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90后的时尚文化? 关于90后时尚潮流常用语?英文双语对照


90后的时尚文化? 关于90后时尚潮流常用语?英文双语对照












天气慢慢的在转变,身上的穿搭也该换一换新的了。 在穿搭的时候也是有很多的讲究的,不避开这些的话你的搭配就会适得其反。 现在的年轻人对时尚的要求可以说是越来越严格,可是有时又会碍于价格的缘故,放弃一些时尚的衣物,现在就让我来介绍一下便宜又时尚的服装品牌吧。 作为一个追求时尚的人来说,最关心的就是各类时尚单品的出现了。 首先要推荐的就是wego了,wego可以说是日本的大众品牌了,专门为年轻人服务,走的是轻时尚的路线。对我们来说,整体来讲他们的衣服不可避免得有一些日系的感觉,价格也相对便宜,。


不过如果你要买wego的话最好擦亮眼睛,国内有许多盗版的wego。 在我看来这种设计很有科技感和时尚感,不少的人也这样认为。



我认为人家可以说是时尚界的扛把子,在这一方面是独一无二的。 最后要提的就是一个冷门的品牌——GRAF,这是一个近几年国内新兴的原创品牌。




目前是华菲型格的一件卫衣500和一条裤子加起来九百多,其实家里也不富裕,一千两件衣服对我家来说是挺贵的了,以前没穿过潮牌感觉挺好看的就买了,但淘宝发现像阿迪耐克gap大多数卫衣和裤子都不用这个价,就 挺难受的吧 也不敢跟父母说真实价格,加上发现自己的备胎地位,想想买了衣服就是为了见她,唉。才发现原来太难受的时候 真的是会上吐下泻的。













The 90 fashionable culture after?

It is to slant probably harbor wind restores ancient ways, some belts having a place kill Matt

About 90 hind fashionable tide everyday expressions?

The egg aches, children's footwear, base friendly, elder sister XXXXX, elder sister XXX is doleful.

Give power, calm, I allow you to walk into my world, but must not you are to-and-fro in my world. I am not a RMB, how can you let everybody like me? ! Once looked up at sky together with the friend, subsequently we burst into tears, because be lovelorn,he is, because,my criterion is sprain neck. Have wood! Have wood!

How are the 90 hairstyle after done, just call style?

Lady hairstyle should have the appearance of kind of Han Shi to feel character, if pursue

90 hind the household articles for use that what style father mother likes?

This is not secured, everybody him basis as a child grow the environment is literate still details, still oneself are opposite the preference of some respect, have different love to the furniture inside the home, do not have fixed mode so. Are you to want content of give sb a present to give a friend?

This if so if, you should understand him what to like. Still have the household inside the home, the individual thinks to a few is do not have necessary chase after tide, like useful buy, did not use did not buy.

Suit 90 hind what does the fashionable trademark that wear have, good-looking substantial?

Weather slowly in change, go up personally wear build also should change new. When building, be being worn also is the cultured that has a lot of, do not keep away from your collocation meets these word be just the opposite to what one wished. It is stricter and stricter that present youth can say to fashionable requirement, but can hinder again sometimes the cause at the price, abandon the clothing and other articles of daily use of a few vogue, it is cheap to let me introduce now fashionable dress brand. For the person that seeks vogue as, what care most is of all kinds vogue sheet tastes appeared. What should recommend above all is Wego, wego can say the masses brand that is Japan, serve technically for the youth, those who go is the course of light vogue. To us, the dress that whole will come to tell them has the feeling of a few days of departments inevitably, the price is relatively cheap also, .

But I feel quality some problems, the friend beside me also reacts say quality has some of little problem, do manual work is a little little coarse feeling, but will discuss an issue to whole not quite.

The word that if you want to buy Wego,does not pass is best sharpen one's eyes, home has the Wego of a lot of pilfer edition. Look in me this kind of design has feeling of science and technology and fashionable feeling very much, not little person also thinks so.

Be about to carry beautiful Tesibangwei next. Beautiful Tesibangwei is in of home famous degree not low, recumbent unripe to high school age paragraph dress savours accurate knowledge, be the champion can say on young dress.

Lay a group to cater to high school, the price of beautiful Tesibangwei is not high also. But beautiful Tesibangwei is faulty also, that is dress style too too common, belong to oneself fashionable characteristic without what. A few dresses appear too babyish again. Nevertheless you are carried carefully carrying is to be able to have had eventually.

I think the someone can say be fashionable bound to carry handle, in this it is unique on one hand. The brand that what should carry finally is an an unexpected winner -- GRAF, this is one home is burgeoning in last few years start a brand formerly.

They basically take the style that Xi breaths out, the dress of Higherbothers of combination of a genre of popular entertainment consisting mainly of talking and singing that now is China is offerred square, at the same time sea Er brother also is their spokesman.

Overall for the price does not consider their dress expensive, the style is the Xi Ha Feng of a few bounty, still have a few very of and so on of individualizing culture unlined upper garment, the friend that likes Xi to breath out can look.

Individual character 90 hind fashionable clothing brand which good? Is beautiful Tehuafei good?

A Wei Yi that is Hua Fei case at present 500 add up with a trousers more than 900, actually in the home not rich also, 1002 dresses are quite expensive for the home to me, did not cross what wet card feels quite good-looking to be bought before, but the discovery that clean out treasure overcomes Weiyi of Gap great majority and trousers like Adinai need not this price, quite afflictive also dare not say real value with parents, increase the spare wheel position that discovers oneself, wanting to buy the clothes is to see her, alas. Just can have vomit and diarrhea when discovery is too afflictive before really.

Who gives me, the net name that has an ice love ice I, be 90 hind ah want fashion?

Home of island wisdom action loves ice, put to death the most beautiful love puts celestial being on the ice, elite emissary loves ice, rebuke 2 love put Great Bear on the ice, take away don't mention it!

The 90 height after?

The whole nation reachs the average height of above manhood male and female 18 years old to be 167.1cm and 155.8cm respectively.

Among them, shandong male height is ranked the first.

In rank of Chinese each province, with 20 years old - 25 years old of males are investigation object, shandong, Beijing, Heilongjiang before the row 3, ordinal for 175.44cm, 175.32cm, 175.24cm.

Average height all is in the 9 province male such as Guangdong, Chongqing, Guangxi 170cm is the following.

The 90 outlets after?

The outlet is be used to gets proficiency in a particular line, this life does not rely on father mother. The youth must learn a skill, one action delicacy takes a day. 360, give Number One Scholar all right all right, do not go becoming a worker, do not have a future, after arriving 45 years old, the factory does not close, learn a long car, numerical control, of chef what, experience much craftsmanship is fine, seniorer be very popular more, able all the time arrive old.

The 90 features after?

90 hind the more that the most apparent feature is more attention is him is deep-felt experience. The view that still they treat a society also is different, they won't care about the view of others and eye normally.
