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An Argentinian local court ordered a 70-year-old man to pay his ex-wife 8 million pesos as compensation for 27 years of house work. 阿根廷一个地方法院命令一名70岁男子向其前妻支付800万比索(106万元人民币),作为前妻干了27年家务活的补偿。 Judge Victoria Famá made the landmark ruling after taking into consideration that the elderly couple's roles had been well-determined during their 30-year marriage, with the woman, identified only as M.L., taking care of the household, while the husband went to work. Despite holding a degree in economics, the woman put aside her professional career to raise her children and take care of the house. By the time M.L.'s husband left her, she was already 60 years old, too old to even be considered on the job market. 做出这一里程碑式裁决的法官维多利亚·法玛考虑到这对老夫妇在三十年的婚姻期间分工明确,妻子(姓名不详,只知道M.L.这个称呼)照料家庭,丈夫在外工作。尽管拥有经济学学位,这位女子还是放弃了自己的职业生涯来抚养孩子,打理家务。在M.L.的丈夫离开她时,她已经60岁了,就业市场根本不会考虑雇佣这么大年纪的人。 "After 27 years of marriage the accused abandoned his wife when she turned 60 years old, the age at which women obtain retirement benefits, being excluded from the labor market," Judge Famá's ruling stated. "The economic dependence of wives on their husbands is one of the central mechanisms through which women are subordinated in society." 法官法玛的判决书中写道:“在27年的婚姻生活后,被告在妻子60岁时抛弃了她,这个年纪的女性已开始领退休金,被排除在就业市场之外。妻子在经济上依赖丈夫是导致女性在社会中从属地位的核心机制之一。” The Argentinian couple separated in 2009, and divorced two years later. Since then, the woman has experienced financial difficulties due to her inability to find a job and receiving meager retirement benefits, while her husband reportedly "lived a good life". 这对阿根廷夫妇在2009年分手,两年后离婚。自那以后,这位女子因无法找到工作,只能领取微薄的退休金而陷入经济困境。与此同时,她的前夫据称“过得挺滋润”。

"This verdict is very novel because it acknowledges that what we do in our homes is a job, care tasks are a job because they involve time, effort and skills," Lucia Martelotte, deputy executive director of the Latin American Justice and Gender Team, said. "But this goes unseen and women do not get a salary for that." 拉丁美洲司法与性别小组的代理执行主任卢西亚·马特洛特说:“这一裁决很有新意,因为它承认了做家务和照料家人也是工作,理由是它们需要时间、精力和技能。但人们对这部分工作视而不见,女性做家务也没有薪水。” Judge Famá described the compensation amount as "a reasonable sum in order to balance the disparate economic situations of the spouses". She added that the woman's degree in economics and the age at which her husband decided to leave her were also taken into consideration. 法玛法官表示,这一赔偿金额是“合理的,是为了平衡配偶间差异巨大的经济状况”。她补充说,该判决同时也考虑了该女子的经济学学位和前夫决定离开她时的年龄。 Lawyers in Argentina have called the verdict "very novel" and the amount awarded to the plaintiff "unprecedented". 阿根廷的律师称这一判决“很新奇”,而且判给原告的补偿金数量也是“史无前例的”。 OECD data shows that women do more unpaid work at home than men in all 10 of the most developed countries in the world. 经合组织的数据显示,在世界最发达的10个国家中,女性在家所做的无偿劳动都比男性多。

