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A robber made off with almost $8,000 from two Israeli banks after holding them up armed with an avocado. 日前,一名抢劫犯手持牛油果在两家以色列银行抢走了近8000美元。 The 47-year-old man first struck a bank in the southern city of Beersheba in mid-May when he handed a cashier a misspelled note demanding money. 据《以色列时报》报道,5月中旬,这名47岁的男子先是袭击了南部城市贝尔谢巴一家邮政银行,他递给柜员一张带有拼写错误的纸条,要求柜员给钱。 When the Postal Bank worker hesitated, the man pulled out what he said was a grenade and threatened to throw it if she refused. 当柜员犹豫不决时,劫匪拿出手中的“手榴弹”威胁说不给钱就扔出去。 The woman emptied her cash drawer and the robber made off with $4,450, the Times of Israel reported. 柜员吓得把收银机抽屉里的钱全交了出来,劫匪携4450美元逃离现场。

Five days later, the same man walked into a different branch of the same bank in the same city and repeated the stunt. This time he made off with $3,300. 5天后,该劫匪跑进了这家银行在贝尔谢巴的另一家分行故伎重施,这回又成功劫走3300美元。 Police managed to use mobile phone data from a device the man was carrying to track him down. He was arrested, and it was discovered that the "grenade" he was holding was actually an avocado painted black. 通过对劫匪手机数据进行定位,警方最终成功追踪到并逮捕了他,才发现他抢劫时拿的哪是什么“手榴弹”,分明是一个涂黑了的牛油果。 The man has a lengthy criminal history, including a previous three-year stint in jail for robbery. 该劫匪有着很长的犯罪历史,包括之前曾因抢劫入狱三年。

