、纹枯病、螟虫等。为了保证水稻的产量和品质,需要进行及时的病虫害防治。

7. 一粒米的故事:从种子到稻谷,一粒米需要经过发芽、生长、抽穗、结实等过程,最后成为我们餐桌上的食物。在这个过程中,水稻吸收了阳光、水分、养分,转化成为能量和营养,为人类提供生命力。





主食类、零食饮料类:主要是碳水,以及少量蛋白质、脂肪,ps 主食里的粗粮还有较多膳食纤维;
























1. 宝宝在出生后需要及时进行新生儿筛查,以便早期发现和治疗各种遗传代谢性疾病。

2. 母乳喂养对于宝宝的健康非常重要。母乳中含有丰富的营养物质和抗体,能够提高宝宝的免疫力。

3. 家长应该注意给予足够的关注和爱护,并建立良好的亲子关系。这样可以促进孩子身心健康发展。

4. 安全意识也非常重要。家长应该注意防止婴幼儿误食、溺水等事故发生,并定期带孩子接受预防接种。

5. 做好口腔卫生也是必不可少的。从牙龈开始就应该开始清洁,每天至少刷两次牙齿,并定期到专业机构检查口腔健康情况。











1. 月球表面温度差异很大,白天可以达到摄氏120度,夜晚则可以降至摄氏-170度。

2. 太阳是太阳系中最大的天体,它的直径大约是地球的109倍,质量是地球的333,000倍。

3. 木星是太阳系中最大的行星,其直径是地球的11倍,质量是地球的318倍。

4. 太阳系中最小的行星是水星,其直径只有地球的38%左右。

5. 太阳系中最热的行星是金星,其表面温度可以达到摄氏470度。

6. 太阳系中最冷的行星是冥王星,其表面温度可以降至摄氏-230度。

7. 人类第一次登月是在1969年7月20日,由美国宇航员尼尔·阿姆斯特朗完成。

8. 太阳系中唯一一颗既有大气层又有液态水存在的行星是地球。

9. 太阳系中最大的卫星是木卫二,其直径比水星还要大一些。

10. 太阳系中最大的天然卫星是土卫六,也就是土星的一个卫星,其直径达到了地球的40%左右。






















1 学习生活中必须掌握急救小常识,有时候救人一秒钟胜过造桥修路。2 掌握急救小常识可以及时解决意外急救问题,减少人员伤亡的发生。3 问询专业医生并寻求教育培训可以加深了解,此外也可以通过线上或线下手册了解相关知识和技能。


Does Xiaochang of popular science life know brief edition?

It is the brief edition popular science of little common sense of a few lives below:

1.Drink water more: Drink enough water to conduce to everyday keep healthy, stimulative metabolism, prevent the problem such as dehydration.

2.Reasonable and prandial: Balanced diet conduces to maintain healthy, the proposal is absorbed right amount protein, carbohydrate, adipose, vitamin and mineral wait for nutriment.

3.Sleep is enough: Morpheus is right healthy crucial, the proposal holds the Morpheus time of 7-8 hour everyday, in order to promote the refreshment of the body and rehabilitate.

4.Exercise: Right amount physical training conduces to enhance fitness, enhance immune power, prevent a disease.

5.Security goes row: Go out outer when should notice transportation is safe, abide by traffic regulation, adorn safe helmet defend equipment.

6.Managing the sources of energy: Managing the sources of energy is the important step that protects an environment, the proposal uses energy-saving electric equipment, decrease to wait with report with water.

7.Protect an environment: Protecting an environment is the responsibility of everybody, the proposal reduces classification of pollution, rubbish, protection wild vivid plant.

8.Learn new knowledge: Learn new knowledge to be able to extend eye shot ceaselessly, improve oneself quality, stimulative personal growth.

9.Maintain good state of mind: Active and hopeful state of mind conduces to alleviate pressure, improve life quality, enhance mental health.

10.Maintain human relationship: Good human relationship conduces to stimulative socialization activity, enhance self-confident heart, enhance happy sense.

Does life Xiaochang know encyclopedia of popular science knowledge?

1, artful divide screen window fat: ?

2, put shrimp meat the bowl inside, add alkaline pink of a bit refined salt, edible, after catching rub a little while with the hand, immerse with clear water, next reoccupy clear water is abluent, can make fry the shrimp meat that give so transparent like crystal, bright is tender goluptious.

3, the doohickey 1: with dumpling face? ? jin the mix into in flour joins 6 egg white, make the protein in the face increases, the protein after the boiler below the dumpling of the bag will be very fast caky systole, water stops after the boiler since dumpling fast, stick boiler not easily.

4, the Queen of heaven will be counted in incomplete tea water intrusion, irrigate in plant root ministry, can promote a plant to grow; incomplete tea insolation, put a toilet or light in conduit fume, can eliminate effluvial, have the function of drive midge fly.

