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立夏小常识? 防震小常识?英文双语对照


立夏小常识? 防震小常识?英文双语对照


1. 立夏是二十四节气之一,通常是在公历5月5日左右。这一节气标志着气温开始升高,天气逐渐变热,大自然开始进入夏季的状态。

2. 立夏是农民朋友们进行农事活动的重要时期。在这个时候,一些作物开始进入生长的高峰期,比如玉米、豆类、草莓等等。此时,农民们需要注意及时浇水、除草、打药等等农事活动,以确保作物的良好生长。

3. 在立夏这个时节,人们也需要注意自身健康,采取预防措施应对高温天气。例如多饮水、少在太阳底下暴晒、注意补充盐分等等。此外,立夏前后还是适合进行一些户外运动的好时节,例如比较适合爬山、郊游等等。

4. 在传统文化中,立夏这个节气还有一些特殊的庆祝方式。例如一些地方会祭夏神,以祈求夏季风调雨顺,农作物丰收;也有一些地方会吃特别的食物,例如过五子饮等等,以期度过炎热的夏季。

5. 总之,立夏是大自然进入夏季的重要标志,也是人们进行农事活动和健康生活的重要时刻。在这个节气中,我们需要注意人与自然的和谐,同时积极应对夏季的挑战,以度过一个愉快、健康的夏季。


1. 定期检查房屋:定期检查房屋结构,包括地基、墙体、屋顶等部位是否存在裂缝、漏水等问题。

2. 安装抗震设备:在地震频繁的区域,应该安装抗震设备,如减震器、防震支架等。

3. 摆放家具:家具放置时不要靠近外墙或门窗,以免地震发生时倒塌伤人。

4. 准备应急物资:备好应急物资,如食品、水、药品、手电筒等,以备不时之需。

5. 避免在高楼上逗留:地震时尽量避免在高楼上逗留,选择低矮的地方躲避。

6. 注意通风换气:地震时应确保室内通风良好,避免二氧化碳浓度过高影响健康。

7. 保持镇静:遇到地震时要保持冷静,迅速采取逃生措施,并及时向有关部门报告。












1. 夏至是一年中白天最长、黑夜最短的日子。2. 夏至是因为地球公转轨道上的位置,使得北半球的太阳直射点达到了最北端,导致北半球的白天时间最长。同时,由于地球自转轴倾斜,南半球的太阳直射点则达到了最南端,导致南半球的白天时间最短。3. 夏至是中国传统的二十四节气之一,也是重要的农事节气。在夏至这一天,人们会吃一种叫“菖蒲饮”的饮品,以驱邪避瘟。此外,夏至也是中国传统的“端午节”前的一个重要节气,人们会在这一天吃粽子、赛龙舟等活动。








































小常识主要包括以下几点: 1.相互尊重和理解,避免彼此指责和争吵。 2.彼此保持沟通,共同解决问题和分担压力。 3.注意个人卫生,保持干净、整洁、健康的生活习惯。 4.建立合理的财务预算和分配计划,避免因金钱问题引起纷争。 5.维持良好的家庭气氛,营造温馨的家庭环境。 6.彼此间体贴关怀,培养深厚的感情和亲密的互动。 7.相互了解和支持,共同构建夫妻的价值观和信仰。 总之,新婚生活中需要双方共同努力,尊重、理解和支持对方,共建幸福和美满的婚姻生活。


















Little common sense of the Beginning of Summer?

1.The Beginning of Summer is one of 24 solar term, it is normally controlled on May 5 in the Gregorian calendar. This one solar term is indicating air temperature begins to lift, weather chases gradual change to heat up, nature begins to enter summertime state.

2.The Beginning of Summer is the important period that farmer friends have agronomic activity. In this moment, a few crop begin to enter growth fastigium, for instance corn, legume, strawberry is waited a moment. Right now, farmer people need attention waters in time, weed, hit medicine to wait agronomic activity a moment, in order to ensure the fine exceedingly of crop is long.

3.In the Beginning of Summer this season, people also needs to notice oneself is healthy, adopt precautionary measures to answer high temperature weather. Water more for example, it is little below the sun insolate, notice compensatory salinity is waited a moment. In addition, around of the Beginning of Summer still suits to have the good time of a few outdoors motion, suit to climb quite for example, the outing is waited a moment.

4.In traditional culture, this solar term still has the Beginning of Summer a few special congratulatory kind. For example a few places are met god of summer of hold a memorial ceremony for, with invocatory summer favorable weather, crop bumper harvest; Also a few places can eat special food, pass for example 5 child drink is waited a moment, with period spend burning hot summer.

5.Anyhow, the Beginning of Summer is the important sign that nature enters the summer, also be the important hour that people has agronomic activity and health live. In this solar term, we need to notice person and natural harmony, answer summertime challenge actively at the same time, in order to spend a happy, healthy summer.

