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苹果产业链概念股一览:   晶盛机电、天龙光电、安泰科技、欧菲光、露笑科技、天通股份、东晶电子、大族激光、立讯精密、华工科技、水晶光电、锦富新材、歌尔声学、环旭电子、安洁科技等。   环旭电子:微小化模组率先受益苹果穿戴式新品  研究机构:  业绩简评  环旭电子发布14 年1 季报,1-3 月实现收入34.76 亿元,与去年基本持平,净利润11,173.98 万元,同比下降5.9%;对应EPS0.16 元,基本符合预期。  经营分析  经营超预期,毛利率企稳回升:去年高基数影响,营业收入与去年基本持平,要好于市场对公司整体业绩的预估;毛利率12.9%虽然较去年同期下降0.6 个百分点,但已经较去年平均水平11.9%提升1 个百分点,显示经营的稳定增长。  产业链做到全球最佳,系统级模组新品独家供应穿戴式新品:公司微小化无线通讯模组产品是全球最大的供应商之一,去年苹果才引入TDK 作为第三家供应商,其微小化技术在全球来看处于领先的地位;iWatch 等巨头穿戴式产品的发布,将拉开新一代智能设备硬件创新的大幕,公司相应的系统微小化产品将有望率先切入供应链,并且获得更大的市场份额。  背靠日元光,技术衍进方向更为明确:作为日月光的子公司,公司可以在战略布局与技术演进方面,获得更多的资源与技术交流,看好公司在SMT层面,日月光在半导体制程层面完善系统级封装,形成互补。  估值与投资建议  研报认为随着苹果iWatch 推出时点的临近,穿戴式设备终于迎来硬件巨头的指引,成熟进程有望大幅加快。公司作为SIP 技术的领先厂商,有望率先享受新品增长带来的红利。提升公司14-17 年盈利预测为0.77 元、0.89元、1.03 元;若考虑募投项目贡献以及股份摊薄,对应EPS 分别为0.727元、0.922 元、1.118 元,维持“增持”评级,目标价为28 元,对应30x15PE.  风险  公司产品生产销售低于预期。  锦富新材:一季度营收增速恢复,新的利润增长点将逐步显现  研究机构:中金公司日期:2014-4-29  业绩略低于预期  锦富新材1Q14 实现营收6.0 亿元,同比上升28%;归属于上市公司股东净利润4,316 万元,同比增加20%,小幅低于市场预期。  2013 毛利率大幅下降,参股公司DS 经营恶化:4Q13 营收同比增速为10%,带动2013 全年实现4%营收增速。其中内销增长较快,2013 年同比增长47%,在营收中占比提升至45%。受行业竞争加剧影响,2013 毛利率同比下降3.6 个百分点至15.7%。DS 经营持续恶化而计提长投减值准备1,094 万元,加上对应收账款计提2,282 万的坏账,2013 归属于上市公司净利润同比下降33%。  1Q14 营收增速恢复,营业外收入大幅增加:1Q14 营收恢复28%同比增速,但毛利率维持向下趋势,仅为13.9%,同比下降5.6 个百分点,使得1Q14 毛利同比减少9%。三大营业费用率从4Q13的6.8%下降至5.3%,营业外收入同比增加252%,使得税前利润实现3%的同比增速。  发展趋势  2013 产品结构调整与布局,2014 有望逐渐收获新的利润增长点:2013 公司不断拓展外延,收购DS 获得三星LCM 和BLU 合格供应商资格;消费电子摄像镜头模组项目已完成产线建设并量产;CNC(数控加工中心)项目新的研发及生产基地在建中,用于OGS玻璃加工的设备已实现小批量供货,用于蓝宝石玻璃加工的设备已完成研制并将交付重点客户试用;增资苏州格瑞丰涉足石墨烯领域,着力电子新型材料、3D 打印工艺及设备研制,目前已接到客户研发订单。  切入地图开发新领域,推动软硬件一体化:公司联合研发“捷径全景全息地图综合应用”,加强对消费电子产品应用软件及服务的储备。目前该项目研发顺利,并着手引进领先的游戏及商业应用合作方,未来将进一步加大力度拓展“内容”服务领域。  盈利预测调整  下调2014EPS 至0.42 元(-15%),源于毛利率的大幅下降,2015EPS为0.49 元。结合公司近两年PE(TTM)均值减去0.5 倍标准差(30x),给予目标价12.5 元(-18%)。  估值与建议  当前股价对应2014/15 年市盈率为25.2x/21.7x,维持审慎推荐评级。风险在于并购收益未能快速体现、新项目进度低于预期。  安洁科技:业绩符合预期,新品季即将启动  研究机构:申银万国日期:2014-4-25  重申买入评级。尽管一季度由于苹果iPad 出货量下滑导致公司业绩不佳,但是考虑到2Q 开始苹果新品驱动的产品单价及盈利能力提升,研报维持公司2014-16 年盈利预测为1.20 元,1.79 元,2.53 元,目前价格对应14-16 年PE为29.3X,19.6X 和13.9X,考虑公司未来持续受益于客户新品推出和新材料布局,研报认为公司未来将持续保持高速增长,6 个月-12 合理估值水平为14年40 倍PE,对应6-12 个月目标价48 元,重申买入评级。  1 季报符合研报预期,盈利能力下滑。公司14 年1 季度实现营业收入1.45 亿,同比下滑11.6%,环比下降26.4%,归属上市公司股东净利润3052 万,同比下滑31.4%,环比下降19.2%,对应EPS 0.17 元,符合研报的预期。1 季度公司毛利率30.3%,比13 年1 季度毛利率下降10.5 个百分点,比13 年4 季度下降4.5 个百分点。公司1 季度三项费用合计1351 万,同比减少18.5%,环比减少25.6%。盈利能力变化主要是由于相比去年同期,14 年1 季度新产品尚未量产,而iPad 出货量下滑导致公司开工率降低,影响了公司的盈利能力。  2 季度开始受益苹果新品效应。研报预计公司将从2 季度开始供货Macbook 新品,随着2Q 末iPhone 6 及大尺寸iPhone 量产,4Q 大屏iPad Pro 量产,公司可望显着受益于新品带动的盈利能力修复。研报认为特别需要关注的是新品中公司提出的新材料和新设计应用可望大幅提升公司对客户产品的单价。  新产能可望2Q 末投产,大幅改善公司经营效率。公司目前投资的光电车间扩产项目和重庆安洁可望与2Q 末至3Q 初投产,可望大幅提升公司的制造规模,增强公司接单能力,并在下半年客户新品爆发阶段,具备足够的生产制造能力。  从长期来看,提升了公司规模效应,特别是将有利于公司承接更多新客户订单,减小单一客户对公司经营的影响。  大族激光:二季度拐点已至,三季将迎来爆发  研究机构:招商证券日期:2014-04-30  一季报业绩低于预期。公司14年一季度营收7.99亿,同比增长4%,归属母公司的净利润3052万,同比下降46%,对应EPS 0.03元,低于市场预期。主要原因是13年Q1仍有部分高毛利苹果业务而今年完全没有和部分非苹果业务降价促销导致整体毛利率33.3%低于去年同期4个点,以及今年Q1合并子公司亏损而去年同期盈利所致。  上半年展望超预期,二季度迎来拐点。公司同时预告上半年同比增长5-25%,区间中值对应二季单季净利为1.82亿,环比增长近5倍,同比增长42%,超越市场预期,拐点趋势明确;研报分析主要原因是二季整体消费电子回暖,尤其是苹果业务开始放量所致。研报判断今年iphone两个新版本分别于在9、10月发布,零组件厂6、7月量产,而设备厂则4、5月开始批量供货,这点研报已与公司验证,大族今年打标、焊接、切割、量测等部门均有较多新品配合苹果。而对于蓝宝石切割设备,由于主力使用的iWatch在10月底前后发布,设备预计从6月才开始集中批量交货,虽公司已有可观的在手订单,但考虑确认进度在二季度预测中考虑并不多,研报判断会在三季度集中放量。  今明年高增长确立,迎来二次腾飞。研报在前期32页深度报告中已系统阐述大族14年迎来业绩拐点和二次腾飞的逻辑,这从二季度开始将逐渐兑现。除今年传统苹果业务望实现11~12亿收入外,研报此前未充分考虑的蓝宝石切割设备业务,公司已在年报中确认通过认证并确保今年批量供货,将为今明年业绩爆发性增长奠定基础。研报判断今年蓝宝石设备业务销售保守超过一百多台,带来7~8亿以上弹性,主要由iWatch驱动,iphone高档版亦会有少批量设备出货,而明年iWatch扩产和iPhone全面使用蓝宝石将带来保守2倍以上订单弹性。公司今年三季度有望重现12年Q3一样的爆发性增长,且增长动能延续至15年。