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1. 定义和范畴:消费金融是指为个人消费而提供的金融服务,包括个人贷款、信用卡、分期付款等。而汽车金融是指为购买汽车或与汽车相关的金融服务,如汽车贷款、汽车租赁等。

2. 目的对象:消费金融主要面向个人消费者,为其提供资金或分期付款等服务,用于购买消费品或满足个人生活需求。而汽车金融则主要面向购买汽车的个人或企业,为其提供汽车购买和融资服务。

3. 基础资产:消费金融通常以个人信用为基础,如信用卡消费、个人贷款等。而汽车金融则以汽车作为基础资产,如汽车贷款和汽车租赁,其中汽车作为抵押物或租赁物。

4. 风险和固化:由于车辆价值通常较高,汽车金融在风险管理方面需要考虑车辆抵押和保险等因素。而消费金融通常没有抵押物,因此在风险管理方面可能会有所不同。












苏宁消费金融有限公司是经中国银行保险监督管理委员会批准成立的,由苏宁易购集团股份有限公司、先声再康江苏药业有限公司、南京银行股份有限公司、法国巴黎银行个人金融集团 (BNP Paribas Personal Finance)和江苏洋河酒厂股份有限公司五家企业共同出资设立的非银行金融机构。公司注册资本6亿元,总部设在南京,是全国首家以互联网零售企业为主发起人的消费金融公司














What banking does stimulative green consumption develop?

Stimulative green consumption should develop green banking.

Below market economy condition stimulative economy green changes development, financial mechanism is the basic measure that pushs green consumption. Through developing green banking, innovation green consumes financial mechanism, perfect green credit system, build green insurance system, build system of green society credit to wait, deserve to be mixed with corresponding environmental economic policy industrial admittance policy, stimulative green consumes development, produce its due effect.

Does consumptive banking firm grow prospect?

The development perspective that consumes financial firm is as follows:

Loan of individual durable consumer goods and consumption of general use individual borrow money. Wait for durable consumer goods like product of daily life, home appliance, electron, and travel, education, decorate item of cost waiting for disappear.

"Internet + traditional spending finance " new pattern, namely impetus of development of Internet consumption finance is swift and violent, if P2P is small business of credit, cable is small borrow, the center of banking of individual credence consumption of industrial and commercial bank already entered Internet to consume financial domain to begin professional work.

Does consumptive finance develop the problem that face?

1. superintends policy risk: The superintendency policy that consumes financial industry changes ceaselessly, may produce adverse effect to the management of the enterprise. 2. The risk controls capacity: Consumptive banking company needs to have stronger risk to control capacity, include a risk to evaluate, the respect such as risk price, risk management. 3. Capital cost pressure: Consumptive banking company needs much capital support, but capital cost is higher, may produce an effect to the gain ability of the enterprise.

Does consumptive finance follow the distinction of car finance?

Consuming finance and car finance is two in financial industry different ideas, their main distinction is as follows:

1.Definition and category: Consuming finance is to show the finance that be consumed for the individual and provides serves, include individual loan, credit card, instalment to wait. And car finance is to show to buy car or the finance related to the car serve, if car loan, car is rented,wait.

2.Purpose object: Consumptive finance basically faces individual consumer, wait for a service for its bankroll or instalment, use at buying demand of consumable or contented individual life. And car finance basically faces the individual that buys a car or company, offer a car to buy for its serve with financing.

3.Fundamental asset: Consumptive finance is a foundation with individual credence normally, if credit card consumption, individual borrows money,wait. And car finance regards a foundation as asset with the car, if the car borrows money to be rented with the car, the car serves as pawn or rent content among them.

4.Risk and solidify: As a result of car value normally taller, car finance needs to consider to car mortgages and be sure to wait for an element in risk management field. And consumptive finance does not have pawn normally, because this is in,risk management field may differ somewhat.

Notable is, consumptive finance and car finance may have a few jackknife and crossing in practice. For example, firm of some consumption banking also offers car loan to serve, or the consumptive banking product that car banking firm also offers other type. Accordingly, in particular money market, may appear a few ambiguous border and alternate business.

What does the car consume finance to develop the element that accepts restriction to have?

