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1. 宇宙的基本知识:了解星球、恒星、行星、卫星、彗星、流星等基本的天文学知识,以及宇宙中的辐射、微重力、宇宙射线、太阳风等环境。

2. 太空技术:掌握太空探测器、卫星、航天器等技术的知识,了解生命保障系统、通信与导航系统、动力系统等方面的内容;

3. 生命支持系统:了解太空舱内环境维持的原理,掌握氢气、氧气等气体的制备和调节,以及水的循环和处理等知识;

4. 宇航服:了解宇航服的组成、功能和使用方法,以及宇航员在太空中的行动和工作;

5. 心理与健康:掌握太空环境对人类身心健康的影响,了解长期太空探索的应对方式和心理疾病的预防控制;

6. 太空探索历史:了解人类太空探索的历史、成就和挑战,以及未来太空探索的发展方向。


















04. 一旦发现被跟踪时,可以用脚踢或用皮包拍打路边停车,触发警报器响声,

  ; 引起别人注意。

05. 搭计程车时,注意前座有没有斜靠下,以防藏有他人。





























2、切豆腐问题: 一块豆腐切三刀,最多能切成几块。




彩虹有7种颜色,人有7窍 ,世界上有7大奇迹,智力游戏中有七巧板,一星期有7天。




当太阳光照射到半空中的水滴,光线被折射及反射,在天空上形成拱形的七彩光谱,由外圈至内圈呈红、橙、黄、绿、蓝、靛、紫 七种颜色。事实上彩虹有无数种颜色,比如,在红色和橙色之间还有许多种细微差别的颜色,但为了简便起见,所以只用七种颜色作为区别。








What does the safe knowledge in the life have?

The safe knowledge in 1. life is very extensive, include but not safety of transportation of be confined to, food safety, electronic product use safety, natural disaster is answered wait for many sided. 2. In modern society, everybody is put in the safe hidden trouble with various moves. Traffic accident former residence does not fall high, all sorts of food safety problems also happen from time to tome, in addition still existing of all kinds disease, natural disaster, if do not have basic safe knowledge, meet serious to the safe generation of oneself effect. 3. The safe knowledge in the life is people unripe existence one of mandatory common sense in this society. We want to notice: Discretion of drive a vehicle, food chooses to want product of safeguard, electron reasonable use wait safe common sense a moment. Also want serious study how to answer the safe hidden trouble such as earthquake, fire, banditry at the same time, in order to achieve the goal of safeguard oneself safety.

What does the mathematical knowledge in the life have?

There are a lot of maths knowledges in the life, it is a few common maths knowledge and application below:

1. computation: There are a lot of considerations in the life, time of the computation in calculating burden, job like the price of the computation when shopping, chronometer that make food and cost.

2. scale: Scale is the common mathematical concept in the life, the discount scale in advertisement of the scale on the burden scale in be like cookbook, map, trade.

3. percentage: Percentage also is the common mathematical concept in the life, be like discount, interest rate, tax rate to wait is the form with percentage denotive.

4. geometry: Geometry is research space appearance and the mathematical course that size concerns, reside the need in decorating to measure dimension of furniture of room size, choice to wait in the home for example.

5. is statistical: Statistical it is to study data is collected, the mathematical course of analysis and explanation, need to use statistical knowledge in the domain such as investigation of market research, society for example.

Anyhow, maths is acting important role in our daily life. Understanding maths knowledge can help us understand the world better not only, still can help us answer all sorts of questions in the life better.

What profit does the knowledge that gains from inside the life have?

The intellectual gain that scores from inside the life is very much. One, knowledge, objective to understanding world has direct effect.

2, knowledge, it is force. Knowledge is more, power is greater.

3, knowledge, it is science. And science and technology is productivity the most active, most revolutionary force.

4, knowledge, have the dynamic effect that changes corporeal world. Also be the society is reflected civilizedly. Knowledge has the powerful effect that drives social progress.

What knowledge does aerospace life have?

Aerospace life is to show the mankind is in aerospace take action and existent process, the relevant knowledge of need control includes the following fields:

1.Basic knowledge of the universe: The basic astronomical knowledge such as understanding heavenly body, sidereal, planet, satellite, comet, shooting star, and the environment such as wind of ray of the radiate in the universe, small gravity, universe, sun.

2.Aerospace technology: Master the knowledge of the technology such as aerospace detector, satellite, spacecraft, understanding life ensures the content of the respect such as system of system, communication and navigation system, power;

3.Life supports a system: Understand the principle that capsule core condition maintains, the preparation that masters the gas such as hydric, oxygen and adjust, and the knowledge such as the loop of water and processing;

4.Space navigation takes: The composition that understanding space navigation takes, function and use method, and the astronaut action in aerospace and job;

5.Psychology and health: Master the influence with aerospace healthy to human body and mind environment, the answers means and psychological disease precaution that understands long-term space exploration is controlled;

6.Aerospace explores the history: Understand the history that human aerospace explores, achievement and challenge, and the development way that prospective aerospace explores.

These knowledge conduce to the mankind exploring aerospace world more greatly into the ground, the technology development of stimulative mankind and civilization progress.

The what knowledge in the life can the book gain?

The book brings us what knowledge

The book is good, the book fills knowledge, the book is to have educational, the book is wonderful...

The book also is done not have very much again with, the key is to want -- read a book. Reading a book is a kind of exalted sentiment.

See a book can grow knowledge, raise composition level; See a book can understand the world major issue; See a book can make a person happy; See a book can make the person becomes more perfect...

What the advantage that reads a book counts is endless, those who say is not poor, say I see the advantage of the book.

In my memory, seeing a book give me the biggest gain is the knowledge that abounded me, the composition level that yields me rose

The safe knowledge in the life?

