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Nike's new Air Max FF 720 trainers have not been well received online. 耐克的新款Air Max FF 720运动鞋在网上并不受欢迎。 It's not merely because they're pretty ugly, either - it's much more about what they look like than how they look. 这不仅仅是因为它们长得很丑,主要是和它长得像啥有关,而不是长什么样。 The trainers, aimed at women and promoted by England footballer Fran Kirby and Tennis star Laura Robson, are being criticised for looking like irons. 由英格兰足球运动员弗兰·柯比(Fran Kirby)和网球明星劳拉·罗布森(Laura Robson)代言,这些运动鞋的目标客户是女性,但它被吐槽像熨斗。 Yeah, not the perfect look for any trainers. 是啊,这造型啥运动鞋也不适合。 When Sneakernews.com tweeted out that the Air Max FF 720's were about to drop, they were met with reply after reply about irons. Sneakernews.com在推特上说,Air Max FF 720即将发售,他们收到了一个又一个关于熨斗的回复。 There are pictures of irons, people wondering where the ironing board is, and just general disbelief that Nike were actually releasing trainers that looked like irons. 有熨斗的照片,有的问熨衣板在哪里的,人们普遍不相信耐克真的要发售长得像熨斗的运动鞋。 "So we are wearing iron inspired sneakers now?" said one tweet. "Wow! Wow!" 一条推特写道:“所以我们现在穿的是熨斗款运动鞋?”“哇!哇!” "No way. Before viewing the pics I thought these were irons," said another. “不可能。在看这些照片之前,我以为这些是熨斗。” "Someone's gonna be pressing a lot of charges..." was another, although admittedly that joke doesn't really work and just has the word 'pressing' in it. “有人会提出很多指控……”是另一条推,显然这个玩笑并不会真正奏效,里面只用了个“pressing”。 One person summed things up nicely, describing the shoes simply as "nasty pairs of something with a Nike tick on em." 有个人总结得很好,把这双鞋简单地描述为“一对带有耐克标志的讨厌玩意”。

Which, at the end of the day, is entirely accurate; irons or not, they don't look great. 说到底,可以肯定的是;不管像不像熨斗,它们看起来都丑。 The best tweet arguably came from @khaans, who nailed Nike's sales pitch for them. 可以说,最好的推特来自@khaans,他为耐克锁定了销售目标。 "Presenting Women's Nike Air Max FF 720," he said. "It converts the mechanical and kinetic energy generated when you jog/run to heat the iron." “来介绍下女子耐克Air Max FF 720,”他说。“它能将慢跑/跑步时产生的机械能和动能转化为热能。” It's unlikely that the shoes do work like that, of course, but they sure look like they do. 当然,这双鞋不可能有这样的功能,但它们看起来确实是那样的。 These trainers really, really look like irons. 这些运动鞋真的非常非常像熨斗。
