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故宫严格地按《周礼·考工记》中体现了一整套的礼制要求.”择中立宫””左祖右社””前朝后寝””三朝五门”。 整个故宫,在建筑布置上,用形体变化、高低起伏的手法,组合成一个整体。在功能上符合封建社会的等级制度。同时达到左右均衡和形体变化的艺术效果。

主殿与配殿多廊庑连贯,庭院鳞次栉比,布置严密深邃,中国建筑的屋顶形式是丰富多彩的,在故宫建筑中,不同形式的屋顶就有10种以上。以3大殿为例,屋顶各不相同。故宫建筑屋顶满铺各色琉璃瓦件。主要殿座以黄色为主。绿色用于皇子居住区的建筑。其它蓝、紫、黑、翠以及孔雀绿、宝石蓝等五色缤纷的琉璃,多用在花园或琉璃壁上。太和殿屋顶当中正脊的两端各有琉璃吻兽,稳重有力地吞住大脊。吻兽造型优美,是构件又是装饰物。一部分瓦件塑造出龙凤、狮子、海马等立体动物形象,象征吉祥和威严,这些构件在建筑上起了装饰作用。 这其中运用了阴阳五行等象征手法.首先体现了阴阳两极(外朝,阳,阳数1,3,5,7,9.内廷,阴,2,4,6,8,10).另外,四象,”四灵之地”.东西十二宫,”十二星宿”.乾清宫――天,坤宁宫――地,等等中华文化寓喻其中。 

紫禁城宫殿继承了传统的宫殿建筑思想,根据《周礼》和古代“礼制”中规定的法则进行规划,通过空间的整体布局和装饰材料等诸多手段,完美地表达出了宫殿建筑中所蕴涵的君权神授、天子至尊的核心思想。布局完整、规模宏大、气势雄壮的紫禁城,可以说是中国古代宫殿建筑的一个完整典型。 北京故宫中匾额是悬挂在宫殿明间檐下的题字,是古代建筑装饰的元素之一。它集文学、书法、雕刻、印章、装饰、建筑等多种艺术于一体,把中国传统文化与建筑艺术巧妙地结合起来,成为中国建筑特有的文化形式,其内容是安邦治国的大政方计,或者是弘扬儒家思想的精典粹录。 故宫建筑群的彩绘彩画实际是装饰建筑,保护木构的。




The dimensions of building of the Imperial Palace of ancient time of our country Beijing is baronial, cover an area of 720 thousand square metre, floor area 150 thousand square metre, existing building many 8870, it is the world on the biggest the most complete ancient time palace is built group.

The Imperial Palace is pressed strictly " week ceremony · takes an examination of labour to write down " in the ceremony that reflected one cycle makes a demand. " choose is indifferent palace " " Zun Zuyou company " " before the bedroom after face " " 3 face 5 " . Whole the Imperial Palace, decorate in the building on, with the gimmick that body change, discretion rises and fall, combination becomes a whole. The grade system of the feudal society is accorded with on the function. Achieve the left and right sides at the same time balanced the artistic effect that changes with body.

Advocate Wu of much corridor of hall and side hall in a palace or temple is coherent, court row upon row of, decorate rigor abstruse, form of Chinese architectural housetop is rich and colorful, in building of the Imperial Palace, the housetop of different form has 10 kinds of above. It is with 3 audience hall exemple, housetop each are not identical. Housetop of building of the Imperial Palace spreads glazed tile of of all kinds completely. Main hall give priority to with yellow. Green is used at Huang Ziju to live the building of the area. Other is blue, violet, black, emerald green and the peacock is green, lapidary blue the coloured glaze that waits for 5 kinds of profusion, multi-purpose go up in garden or coloured glaze wall. Too among He Dianwu top the two end of backbone have coloured glaze to kiss animal each, sedate effectively swallows big backbone. The modelling that kiss animal is beautiful, it is component part it is ornamental. One part is made of baked clay model the stereo zoomorphism such as a Long Feng, lion, sea horse, indicative auspicious is auspicious and august, these component rose to decorate action on the building. This used the indicative technique such as the five elements of yin and yang among them. Reflected the two opposing principles in nature above all polar (outside face, in relief, in relief number 1, 3, 5, 7, 9. Imperial palace, shade, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10) . Additional, 4 elephants, " the ground of 4 spirit " . Thing 12 palace, " 12 constellation " . Palace of male Qing Dynasty -- day, female peace palace -- the ground, wait Yu Jizhong of China culture contain a moment.  

Forbidden City palace acceded traditional palace builds an idea, basis " Zhou Li " with ancient time " the ceremony is made " in formulary law undertakes planning, wait for a lot of method through integral layout of the space and adornment material, the monarchical power spirit that expresses contain of the place in giving palace to build faultlessly is awarded, idea of core of the emperor imperial. Layout complete, dimensions the Forbidden City with baronial, magnificent imposing manner, can saying is architectural of palace of Chinese ancient time a whole typical case. A horizontal inscribed board in Beijing the Imperial Palace is pensile in palace bright the inscribe below brim, it is one of elements of archaic building illuminative. A variety of art such as its collect literature, calligraphy, sculpture, seal, adornment, building at an organic whole, combine Chinese traditional culture and building art ably rise, become China to build characteristic culture form, its content is the manage state affairs that bring country is big politics square plan, perhaps promote the collection of spirit law pure of Confucianism. The Imperial Palace is built group picture of color of coloured drawing or pattern is actual it is adornment building, protect wooden compose.

Dragon, phoenix, the concept of traditional lines type that birthday, gluttonous grain is nation of China's inherent an ancient name for China, of system of more feudal grade show. The culture connotation that colour draws often is dark watch, case of Chinese color picture is set the thing of a few kinds of nature together, the implied meaning is worn a few kinds of lucky connotation, be like: Bat and peach combination rise, the implied meaning is become " blessing birthday " . For instance: A bat is drawn above, chime stone of a jade is drawn below (chime stone is the musical instrument) that ancient time beats, lucky meaning is " blessing chime stone " . Again for instance: Combination of chime stone of batty, sweet circle, palm-leaf fan, jade rises, it is picture of Chinese lucky design " chime stone of blessing round fan " . Rise like chrysanthemum and combination of a few spadger again, the implied meaning is worn " Ju Jiahuan is happy " . Take with goldfish " treasures " meaning, comprise with Song He " prolong life " design, mix with bat composition drifting the cloud " boundless blessing sheds the cloud " , still sea house prepares add, the hill austral birthday comparing is waited a moment, similar the design of such lucky implied meaning applies on Chinese color picture very extensive. The form of this kind of love to see and hear, mirrorred the aesthetic orientaton of regime and good will.

Ancient building of anyhow the Imperial Palace its culture connotation is our country 5000 literary crystallization, it is China also be world mankind wisdom reflect, it is husk.

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