The person that 01. gives elevator to notice to be multiplied together whether face dew is evil, do not press floor; Stand in the place that controls button as far as possible, once

  By attack, flap with the hand instantly pushbutton, right now, elevator can stop in every floor, at the same time external big

  Cry " be on fire! " not bare-handed fight with the gangster.

If 02. closes with the person rent elegant house, must mae a few regulations to be observed by all concerned, must not give the key at will other friend, lest go out

  Enter complex.

03. goes out to take a coat as far as possible in the evening, portfolio ring, avoid to be robbed, in the meantime, when taking taxi, take

  Backlash, if detect when driver against the law, can serve as a weapon with coat, ring its head or neck, make

  Traffic accident (two kill photograph authority to take its light) .

04.When once discover,be being dogged, can be kicked with the foot or flap with portfolio roadside jockeys, spark siren noise,

 ; causes people attention.

05.When taking taxi, notice front seat is had inclined rely on to fall, hide other in case.

06. drives a group of things with common features week of the attention before getting on a car has a person, the first movement after getting on a car is to press door lock, in case somebody

  Open the door suddenly and enter; When jockeying, must not the phone in the home (action phone) before be being written in car window, avoid

  Avoid somebody to call you intentionally to move bad of the travel when the car.

07. is the traffic accident that prevent a holiday, rob really, come up against traffic accident, must not come out immediately, had better watch opposite party calmly first

  Whether to have several people or arrival not to be pooh-poohed, had better leave immediately, press a horn suddenly at the same time, cause the attention of other people.

When 08. jockeys, if his car follows,write, after be in order, do not come out immediately, wait for the other side to get off first far hind,

   be hijacked in case.

09. is lone to public drink a stuff, if was not drunk,go up toilet or leave call, come back most

  Should not drink again very much, lest among by drug.

When 10. evening returns, what should walk along light sunshine to shine is street, or it is converse walk, so that master road condition; When going upstairs, first

  Ask the building below family to receive by the doorbell, lest the gangster hides in stair well.

The gas tube that 11 families use should be checked one year, discover contact has crackle, ageing, harden the problem wants seasonable


12 good warm-up must be done before swimming, there should be 2 people above to be together when swimming, it is good to must have a the depth

the person is in.

The family that 13 nose bleed easily should have Baiyao of a bit Yunnan and absorbent cotton, him society handles haemorrhage issue.

The 14 personnel that do not know electric equipment, do not want privately to disassemble electric home appliances

When odour, want to shut power source in time, the personnel that knows electric equipment please will repair.

What phenomenon included positional knowledge in the life?

Shop, take a car to queue up ~ supermarket article puts ~ parking space

What does the little knowledge that low carbon lives have?

Environmental protection gives a knowledge of low carbon life to be as follows

 1, playday need not drive, go out to be replaced all right with green as far as possible, reduce carbon to discharge.

2, if go to work the distance is closer, take public traffic tool as far as possible, do not want oneself to drive, more environmental protection.

3, go out take a taxi, choose vehicle of new energy resources as far as possible, little choice oily car, can reduce carbon to discharge so.

4, go to work at ordinary times the condition allows, can ride a bicycle or go to work on foot, such already environmental protection can exercise again.

The mathematical little knowledge in the life?

1, table problem: A piece of square table, chop a horn to still remain a few part.

2, cut bean curd issue: A bean curd cuts 3 knives, can cut a few at most.

3, cut watermelon issue: A watermelon cuts 7 with 3 knives, eat to leave 8 skins, how to accomplish.

4, bamboo pole problem: 5 meters long bamboo pole can pass a meter tall door

In the life about the knowledge of 7?

Rainbow has 7 kinds of color, the person has 7 hole, there are 7 big miracles on the world, there is tangram in riddle, have 7 days one week.

1, the seven apertures in the human head

Finger ministry 7 aperture a key to do sth (eye, nose, tongue, mouth, ear) . The energy spirit of the five internal organs parts understand at the seven apertures in the human head, the five internal organs is sick, often come out from the report in the change of the seven apertures in the human head.

2, rainbow

Arrive when sun's rays illuminate in the air water, the light is reached to reflex by reflection, vaulted 7 colour spectrum is formed on the sky, show to inner ring by outer lane red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet 7 kinds of color. In fact rainbow has countless kinds of color, for instance, there still is the color that makes a variety of nuances between red and orange, but for handy for the purpose of, serve as distinction with 7 kinds of color only so.

3, a week

A week has 7 days, a month has 4 weeks. Say in Chinese ancient time 7 sunlight. 7 sunlight in Chinese Xia Shangzhou period, it is to point to day, month, reach 7 main celestial or heavenly body such as 5 major planet, it is at that time the main organization component of astronomy star, but the desire that did not express time cycle. Use 7 days of quantum of time that are a week later, friend says a week.

4, 7 big miracles

The pyramid of Egypt, Babylonian " the garden in sky " , Osmanli moon god Ataimisi is beacon of the bronze of goddess temple, Luo Dedao Baal that is located in mediterranean, Alexander, Greek the time of Olympic this king of God, Turkey Masuolasi. But, because earthquake, person waits for a reason to destroy, this 7 big miracles, divide pyramid still outside stand erect, the others already all was destroyed.

5, tangram

By 7 board of composition. And these 7 board but mosaic a lot of graphs () of 1600 kinds of above, for example: Triangle, parallelogram, irregular polygon, the player is OK also it mosaic all sorts of characters, figure, animal, bridge, room, tower is waited a moment, also can be letter of a few medium, English. Tangram is the invention of archaic China working people, its history at least can discipline of generation of restrospect to BC, arrived Ming Daiji finalizes the design originally.
