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可以通过以下步骤将三星ST60照片传输到手机上。可以传输到手机上。三星ST60相机通常配备了Wi-Fi功能,可以通过Wi-Fi将照片传输到手机上。首先,确保相机和手机都连接到同一个Wi-Fi网络。然后,在相机设置中找到Wi-Fi选项,并启用Wi-Fi功能。接下来,在手机上下载并安装相应的三星相机应用程序,例如Samsung Smart Camera App。打开应用程序后,按照提示将相机与手机进行配对。一旦配对成功,你就可以在应用程序中查看相机中的照片,并选择将其传输到手机上。除了使用Wi-Fi功能,你还可以通过其他方式将照片传输到手机上,例如使用相机的USB数据线将照片导入到电脑上,然后通过数据线或云存储服务将照片传输到手机上。另外,一些三星相机还支持蓝牙传输功能,你可以尝试使用蓝牙将照片传输到手机上。总之,根据相机型号和功能,你可以选择适合你的方式将照片传输到手机上。






三星时尚新机ST60是款推荐的入门级DC,这款相机走的是时尚轻薄的路线,在功能参数上并不算太出色,但是价格却非常诱人,对于对拍摄性能要求并不是很苛刻的时尚一族来说,最适合选购ST60。 富士Z71针对的是入门用户,采用了滑盖式的机身外观,造型小巧亮丽。它支持1200万有效像素的成像能力,支持富士龙5倍光学变焦镜头和2.7英寸23万像素显示屏,富士Z71是一款性能相当实用的. 这两款相机是同类产品,都属于入门级.从品牌来讲,富士Z71要优于三星.


One, cannot camera of SamSung St60 number switch on the mobile phone?

What use because of camera is lithium battery, although you do not use camera batteries to also can discharge automatically, after you fill cell, undertake trying please so. Ask you to ensure camera n is enough. Suggest you try the following operation:

1. gets off batteries and memory card.

Switch on the mobile phone below the condition that 2. is not inserting memory to get stuck. Whether can be examination camera used normally.

If 3. cannot remove trouble, suggest you change card of a piece of memory has a test.

If 4. still cannot remove trouble, suggest you send SamSung service center to undertake detecting camera

2, operation instruction handbook of camera of SamSung St60 number?

The simplest operation method is in the manual, camera plays more play to be met, with need not be indifferent to, above by twist press again not bad.

3, how is card of memory of camera of SamSung St60 number taken out?

Be in this position?

Dig or dig out with a finger or sth pointed of not ambitious travel, should simpler take. Go to gently in by, it can be played come out, can take ~ so!

Should take it is good to press memory to get stuck general came out by

4, how does SamSung St60 switch on the mobile phone?

Position of key of power source of mobile phone of SamSung St60 renovate: In right of mobile phone clavier mid, it is normally on the side mark has [the line stands among circle] icon

5, SamSung St60 manual?

The simplest operation method is in the manual, camera plays more play to be met, with need not be indifferent to, above by twist press again not bad.

6, does SamSung St60 have WiFi function?

Electronic signal needs to be between different equipment the function perhaps differs in equipment transmit between unit, from this ecbolic the interface technology that includes to wait for a lot of and different level in UART, Type-C, HDMI, USB, GPIO, Ethernet, SLVS, and the connector that uses afore-mentioned agreements to transmit signal to must adopt all sorts of different form will come true, because this electron equipment wants sacrificial exterior and space necessarily,give physical connector put apart enough seat. Without WiFi function

7, breakdown of SamSung St60 camera?

Likelihood the reason is as follows:

1, mobile phone memory is small, but stored too much thing.

2, have conflict with tripartite software.

3, the mobile phone acquired virus.

4, concern with mobile phone batteries, batteries contact is undesirable.

8, how does SamSung St60 photograph pass a mobile phone?

Can transmit SamSung ST60 photograph the mobile phone to go up through the following measure. Can transmit a mobile phone to go up. SamSung ST60 camera provided Wi-Fi function normally, can transmit the photograph the mobile phone to go up through Wi-Fi. Above all, ensure camera and mobile phone join same a Wi-Fi network. Next, wi-Fi option is found in camera setting, enable Wi-Fi function. Next, in the mobile phone fluctuation carries and the SamSung camera with corresponding installation uses a program, for example Samsung Smart Camera App. After opening applied process, have camera and mobile phone pair according to clew. Once conjugate is successful, in can using a program, you examine magazine photograph, choose to transmit its the mobile phone to go up. Besides use Wi-Fi function, you still can pass other way to transmit the photograph the mobile phone to go up, the USB data line that uses watch for an opportunity for example guides the photograph on computer, store through data line or cloud the service transmits the photograph the mobile phone to go up next. Additional, camera of a few SamSung still supports blue tooth to transmit a function, you can try to use blue tooth to transmit the photograph the mobile phone to go up. Anyhow, according to camera model and function, the way that you can choose to suit you transmits the photograph the mobile phone to go up.

9, does SamSung St60 camera take a picture the effect?


Advantage of SamSung ST60 camera, quality is good, performance is good, sexual price is compared very tall. It is a commendatory introductory class DC, what this camera goes is fashionable and frivolous course, do not calculate on functional parameter too outstanding, but the price is very inviting however, filming to be opposite function asks is not very slashing fashionable gens for, suit ST60 of choose and buy most.

Defect, the price is high

10, camera SamSung St60 how ah?

ST60 of SamSung vogue new machine is a commendatory introductory class DC, what this camera goes is fashionable and frivolous course, do not calculate on functional parameter too outstanding, but the price is very inviting however, filming to be opposite function asks is not very slashing fashionable gens for, suit ST60 of choose and buy most. What Fuji Z71 is aimed at is introductory user, used the airframe outward appearance of slip lid type, modelling is cabinet bright beautiful. It supports 12 million resemble element effectively into like ability, camera lens of 5 times optical scorch mixes supportive Fuji dragon 2.7 inches 230 thousand display screen like element, fuji Z71 is a performance is quite economic. These two camera are congener product, attribute introductory level. Will tell from the brand, fuji Z71 wants excel SamSung.