此外公司的蓝宝石研磨设备有望重复切割设备的成功,及金属加工CNC亦望放量带来弹性。公司股价在二、三季度的弹性值得期待!  维持“强烈推荐-A”,上调目标价至23元。研报认为大族将长线受益于激光向微加工和高功率升级和进口替代大趋势,14年坐拥天时、地利、人和,业绩拐点已经确认。考虑到非苹果业务盈利能力有所下降,但新增蓝宝石切割设备业务弹性,研报上调14/15/16年EPS至0.65/0.95/1.15元,其中对应主业为0.60/0.90/1.10元。今明年主业增长近100%和50%,上调目标价至23元,相当于年底看15年主业25倍PE,向上近60%空间,维持“强烈推荐”!  风险提示:行业景气不及预期,竞争加剧,大客户集中及新业务风险。  欧菲光:触摸屏龙头在摄像头领域的新布局  研究机构:华融证券日期:2014-4-23  2014 年公司一季报发布  报告期内,受智能终端市场高速成长刺激,公司的各类业务增长迅速,实现营业收入30.32 亿元,同比增长152.76%。实现净利润1.46 亿元,同比增长71.52%。  公司作为全球薄膜触控系统解决方案及数码成像系统供应商,产品主要应用于移动互联产业中智能手机、平板电脑、笔记本电脑等消费电子领域。在已完成垂直一体化产业链布局的前提下,公司纳米银金属网栅导电膜Metal-mesh 工艺以比传统ITO较低的成本顺利占领市场,依据从手机向大平板转移的路线,成功在平板、笔记本电脑实现批量出货。公司2014 年平板、PC 触摸屏出货将以Metal-mesh 工艺为主,显示在中大尺寸触摸屏上Metal-mesh 工艺并不存在性能上的大问题,同样可以依靠出色性价比获取市场份额。  在摄像头领域,公司通过扩大模组出货量,快速聚集客户群,逐步向产业链上游延伸,以期形成全产业链垂直一体化布局。目前公司已出货量达到10kk/月,计划通过在日本、美国研发基地的持续投入,在整合传感器、镜头、驱动马达和图像处理软件的设计方面取得突破,实现对摄像头OEM 的逆袭。  MEMS 驱动马达是公司在同质化竞争的摄像头领域保持特色和拓展细分市场的资本。收购DOC 公司,展示了公司一贯的对市场技术路线发展的独到见解。规模化的MEMS生产、封装可以明显降低MEMS摄像头成本,使之与VCM 等其他技术路线的竞争中取得优势。  在摄像头业务基础上,公司布局多种新业务,如虹膜识别、指纹识别、体感识别等。公司在产业链纵向整合的同时,努力扩展产品线的横向布局,保证公司优于市场的盈利能力。  盈利预测  研报预计公司 2014、2015、2016 年营收为130 亿元、173 亿元、222 亿元, EPS 为1.43 元、2.02 元、2.62 元,目前股价对应的PE分别为33.6 倍、23.8 倍、18.3 倍,首次给予“推荐”评级。  风险提示  触摸屏业务增速下滑、新业务拓展进度低于预期。  水晶光电:蓝宝石衬底与新型显示将成未来业绩增长点  研究机构:联讯证券日期:2014-4-25  事件:  2013年,公司实现营业收入6.26亿元,同比增长5.72%;归属于母公司所有者的净利润1.14亿元,同比下降22.66%;归属于母公司所有者权益合计11.2亿元,同比增长6.8%;基本每股收益0.3元。公司拟每10股派发现金红利1.0元(含税)。  点评:  1、摄像模组光学器件龙头供应商。公司主营业务产品主要是精密光电薄膜器件和蓝宝石LED衬底。精密光电薄膜器件主要包括红外截止滤光片、光学低通滤波器等,主要用于数码相机(摄像机)、可拍照手机配套的镜头模组。  2、数码相机行业持续萎缩影响公司业绩下滑。报告期内,公司营业收入小幅增长、利润下滑较大,主要是因为占总营业收入82%的精密光电薄膜器件销售收入增速和毛利率显着下滑,分别下降3.81%和11.43%,导致公司整体业绩下降较多。受高端智能手机替代传统数码相机的影响,2013年数码相机行业继续低迷,市场规模持续萎缩,包括红外截止滤光片、光学低通滤波器等光学元件价格下降幅度较大。此外,手机用光学器件产品良率爬坡导致了毛利率的下降,日元大幅贬值也降低了公司出口产品的竞争力和毛利率。 最近几年内,数码相机行业和智能手机行业的发展呈现截然不同的状况,前者持续低迷萎缩,后者需求旺盛市场增长良好。公司紧跟行业的结构性升级和变化,加大对手机相关产品的投入和规模的扩充,改善产品结构和客户结构。研报认为,公司未来有能力利用行业调整的机会,巩固并扩大光学器件产品市场份额,提升产品市场竞争力。  3、蓝宝石LED衬底成公司未来业绩增长点。2013年,公司蓝宝石LED衬底销售收入录得1.1亿元,同比大增122.1%,毛利率也由上年的14.74%提升至31.24%,在一定程度上缓和了整体业绩下降幅度。公司在2011年之前就开始布局蓝宝石衬底项目,在2013年LED行业快速复苏的背景下,市场对蓝宝石衬底需求增加,公司顺势扩张了产能。


Concept of malic industry catenary general view: Brilliant fills photoelectricity of Electromechanical, day dragon, Antaike science and technology of ability, Oufeiguang, dew laugh, day connects share, Dong Jing electron, big a group of things with common features science and technology of laser, nicety establishing dispatch, China project. Electron of annulus brilliance of the rising sun: Tiny the group that change a pattern takes the lead in be benefited the apple apparels type tastes a research organization newly: Outstanding achievement brief judge electron of annulus brilliance of the rising sun to release 14 years 1 quarterly reports, 1-3 month realizes income 3.476 billion yuan, with keep balance basically last year, net profit 11, one million seven hundred and thirty-nine thousand eight hundred yuan, drop compared to the same period 5.9% ; Corresponding EPS0.16 yuan, accord with basically anticipate. Management analysis is managed super- anticipate, look forward to of wool interest rate is firm pick up: High last year cardinal number is affected, business income and keep balance basically last year, be close friends be opposite at the market of company whole outstanding achievement beforehand appraise; Wool interest rate 12.9% although relatively the corresponding period dropped last year 0.6 percent, but already relatively average last year level 11.9% promotion a percent, show management stability grows. Industrial catenary accomplishs the