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Last week, the former welder presented to the world his latest creation — an upside down hair-washing machine. 上周,曾是焊接工的手工耿向世界展现了他的最新发明:倒立式洗头机。 The bizarre machine resembles somewhat of an inversion table used to cure joint and back pain, with a transparent tank fitted near the bottom. 这个奇特的机器像是个倒立起来的治疗关节背部疼痛的桌子,在末端安装了一个透明的水箱。 Proceeding to give his viewers a personal demo, Geng clipped his nose and placed a plastic tube in his mouth to allow him to breathe underwater. 为了给观众们亲自示范,耿夹住鼻子,嘴里放了一根塑料管,以便他在水下呼吸。 After flicking on a switch, the table slowly tilted backwards until his head was fitted into the tank. 打开开关后,桌子缓缓向后方倾斜,最后头部进入水箱。 After turning on a valve, water began to fill in the tank as a panel installed at the bottom started spinning, creating a current that ensured each strand was given a good wash. 拧开阀门后,清水注入水箱,随后水箱底部的转盘开始旋转,翻滚的水流保证每根发丝得到彻底的清洗。 The pamper routine is completed with a hair-drying system as well. After the water is drained from the tank, hot air would be emitted to give the user the perfect blow dry. 一顿捯饬后还有头发烘干系统进行风干。待水箱排水完毕,释放的热风会给使用者一个完美的吹干定型。 Geng Shuai, a 31-year-old DIY tinkerer from Baoding, Hebei province, has shot to fame for his "utterly useless" yet hilarious contraptions, including a meat cleaver smartphone case, a barbecue football table and an earthquake-proof noodle bowl. 31岁的发明工匠耿帅来自河北保定,他完全无用却令人捧腹的发明装置使他一举成名,他曾发明过菜刀手机壳、桌上足球烧烤桌和地震吃面神器。 Every country has its toolshed inventors. But China — which gave the world movable type printing, gunpowder and the compass — has spawned a population of tinkerers who display the kind of outsize ambition that has helped the country become a global economic giant. 每个国家都有自己的发明家,但在为世界发明了活字印刷、火药和指南针的中国,有一大批喜欢捣鼓小发明的人,他们展现出了能帮助这个国家成为全球经济巨头的非凡抱负。 Geng may now be the best-known among them — a new kind of social media star whose calling card is his quirkiness. 耿可能是他们(发明家)中最著名的,他属于一种新型网红,他的特色就是怪异。

Geng is most proud of his hammer bag. It's a hollow steel mallet with a compartment that slides out of the head. Perfect, he says, for storing your phone, keys and wallet. It has a strap so it can hang over the wearer's shoulder. 耿帅最自豪的是他的雷神锤挎包,它是一个中空的钢槌,里面的隔层可以由上端滑出。他说,用来放手机、钥匙和钱包非常完美。它有一条带子,能挂在肩上。 His other inventions include a 66-cm long comb made out of iron, a metal contraption that makes flicking someone on the forehead more painful, and a toilet built into a scooter that flushes when you pull a lever on the handlebar. 他其他的发明还有66厘米长的铁梳子,把别人脑门弹得更疼的铁玩意儿,和内嵌在摩托车里的马桶,打开车座,按下手柄就能冲水。 "Most days I don't go to sleep until after midnight, I'm so busy thinking, OK, what should I make next?" said Geng, 31, who sports a ponytail and trademark blue dungarees. “大多数时间我都是后半夜才睡,我总是在思考,我下一条视频该做什么。”31岁的耿帅说,他梳着马尾,穿一身标志性的蓝色粗布工装裤。 Geng is part of an industry that generates as much as $4.7bn in revenue, and one that has few parallels outside of the country. In China, the most popular live streams are not of live events or the feeds of friends, but performances or shows held by strangers. 耿所在的行业能创收47亿美元,很少国外相应行业能与之抗衡。在中国,最火爆的直播不是来自赛事直播或是朋友圈实时视频,而是来自陌生人的表演。 Geng tries to come up with a new invention every week and to make videos two or three times a week. He makes about $150 every time he does a live-streamed broadcast — decent money in a town where five people can have a lavish lunch for a total of $25. He makes enough to support his family — he and his wife have two children — and his brother, who shoots the videos. 耿帅试图每周想出一种新发明,每周制作两三次视频。他每次直播的收入约为150美元(约1035元),在一个五人总共花25美元就能吃一顿丰盛午餐的小镇,这算是不错的收入,他赚的钱足以养活妻子、两个孩子和帮他拍摄这些视频的弟弟。 Geng attributes his fame to China's rapid industrialization, which has seen millions of people migrate from rural regions to small apartments in the big cities, where they work long days. 耿把他的成名归功于中国迅速发展的工业化进程,上百万人搬离农村进入大城市的公寓生活,每天工作很长时间。 "Chinese people love inventions and inventing stuff, but because of economic development, most people don't have the time to do it," he said. "That's why I am popular — they watch me making things because they can't make things themselves." “中国人热爱发明和研究新东西,但由于经济迅速发展,大部分人根本没时间做这些了,”他说,“所以我才能这么红,大家都爱看我搞发明因为他们自己不能这么做。”
