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国庆南京旅游攻略? 南京旅游预约攻略?英文双语对照


国庆南京旅游攻略? 南京旅游预约攻略?英文双语对照





1. 提前规划行程:提前了解各个景点的开放时间和门票价格,并根据自己的兴趣爱好和时间安排制定出合理详尽的行程计划。

2. 在官方网站上进行实名认证并预订门票:在入园时需要通过手机扫码验证身份信息,因此需先进行实名认证后再购票。

3. 避开高峰期:避免节假日或周末等人流量大的时段参观热门景点,以减少拥堵和长时间排队等情况。

4. 留意天气变化:南京四季分明,夏季较为炎热潮湿,而冬季则比较干燥寒冷。建议查看当天天气预报并穿着舒适便捷服装前往景区。

5. 注意保持环境卫生及秩序:在公共场所务必注意维护良好风貌,在走路不要随地吐痰、乱扔垃圾等现象出现。同时也要注意不要破坏景区内的文物建筑和自然环境。

6. 留意安全问题:如携带贵重物品或现金,需注意随身保管并防止遗失;同时在游玩过程中也应该关注人流、道路及交通等情况以确保个人安全。



































1. 交通方式:

- 飞机:可以从东营胜利机场乘坐飞机前往南京禄口国际机场,航程约为2小时左右。

- 高铁:可以从东营火车站乘坐高铁前往南京南站,乘坐时间约为4-5小时。

2. 最佳时间:

- 南京四季分明,春秋季节气候宜人,是最佳的旅行时间。避开暑期和寒冬,以获得更好的旅行体验。

3. 行程安排:

- 第一天:抵达南京后,可以安排参观南京博物院,这是中国著名的综合性博物馆,了解中国丰富的历史文化。

- 第二天:早上可以前往中山陵,缅怀伟大的革命先驱孙中山先生;然后参观夫子庙,感受古老的文化氛围。

- 第三天:早上可以游览明代建筑群——明孝陵,欣赏古代建筑的壮丽景观;接着可以去雨花台,了解南京抗战历史。

- 第四天:如果有时间,可以去中华门城堡、南京博物馆等景点;或者前往近郊的紫金山,徒步爬山,欣赏美丽的自然景观。

4. 餐饮:

- 南京有许多美食值得品尝,比如南京盐水鸭、夫子庙小吃等。您可以尝试当地的特色菜肴,感受地方风味。

5. 注意事项:

- 提前查询景点的开放时间和门票信息,合理安排行程。

- 注意天气预报,带上合适的衣物和雨具。

- 出行时保管好贵重物品,注意旅途安全。




1. 提前预订:国庆期间南京的酒店和民宿都非常紧张,建议提前至少一个月预订住宿,以确保您能够得到满意的住宿。

2. 选择离市中心近的住宿:南京市中心的交通比较方便,而且有许多美食和购物选择。因此,建议选择离市中心近的住宿,例如夫子庙、新街口、中央商务区等地区。

3. 选择舒适的住宿:在国庆期间,您可能需要在南京停留较长时间,因此选择舒适、宽敞的住宿非常重要。建议选择设施完备、服务周到的酒店或民宿,以确保您的住宿体验愉悦。

4. 注意安全:在选择住宿时,一定要注意安全问题。建议选择有良好口碑和信誉的住宿,避免选择偏僻或不安全的住宿。

5. 预订早餐和停车位:国庆期间,南京的交通非常拥堵,因此预订早餐和停车位可以帮助您更好地安排行程和避免不必要的麻烦。

6. 多了解南京的旅游资源:南京是一个历史悠久、文化底蕴深厚的城市,有许多著名的景点和美食。在住宿期间,您可以多了解南京的旅游资源,规划好自己的旅游行程,以充分利用您的时间和预算。












One, strategy of travel of National Day Nanjing?