whole world optimal, modular group tastes systematic level newly to supply solely apparel type tastes newly: The company is small turning product of form of wireless communication model is one of suppliers with the biggest whole world, the apple just introduced TDK to serve as the 3rd supplier last year, its are tiny change a technology to be in light of the whole world be in lead position; The tycoon such as IWatch apparels the issuance of formula product, the big screen that pulls open innovation of hardware of equipment of new generation intelligence, the company's corresponding system is small change a product to take the lead in hopeful be being cut supply chain, and acquire larger market share. Back yen is smooth, technical develop takes way more clear: Regard life as smooth subsidiary, the company can be in strategic layout and respect of technical gradual progress, obtain more resource and technical communication, value a company to be in SMT level, life light makes Cheng level perfect systematic level to enclose in semiconductor, form complementary. Appraise value and investment proposal grind the drawing near of the dot when the newspaper thinks to be rolled out as malic IWatch, apparel what type equipment greets hardware tycoon eventually is how-to, mature process hopeful is accelerated considerably. The company regards SIP as banner manufacturer of the technology, hopeful takes the lead in enjoying the bonus that tastes growth newly to bring. Promotion firm 14-17 year gain is forecasted it is 0.77 yuan, 0.89 yuan, 1.03 yuan; If consider collect to join a project,contribution and share spread out thin, corresponding EPS is 0.727 yuan respectively, 0.922 yuan, 1.118 yuan, maintain " add hold " grade, target price is 28 yuan, corresponding 30x15PE. Venture company product produces a sale under anticipate. Bright and beautiful Fu Xincai: Battalion closes first quarter add fast restore, new profit point of growth will show a research organization stage by stage: In golden company date: 2014-4-29   outstanding achievement slightly under anticipate bright and beautiful battalion of implementation of Fu Xincai 1Q14 receives 600 million yuan, rise compared to the same period 28% ; Vest in appears on the market profit of company shareholder net 4, 3.16 million yuan, increase compared to the same period 20% , small anticipate under the market. 2013 wool interest rate drops considerably, share company DS manages aggravation: 4Q13 battalion closes to be added compared to the same period fast for 10% , drive 2013 annual to realize 4% battalion to close add fast. Among them growth of sale in domestic market is rapidder, grew 47% compared to the same period 2013, in battalion in closing, occupy come than promotion 45% . Suffer effect of industry competition aggravate, 2013 wool interest rate drops compared to the same period 3.6 percent come 15.7% . DS is managed worsen continuously and plan carry long throw the preparation that reduce a cost 1, 940 thousand yuan, add correspondence to receive Zhang paragraph plan is carried 2, the bad Zhang of 2.82 million, 2013 vest in appear on the market profit of company net profit drops compared to the same period 33% . 1Q14 battalion closes add fast restore, the income outside doing business increases considerably: 1Q14 battalion closes restore 28% add compared to the same period fast, but wool interest rate is maintained be down a trend, it is only 13.9% , drop compared to the same period 5.6 percent, make 1Q14 gross profit decreases compared to the same period 9% . 