? ? The car consumes finance to furnish to still put in inadequacy: At present the permeability of automobile credit is only 10% , far 70% what wait for mature market under the United States. Besides sufferring macroscopical economy environment and car price to issue explore to affect ceaselessly, taller, loan buys loan doorsill car formalities is trival wait for a reason to bring about consumer loan to buy a car not eagerly. On the other hand, our country consumer to buying what can choose when the car a variety of financing means lack understanding.

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Individual credence evaluates a system not to perfect: Current, consumer credit record is very dispersive, financial orgnaization masters integrated client income and credit circumstance hard, and sound individual credit system can provide cogent safeguard for the development of car finance, reduce systematization risk.

Because odd pen amount slants small, formalities is multifarious, the enthusiasm that the bank shares is not tall; Capital of be enslaved to be enslaved to of car banking firm leads the issue such as cost of source of tie, financing, capital amply, asset dimensions suffers be restricted.

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At present mainstream car consumes financial product to include a car to consume loan, credit card to reach loan of car banking firm in installment, they still are the consumptive banking product of the mainstream.

This also mirrorred all sorts of products to all have respective inadequacy from flank: The commercial bank is professional insufficient, and capital of car banking firm and site suffer be restricted. Consumptive banking product satisfies the real requirement of agency and consumer only, ability gets the market admit

Does Su Ning consume financial firm to develop course?

Su Ning consumes financial limited company is sure to supervise administrative committee approval to hold water via the Bank of China, you Suning buys group Inc. , first signs easily again industry of Kang Jiangsu drug group of banking of individual of bank of Paris of Inc. of bank of limited company, Nanjing, France (BNP Paribas Personal Finance) and Jiangsu silver coin river brewery Inc. 5 enterprises are collective and contributive the blame bank finance that establish. The company registers capital 600 million yuan, headquarters is set in Nanjing, it is countrywide head home the consumptive banking firm that with Internet retail business gives priority to initiator

Does consumptive finance have how old development space?

Consumptive finance has vast development space in future. Consume ideal change as economic development and people, consumptive finance will become important finance to serve a field. Consumptive finance can satisfy people the demand to purchasing power, provide convenient consumer credit and instalment service.

In the meantime, as the progress of science and technology, consumptive finance can adopt the technical measure such as big data and artificial intelligence, provide financial product of individuation and service, satisfy the requirement of different consumer. Accordingly, consumptive finance is having wide market perspective and development latent capacity.

Tendency of which a few kinds of development does consumptive finance future have?

One, discharge setting is changed, setting business can hold more share.

Consume what the mouth of financial decide the issue of the battle depends on setting namely to contend for. relatively at discharge of pure in the past pursuit, the client viscosity of retail channel is general taller, have what true consumptive setting can realize financial product and consumptive setting not only to not have seam join, still can more specific aim ground holds user demand to form poor dissimilation to serve, the loyalty that develops taller client is spent. Without setting business criterion may gradually atrophic. Direct in national policy, the flow direction with consumptive more can real fund consumes setting, to promote consumption, stabilize economy to make contribution. The tycoon of new generation discharge that is a delegate with drop of beautiful group, drop, today's top headlines changes quickly now, begin cent to feed the market extra dividend that consumes financial finance. Consumptive finance setting square, capital square, technology square with all possible means commercial pattern of cooperation is mature with each passing day. This optimized the business chain that consumes finance further not only, also reframed again market structure.

2, wind accuses science and technology to change, artificial intelligence grinds more effectively sentence a risk.

Person face identifies, the problem that iris technology solves identity attestation effectively. In loan respect, wind accuses systematic system to give a mark besides use reference credence, still can combine market condition and loan experience, evaluate loan risk, cost, income, reduce bank caustic estrangement to enlarge income at the same time.

Is consuming finance firm of banking of the consumption on the horse?

Incorrect. It is to point to the financial product that is used at consuming a domain.

What is consumptive finance? How is consumptive finance used?

Consuming finance basically is the consumptive loan service that shows each big shopping website is consumer to offer. Be in for instance taste only meeting, the consumptive finance that provides with respect to promising user tastes a flower only. Taste meeting user to want to debut to taste a flower only only only, can use taste a flower to be in only taste only meet 0 pay buy goods, next second month repays again or amortize tastes beautiful consumptive money only. Consumptive finance tastes a flower to let have shopping demand more very much and need not be assumed only too big pay pressure, get everybody's welcome.