It is my answer below, strategy of travel of National Day Nanjing one, the tourist attraction is recommended 1. Ming Xiaoling: Be located in Nanjing east outskirt, it is the mausoleum of Zhu Yuanzhang of emperor of Ming Dynasty found a state and equestrian empress. Here has grand tomb building already, have beautiful natural view again. 2. Nanjing pays a debt of gratitude greatly temple: Be located in area of the Huaihe River of Nanjing the Qin Dynasty, it is the royal fane of Ming Dynasty period, have numerous and Buddhist building and culture bequest. The treasure lotus lamp inside the temple is known as " China the first lamp " . 3. Nanjing museum: Be located in division of Nanjing incredible connecting with the boxing skill, it is an omnibus museum, revealed the historical culture bequest of Nanjing. There are many exhibition halls inside museum, involve the many fields such as the history, culture, art. 4. Zhijinshan observatory: Be located in on Zhijinshan of division of Nanjing incredible connecting with the boxing skill, it is an observatory that has international effect. Here owns home's top-ranking astronomical observation facility, it is the heaven of astronomy lover. In addition, zhijinshan scenery is pretty, uprise looks far, can let a tourist appreciate the beautiful scenery of Nanjing. 5. Nanjing old door east: It is the main carrier of Nanjing history culture, be located in area of the Huaihe River of Nanjing the Qin Dynasty, it is one of city gate of the Beijing division Nanjing of Ming Dynasty period. Here saved many ancient building and culture bequest, the tourist can experience the historical scene of Nanjing here. All sorts of small shop of old Mendongnei also are the goes surely ground of tourists, here has a lot of characteristic small commodities and cate, be shop and sample the good place of cate. 2, cate is recommended 1. Soup of duck blood vermicelli made from bean starch: Nanjing characteristic is fastfood one of, mouthfeel is delicious, be worth to try. 2. Archives of Nanjing big shop sign: Gather together all sorts of Nanjing characteristic are fastfood, it is to sample the good place of Nanjing cate. 3. The Huaihe River of master shrine the Qin Dynasty is fastfood: The cate culture of riverside of the Huaihe River of the Qin Dynasty, possess strong historical inside information. 3, communication of traffic clew Nanjing is easy, can choose the subway, public transportation or the taxi goes out row. In the meantime, sharing bicycle also is right choice. 4, note 1. Reserve entrance ticket ahead of schedule, avoid to queue up to await. 2. Abide by scene area regulation, protect an environment, not litter. 3. The attention is safe, want article of custodial good individual in the area with concentrated stream of people especially.

2, does Nanjing travel make an appointment strategy?

Nanjing is culture of a history the city with long, resourceful travel, a lot of is worth the tourist attraction that goes. It is Nanjing travel makes an appointment below strategy:

1.Plan ahead of schedule the journey: Know the open time of each tourist attractions and entrance ticket value ahead of schedule, make a reasonable and detailed trechometer delimit according to his interest interest and timeline.

2.Real name has on official website attestation reserves entrance ticket: The need when entering garden sweeps an information of identity of test and verify through the mobile phone, because this needs advanced travel fact,the name buys a ticket again after attestation.

3.Escape fastigium: Avoid holiday or wait for period of time of generous of stream of people to see popular tourist attraction on the weekend, embrace in order to decrease block up and queue up for long to wait for a circumstance.

4.Advertent weather changes: Nanjing the four seasons is trenchant, the summer is relatively burning hot and damp, and winter compares dry chill. The proposal is examined should enrage forecast every day and dress is comfortable and convenient dress heads for scene area.

5.The attention carries environmental sanitation and order: In public be sure to notice to defend favorable view, wanting to spit everywhere on foot, throw the phenomenon such as rubbish to appear in disorder. Also should notice not to destroy the cultural relic building inside scene area and environment at the same time.

6.Advertent and safe problem: If carry valuable or ready money, need to notice to keep and prevent to lose; Also should pay close attention to the circumstance such as stream of people, road and traffic in amuse oneself process at the same time in order to ensure the individual is safe.

