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周口店北京人遗址,1987.12 文化遗产。位于北京市房山区周口店龙骨山。因本世纪二十年代出土了较为完整的北京猿人化石而闻名于世,尤其是1929年发现了第一具北京人头盖骨,从而为北京人的存在提供了坚实的基础,成为古人类研究史上的里程碑。



甘肃敦煌莫高窟,1987.12 文化遗产。俗称千佛洞。位于甘肃敦煌市东南25公里的鸣沙山东麓崖壁上,上下五层,南北长约1600米。始凿于366年,后经十六国至元十几个朝代的开凿,形成一座内容丰富、规模宏大的石窟群。



长城,1987.12 文化遗产。中国的长城是人类文明史上最伟大的建筑工程,它始建于2000多年前的春秋战国时期,秦朝统一中国之后联成万里长城。汉、明两代又曾大规模修筑。其工程之浩繁,气势之雄伟,堪称世界奇迹。



秦始皇陵及兵马俑,1987.12 文化遗产。位于陕西临潼县城东5公里,距西安36公里,是秦始皇嬴政的皇陵。 陵区分陵园区和从葬区两部分。陵园占地近8平方公里,建外、内城两重,封土呈四方锥形,顶部略平,高55米,不仅是中国历史上第一座皇帝陵,也是最大的皇帝陵。


北京故宫,1987.12 文化遗产。又称紫禁城,位于北京市区中心,为明、清两代的皇宫,有24位皇帝相继在此登基执政。始建于1406年,至今已近600年。故宫是世界上现存规模最大、 最完整的古代木构建筑群,占地72万平方米,建筑面积约15万平方米。

拥有殿宇9000多间,其中太和殿(又称金銮殿),是皇帝举行即位、诞辰节日庆典和出兵征伐等大典的地方。故宫黄瓦红墙,金扉朱楹,白玉雕栏,宫阙重叠, 巍峨壮观,是中国古建筑的精华。


Data of Chinese culture bequest is as follows:

1, Peking Man relics

Relics of Peking Man of week mouth inn, 1987.12 culture bequest. Be located in Beijing room hill of keel of inn of mouth of a mountainous area week. Because of this century 20 time came up out of land relatively complete Beijing pithecanthrope fossil and famed at the world, discovered cranium of the first Peking Man 1929 especially, the existence that is Peking Man thereby provided solid basis, become ancient mankind the milepost on research history.

The human fossil that come up out of land includes 157 bone of 15 6 cranium, mandible, teeth and many skeleton shiver, the delegate makes an appointment with 40 Beijing pithecanthrope individual. To study the mankind the development of inchoate biologic evolution and inchoate culture provided objective basis. According to the research to culture deposit, beijing life is in alive be apart from come 700 thousand years 200 thousand years today between.

2, Mo Gao hole of Gansu Province Dunhuang

Mo Gao hole of Gansu Province Dunhuang, 1987.12 culture bequest. Common calls 1000 Buddha the hole. Be located in southeast city of Gansu Province Dunhuang of 25 kilometers cry on precipice of sanded Shandong the foot of mountain, get on below 5, north and south is about 1600 meters long. Only then authentic at 366 years, yuan of cut of ten dynasty comes via 16 countries after, form a content the grotto with rich, baronial dimensions group.

Existent cavern 492, mural 45000 square metre, painted sculpture 2400 more than body, flying Apsaras 4000 more than body, tang Songmu structure builds 5, lotus mainstay and shop ground tiling thousands of, it is the broad and profound integrated and artistic hall that one place comprises by building, painterly, sculpture, be existent dimensions is the most baronial on the world, save the wholest Buddhist and artistic treasure house, be known as " Oriental and artistic bright phearl " .

3, the Great Wall

The Great Wall, 1987.12 culture bequest. Chinese Great Wall is the mankind the greatest construction project on civilization history, it only then build at the period of 2000 many age the Warring States year ago, after Qin Chao unites China, couplet becomes Great Wall. Chinese, bright two Dai Youceng is large-scale build. The vast and numerous of its project, of imposing manner grand, can calls the world the miracle.

Years passes, content is person blame, ascend when you nowadays in former days the relics of the Great Wall, can witness meandering not only the Great Wall heroic posture in mountain of Yu Qunshan high, still can appreciate the big Zhi Dayong that creates the history to the Chinese nation.

4, tomb figure of military forces of imperial tomb of emperor of Shaanxi Qin Shi

Imperial tomb of Qin Shi emperor reachs military forces tomb figure, 1987.12 culture bequest. Be located in Shaanxi to arrive Tong town east 5 kilometers, be apart from Xi'an 36 kilometers, it is the Huang Ling of Ying Zheng of Qin Shi emperor. Divisional cemetery area mixes hill from bury area two parts. Cemetery covers an area of kilometer of nearly 8 square, outside building, inside the city is double, seal earth to show all directions taper, coping is made the same score slightly, 55 meters tall, it is imperial tomb of the first emperor not only, also be the biggest emperor imperial tomb.

5, Beijing the Imperial Palace

Beijing the Imperial Palace, 1987.12 culture bequest. Weigh Forbidden City again, be located in Beijing area center, for bright, clear the palace of two generation, 24 emperors are in office in this ascend the throng in succession. Only then built 1406, up to now close already 600 years. The Imperial Palace is the structure of existent scope is the the biggest, wholest archaic wood compose on the world group, cover an area of 720 thousand square metre, floor area makes an appointment with 150 thousand square metre.

Have Dian Yu many 9000, among them too with the hall (call emperor's audience hall) again, it is the emperor holds red-letter day of accession, birthday celebration and dispatch troops the place of the grand ceremony such as go on a punitive expedition. Red wall of yellow tile of the Imperial Palace, jin Fei bright red principle columns of a hall, column of white jade sculpture, imperial palace overlaps, lofty is grand, it is elite of Chinese ancient architectural.

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