3 large operating expenses are led from 4Q13 6.8% drop to 5.3% , the income outside doing business increases compared to the same period 252% , make the profit before duty comes true of 3% add compared to the same period fast. 2013 products of development trend   structural adjustment and layout, 2014 hopeful harvest new profit point of growth gradually: 2013 companies extend extension ceaselessly, buy DS to gain SamSung LCM and competence of BLU eligible supplier; Consumptive electron is photographed like group of camera lens model the project already completed construction yield a line and the quantity is produced; Machining center of CNC(numerical control) the research and development with new project and manufacturing base are in in building, already realized small lot to offer money with the equipment that machines at OGS glass, already completed development with the equipment that machines at sapphirine glass and try out of client of delivery focal point; Add endowment domain of Xi of black lead of sortie of abundant of Suzhou case luck, makings of new profile of exert oneself electron, 3D prints craft and equipment development, already received order of client research and development at present. Cut a map to develop new field, drive soft hardware unifinication: The company combines research and development " shortcut is panoramic and holographic the map applies integratedly " , strengthen offset to expend the reserve of electronic product application software and service. This project research and development is at present successful, begin to introduce banner game and commercial application collaboration square, future will increase strength extend further " content " service territory. Gain is forecasted adjust reduce 2014EPS to reach 0.42 yuan (- 15%) , result from drop of wool interest rate considerably, 2015EPS is 0.49 yuan. Nearly two years of combinative company PE(TTM) all are worth 0.5 times more subtractive standard deviation (30x) , offer a target price 12.5 yuan (- 18%) . Appraise is worth 2014/15 of correspondence of as current as the proposal share price year city is filled with rate for 25.2x/21.7x, maintain careful recommend grade. The risk depends on and buy accrual to fail to be reflected quickly, new project plan under anticipate. Bring clean science and technology: Outstanding achievement is accorded with anticipate, taste season newly to be about to start a research organization: Shen Yinmo country date: 2014-4-25   reiterates buy grade. Although as a result of malic IPad shipment the quantity glides first quarter,bring about company outstanding achievement not beautiful, but the product unit price that begins an apple to taste drive newly considering 2Q and gain ability promotion, grind the newspaper maintains company 2014-16 year gain is forecasted it is 1.2 yuan, 1.79 yuan, 2.53 yuan, the value is at present corresponding 14-16 year PE is 29.3X, 19.6X and 13.9X, consideration company future lasts client of benefit from benefit from is tasted newly roll out and new material composition, grind the newspaper thinks company future will maintain high speed grow continuously, 6 months - standard of value of 12 reasonable estimate is 14 years of 40 times PE, corresponding 6-12 lunar target price 48 yuan, reiterate buy grade. 1 quarterly reports is accorded with grind the newspaper anticipates, gain ability glides. 