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答: 您可以在 Windows 系统中的“开始”菜单中,输入“吞食鱼”或“食人鱼”关键词搜索,然后点击“吞食鱼”或“食人鱼”即可找到这个游戏。这个游戏是 Windows 系统自带的经典小游戏之一,所以在系统中是默认安装的。如果您在开始菜单中找不到这个游戏,可能是因为您的系统版本不同或没有安装此游戏。如果您想玩这个游戏,可以在游戏界面通过键盘上下左右键控制小鱼的方向和速度,尽可能地吃掉比自己小的其他鱼,同时避免被比自己大的鱼吃掉。


吞食鱼 http://www.4399ol.com/26/7572/ 在游戏窗口的下方有下载的,点击确定即可




吞食鱼游戏有第二代作品,游戏延续了一代中良好的手感、优美的画面以及动听的音乐效果,并且在一代的基础上有所创新,游戏场景不止在水下,还提升到了水面,跳出水面吃虫子,还要防止落入大鸟的嘴中,整个游戏过程也是有故事情节的,最终是追踪BOSS鱼,并将其消灭。攻略、鱼类等详见吞食鱼2词条。 英文名:Feeding Frenzy 2






游戏名字叫:吞食鱼吞食鱼,又称大鱼吃小鱼,是由Popcap Games 于2006年发布的一款免费的动作类小游戏。通过不断的吞吃比自己小的鱼类快速成长,最终成为海洋霸主。现在出了吞食鱼2






1. 打开游戏并进入主菜单。

2. 点击右下角的“设置”按钮。

3. 在设置菜单中,找到“语言”选项并点击它。

4. 选择“中文”作为您的首选语言。

5. 重新启动游戏,您应该会看到游戏中的文本和菜单已经被翻译成中文了。






1. 大小差距:外星鱼通常比其他鱼类要大一些。在游戏中,它们会以特殊的外观和更高的分值来显示。所以,寻找并选择那些比你当前的鱼更大的鱼,这通常是外星鱼。

2. 特殊特征:外星鱼在游戏中通常具有独特的外观或颜色。它们可能会有闪光、带有星星、或者是与其他鱼类在形状上有所不同。注意留意这些特殊的特征,以识别和选择外星鱼。

3. 高分值:外星鱼通常会给予更高的分值或奖励。在游戏中,你可以通过追逐比你当前鱼体更大的鱼并吞噬它们来成长。选择外星鱼可以帮助你快速提升分数并前进到更高级别。



One, computer takes oneself devour how does piscine game search?

Answer: You are OK in Windows system " begin " in menu, input " devour fish " or " maneating fish " keyword search, click next " devour fish " or " maneating fish " can find this game. This game is one of classical minor sport that Windows system takes oneself, acquiescent installation is in the system so. If you cannot find this game in beginning bill of fare, the likelihood is differ because of your systematic version or did not install this game. If you want to play this game, clavier can be passed to control key to control the direction of small fish and rate up and down in game interface, eat off smaller than oneself other fish as far as possible, avoid to be eaten off by bigger than oneself fish at the same time.

2, devour how does the fish download?

Devour piscine Http://www.4399ol.com/26/7572/ has download in the lower part of game window, click affirmatory can

3, devour fish 2 gut?

Game continued the good feel in generation, beautiful picture and pleasant musical effect, and be on the foundation of generation innovate somewhat, game setting is more than in underwater, still promoted surface, jump out surface has worm, prevent to fall into the mouth of curassow even, whole game process also has story plot, final it is to track BOSS fish to eliminate its.

4, devour a few generation does the fish have?

Devour piscine game has the 2nd acting work, game continued the good feel in generation, beautiful picture and pleasant musical effect, and be on the foundation of generation innovate somewhat, game setting is more than in underwater, still promoted surface, jump out surface has worm, prevent to fall into the mouth of curassow even, whole game process also has story plot, final it is to track BOSS fish, eliminate its. The detailed such as strategy, fish sees devour fish 2 vocabulary entry. English name: FEeding Frenzy 2

5, devour fish the 21st close?

Swallow piscivorous the 21st closing is bloodcurdling deep-sea numbfish.

Big fish eats small fish to be called again " devour fish " .

In marine world, it is the place of a the law of jungle, game at the beginning you are a small fish only, eat off smaller than you fish ceaselessly only, ability blossoms big fish oh, as the process of game, various fish appear after, still have bloodcurdling shark, and there still can be different reaction after eating off some fish, after gold fish ate can be brought up quickly, the meeting after poisonous fish ate loses control to wait a moment, use all sorts of stage property even, ability gains a victory.

6, devour piscine game, of 3D edition, specific see compensatory specification?

Game name cries: Devour the fish devours fish, say big fish has small fish again, it is a when released 2006 by Popcap Games free movement kind little game. Eat smaller than oneself fish to grow quickly through be being swallowed ceaselessly, become marine overlord finally. Went out to devour now fish 2

7, does the tortoise devour how is fish fishbone digested?

Have in the intestines and stomach of the tortoise those who digest these spur is enzymatic, this is the instinct that tortoise of a few all ages lives.

The tortoise has a fish won't be blocked by fish bone bone. The tortoise is good at mastication. Basically all bone are OK and masticatory, so tortoise instinctively the head deglutition from the fish, make a fish direct swallow a stomach from esophagus in yes, because the occlusive power of the tortoise is very great, general fish bone has become spinule when tortoise oral cavity. Spinule enters bowel as esophagus the principle is general also won't cut bowel path, because the alvine path of the tortoise compares alvine path of the mankind to have tenacity more,this is, the gastric juice of tortoise stomach endocrine has those who digest these thorn is enzymatic, the hydrochloric acid in tortoise stomach can digest them the function of fish bone.

8, devour fish 2 how to move Chinese?

If you think in game " big fish eats language of lieutenant general of small fish 2" ,the setting is Chinese, can undertake according to the following measure:

1.Open play and enter entree sheet.

2.Click right of next horn " setting " pushbutton.

3.In setting bill of fare, find " language " option clicks it.

4.Choose " Chinese " the first selection language that serves as you.

5.Start game afresh, you should be met the text in seeing play and menu had been translated into Chinese.

If your game version does not support Chinese language, you can try to search option of other and usable language in game setting, perhaps download the game version that supports Chinese language.

9, how does Windows10 play devour fish?

Eat the fish with him small drawing to waited for his to greaten to be able to have big fish first

10, devour fish fish of the 2 stars outside how choosing?

" devour fish 2 " it is a classical Flash game, the player can be held accuse a small fish to grow through eating off smaller fish. In game, astral fish is special fish outside, they have higher value and money reward. Want fish of the star outside the choice, consider the following please:

1.Magnitude gap: Astral fish compares other fish normally outside should a few bigger. In game, they can are worth with special outward appearance and higher component will show. So, search and choose the fish with those more current than you bigger fish, this is normally outside astral fish.

2.Special feature: Astral fish is outside in game have distinctive outward appearance or color normally. They may have glitter, contain star, perhaps differ somewhat on appearance with other fish. The attention is careful these special features, mix in order to identify fish of the star outside the choice.

3.Assign a value high: Astral fish can give higher component value or award normally outside. In game, you can compare you through angle the fish with current fish larger put oneself in another's position gobbles up them to grow. Fish of the star outside the choice can help you promote a mark to advance quickly higher level.

Remember please, in game outside astral fish is created randomly, and appear frequency is finite. Accordingly, fish of the star outside observe continuously and be being searched actively, be good at judge and choosing, will conduce to you scoring higher mark and success in game.
