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归功于Well Go,中国票房第二《哪吒》得以在美国上映!(英语双语阅读)


归功于Well Go,中国票房第二《哪吒》得以在美国上映!(英语双语阅读)

Chinese Blockbuster 'Ne Zha' Gets U.S. Release Thanks to Well Go 归功于Well Go,中国大片《哪吒》(Ne Zha)在美国上映 We've been covering the phenomenal performance of Chinese animated feature Ne Zha in the country for the past few weeks, and now, we're happy to report that the movie was released in the U.S. on August 29 by indie distributor Well Go USA Entertainment. The film played exclusively in 3D Imax Theaters on that date, and got a nationwide expansion on Sept. 6. Ne Zha has earned over $555 million in China and is the biggest animated release and the second biggest theatrical release of all time in that country. 过去几周,我们一直在报道中国动画电影《哪吒》在中国的出色表现。现在,我们很高兴地宣布,这部电影已于8月29日由独立发行商Well Go USA Entertainment在美国上映。该片于9月6日在3D Imax影院上映,并很快拓展到全国范围内的播放。《哪吒》在中国的票房已超过5.55亿美元,是中国有史以来最大的动画电影和第二大院线电影。

Produced by Beijing Enlight Pictures and written and directed by first-time feature filmmaker Yang Yu (aka Jiao Zi). The pic is described as a fresh take on a well-known work of classical Chinese mythology. It centers on a son of the gods who finds himself a feared outcast because of a divine prophecy that he will bring destruction to the world. He faces a choice between good and evil in order to break with the prophecy and become a hero. The movie has struck a chord with audiences, as it has scored 9.7/10 on the ticketing app Maoyan. 本片由北京光线影业出品,杨宇(又名饺子)首次担任编剧和导演。这部影片被认为是对中国古典神话名著的全新诠释。故事围绕着众神之子展开,他发现自己被当做是一个可怕的弃儿,因为他有一个神圣的预言,他将给这个世界带来毁灭。为了打破预言,成为英雄,他面临着善与恶的抉择。这部电影引起了观众的共鸣,在票房应用猫眼上获得了9.7分的高分(满分10分)。 Among Well Go's other recent releases are Lee Chang-dong's Burning, Zhang Yimou's Shadow and Yuen Woo-Ping's Master Z: The Ip Man Legacy. Well Go最近发行的其他影片包括李沧东的《燃烧》、张艺谋的《影》和袁和平的《叶问传》。

上一篇:为了劝人们少用塑料袋 这位杂货店主给塑料袋印上尴尬字眼(英语双语阅读)
