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小偷科技时代1.6攻略? 小偷科技时代后期攻略?英文双语对照


小偷科技时代1.6攻略? 小偷科技时代后期攻略?英文双语对照


1.造1小偷,1法师。 (注意:别和美女造一起,美女有攻击力会抢怪!害小偷没钱偷)


3.小偷升级到直升机形状的时候,把法师升级满,再造一法师 升级到有加速技能的级别!(因为终极法师没加速)!

4.小偷升级到顶,在后方把其他炮塔升级到满足出黎叔的级别! 速度出黎叔!


开局买个苦功,建1个小偷和2个法,一个升到萨满,另一个升到维玛 差不多有钱了就在后面建其他的,升满 红龙波左右可以出黎叔了,出了黎叔就满满赚,把苦功A了,2个黎叔慢慢刷,一只差不多15级左右就归隐,刷到书自己认为够了就买个中国科学家建那个研究院,归隐一只黎叔,研究第一个,建石像,继续刷书,石像买驾驶然后吃书,可以一直打到过,要研究就研究机动装甲就可以了


你开始在出怪那个地方建一个小偷和两个法师,一个升级到加速度,一个升级到加法师他爷爷,就不升级了,让他们两个自动释放技能, 小偷我一般都升级到飞机,都不升级,没必要, 然后在下面得路口,就是有个美女那个地方建个剑圣,大法,剑难海巫。

就可以出黎叔了, 然后有钱就买那个倒挂金钩,这样会加速你得赚钱速度,后面得就是把自己的小人A死,然后在出个黎叔, 有个出来空格在世,就是最终英雄,后面在建个减速得塔,在买个武器,和内功,就基本可以通关了!


























农民手动晕 减速!




















1 小偷科技时代的魔兽TD中,玩家应该选择小偷科技来进行游戏。2 小偷科技在游戏中具有独特的技能和特点,可以帮助玩家更好地应对敌人的进攻。小偷科技可以通过偷取敌人的资源和技能来增强自己的实力,从而更好地防御和攻击敌人。3 在游戏中,玩家可以利用小偷科技的特点,选择合适的技能和装备来提升自己的战斗力。同时,玩家还可以通过不断升级小偷科技,解锁更强大的技能和能力,进一步提升自己在游戏中的竞争力。4 总之,选择小偷科技来进行魔兽TD的游戏可以带来更多的乐趣和挑战,同时也能够提升玩家在游戏中的实力和竞争力。





4、出工程师,建加攻击的东西,至于后面怎么出都无所谓了,你有钱反正多建几个就行了;【魔兽争霸】魔兽争霸最早是在1994年发布的,其制作公司就是大名鼎鼎的暴雪,相信大家还记的暗黑破坏神和星际争霸吧,他们都是暴雪给我们带来的无限激情。94年的最初版本英文名称是:Warcraft:Orcs & Humans。从这时开始,暴雪(Blizzard)这个名字第一次出现于游戏包装盒上。之前暴雪也以"Silicon & Synapse"、"Chaos"等名称开发过一些电视游戏平台上的游戏,影响有限。虽然此作被一些人认为是当时大红大紫的《沙丘2》的跟风之作,但是其首开先河的即时战略联网模式为此后的即时战略游戏多人模式打下了非常好的基础,竞技游戏由此有了发端,“与人斗其乐无穷”的道理在暴雪的游戏中得到了非常好的验证。





4、出工程师,建加攻击的东西,至于后面怎么出都无所谓了,你有钱反正多建几个就行了;【魔兽争霸】魔兽争霸最早是在1994年发布的,其制作公司就是大名鼎鼎的暴雪,相信大家还记的暗黑破坏神和星际争霸吧,他们都是暴雪给我们带来的无限激情。94年的最初版本英文名称是:Warcraft:Orcs & Humans。从这时开始,暴雪(Blizzard)这个名字第一次出现于游戏包装盒上。之前暴雪也以"Silicon & Synapse"、"Chaos"等名称开发过一些电视游戏平台上的游戏,影响有限。虽然此作被一些人认为是当时大红大紫的《沙丘2》的跟风之作,但是其首开先河的即时战略联网模式为此后的即时战略游戏多人模式打下了非常好的基础,竞技游戏由此有了发端,“与人斗其乐无穷”的道理在暴雪的游戏中得到了非常好的验证。




科技时代是指科学技术的突破性进展必然导致生产力的飞跃发展。 从而为一国经济、军事、政治、文化等各方面的进步提供坚实的基础和动力,科技发展直接影响着国家实力和国家在世界格局中的地位。


One, times of thief science and technology 1.6 strategies?

