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1, Sohu net

Sohu net provides 24 hours of uninterrupted X news information for the user, reach the network service such as search, mail. Content includes comment of global heat incident, sudden news, current affairs, heat to sow trends of match of drama of movie and TV, sports, industry, life to serve message, and the interactive space such as guest of forum, rich, small gain, my Sohu.

2, Tecent net

Tecent net founds from 2003 up to now, had made market news news, information of media of perpendicular life service, socialization and product are area the Internet media platform of an organic whole. Tecent net sets the many channel such as news, science and technology, finance and economics, recreation, sports, car, vogue, sufficient contented user is right the demand of different type information.

3, Netease

Tecent net founds from 2003 up to now, had made market news news, information of media of perpendicular life service, socialization and product are area the Internet media platform of an organic whole. Tecent net sets the many channel such as news, science and technology, finance and economics, recreation, sports, car, vogue, sufficient contented user is right the demand of different type information.

4, sina net

Sina net is global user 24 hours to provide comprehensive and timely Chinese information, content is enclothed break out information of vogue of match of news event, sport, recreation, property, economic news domestic and internationally to wait, set the channel of 30 many content such as news, sports, recreation, finance and economics, science and technology, house property, car, offer the freedom such as rich guest, video, forum at the same time interactive communication space.

5, phoenix net

Phoenix net is China's banner integrated portal website, offer those who contain Wen Tuyin video is all-around product of comment of interview of integrated news information, deepness, viewpoint, finance and economics, interactive application, share the service such as community, as wireless as phoenix, phoenix is broadband at the same time form 3 screen linkage, provide network of Internet, wireless communication, TV for global mainstream Chinese 3 nets confluence is not had seam the new media that join high grade experience.

6, people net

People net, it is one of 10 big paper of world " People's Daily " the information on the gives priority to with news large network of construction releases platform, also be the biggest Chinese on Internet and one of websites of much language news. Regard national emphasis news as the website, diversity and the authority with press, seasonable sex, comment sex are people net characteristic, establish in the netizen rose " website of authoritative medium, masses " figure.

7, xinhua net

Xinhua net is by the Party Central Committee direct deploy, the main force of website of central key news that Xinhua News Agency of national news agency sponsors, it is position of the public opinion on the network with party and important country, in global have major force.

8, China net

China net is core with Chinese market, be dedicated to providing the recreation on service of appreciation of going from place to place, net and Internet service for local user. Our company also roll out the game on the net, reach through its portal website is offerred include the product on some 10 thousand nets and service.

9, with dispatch net

With dispatch net - chief of network of Chinese finance and economics and home of middle class network, found 1996, for you all-around offer information of finance and economics and prices of global money market, enclothe stock, fund, futures, point to futures, foreign currency, bond, safe, bank, gold, conduct financial transactions, , the finance and economics such as rich guest is integrated information

10, Chinese net

Website of national emphasis news, have news of 10 languages independence to collect make up, report and issue right; report the nation is major for a short while news event; Library of national condition information serves global reader to understand China; Exclusive network direct seeding releases news briefing of office of news of the State Council website; Have resource of expert of domestic and international top class scholar, make up solely send all sorts of relevant policy to unscramble.

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