14 years of 1 quarter of company realizes business income 145 million, glide compared to the same period 11.6% , annulus comparing drops 26.4% , attributive appear on the market profit of company shareholder net 30.52 million, glide compared to the same period 31.4% , annulus comparing drops 19.2% , corresponding EPS 0.17 yuan, accord with grind the anticipation of the newspaper. Gross profit of 1 quarter company is led 30.3% , than 13 years interest rate of 1 quarter wool drops 10.5 percent, than 13 years 4 quarters drop 4.5 percent. 1 quarter of company 3 cost are total 13.51 million, decrease compared to the same period 18.5% , annulus comparing decreases 25.6% . Because be compared,gain ability change basically is last year the corresponding period, 14 years 1 quarter new product had be notted measure produce, and IPad shipment volume glides bring about rate of company go into operation to reduce, affected the gain ability of the company. 2 quarters begin to be benefited the apple tastes effect newly. Grind cable predicting company will begin to be tasted newly for goods Macbook from 2 quarters, as 2Q end the quantity produces IPhone 6 and large size IPhone, IPad Pro quantity produces 4Q big screen, the company is expected to showing benefit from benefit from to taste the gain ability rehabilitate that drive newly. Grind what the newspaper thinks to need to pay close attention to particularly is the company in be being tasted newly the new material that offer and new design application are expected to promote a company the unit price to client product considerably. Produce newly can be expected 2Q end put into production, improve a company to manage efficiency considerably. The photoelectricity workshop enlarge that the company invests at present produces project and Chongqing to install clean to be expected to come with 2Q end the put into production at the beginning of 3Q, be expected to promote the production of the company dimensions considerably, enhance a company to accept the order ability, taste newly in client of second half of the year erupt level, have adequate manufacturing engineering capability. From will for a long time look, promoted company dimensions effect, will be helpful for a company carrying on especially order of more new client, reduce the effect that single client manages to the company. Big a group of things with common features laser: 2 quarters inflection point already came, 3 season will greet erupt research organization: Enrol date of trade negotiable securities: One quarterly reports of 2014-04-30   outstanding achievement under anticipate. Battalion controls the company 14 years first quarter 799 million, grow 4% compared to the same period, the net gain of attributive parent company 30.52 million, drop compared to the same period 46% , corresponding EPS 0.03 yuan, anticipate under the market. Main reason is 13 years Q1 still has business of apple of partial high gross profit and be done not have completely this year and be not malic business to depreciate partly sales promotion brings about integral gross profit to lead 33.3% under the corresponding period was nodded 4 times last year, and Q1 is amalgamative this year subsidiary deficit and last year be caused by of gain of the corresponding period. Look into first half of the year super- anticipate, 2 quarters receive inflection point. Company at the same time premonitory grow 5-25% compared to the same period first half of the year, net of 2 season odd season is interval median correspondence 182 million, annulus is 5 times closer than growing, grow 42% compared to the same period, surmount the market to anticipate, inflection point trend