1. builds 1 thief, 1 rabbi. (Notice: ? Belle of yellow? of Bao of  of ferociousing hare Lang has assault force to be able to be grabbed strange! Kill thief to do not have money to steal)

2. is mad upgrade thief, rabbi upgrades to that class of the ammunition that gives the heart!

When 3. thief upgrades to helicopter appearance, upgrade rabbi full, give somebody a new lease on life one rabbi upgrades to have the level that quickens skill! (Because culminating rabbi did not quicken) !

4. thief upgrades reach the summit, be in rear the level that upgrades other barbette to satisfy a Li Shu! Rate goes Li Shu!

2, strategy of later period of times of thief science and technology?

Bureau buy a hard work, propose a thief and 2 standards, one rises Sa full, another rises Wei Ma to have money almost build at the back other, rise left and right sides of wave of full red dragon to be able to give Li Shu, gave Li Shu to earn completely, hard work A, 2 Li Shu are brushed slowly, about the same 15 class left and right sides puts in concealed 's charge, brush him book to think enough buy a Chinese scientist to build that academy, put in concealed 's charge a Li Shu, study the first, build stone resembling, continue to brush a book, stone resembles buying drive to have a book next, can have hit all the time, should consider to study motor-driven armor is OK

3, demon animal thief (times of science and technology) whole strategy?

You begin to be in piece blame that place to build a thief and two rabbi, one upgrades to acceleration, one upgrades to addition division his grandfather, did not upgrade, let them two each are moved release skill, thief I upgrade to the plane commonly, do not upgrade, not necessary, get crossing below next, have a beauty namely that place builds a sword emperor, old law, witch of sword difficult sea.

Can give Li Shu, next money buys that to hang Jin Gou, such meetings quicken you to get profitable rate, be gotten from the back even if die oneself Lilliputian A, be in next give a Li Shu, have come out blank space is alive, it is final hero, be in from the back build a decelerate to get a tower, buying a weapon, with exercise to benefit the internal organs, can connect basically closed!

4, does tower of times of thief science and technology defend a strategy?


With demon animal contend for hegemony 3, times of thief science and technology is exemple.

Open play, find map of times of thief science and technology, we choose here is times of science and technology of new TD thief (final version) , this version the player to disappear or dropping a line, go out no longer strange. Later period basically relies on to develop science and technology.


In give strange mouth to build a thief, build a rabbi next, thief raises 2 level, rabbi raises 3 level quickly repeatedly, to advanced decelerate, build a rabbi again next. Upgrade quickly next base, rise thief madly next. In this sky archives builds the tower of bow hand and dogface to prevent, these are a Li Shu is necessary


After a rabbi upgrades to dimension Ma rabbi, stop to upgrade among them, right attack open to be released automatically bloodsucking, another means upgrades to full grade all the time.


Base upgrades to the academy of sciences to examine the requirement of call goosefoot father's younger brother next, the old Mom of China manage headmistress, the old Mom of mermaid, evil sword emperor, holy knight, culminating blaze rabbi. Thinking is bow hand, belle, dogface, rabbi respectively upgrade and come


If pursue, built above each parts, had better put in stand by one case, the auxiliary skill of such rabbi can is opposite all units are effective, the unit that needs Li Shu at the same time upgrades to contented condition individually


Multitude in call of academy of sciences next father's younger brother, besides above besides introductory requirement, still need the gold coin of 18000 and the lumber of 15000


After Li Shushao is called out, it is heroic part, can ambulate arbitrarily, have get fortune, cruel attack and decelerate aureola, li Shu is OK in the battle at the same time upgrade ceaselessly


Build equipment brand shop, give Li Shu the claw on equipment, hang Jin Gou, increase Li Shu to be able to get more money and attack power. Face of in the future develops even if give a scientist again, science and technology develops namely from the back

5, beg thief (times of science and technology) 1.1 edition strategy?

Give you the experience of a few E. . .

Come up to give a peasant

Upgrade next house!

Give thief to upgrade thief!

Still give a rabbi! Upgrade to SM! Add assault!

Should be seemingly 800! Differ 400 1200!

Farmer hand moves dizzy decelerate!

Arrive 1200 upgrade to Tartarean fire directly!

Premise must have upgraded originally greatly!

Such the first still has 6-7 Tartarean fire should go out to strap when blaming!

The 2nd can give mountain ridge! Money won't be strapped less!

If differ a few white when!

Hit a few to come up to upgrade quite!

Can be at ease absolutely after upgrading, won't leak strange!

Such money are strapped more!

Still have subject! The first feels not retired!

The method that presses E goes doing! Build the T of a decelerate!

Leave quite infinite dizzy!

Hero should can as it happens comes out! Buy a weapon!

Kill strange experience to won't be wasted again!

Later subject begin retired!