Is shock-proof Xiaochang known?

1.Check a building regularly: Check building construction regularly, include the place such as body of foundation, wall, housetop to whether exist interstitial, slack wait for a problem.

2.Install aseismatic equipment: In the area with frequent earthquake, should install aseismatic equipment, wait like shock absorber, shock-proof bracket.

3.Put furniture: The wall outside standing by or door window do not want when furniture is placed, lest injury person collapses when seismic happening.

4.Prepare lash-up goods and materials: Goods and materials of equipment good lash-up, wait like food, water, medicines and chemical reagents, flashlight, in order to have untimely needs.

5.Avoid to linger on high-rise: Avoid to linger on high-rise as far as possible when the earthquake, choose low place to avoid.

6.Notice ventilated take a breath: Should ensure when the earthquake indoor drafty, avoid carbon dioxide chroma to cross high impact health.

7.Keep composed: Keep one's hair on wants when encountering an earthquake, adopt quickly flee for one's life measure, report in time to concerned branch.

Life little common sense?

10 commonly used Xiaochang in the life are known

1, when sweeping the floor, a polybag is covered on broom, can suck the hair on the dwelling place effectively.

2, with last film encases the root ministry of banana, can lengthen last time.

3, an apple is put in potato caboodle, can lengthen potato deposit time.

4, cut chili ruthless method, can wash his hands with toothpaste, the result is right.

5, sweater cuff or collarband lost flexibility, can immerse cuff or collar 20 minutes in hot water, the flexibility after air can restore many.

6, hair of golden jewelry surface is old, dip in a few toothpaste is wiped gently, can become more shining.

7, the hair that has done newly, before sleeping, the filar towel with a glossy quality of a material is spread on the pillow, can help a hair effectively changeless model.

8, the flower that inserts in bottle is added in clear water a few white vinegar or blanch water, can make keep of flower longer colourfully.

Solstitial little common sense?

1.The Summer Solstice is the longest by day, night is the shortest time in a year. 2. The Summer Solstice is the position that goes up because of earthly revolution orbit, make the sun of the Northern Hemisphere bit more point-blank achieved most boreal end, between the white climate that brings about the Northern Hemisphere the longest. In the meantime, because earthly rotation axis tilts, point-blank dot achieved the sun of the Southern Hemisphere most Na Duan, between the white climate that brings about the Southern Hemisphere the shortest. 3. The Summer Solstice is one of 24 solar term of Chinese tradition, also be significant agronomic solar terms. In the Summer Solstice this day, people can have a kind to cry " calamus drink " drink, avoid with exorcise acute communicable diseases. In addition, the Summer Solstice also is Chinese tradition " dragon boat festival " a before significant solar terms, people can have the activity such as dragon boat of zhongzi, contest in this day.

Is geographical Xiaochang known?

Chinese geographical common sense: Rich

(1) water natural resources

Time: Xia Qiu is much, wintry spring is little, year time change is big. — builds reservoir

Space: Southeast is much, northwest is little, the area distributings not all. — crosses catchment to move water wasteful and serious, agriculture of development division water, raise water natural resources utilization rate, managing with water.

(2) water can resource

Area: Southwest and most

River: The Yangtse River is most

Condition: Water amount is large, drop is big

(3) solar energy

Abound an area: Qinghai-Tibet Platean, northwest is inland

Indigent area: Sichuan basin

(4) wind energy

Northwest inland: Wintry spring is rich

Southeast is coastal: Xia Qiufeng is rich

(5) ground heat energy

Sheep 8 wells hydroelectric station (Tibet)

(6) nuclear energy

1. The condition with solid nuclear power plant:

Groovy the sources of energy is lacked

Science and technology develops

Financing is sufficient

Market demand is big

2. The nuclear power plant that our country already built:

Guangdong: Daya Bay (Pearl River delta)

Zhejiang: Qin Shan (delta of the Yangtse River)

Couplet little common sense?

1, word number is equal. "Word number is equal " include three-layer meaning: The number of word group word of correspondence of fluctuation couplet photograph is equal; The word of every clause counts fluctuation couplet equal; Number of total word of number of total word of the first line of a couplet on a scroll and the second line of a couplet is equal.   

2, content is relevant. Content of the second line of a couplet on couplet is due and associated. Should regard a pair of couplet an article, want to have theme and clou, cannot fluctuate couplet says an irrelvant thing each.