3, does Liuzhou travel to Nanjing strategy?

One, Liuzhou goes to Nanjing travel traffic

Liuzhou goes to Nanjing traffic is very convenient, from Liuzhou can by air, Gao Tie, be being driven oneself of course also is possible, but the tourist attraction is compared much and each tourist attractions are more dispersive, the proposal looks for a local to help connection car and tourist attraction entrance ticket, can save a lot of troublesome jobs. A lot of tourist attractions are limitative number, need makes an appointment ahead of schedule!

2, go to Nanjing travelling 10 play a tourist attraction surely greatly

[Zhongshan hill] [presidential government office] [master shrine]

[black Wu Hu] [Nanjing museum]

[massacre of Nanjing of Japanese Invading Army dies brethren memorial hall]

[pay a debt of gratitude greatly temple relics] [read river building]

[big bridge of Nanjing the Yangtse River] [rain spends a stage]

3, play time course

Nanjing travel tourist attraction is more, suit amuse oneself all the year round, all sorts of histories are vestigial enjoy oneself so much as to forget to leave letting a person, if time is abundant, the proposal plays 2-3 day, amuse oneself route will be bit easier, won't take a pity.

4, is Nanjing travel nightly tourist attraction strategy?

Nanjing is a town that suits travel, have a lot of beautiful night scene and nightly tourist attraction. It is travel of a few Nanjing below the strategy of nightly tourist attraction:

Master shrine: Master shrine is one of areas of name of Nanjing history culture, have long history and rich culture legacy. In night, the lamplight of master shrine brights, beautiful Huan of United States annulus. You can sample in master shrine cate, buy special local product, OK also the night scene that visits beauty of the appreciation on the boat in the river of the Huaihe River of the Qin Dynasty with master famous shrine.

Black Wu Hu: A black Wu Hu is Nanjing downtown large city is laky, the night scene that has beauty and light of water light the lamp are beautiful. You can be on the lake heart island of black Wu Hu appreciation lamplight is beautiful, also can take a walk in lakefront, those who experience night is halcyon with beauty.

Zhijinshan: Zhijinshan is the famous hill scene of Nanjing, also be one of mark sex buildings of Nanjing. In night, the building of Zhijinshan and lamplight bright, give a person a kind of distinctive aesthetic feeling. The view that you can carry on the head in Zhijinshan admires night scene on scene stage, also can take a walk on hill, experience the beauty of nature.

Crow temple: Crow temple is Nanjing's famous Buddhist temple, have long history and grand night scene. In night, the lamplight of crow temple brights, you can sample in crow temple cate, buy special local product, also can enjoy Buddhist culture inside the temple.

Laomen east: Laomen east one of historical culture block that are Nanjing, have unique structure and culture bequest. In night, laomen the lamplight east brights, you can taste cate in old Mendongpin, buy special local product, also can experience historical glamour in old building. Hope you can find to suit the place of your travel and nightly amuse oneself in Nanjing!

5, does Wen Zhou travel to Nanjing strategy?

It is a few strategies and proposal below:

Visit historical culture name to get the better of: Nanjing is the city with a long history, have a lot of well-known historical article assumed name to get the better of, wait like shrine of Zhijinshan, Ming Xiaoling, master. These tourist attractions represented the history of Nanjing and culture, it is to reach the visiting ground with Nanjing indispensable travel.

Sample local cate: The cate of Nanjing abounds diversity, shrine of duck of brine of soup of vermicelli made from bean starch of the blood that be like duck, Nanjing, master is fastfood wait. Sample local cate can satisfy taste bud not only, return the culture that can experience place better and life.

River of the Huaihe River of noctivagant the Qin Dynasty: River of the Huaihe River of the Qin Dynasty is the maternal river of Nanjing, also be the one big characteristic of Nanjing. Can take yacht, admire the beautiful scenery of two sides of river of the Huaihe River of the Qin Dynasty and lamplight,

6, does Nanning travel to Nanjing strategy?