5, use opportunely " 13 sweet " : ?

Does Xiaochang know paddy popular science?

Paddy is one of the mainest grain crop on the world, our country is the main production country of paddy. About paddy, have a few common popular science little common sense:

1.Of paddy crop the history: Of paddy it is OK to crop the history restrospect to BC 10, 0 years, traceable Asia area. History of establish of seed rice of our country water is long, early in the 7000 many river year ago Mu crosses culture period, help advance somebody's career with respect to what had rice.

2.The growth of paddy is periodic: The growth of paddy is periodic cent is the phase such as seedling stage, tillering period, jointing period, ear period, autumn. Need 100-150 day left and right sides commonly, specific time suffers breed and district effect.

3.The crop of paddy: World of crop of our country rice the first, nearly 1/4 what hold global total output. In recent years, crop of our country rice stabilizes growth continuously, total output of our country paddy achieved 203 million tons 2017.

4.The character of paddy: Paddy character includes exterior character, treatment character and edible character. Exterior character basically points to the appearance of corn, color, burnish to wait; Treatment character basically points to the treatment function of corn, wait like crocus rate, rate giving rice; Edible character basically points to value of the mouthfeel of rice, fragrance, nutrition to wait.

5.The breed of paddy: Paddy breed is various, according to different classified level, can divide wait for a type for long-grained nonglutinous rice, round-grained nonglutinous rice, glutinous rise. Among them, long-grained nonglutinous rice and round-grained nonglutinous rice are our country grows two variety with the widest area.

6.Paddy plant diseases and insect pests prevents and cure: Paddy is growing in the process get easily the enroach on of plant diseases and insect pests, if rice blast, grain is withered ill, snout moth's larva. To assure the crop of paddy and character, need undertakes seasonable plant diseases and insect pests prevents and cure.

7.A story of rice: Arrive from the seed paddy, course of a rice need is gemmiparous, grow, ear, strong wait for a process, make the food on our table finally. In this process, paddy absorbed sunshine, moisture, nutrient, change become energy and nutrition, offer vitality for the mankind.

Above is the little common sense of a few popular science about paddy, hope to be helped somewhat to you.

Does Xiaochang know nutrient popular science?

Common food normally hydrous more, the odd nutrition of eliminate water is as follows:

Greens fruit: Basically be vitamin, mineral, prandial fiber, and a few carbon water;

Staple food kind, snacks beverage kind: Basically be carbolic water, and a few protein, adipose, the coarse food grain in Ps staple food still has more prandial thread;

Cruelly oppress egg suckles kind, nut legume: Basically be protein, adipose, and a few carbon water.

The person is in dietary respect basis is prandial in pagoda, the requirement wants nutrition prandial and balanced, reasonable, we should notice the following:

One, food diversification, give priority to with corn, degree of finish is tie-in.

2, eat vegetable of fresh melon and fruit more.

3, eat some of big legume food appropriately, assure to have the milk of 250 milliliter everyday.

4, right amount eat fish, birds and lean lean, egg a day can, cannot too much.

5, control oil and salt absorb, eat hot excitant food less.

6, drink beverage and food of raw or cold food less, drink should set limit to.

7, 3 eat allocation are reasonable, abide by breakfast to be close friends, chinese meal wants full, dinner wants little principle.

8, answer everyday full amount waters, the metabolization inside stimulative body circulates.

9, do not eat expire food and eat souse food less.

Life little common sense?

10 commonly used Xiaochang in the life are known

1, when sweeping the floor, a polybag is covered on broom, can suck the hair on the dwelling place effectively.

2, with last film encases the root ministry of banana, can lengthen last time.

3, an apple is put in potato caboodle, can lengthen potato deposit time.

4, cut chili ruthless method, can wash his hands with toothpaste, the result is right.

5, sweater cuff or collarband lost flexibility, can immerse cuff or collar 20 minutes in hot water, the flexibility after air can restore many.

6, hair of golden jewelry surface is old, dip in a few toothpaste is wiped gently, can become more shining.

7, the hair that has done newly, before sleeping, the filar towel with a glossy quality of a material is spread on the pillow, can help a hair effectively changeless model.

8, the flower that inserts in bottle is added in clear water a few white vinegar or blanch water, can make keep of flower longer colourfully.

Does Xiaochang know knowledge of darling popular science?

It is below a few important:

1.Darling has a new life in time in the need after be born the sieve is checked, so that inchoate discovery is mixed,treat diseases of all sorts of genetic metabolization sex.

2.Mother milk feed is very important to the health of darling. Rich nutrient material and antibody are contained in mother milk, can enhance the immune power of darling.

3.The parent should notice to offer enough attention and care, build good parentage. Can promote health of child body and mind to develop so.

4.Safe consciousness is very important also. The parent should notice to prevent an infant to be fed by accident, drown wait for accident happening, look after children regularly accept vaccinate.