is clear; Grind the newspaper analyses main reason is get warm again after a cold spell of electron of consumption of 2 season whole, especially malic business begins be caused by of to the limit of one's capacity. Grind the newspaper is judged devoir of two new edition fastens Iphone this year at be in 9, will release in October, 0 component factory 6, the quantity was produced in July, and facility plant criterion 4, began batch to offer money in May, grind at this o'clock newspaper already with company test and verify, big a group of things with common features make bid this year, solder, cut, measure wait for a branch to all have more taste newly cooperate an apple. And to sapphirine cut equipment, the IWatch that uses as a result of brunt is released in the around end October, equipment predicts to just begin to center lot release from June, although the company already had,be in considerably hand order, but the consideration in considering to affirm plan is forecasted in 2 quarters is not much, grind newspaper judgement can be in 3 quarters center to the limit of one's capacity. Today establish of next year fast growth, greet fly. Grind newspaper in early days 32 pages deepness reports in already the system is elaborated big a group of things with common features greet outstanding achievement inflection point and the logic that fly 2 times 14 years, this begins to will cash gradually from 2 quarters. Hope to realize 11~12 except business of traditional this year apple outside 100 million income, grind the business of not mature sapphirine cut equipment before signing up for this, the company already affirmed in annals ensure through attestation batch offers money this year, will be today next year outstanding achievement erupts sexual growth lays a foundation. Grind the newspaper is judged sale of sapphirine equipment business guards more than more than 100 this year, bring 7~8 100 million above are stretch, main by IWatch drive, iphone high-grade edition also can have shipment of little batch equipment, and next year IWatch enlarge is produced and comprehensive use sapphirine will bring IPhone guard flexibility of order of 2 times above. 3 quarters hopeful reproduces the company 12 years this year the outbreak like Q3 the gender grows, and growth kinetic energy continues to 15 years. Abrade equipment hopeful repeats the sapphirine that this grandfather manages the success of cut equipment, reach a metal to machine CNC to also hope to the limit of one's capacity brings flexibility. Company share price is in 2, the flexibility of 3 quarters is worth to expect! Maintain " recommend strongly - A " , key target price reachs 23 yuan on. Grind the newspaper thinks big a group of things with common features will long term Xiang Wei machines laser of benefit from benefit from and high power upgrades and the entrance replaces big trend, sit 14 years embrace climate, favourable geographical position, support of the people, outstanding achievement inflection point has affirmed. Drop somewhat considering ability of profit of blame apple business, but add flexibility of business of sapphirine cut equipment newly, grind 14/15/16 is moved on the newspaper year EPS comes 0.65/0.95/1.15 yuan, among them corresponding advocate course of study is 0.60/0.90/1.10 yuan. Today next year advocate job growth is close 100% with 50% , key target price reachs 23 yuan on, be equivalent to the end of the year looking 15 years advocate course of study 25 times PE, up nearly 60% spaces, maintain " recommend strongly " ! Risk clew: Industry boom anticipates not as good as, competitive aggravate, big client reachs new business risk centrally. Oufeiguang: Feeling screen bibcock is in the new position research organization that absorbs territory resembling a head: Date of negotiable securities of China be in harmony: One quarterly reports of company released 2014-4-23     2014 inside report period, suffer high speed of intelligent terminal market to become long stimulation, the growth of of all kinds business of the company is rapid, realize business income 3.032 billion yuan, grow 152.76% compared to the same period. Implementation net profit 146 million yuan, grow 71.52% compared to the same period. The company is touched as global film accuse systematic solution and number to become like systematic supplier, the product basically applies at computer of the smartphone in mobile interconnection industry, flat, notebook computer to wait for consumptive electron domain. Below the premise that already completed overall arrangement of catenary of perpendicular unifinication industry, company offer Mi Yinjin belongs to craft of Metal-mesh of film of net bar electric conduction in order to compare the cost with traditional inferior ITO successful and occupational market, according to the course that changes to large slab from the mobile phone, batch shipment comes true successfully in computer of flat, notebook. Flat, PC felt the company 2014 screen shipment will be given priority to with Metal-mesh craft, show in in the big question that craft of the Metal-mesh on screen of large size feeling does not put on function, can rely on outstanding sex price likewise than getting market share. In absorb territory resembling a head, the company is measured through enlarging modular group shipment, collect a client quickly group, progressively to industrial catenary upper reaches outspread, become entire industry chain with period form perpendicular unifinication layout. At present company already shipment volume reachs 10kk/ month, the plan passes the abidance in base of research and development of Japan, United States to throw, the design side that handles software in motor of integrated sensor, camera lens, drive and image obtains a breakthrough, realize pair of counterattack that photograph OEM resembling a head. MEMS drive motor is the company is in coessential spend competition photograph domain resembling a head to hold characteristic and the sth used to one's own advantage that extend fractionize market. Buy DOC company, showed the company's consistent original understanding that develops to market technology course. It is the MEMS production that dimensions turns, OK to enclose reduce MEMS to absorb cost resembling a head apparently, the advantage is gained in the made competition that waits for other technology course with VCM. In photograph base of business resembling a head to go up, company position a variety of new business, if sense of iris identifying, dactylogram identifying, body identifies,wait. The company is while industrial catenary is fore-and-aft and integrated, expand hard the transverse layout of product line, assure the gain ability of company excel market. Gain is forecasted grind the newspaper predicts a firm 2014, 2015, battalion closed 2016 it is 13 billion yuan, 17.3 billion yuan, 22.2 billion yuan, EPS is 1.43 yuan, 2.02 yuan, 2.62 yuan, at present the PE of share price correspondence is respectively 33.6 times, 23.8 times, 18.3 times, give first " recommend " grade. Business of screen