The 1st close: Wake hole dad up male. Alarm clock, TV of what is to puzzle you are used. Want a hole dad only male 3 ZZZ on the side are clicked respectively, hole dad male can awake, next with respect to pass a barrier.
The 2nd close: Hole dad guesses idiom. This is a joke that has heard in one's childhood, small Bai Changde resembles his elder brother, his elder brother is become known, so the answer is: The truth (resemble) become known.
The 3rd close: Be about to drill this result. Hole dad male chase thief. Click hole dad first male knapsack. Drop jewel of a sunflower, the book breaks up to writing ' to be about to drill this result, surely first from palace. " but, do not hint according to game really from palace, nod sunflower jewel again, the book turned over one page again, writing " be like not from palace, also can succeed. " next hole dad male became preterhuman, capture thief next with respect to pass a barrier.
The 4th close: Surround hole dad male. There is the dustbin of a green at the back of the house of right. The place in putting it in the graph shows circle to go up, it is OK to click another circle on the side again next.
The 5th close: Beat big man. This closes cannot mix chunk head confront the tough with toughness, the method of pass a barrier is very simple. Use the right and left Xiang Jian below, arrive first chunk head right, return its left again, again right, again left. . . After going a few rounds, he is met circle a circle automatically, and go faster more. A little while big fellow is dizzy. Such OK pass a barrier.
The 6th close: Cheer cheer. When the master of gas station talks, attend gas station sign " cheer " in the bleb that 2 words put uncle to talk, enclothe wait for these two words a bit, next, uncle can be cheered to you. Such OK pass a barrier.
The 7th close: I should fly higher. This closes cannot nod a balloon. The crow that because can be flown to,comes bumps. Want the rock that handle opportunity comes over to keep next only actually, till hole dad male fly, OK pass a barrier.
The 8th close: The Foolish Old Man removed the mountains. This closes inspirational likelihood to come from comic dialogue of Guo Degang, will delimit on screen, the sky has, haw, fairy. Nod fairy, she flies to mix hole dad male entered a house to undertake the person moves building together. Next, give birth to dad of one caboodle hole male dig hill do not have.
The 9th close: I should come home. Come home, it is literal meaning. Think at the beginning should press " Home " key. But it is actually, click the suspensive key of top right corner, nod the key of that house form that returns home page. Boil next came home.
The 10th close: Harbour cash pot. Pull the tail of pig pig first, next the mouth of pig pig can be stretched, tilt mobile phone towards the left next, shake a mobile phone to fall outside, the money inside such pig pigs comes with respect to meeting drop out, such OK pass a barrier.
The 11st close: Chase thief. It is this to drive chase thief, should notice escape is other car next rapid will above plan the hole father male head that go up of tend thief, next with respect to open cruel take pattern, bump flew thief. Such OK pass a barrier.
The 12nd close: Hole dad male become handsome. Click the picture on the wall first, till the head portrait that appears to be taught, put him to hole dad on male head, nod a mirror again. Hole dad male become handsome. Such with respect to pass a barrier.
The 13rd close: Dad of puddle of be addicted to male. This closes should press hole dad male pull him from water come out, put that to left next " if spend " in the bosom, "If spend " can wake him in person. This is after wanting to if the flower kisses,be in, hole dad male before awaking, change the belle to the position that is like a flower. Next with respect to pass a barrier.
The 14th close: Tear open bomb. Click hole dad male trousers to wrap up the mobile phone in directly, dial 110, natural somebody will tear open play. Next with respect to pass a barrier.
The 15th close: Hole dad fill a vacancy is inscribed. This is problem of a fill a vacancy really, inscribe fill a vacancy in " empty " word, move in sky, click affirmatory. Next with respect to pass a barrier.
The 16th close: Hole dad is ugly small duck. Click piggy first, he can hit a big sneeze to blow the feather of ostrich, choose hole father again next male go stealing duck's egg. Such OK pass a barrier.
The 17th close: Square dance noise. Do not need to operate at the beginning, when 3 aunts come on stage after coming out to sing, click top right corner to suspend key, press Jing Yin bolts. Hole dad male wore headphone. Such with respect to pass a barrier.
The 18th close: Put bucket challenge on the ice. Slide above all the ice cube in glacial bucket, ice cube can melt. Click cord next, the water inside the bucket can come down. Can appear at this moment the clew pen that invites you to issue a challenge to the friend, want to launch a challenge, it is OK to send a friend successfully to encircle ability pass a barrier. Mobile phone of need of pass a barrier installed small letter ability is OK oh.
The 19th close: I should sleep. Click hole dad above all male desk. Nod that gules diamonds object next, can reach desk, hole dad male can sleep. Such with respect to pass a barrier.
The 20th close: Had cheated guard. Hole dad male after going, click a police first. At this moment gules triangle can move to go up to constabulary head. Control police goes right walk out of screen limits, choose hole father again male, OK pass a barrier.
The 21st close: Wheelbarrow. This closes cannot move as usual hole dad male or score. Discovering a wheel is shrivelled, press a wheel to aerate, become fruity till the wheel. Click hole dad male OK pass a barrier.
The 22nd close: Hole dad Maliao. This closes tell the truth very hole, large hole, dad of hole of player need control male commit suicide all the time, till body cram hole, can go by, altogether needs to commit suicide 5 times.
The 23rd close: Sheer bomb. Click treasure chest first, next the bomb inside treasure chest can time, press helper machine next " Home " key quits sport, after waiting a few seconds, return game, OK and direct pass a barrier.
The 24th close: Lilliputian escapes. Right next horn have a piece of paper, move him the circle that comes over to put hole dad male place, can make hole dad male walk out of circle, such with respect to pass a barrier.