3, " syntactical functions and morphological features that help to determine a part of speech comparatives " the syntactic element that is couplet, its meaning is: The syntactical functions and morphological features that help to determine a part of speech of every word of correspondence of fluctuation couplet photograph, word should belong to same category. Namely the noun is right noun, the verb is right verb, be like etc " spring come eye border,

4, humorous of photograph of level and oblique tones. "Level and oblique tones " concept: "Smooth " point to mandarin high and level tone, rising tone, namely the first, 2, be like " Mom, hemp " , call in couplet " level tone word " ; "Narrow " point to mandarin falling-rising tone, falling tone, namely the 3rd, the four tones of classical Chinese phonetics, be like " horse, scold " , call in couplet " word of oblique tones in Chinese pronunciation " . "Humorous of photograph of level and oblique tones " it is tonetic and mutual harmonious, so that read,rise able to read aloud fluently of the sound of reading aloud, have feeling of phonic musical sound. "Humorous of photograph of level and oblique tones " the element of acoustical keep under control that is couplet.

Wash clothes little common sense?

Wash the dress above all brunet the dress with light color is apart, underwear and coat are apart, wash light color dress first washing brunet dress, lest string together color, underwear briefs suggests the hand is washed, because be the bacterium in underclothes content washing machine much

Little common sense of science and technology?

1, why can ice-cream risk energy of life?

Because there is lunt in outside air,ice-cream risks energy of life is, when coming up against very cold ice-cream, encounter cold surround into droplet with respect to liquefaction it is all round ice-cream, looking is ice-cream is in it seems that " risk energy of life " same.

2, why does helianthus always side with the sun?

The cauline ministry of helianthus contains a kind of wonderful plant to grow element. This kind grows element special be afraid of light. Encounter radial illuminate, it can go to the one side that be in a poor light, at the same time it returns stimulation to be in a poor light the cell of one side breeds quickly, so, what grow what compare Xiang Guang at the same time what be in a poor light at the same time is fast, make helianthus produced phototropism to bend.

Newly-married little common sense?

Little common sense basically includes the following: 1. Be respected each other and understand, avoid to each other censure and quarrel. 2. Each other maintain communicate, solve jointly problem and partake pressure. 3. Notice the individual is wholesome, maintain clean, neat, healthy habits and customs. 4. Build reasonable finance affairs budget and distribute a plan, because monetary issue causes dispute,avoid. 5. Maintain good domestic mood, build sweet domestic environment. 6. Those shows consideration for consideration here, the love with deep education and interact intimately. 7. Understand one another and support, common form builds husband and wife's viewpoint of value and belief. Anyhow, bilateral joint efforts needs in new legitimate work, esteem, understanding and supportive the other side, build happiness and perfect matrimony in all.

Little common sense of put out a fire?

One, call the police

When producing fire, answer to call the police well and truly, main demand is:

1. When calling the police with the phone, want ad cool-headed and sober ground to dial " 119 " fire telephone should tell place of clear on fire to reach its to be in a few date of village, street, doorplate, a few rooms, the specification is what thing catchs fire, have the case that does not have explosive danger article; Should tell Qing Dynasty to call the police the telephone number of the person's full name, unit and place; It is OK to wait for the other side to explain when ring off, square but ring off.

2. After calling the police, should instantly personally or group person arrives unit doorway, street mouth or fire engine of roundabout await the arrival of, guide fire department to hurry to the scene of a fire quickly.

2, calamity of the on fire at the beginning of rush to save life and property

In the home once on fire, not panic-stricken, if igneous power is not great, the equipment of simple and easy put out a fire of the stock in answering to use the home quickly and other can use article to take effective measures control and fire of rush to save life and property.

1. Oily boiler catchs fire, cannot spill water put out a fire, should shut cooking range to light gas valve, the boiler on direct lid is built or enclothe with wet dishcloth, make fire asphyxial, still but to the vegetable refrigeration that has cut is put inside boiler put out a fire.

2. Canister burning gas catchs fire, should cover with soaked bedding, clothings lid put out a fire, close valve quickly.

3. Electric home appliances

3, the scene of a fire flees for his life

The scene of a fire flees for his life the most crucial is brains should keep ad cool-headed and sober, must not consternation.

1. When producing conflagration, want to escape with the rapiddest rate the spot, cannot cling to property.

2. Cannot erect when smother diffuses walk, otherwise smoke of extremely easy choke and toxic. Flee for one's life in the process must small gesture is ongoing, the body maintains in 1 meter the following.

3. Be at large when leaving fire scene, should have along designation " safe exit " the passageway flees for his life, do not enter unidentified passageway casually.

4. If the person that flee for one's life catchs fire on the body, answer to be taken off or tear down the dress quickly, or on the spot rolls to extinguish fire, but the attention has not rolled fast, be sure to keep in mind not to take fire to run with the wind move.

上一篇:健身为什么不吃蛋黄? 为什么健身的人只吃蛋清不吃蛋黄?英文双语对照