5.Doing sanitation of good oral cavity also is indispensable. Begin to should begin cleanness from gum, brush a tooth twice at least everyday, examine case of oral cavity health to professional orgnaization regularly.

Anyhow, in Yo in the process, parents need to master more and scientific knowledge and undertake reasonable guiding according to actual condition with management. Only such ability let child thrive and meet good tomorrow!

Does Xiaochang know popular science of knowledge of preserve one's health?

1, reasonable food

Want the dietary habit of nurturance health, 3 eat want the rule, every had avoided suddenly full, to nibble slow pharynx wants when having a meal, conduce to gastric bowel path be being digested to alimental absorb.

2, regular work and rest

At ordinary times should regular work and rest, sleep early rise early, maintain enough sleep, avoid to stay up late, excessive overworked.

3, proper motion

Want to undertake athletic sports appropriately at ordinary times, hit shadowboxing, 5 birds for instance play, take a walk, ride bicycle, canter etc, can enhance the immune power of airframe, enhance a constitution, the attention avoids athletic strength exorbitant.

Does Xiaochang know knowledge of aerospace popular science?

It is little common sense of knowledge of popular science of a few aerospace below:

1.Difference of moon face temperature is very big, can achieve by day centigrade 120 degrees, night can fall to centigrade - 170 degrees.

2.The sun is the largest celestial body in solar system, its diameter is 109 times of the earth about, 333 quality is the earth, 000 times.

3.Jupiter is the biggest planet in solar system, its diameter is 11 times of the earth, quality is 318 times of the earth.

4.The smallest planet in solar system is mercurial, its diameter has the earth only 38% the left and right sides.

5.The hottest planet in solar system is Venus, its surface temperature can be achieved centigrade 470 degrees.

6.The coldest planet in solar system is Pluto, its surface temperature can fall to centigrade - 230 degrees.

7.Human first time enters a month is on July 20, 1969, by American astronaut Neal Armstrong is finished.

8.Solar system medium the planet that exclusively already aerosphere has liquid state water to exist again is the earth.

9.The biggest satellite in solar system is Mu Wei 2, its diameter is even a few bigger than Mercury.

10.The biggest natural satellite in solar system is satellite of Saturn 6, namely a satellite of Saturn, its diameter reached the earth 40% the left and right sides.

The iceberg that these little common sense are aerospace popular science only one horn, aerospace world still has a lot of mystery and wonderful thing to await us to explore.

Can morning share popular science little common sense?

All oxen on the world force, it is to use suffering to force change.

Remember seeing a movie before " Xiang Yu the Conqueror fastens female singer " when, have a bridge among them paragraph let me remember profundity.

Grow big small bean in theatrical troupe as a child, want to face the training of tall difficulty everyday.

The teacher that teachs him act in an opera is very strict, often because of an actor's lines, apprentice people hit so that blood flows continuously.

Once, because small bean and companion endure such life hard, ran secretly.

But go up in the road of desert, they were encountered accidentally however the fiercest at that time " renown horn " .

Look at the shock occasion of that the whole town turns out, the companion weeps bitterly plaint:

"The part that how they become ah, how much must endure to hit ah... "

It is the ray of a horn probably, called a heart hold to with have deep love for.

Since that day, small bean dark be determined, choice regain theatrical troupe practices assiduously.

After a lot of years, have the small bean suddenly change one's identity of suffering, made a capital garment of Cheng Die of the first horn.

Stand on stage when him, when enjoying 10 thousand people to support the infinite view of bunch, only he himself knows, this went to experience how many hardships and twist all the way, pour into how many blood and sweat.

Say like place of theatrical troupe teacher: Want the dignitary before the person, the endure hardships after sure person.

Flower and applause, come because of effort only.

Those life backside that you envy, sure have a paragraph of unbeknown miserable course.

Before long, chinese head rich Li Jiacheng rises to become a waiter in cafes from 16 years old, every do not shine every day be about to open the door, did not rest till midnight.

Nowadays the celebrity Guo De Gang of comic dialogue bound, young when ever performed talent to passerby in bazaar shopwindow.

The Wang Ke of basketball crosses before dawn than seeing the los angeles 4 o'clock; Peacock princess Yang Liping had not eaten staple food 20 years continuously.

Does Xiaochang know life emergency treatment?

Emergency treatment little common sense must master in 1 study life, save a person one second to surpass bridging to build a road occasionally. Problem of the 2 emergency treatment outside mastering emergency treatment little common sense to be able to in time explain will, reduce the happening of personal casualty. It is OK that doctor of 3 majors asking ask seeks education to groom deepen understanding, also can go up through the line in addition or the manual below the line understands relevant knowledge and technical ability.

上一篇:宠物摄影师怎样赚钱? 古风摄影师还是婚纱摄影师好?英文双语对照