of risk clew feeling is added fast glide, new business extends plan under anticipate. Crystal photoelectricity: Sapphirine underlay and new-style show will become research organization of point of growth of prospective outstanding achievement: Date of couplet dispatch negotiable securities: 2014-4-25   incident: 2013, the company realizes business income 626 million yuan, grow 5.72% compared to the same period; The net gain with vest in possessory parent company 114 million yuan, drop compared to the same period 22.66% ; Vest in parent company is possessory rights and interests is aggregate 1.12 billion yuan, grow 6.8% compared to the same period; Basic every accrual 0.3 yuan. The company drafts every 10 cliques to discover Jin Gongli 1 yuan (the) that contain tax. Comment on: 1, photograph supplier of bibcock of optical like modular group parts of an apparatus. Company advocate business Wu product basically is parts of an apparatus of accurate photoelectricity film and sapphirine LED underlay. Parts of an apparatus of accurate photoelectricity film basically includes infra-red end filter, optics is low a filter, basically use at digital camera (camera) , can take a picture the group of camera lens model of mobile phone form a complete set. 2, digital camera profession persists outstanding achievement of atrophic influence company glides. Inside report period, company business income is small growth, profit glides bigger, because take total business income,basically be the sales revenue of accurate photoelectricity filmy parts of an apparatus of 82% is added fast showing with wool interest rate glide, drop respectively 3.81% with 11.43% , bring about company whole outstanding achievement to drop more. Suffer high-end smartphone to replace the influence of traditional number camera, digital camera industry continued 2013 low fan, market dimensions lasts atrophic, include infra-red end filter, optics is low the range of optical component price fall such as a filter is bigger. In addition, the mobile phone leads those who climbed slope to cause wool interest rate to drop with fine of product of optical parts of an apparatus, the competition ability that yen devalued to also reduce a company to export a product considerably and gross profit are led. Inside the last few years, the evolution of digital camera industry and smartphone industry presents disparate state, former continuously low confuse atrophy, vigorous market increases latter demand good. The structural sex of industry of company follow closely upgrades and change, increase adversary chance the augment of the investment of relevant product and dimensions, improve product structure and client composition. Grind the newspaper thinks, company future is capable to use the opportunity that the industry adjusts, consolidate and enlarge share of market of product of optical parts of an apparatus, promote product market competition ability. 3, sapphirine LED underlay becomes point of growth of company future outstanding achievement. 2013, sales revenue of underlay of company sapphirine LED records 110 million yuan, soar compared to the same period 122.1% , wool interest rate also by on year 14.74% promotion come 31.24% , alleviated on certain level integral outstanding achievement drops extent. The company begins project of layout sapphirine underlay before 2011, below the setting that LED industry anabiosised quickly 2013, the market increases to sapphirine underlay demand, company take advantage of an opportunity is outspread produce can.