Nanning goes to Nanjing very convenient. Because journey is distant, do not suggest you are driven oneself. A the most convenient travel method it is you can stand in Nanning Gao Tie take Gao Tie to get off to the station austral Nanjing, whole journey 10 many hours. After going to Nanjing, you can press a 3 day time. The first day arrives presidential government office and east outskirt beauty spot, include Zhongshan hill, bright check mound, and other places of clever cereal temple. Arrive the following day opening of downtown new market, amuse oneself of master shrine a gleam of. The 3rd day arrives to pay a debt of gratitude greatly temple Zuo location and of of top of Niu Shoushan Buddha Xiangbaifo.

7, does Guiyang travel to Nanjing strategy?

   Guiyang is as follows to Nanjing travel strategy:

     1, traffic: Go to Nanjing to be able to choose to take the traffic kind such as plane, Gao Tie or long-distance car from Guiyang. Among them, taking a plane is the quickest way, range needs 2 hours left and right sides about. Take Gao Tie to need 5-6 hour, and take long-distance car to need 10-12 hour. Specific choice the time that means of which kinds of traffic needs him basis and budget will decide.

   2, accommodation: The accommodation choice of Nanjing is very much, have to economy hotel from high-grade hotel. The proposal chooses close from scene area place, so OK more visit a tourist attraction conveniently. If the budget is not tall, can choose the economy such as young hostel hotel, also can save a few cost in accommodation respect.

   3, tourist attraction: Nanjing is the city with a long history, have a lot of famous tourist attractions. Among them, hill of master shrine, Zhongshan, Ming Xiaoling, black Wu Hu is the tourist attraction that goes surely. In addition, government office of Nanjing museum, president, big pay a debt of gratitude the temple also is the tourist attraction that is worth to swim very much. The proposal is mixed according to his interest time, choose appropriate tourist attraction to undertake excursion.

   4, cate: The cate of Nanjing is very rich, have a lot of famous distinguishing feature fastfood, if soup of vermicelli made from bean starch of blood of master shrine sesame seed cake, large meatball, duck, Yangzhou fries a meal,wait. In addition, nanjing still has a lot of cate streets and dining room, wait like dining hall of small town of street of master shrine cate, Changjiang Delta, can taste the cate of savor place.

   5, shop: The shopping choice of Nanjing is very rich also, have all sorts of distinguishing feature commodity and shopping place. Among them, master shrine business street is a collect shops, the shopping centre that cate, recreation is an organic whole, can buy characteristic commodity of place and souvenir. In addition, area of central business affairs and new market opening also are shopping good place, have a lot of large market and brand store.

8, east does battalion travel to Nanjing strategy?

Battalion goes to Nanjing east is a paragraph of longer journey, it is below east the travel strategy that battalion goes to Nanjing:

1.Traffic means:

- plane: Can from east battalion victory airport takes a plane to head for Nanjing salary mouth International Airport, range is controlled for 2 hours about.

- Gao Tie: Can from east campfire station takes Gaotie to head for the station austral Nanjing, take time to be 4-5 hour about.

2.Optimal time:

- Nanjing the four seasons is trenchant, year season enrages the person that await appropriate, it is first-rate journey time. Escape summer vacation time and cold winter, in order to gain better viatic experience.


- the first day: After arriving at Nanjing, can arrange visiting Nanjing museum, this is China's famous omnibus museum, understand China's rich history culture.

- the following day: Can head for Zhongshan hill in the morning, revolutionary pioneer Mr Sun Zhongshan with great recall; Visit master shrine next, experience old culture atmosphere.

- the 3rd day: Can visit bright generation to build in the morning group -- Ming Xiaoling, architectural of appreciation ancient time is gallant landscape; Can go then rain spends a stage, know history of Nanjing war of resistance against aggression.