This version always says to want two ability to defend the past!

But E is strapped too every time!

Should have very Mo problem adds E to buckle do together!

Buckle 379908599!

6, how should the times of TD thief science and technology of demon animal employ?

In the demon animal TD of times of 1 thief science and technology, the player should choose thief science and technology to have game. 2 thief science and technology has unique technical ability and characteristic in game, can help a player answer the enemy's aggression better. Thief science and technology can pass the resource that takes the enemy secretly and skill to enhance his actual strength, thereby better defence and attack enemy. 3 in game, the player can use the characteristic of thief science and technology, choose appropriate skill and equipment to promote his fighting capacity. In the meantime, the player still can be passed upgrade ceaselessly thief science and technology, solution locks up more powerful skill and ability, promote oneself the competition ability in game further. 4 anyhow, choice thief science and technology will undertake the game of demon animal TD can bring more fun and challenge, also can promote a player the actual strength in game and competition ability at the same time.

7, thief of demon animal Td (times of science and technology) how to connect close? Demon animal Td?

1, the first build thief and a rabbi, rabbi upgrades besprent, money upgrades thief, upgrade basically to saw thief go, build the 2nd rabbi, upgrade to quicken;

2, laugh to rise killer secretly almost, when besprent rabbi rises igneous law grandfather soldier of a few army group can be made at the back of preexistence, gong Ye wants to build, to give a hero later, want to rise grade of army group He Gong before giving small Gong Longzhi full, each OK;

3, build a store next, buy the claw that steals money, this is a key that involve, had him you just know money is how to come;

4, give an engineer, build the thing that increases charge, as to from the back how to go out to be indifferent to, you have money to built a few to go more anyway; [demon animal contend for hegemony] demon animal contend for hegemony is the earliest released 1994, its make the blizzard that the company is famous, those who believe everybody still is written down is dark black destroy god and interstellar contend for hegemony, they are blizzard the infinite passion that brings to us. Name of first version English is: Warcraft: Orcs&Humans. From begin at this moment, blizzard (Blizzard) this name first time appears on the game box that pack. Before blizzard also with "Silicon&The name such as Synapse" , "Chaos" has developed the game on platform of game of a few TV, the influence is finite. Although this is made,be considered as by a few people bright red at that time big violet " dune 2 " follow suit make, but its much person mode played the instant strategy game that the mode of net of instant strategy couplet of first beginning is after this first-rate foundation, athletics game had from this inchoative, "Fight its with the person happy boundless " the truth got first-rate test and verify in the game of blizzard.

8, demon animal. Times of thief science and technology - does perfect and terminative edition arrive from the back how should play?

1, the first build thief and a rabbi, rabbi upgrades besprent, money upgrades thief, upgrade basically to saw thief go, build the 2nd rabbi, upgrade to quicken;

2, laugh to rise killer secretly almost, when besprent rabbi rises igneous law grandfather soldier of a few army group can be made at the back of preexistence, gong Ye wants to build, to give a hero later, want to rise grade of army group He Gong before giving small Gong Longzhi full, each OK;

3, build a store next, buy the claw that steals money, this is a key that involve, had him you just know money is how to come;

4, give an engineer, build the thing that increases charge, as to from the back how to go out to be indifferent to, you have money to built a few to go more anyway; [demon animal contend for hegemony] demon animal contend for hegemony is the earliest released 1994, its make the blizzard that the company is famous, those who believe everybody still is written down is dark black destroy god and interstellar contend for hegemony, they are blizzard the infinite passion that brings to us. Name of first version English is: Warcraft: Orcs&Humans. From begin at this moment, blizzard (Blizzard) this name first time appears on the game box that pack. Before blizzard also with "Silicon&The name such as Synapse" , "Chaos" has developed the game on platform of game of a few TV, the influence is finite. Although this is made,be considered as by a few people bright red at that time big violet " dune 2 " those who follow suit make, but its much person mode played the instant strategy game that the mode of net of instant strategy couplet of first beginning is after this first-rate foundation, athletics game had from this inchoative, "Fight its with the person happy boundless " the truth got first-rate test and verify in the game of blizzard.

9, times of science and technology of new thief of demon animal TD (perfect edition) how to play? Should nod in detail?

Thief is TD inside the simplest, go up to build a thief first, raise two level 3 blackart assist give somebody a new lease on life, in thief upgrades top class, the lease of life that give somebody a new lease on life fights 3 times is good

10, the concept of times of science and technology?

Times of science and technology is the saltant progress that shows the revolutionary progress of science and technology brings about productivity necessarily. It is one country thereby the progress of each respect such as economy, military affairs, politics, culture provides solid base and power, development of science and technology is affecting national actual strength and country directly the position in world situation.
