Choose the project selection of subject of English literature to be able to undertake from 3 direction: The country fastens literature to criticism of research, literature studies theoretically and compare literature to consider.
When undertaking the country fastens literature to study selection of subject, the some in choosing British literature or American literature commonly is classical writer (be like Hemingway) , some one classic work (be like " twin city is written down " ) , some writes skill (be like indicative gimmick apply) or some literature thoughts (if romanticism moves) make thorough research. But choosing a writer or had better choose to be on literary history when work as classical writer or work. Have individual and popular writer or work pole rich great reputation, arouse the student's interest easily, be like " wave " or " bramble bird " , the student has strong desire to choose them to regard research as the object. Be in inevitable when afore-mentioned circumstances, should dig the profound meaning with underlying work as far as possible, cannot flow at superficial analysis.
Literature criticizes academic selection of subject to suit English major undergraduate students not quite commonly, be in because of this study of academic knowledge phase of English major graduate student, the undergraduate students does not have literature to criticize academic intellectual structure commonly. The selection of subject of this direction can criticize theory about some literature, the illuminate of term of one literature criticism or some two kinds or the literary criticism of above is compared theoretically.
Literature studies even if have the writer of two above or work comparative quite. These two work or writer can be same country other (be like " the poetry of Shelley and Baron is compared " ) , also can be different country other (be like " peony wells balanced " with " Romeo and Juliet " )
Provide the selection of subject of direction of a few literature of English major paper, for composing reference.
StudyontheChildImageoftheCatcherintheRyeFromLinguisticPerspective is analysed from the angle of the language " the watcher in cornfield " medium children form
ACHILDOFNATURE:ONEMILYDICKINSON'SNATURECOMPLEX uncut jade is too busy, like nature itself: Talk Emily. Natural complex of Di Jinsen
APOLYPHONICANALYSISOFTHESOUNFANDFURY " polyphonic " analysis " roaring with disturbance "
TheUseofZeroArticleBeforeClassNouns kind the 0 article usage before the noun is analytic
AnAnalysisofFactorsofMartinEden'sSuicide brings about Martin. Yi publishs the analysis of suicidal element
FactorsAffectingMarriageinPrideandPrejudice<< is proud with bias > > in the factor that affects marriage
AProbeintoAnti-slaveryofMarkTwain- - FromthePerspectiveofJiminTheAdventuresofHuckleberryFinn discusses mark twain turn over slavery- - right " the adventure writes down Hakebeilifen " in the analysis of Jim
IndividualFactosContributingtoGatsby'sTragedy brings about the individual ingredient that Gates produces than tragedy
OnSocialFactoratotheFailureoftheAmericamDream -- AContrastbetweenGatsbyandWillyLoman considers the social factor with American undone dream -- of Gaicibi and might Luo Man quite
OnthePsychologicalDevelopmentofTominTheGrapesofWrath is talked " indignant grape " in Tom's psychology changes
AResearchofRhetoricinJaneEyre about " brief love " in rhetorical research
OntheCausesofTess'sTragedy discusses the matter of tragedy of liver mosses silk
OnSymbolismandPortraitureinTheGreatGatsby is talked " marvelous Gaicibi " medium symbolistic with portraiture
Multianalysisof"theLostGeneration"inTheSunAlsoRises is clairvoyant " the sun rises all the same " medium " lost generation "
Abdicate character analyses OnRobinsonCrusoe'sCharacter Lu Bin
TheUseofSymbolisminScarletLetter is talked " rubric " in of indicative gimmick apply
OntheWritingFeaturesOfTheCalloftheWild is talked " call haggardly " writing gimmick