- the 4th day: If have time, can go to China door castle, Nanjing the tourist attraction such as museum; Perhaps head for the Zhijinshan of outskirts, pedestrian climb, admire beautiful natural landscape.


- Nanjing has a lot of cate to be worth to sample, shrine of Nanjing brine duck, master is for instance fastfood wait. You can try characteristic dish of place, experience local local color.


- the open time that inquires a tourist attraction ahead of schedule and entrance ticket information, reasonable arrangement journey.

- note weather forecast, bring proper clothing and other articles of daily use and rain gear.

- piece keep when travel good valuable, notice journey is safe.

In addition, to plan better your journey, the proposal has made detailed viatic plan ahead of schedule, undertake adjustment in the light of individual interest and time. Wish you are in east in the journey that battalion goes to Nanjing happy!

9, strategy of accommodation of travel of National Day Nanjing?

The fastigium that Nanjing travels is during National Day, because this books room,need makes good program ahead of schedule. It is strategy of accommodation of travel of a few Nanjing below:

1.Book ahead of schedule: The hotel of Nanjing is mixed during National Day civilian constellation is very nervous, the proposal shifts to an earlier date a month books room, in order to ensure you can get satisfactory room.

2.Choose close from downtown accommodation: The traffic of Nanjing downtown is more convenient, and have a lot of cate and shopping choice. Accordingly, the proposal chooses close from downtown accommodation, for example area of and other places of area of opening of master shrine, new market, central business affairs.

3.Choose comfortable accommodation: During National Day, you may need to stay in Nanjing longer, the room with comfortable, accordingly capacious choice is very main. The proposal chooses establishment the hotel with complete, considerate service or civilian constellation, in order to ensure your accommodation experience is cheerful.

4.The attention is safe: When the choice lodges, must note safe problem. The proposal chooses to have the room of good public praise and credit, avoid to choose devious or insecure accommodation.

5.Book breakfast and parking space: During National Day, the traffic of Nanjing special embrace, because this books breakfast and parking space,can help you be arranged better the journey and avoid needless trouble.

6.Know the travel resource of Nanjing more: Nanjing is a history the city with solid inside information of long, culture, have a lot of famous tourist attractions and cate. During accommodation, you can know the travel resource of Nanjing more, the program is good oneself tourism travel, in order to make full use of your time and budget.

Hope above suggests to be helped somewhat to you, wish you spend happy National Day vacation in Nanjing!

10, Nanjing travel order and strategy?


The first station, swim surely Nanjing master shrine, the historical article alias that master shrine is Nanjing is gotten the better of, also be one of Nanjing's famous travel tourist attractions, master shrine is an old temple not only, it is a collect shops more, sample amusement of cate, amuse oneself is happy the shopping centre of an organic whole, here has traditional culture, art and handicraft to taste not only, still have all sorts of distinguishing feature fastfood with cate, no matter be amuse oneself,still shop to be able to let stream of people forget to return repeatedly.


The 2nd station, cannot miss Nanjing Zhongshan hill, zhongshan hill is one of the greatest figures on Chinese contemporary history the mausoleum of Mr Sun Zhongshan, also be Chinese modern culture is important and indicative, here has gallant building, have vigorous and firm imposing manner, have rich historical culture intention more, the tourist can appreciate the history of Zhongshan hill here, those who experience the Chinese nation is great and strong beautiful.


The 3rd station, recommend Nanjing Ming Xiaoling, ming Xiaoling is Ming Dynasty the mausoleum adding up to bury of Zhu Qiyu of the 2nd emperor and empress Martens, the culture of one place history that also is Nanjing is vestigial, here has gallant building, have elegant sculpture, have rich historical culture intention more, the magnificent that the tourist can experience Ming Dynasty culture here and masterly, the royal culture that understands Chinese ancient time and formal.


Finally, those who not allow to miss is the cate of Nanjing, nanjing...
